scholarly journals Past, Present, and Future: Research on the Influence of International Competition and Collaboration Relationship between US and China

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 52
Wang Yutao

‘America has no permanent friends or enemies, only interests’, by Henry Kissinger. US and China have become the usual pattern of new international trade as the top two economic entities since 2010. After former President Trump took over the chair, the trade conflict between the US and other countries, especially China, has been sharpened to increase domestic employment. A new era of international competition on the economy has grown invincibly in a brutal way.This paper states and analyzes the economic development and historical interactions between China and the US, standing from China’s perspective. Four-time periods are introduced in the paper for China’s progressing procedure: 1949-1978 pre-opening, 1979-2000 post-opening, 2001-2016 WTO period and focusing on the 2017-2021 deterioration. The methodology starting from industrial structure, trade deficit, monetary and fiscal policy. The key questions include; why China has faster growth, why the US tries to restrict China’s development, and its effective influence.The paper’s conclusion lies in the comprehensive prediction of the future economic relationship between China and the United States in the ongoing 50 years, yields to the world trade habits and potential international economic system revolution, demonstrated from three sectors: economic structure change and technical restrictions.

Andrea Romero ◽  
Brandy Piña-Watson

This chapter discusses the concepts of acculturative and bicultural stress, the theory and method behind the measurement, and the implications of the US immigration policy context for stress. The central sources of acculturative and bicultural stress are reviewed, including intergroup discrimination, language stress, intragroup marginalization, and family cultural conflict. In particular, literature is reviewed that examines the association between mental health and acculturative or bicultural stress. Extant research does demonstrate that degree of stress varies for individuals and that acculturative/bicultural stress is experienced not only by immigrants but also by minorities in the United States. Therefore, the present chapter reviews literature that connects the acculturative/bicultural stress process across generations. The immigration context is considered for future research in the area of acculturation and stress.

2019 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 261-276 ◽  
Richard L. Hasen

The increased polarization in the United States among the political branches and citizenry affects the selection, work, perception, and relative power of state and federal judges, including justices of the US Supreme Court. Polarization in the United States over the last few decades matters to the American judicial system in at least four ways. First, polarization affects judicial selection, whether the selection method is (sometimes partisan-based) elections or appointment by political actors. In times of greater polarization, governors and presidents who nominate judges, legislators who confirm judges, and voters who vote on judicial candidates are more apt to support or oppose judges on the basis of partisan affiliation or cues. Second, driven in part by selection mechanisms, polarization may be reflected in the decisions that judges make, especially on issues that divide people politically, such as abortion, guns, or affirmative action. The Supreme Court, for example, often divides along party and ideological lines in the most prominent and highly contested cases. Those ideological lines now overlap with party as we enter a period in which all the Court liberals have been appointed by Democratic presidents and all the Court conservatives have been appointed by Republican presidents. Third, increasingly polarized judicial decisions appear to be causing the public to view judges and judicial decision making (at least on the US Supreme Court) through a more partisan lens. Fourth, polarization may affect the separation of powers, by empowering courts against polarized legislative bodies sometimes paralyzed by gridlock. The review concludes by considering how increased polarization may interact with the judiciary and judicial branch going forward and by suggesting areas for future research.

2014 ◽  
Vol 47 (03) ◽  
pp. 682-686 ◽  
Bob Switky

ABSTRACTThe humanitarian impulse in the United States routinely clashes with isolationist sentiment, with appeals to the national interest, and with apathy in and out of government. This class exercise encourages students to explore the contours of the debate over humanitarian intervention with a crisis unfolding in Belagua, a fictitious Latin American country. As the crisis deteriorates, students increasingly feel the tension between wanting to help the at-risk civilian population and avoiding a messy conflict from which the United States could have trouble extracting itself. The project requires students to address key questions about the US role in the Belagua case and to consider what the United States could or should have done in actual situations, such as Rwanda and Syria. Because these crises are likely to occur in the decades to come, this exercise initiates students to the challenges that the United States, as well as the international community, undoubtedly will face.

2020 ◽  
Vol 45 (6) ◽  
pp. 967-981 ◽  
Sarah E. Gollust ◽  
Rebekah H. Nagler ◽  
Erika Franklin Fowler

Abstract The coronavirus public health crisis is also a political-communication and health-communication crisis. In this article, the authors describe the key communication-related phenomena and evidence of concerning effects manifested in the United States during the initial response to the pandemic. The authors outline the conditions of communication about coronavirus that contribute to deleterious outcomes, including partisan cueing, conflicting science, downplayed threats, emotional arousal, fragmented media, and Trump's messaging. The authors suggest these have contributed to divergent responses by media sources, partisan leaders, and the public alike, leading to different attitudes and beliefs as well as varying protective actions taken by members of the public to reduce their risk. In turn, these divergent communication phenomena will likely amplify geographic variation in and inequities with COVID-19 disease outcomes. The authors conclude with some suggestions for future research, particularly surrounding communication about health inequity and strategies for reducing partisan divergence in views of public health issues in the future.

Subject Exposure to US final demand. Significance The Commerce Department reported on March 7 that the US goods trade deficit widened to 69.7 billion dollars in January after a five-year high of 4% of GDP last year. The new administration has threatened to build a wall along the Mexican border, impose punitive tariffs on countries it runs a goods deficit with and label China a currency manipulator. Other countries also rely on US demand -- through goods and services trade, investment and remittances. Impacts In the unlikely event that Trump follows through on all his most extreme trade threats, the world could plunge into recession. Evidence does not support the new administration's view that free trade has damaged the US economy and the fortunes of its workforce. The WTO is reviewing several cases the previous US administration began against China -- extreme escalation could trigger US WTO withdrawal. Germany is the only G7 country that the United States runs both a goods and services trade deficit with, placing it in the firing line.

1995 ◽  
pp. 445-482
Brigitte Schulz

With the end of the Cold War, much attention has been paid to the nature of the emerging new world order. By what criteria will power and influence be measured in this new era? Who will be the winners and losers? What types of allegiances will develop? Or is Francis Fukuyama's argument correct that, with the collapse of communism, we have reached the "...endpoint of man's ideological evolution" and thus "the end of history". Unlike Marx, who saw socialism at the end of humanity's arduous journey, Fukuyama tells us that the search is off because we have already arrived at our evolutionary destination: liberal capitalism...Other analysts envision less optimistic scenarios...One of the most popular scenarios over the past few years has been to anticipate growing tensions between the three main core powers: the US, Germany, and Japan... The first task of this paper, then, is to look at Germany within the context of the radically altered post-Cold War period... We argue that Germany, based on a multitude of factors which will be outlined below, is not now, nor will it ever become in the foreseeable future, a global hegemon... Indeed, as will be asserted in the second part of this paper, Germany will enter into a close alliance with the United States to form a reinvigorated trans-Atlantic marriage in which the common bonds of "culture and civilization" will replace a virulent anti-communism as the common vow.

Patricia Crittenden ◽  
Susan J. Spieker ◽  
Steve Farnfield

Attachment may have reached a turning point in which two sometimes incompatible approaches to individual differences in attachment are being compared. The outcome could influence future work in attachment. This article focuses on individual differences because applications of attachment are predicated on the consequences of individual differences for adaptation and well-being. The issue is which model is better suited to future research and clinical applications. Both models augment the original Ainsworth ABC model that everyone agrees is not sufficiently differentiated to cover the range of human behavior. The two models are “ABC+D” (the model that has disorganization (D) as its fourth category) and “DMM” (the model that expands the A and C categories from two subcategories each to a total of eight each, plus A/C combinations). The current disagreement has two sources: (a) the increasing acceptance outside the United States of the DMM, particularly in clinical and forensic settings, while the US remains largely unaware of the DMM; and (b) the recent announcement by prominent ABC+D researchers from Europe and the US that D is not a suitable category for clinical or forensic use. ABC+D researchers have not proposed an alternative, and some US funding sources and courts eschew attachment altogether, believing the theory itself lacks validity and utility, thus weakening attachment’s potential to inform clinical research and decision-making. This article proposes DMM as a viable alternative to both ABC+D and psychiatric diagnoses and examines the development and contributions of each model for the purpose of creating a model of individual differences in attachment that is scientifically robust, open to change as new evidence becomes available, and applicable to troubled individuals and families. Notably, attachment theory has engendered controversy from its beginnings. When John Bowlby offered attachment as a universal human characteristic that promoted species and individual survival, he was criticized by others in his field. When Mary Ainsworth identified the ABC categories of individual differences in attachment, her ideas were attacked from outside attachment theory. While the “first generation” issue around the existence of attachment has largely died away, a second generation of attachment theorists is disputing the nature of individual differences, their focus on individuals (ABC+D) or interpersonal systems (DMM Family Functional Formulations), and their relevance to clinical work. The ABC+D and DMM models that expand Ainsworth’s work were developed by two of her students, Mary Main (ABC+D) and Patricia Crittenden (DMM). They and their colleagues have worked separately for half a century producing two large and sometimes discrepant bodies of work, which have now become the topic of open debate. This bibliography focuses on the conceptual and empirical bases for that exchange. Part I outlines the roots of the ABC+D and DMM models, together with comparative validating information. Part II presents the central research findings on individual differences in attachment from four decades of research with each model. The authors wish to thank Robbie Duschinsky, Udita Iyengar, and Andrea Landini for their helpful comments on this bibliography.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
Stacey R. Ramey ◽  
Stephanie Merlino Barr ◽  
Katie A. Moore ◽  
Sharon Groh-Wargo

Introduction: Human milk (HM) is the ideal enteral feeding for nearly all infants and offers unique benefits to the very low birthweight (VLBW) infant population. It is a challenge to meet the high nutrient requirements of VLBW infants due to the known variability of HM composition. Human milk analysis (HMA) assesses the composition of HM and allows for individualized fortification. Due to recent U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval, it has relatively recent availability for clinical use in the US.Aim: To identify current practices of HMA and individualized fortification in neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) across the United States (US) and to inform future translational research efforts implementing this nutrition management method.Methods: An institutional review board (IRB) approved survey was created and collected data on the following subjects such as NICU demographics, feeding practices, HM usage, HM fortification practices, and HMA practices. It was distributed from 10/30–12/21/2020 via online pediatric nutrition groups and listservs selected to reach the intended audience of NICU dietitians and other clinical staff. Each response was assessed prior to inclusion, and descriptive analysis was performed.Results: About 225 survey responses were recorded during the survey period with 119 entries included in the analysis. This represented 36 states and Washington D.C., primarily from level III and IV NICUs. HMA was reported in 11.8% of responding NICUs. The most commonly owned technology for HMA is the Creamatocrit Plus TM (EKF Diagnostics), followed by the HM Analyzer by Miris (Uppsala, Sweden). In NICUs practicing HMA, 84.6% are doing so clinically.Discussion: Feeding guidelines and fortification of HM remain standard of care, and interest in HMA was common in this survey. Despite the interest, very few NICUs are performing HMA and individualized fortification. Barriers identified include determining who should receive individualized fortification and how often, collecting a representative sample, and the cost and personnel required.Conclusions: Human milk analysis and individualized fortification are emerging practices within NICUs in the US. Few are using it in the clinical setting with large variation in execution among respondents and many logistical concerns regarding implementation. Future research may be beneficial to evaluate how practices change as HMA and individualized fortification gain popularity and become more commonly used in the clinical setting.

Subject EU-US ties. Significance Attracting the ire of US President Donald Trump, the US goods trade deficit with the EU has widened since 2009. While Trump blames the imbalance on the EU charging higher tariffs on its US imports than the United States charges on its EU imports, the deficit is instead driven by US demand. Most US-EU trade is between foreign affiliates and the declaration between Trump and European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker in late July reaffirmed the close economic ties between the two blocs. Impacts The prospects for US exports of LNG to the EU will be higher if Chinese retaliatory restrictions remain in place. The US farm lobby will push for agriculture to be covered in the trade negotiations. The negotiations are unlikely to lead to a return to a comprehensive Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership-type deal. Renegotiating US-EU goods trade tariffs will necessarily involve other chapters including services or foreign investment. Escalating trade tariffs would damage the EU but would damage the United States more owing to the size of US-EU cross-border investments.

ILR Review ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 72 (5) ◽  
pp. 1262-1277 ◽  
Robert W. Fairlie ◽  
Javier Miranda ◽  
Nikolas Zolas

The field of entrepreneurship is growing rapidly and expanding into new areas. This article presents a new compilation of administrative panel data on the universe of business start-ups in the United States, which will be useful for future research in entrepreneurship. To create the US start-up panel data set, the authors link the universe of non-employer firms to the universe of employer firms in the Longitudinal Business Database (LBD). Start-up cohorts of more than five million new businesses per year, which create roughly three million jobs, can be tracked over time. To illustrate the potential of the new start-up panel data set for future research, the authors provide descriptive statistics for a few examples of research topics using a representative start-up cohort.

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