scholarly journals Safety Education for Earthquake Disaster Mitigation in Beijing Fuxue Primary School

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (5) ◽  
Feng Yao

From the analysis of social needs, social situation and school circumstances, the necessity of earthquake disaster reduction is shown, and try to establish the overall framework of earthquake disaster prevention education in primary schools according to the overall goal of earthquake disaster prevention education. The roles of earthquake disaster reduction education is also discussed.

2017 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 158-162
Mohammad Kazem Naseri ◽  
Dongshik Kang ◽  

A questionnaire-based survey was carried out in the 13th district of Kabul, the capital city of Afghanistan. For this purpose, 10 high schools, both private and public, were selected randomly. A total of 324 participants responded to the questions in the questionnaire. From the total respondents, 127 (39.2%) were female and 197 (60.8%) male; all were in the 15 to 25 age range. Most of the students (75%) had experienced an earthquake, but their perceptions and knowledge about earthquake mitigation were not good as over 50% did not know what to do during an earthquake. Regarding the current situation, 64% responded that disaster education had not been included in their school curricula. The wide participation and strong interest of the students in this survey are expected to foster further research and investigation, as the majority of them (70%) were in a position to transfer their knowledge about earthquake disaster mitigation to their families. Based on the survey findings, despite the contribution of students who had already experienced disaster education outside of Afghanistan, students’ disaster mitigation knowledge was undeniably poor. There is a clear need to establish and plan for the disaster prevention education system in Afghanistan. There is a lack of understanding regarding effective behaviors, attitudes, and knowledge. This problem was probably caused by the absence of disaster education, teaching materials, and expert staff. Therefore, it is highly recommended to integrate disaster prevention education into school curricula, reduce the earthquake risk by sharing disaster information through students’ parent council meetings at schools, and improve public awareness in order to create a society that is resilient to earthquakes.

Noriko Imura ◽  
Takashige Ishikawa

This study deals with disaster mitigation education in primary schools and as a final goal aims to improve citizens’ capabilities to mitigate disaster situations in society. This report summarizes the current national policy on safety education in Japan and follow it up with a summarization of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government policy, which is based on the national policy. In addition, it compares Japan’s education policy with that of New Zealand. Analysis revealed the following three points. First, the content of safety education in Japanese primary schools consists of six fields (traffic safety, daily life safety, disaster safety, etc.). Just before, and after, the Great Tohoku Earthquake in 2011, the main educational content changed from daily life safety to disaster safety. Second, by focusing on lessons, it was found that the content of disaster safety was taught not as part of various subjects but largely during “homeroom activities”. Third, it became clear that the subject of earthquakes now accounts for half of the disaster prevention lesson contents in Japanese primary schools and has been included in disaster prevention lesson contents in all school grades.

Syahrial Ayub ◽  
Kosim Kosim ◽  
I Wayan Gunada ◽  
Luh Putu Utari

ABSTRAKArtikel ini adalah salah satu hasil penelitian pengembangan model pembelajaran mitigasi bencana bagi guru dan peserta didik di sekolah dasar. Hasil ini diterapkan didaerah pegunungan, pesisir dan kota. Sampel daerah pegunungan adalah SD Negeri 1 Sembalun yang terletak di lereng gunung Rinjani Lombok Timur, NTB. Penerapannya diawali dengan modeling pembelajaran mitigasi bencana tanah longsor, struktur pembelajaran mitigasi bencana dikaitkan dengan modeling, teknik moderasi untuk mengungkap tanggapan dan pendapat guru, peer teaching oleh guru dan terakhir monitoring, observasi, evaluasi dan refleksi. Hasil penelitian merekomendasikan model pembelajaran mitigasi bencana mempunyai 3 tahapan pokok pembelajaran yaitu kegiatan awal, kegiatan inti dan kegiatan pemantapan. Setiap kegiatan memiliki tujuan pembelajaran yang harus dicapai dengan berbagai alternatif kegiatan yang dapat dipilih guru. Hasilnya 100% guru memiliki keinginan untuk melaksanakan model pembelajaran mitigasi bencana yang berbasis peserta didik, 91,67 % model pembelajaran mitigasi bencana tepat untuk memenuhi kebutuhan peserta didik dalam meningkatkan kesadaran bencana di sekolah dan masyarakat dan 33,33% guru mengharapkan tambahan materi untuk buku model pembelajaran mitigasi bencana untuk guru sekolah dasar. Tambahan itu berupa lagu-lagu tentang bencana dan dikemas dengan kreatif supaya peserta didik senang dan lebih cepat mengerti. Kata kunci: model pembelajaran mitigasi bencana; tanah longsor; sekolah dasar. ABSTRACTThis article is one of the results of research on the development of disaster mitigation learning models for teachers and students in primary schools. These results are applied in mountainous, coastal and urban areas. The sample of mountainous areas is SD Negeri 1 Sembalun which is located on the slopes of Mount Rinjani, East Lombok, NTB. Its application begins with modeling of landslide disaster mitigation learning, disaster mitigation learning structure associated with modeling, moderation techniques to reveal teacher responses and opinions, peer teaching by teachers and finally monitoring, observation, evaluation and reflection. The results of the study recommend that the disaster mitigation learning model has 3 main learning stages, namely initial activities, core activities and stabilization activities. Each activity has learning objectives that must be achieved with various alternative activities that the teacher can choose.  The result is that 100% of teachers have a desire to implement student-based disaster mitigation learning models, 91.67% of disaster mitigation learning models are appropriate to meet the needs of students in increasing disaster awareness in schools and communities and 33.33% of teachers expect additional material for books. disaster mitigation learning model for primary school teachers. The additions are in the form of songs about disasters and packaged creatively so that students are happy and understand more quickly.     Keywords: disaster mitigation learning model; landslide; primary school.

2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 113-122
Tri Widayati

The background of this study is the frequent occurrence of early childhood accidents. Children as objects of protection need to be equipped with knowledge and attitudes and behaviors related to their safety. One way to avoid early childhood hazards is to increase their understanding of hazards and ways to overcome hazards through personal safety education. The study aimed to describe the implementation of early childhood self-education education and find out the results of the assessment in the Gaharu Plus KB. This research is a case study with a qualitative exploratory approach. This research was conducted from July to September 2018 involving all children (63 people). The results showed that the method of self-safety education in KB Gaharu Plus was PAUD Watching method. This method is the result of the development of the model at BP PAUD & Dikmas East Kalimantan. The stages include learning hazards, hazard surveys, hazard maps and ways to avoid hazards. Children can attend the process of self-education education. However, there were still 18.60% of new children began to develop in telling the results of the description related to potential hazards. Personal safety education in KB Gaharu Plus can improve children’s understanding of hazards and how to avoid them.    References Amelia, L. (2012). Metode kindergarten watching siaga bencana gempa bumi terhadap stimulasi kecerdasan visual spasial dan kecerdasan kinestetik anak usia dini di TK Syeikh Abdurrauf Blang Oi Banda Aceh. Jurnal Tematik, 5(2), 165-179. doi: Arikunto, S. (1995). Manajemen penelitian. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta. Balitbangkes Kementerian Kesehatan RI. (2013). Riset kesehatan dasar. Diakses melaui Bolig, G., Wahl, H.A., & Svendsen, M.V. (2009). Primary school children are able to perform basic life-saving first aid measure. Journal of Resuscitation, 80, 689-692. Direktorat Pembinaan PAUD Dirjen PAUD & Dikmas. (2015). Pedoman pengelolaan pembelajaran pendidikan anak usia dini: Pedoman implementasi kurikulum 2013 PAUD. Jakarta: Kemdikbud. Direktorat pembinaan PAUD Dirjen PAUD & Dikmas. (2015). Petunjuk teknis penyelenggaraan PAUD holistik integratif di satuan PAUD. Jakarta: Kemdikbud.  Effendi, A. (2016). Kegiatan menggambar pada anak usia dini. Diakses melalui pada tanggal 16 September 2017.  Hartati, S. (2005). Perkembangan belajar pada usia dini. Jakarta: Departemen Pendidikan Nasional.  Indarwati, R.D. (2011). Hubungan antara pengetahuan dan sikap orang tua tentang bahaya cedera dan cara pencegahannnya dengan praktik pencegahan cedera pada anak usia toddler di kelurahan Blumbang Kecamatan Tawangmangu Kabupaten Karanganyar. GASTER, 8(2), 750-764. Istifada, R., & Permatasari, H. Keselamatan diri anak SMP terhadap resiko terjadinya kecelakaan di sekolah. Diakses melalui pada tanggal 31 Oktober2018. Istiqomah, A. (2015). Upaya meningkatkan perhatian anak melalui metode bercerita dengan media boneka tangan pada anak kelompok A TK ABA Jogoyudan Yogyakarta. Pendidikan Guru PAUD S-1, IV(7), 1-8. Kuschithawati, S., Magetsari, R., & Ng, N. (2007). Faktor risiko terjadinya cedera pada anak usia sekolah dasar. Berita Kedokteran Masyarakat, 23(3), 131-141. doi: Lamb, (2006). Children’s acquisition and retention of safety skills: the lifeskills program. Injury Prevention,12(3),161-165. doi: Muchtamadji, A. (2004). Konsep dan penerapan pendidikan keselamatan. Jakarta: Direktorat Jenderal Olahraga. Nugratmaja, A.S. (2011). Penatalaksanaan pencegahan kecelakaan anak usia prasekolah di Dusun Geblagan Kecamatan Kasihan Kabupaten Bantul. Tesis. Yogyakarta: Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. Ogawa, Y. (2005). Town watching for disaster reduction for effective and successful risk communication. United Nations World Conference on Disaster Reduction Kobe, Japan. OHSAS. (2007). Sistem manajemen keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja-persyaratan (occupational health and safety management systemsrequirements). Diakses melalui pada tanggal 22 Oktober 2018.  Sandy, W. (2012). Tingkat pengetahuan tentang keselamatan pada siswa sekolah dasar. Skripsi. Depok: Universitas Indonesia. Sari, S. A., & Khatimah, K. (2015). The application of school watching method to increase the earthquake disaster preparedness of primary school students MIN Blang Mancung, Aceh. Journal of Education and Learning, 9(3), 241-245. doi: Sumargi, A.M., dkk. (2005). Apa yang diketahui anakanak sekolah dasar tentang keselamatan dirinya: Studi pendahuluan tentang pemahaman akan keselamatan diri. INSAN Media Psikologi, 7(3), 226-249. Sumargi, A.M., & Simanjuntak, E. (2010). Pemahaman dan sikap orang tua pada keselamatan diri anak-anak usia dini. Temu Ilmiah Nasional IPPI, IPS & Fakultas Psikologi UNAIR.  Vinje, M.P. (1991). Children as pedestrian: abilities and limitations. Accident, Analysis and Prevention, 13(3), 225-240. doi:

2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (6) ◽  
pp. 1082-1095 ◽  
Miwa Kuri ◽  
Anawat Suppasri

Perceptions of volcanic hazard-related information relevant to volcano tourism areas in Japan were investigated using an Internet questionnaire survey. This study focused on the possibilities of tourism activities as a method of disseminating disaster information not only to residents but also to visitors. We evaluated the effects of educational programs (EP) including recreational activities at geopark, for the purpose of further enhancing information content and establishment of cooperation system. The survey focused on the roles and perspectives of residents, the tourism industry, scientists, and the government in volcanic disaster mitigation, as well as the dissemination of volcanic information with regard to daily activities and the actions to be taken in the event of an emergency. Hazard perceptions tended to be actuate in areas where knowledge dissemination activities were active, but this did not lead to evacuation awareness. Evacuation awareness was correlated with disaster awareness, specifically regarding the degree of interest in a volcano, eruption frequency and style, perceptions of eruption predictability, and trust in information source. Disaster awareness correlated somewhat with eruption style and with the time elapsed science the most recent eruption. Our results showed that the perceptions of residents living near volcanoes depended on eruption frequency, their experience during previous eruptions, and local government assessments of the severity of the volcanic hazard. Despite advances in tools of social media, that is not yet to take advantage under disaster circumstances. A disaster prevention system that incorporates disaster prevention education and open lines of communication among scientists, government, media, residents, and the tourism industry is necessary to improve the disaster resilience of communities in volcanic areas.

2011 ◽  
Vol 219 (2) ◽  
pp. 92-99 ◽  
Babett Voigt ◽  
Ingo Aberle ◽  
Judith Schönfeld ◽  
Matthias Kliegel

The present study examined age differences in time-based prospective memory (TBPM) in primary school age children and tested the role of self-initiated memory retrieval and strategic time monitoring (TM) as possible developmental mechanisms. Fifty-four children were recruited from local primary schools (27 younger children, mean age = 7.2 ± 0.55 years, and 27 older children, mean age = 9.61 ± 0.71 years). The task was a driving game scenario in which children had to drive a vehicle (ongoing task) and to remember to refuel before the vehicle runs out of gas (TBPM task, i.e., the fuel gauge served as child-appropriate time equivalent). Fuel gauge was either displayed permanently (low level of self-initiation) or could only be viewed on demand by hitting a button (high level of self-initiation). The results revealed age-dependent TBPM differences with better performance in older children. In contrast, level of self-initiated memory retrieval did not affect TBPM performance. However, strategies of TM influenced TBPM, as more frequent time checking was related to better performance. Patterns of time checking frequency differed according to children’s age and course of the game, suggesting difficulties in maintaining initial strategic TM in younger children. Taken together, the study revealed ongoing development of TBPM across primary school age. Observed age differences seemed to be associated with the ability to maintain strategic monitoring.

The aim of this study was to identify the factors associated with school refusal behavior in primary school students. Student’s self-report and teacher’s measures were implemented; and students were recruited from 20 primary schools in six districts in Selangor, Malaysia. The survey was conducted at the end of school term in 2016, with a total of 915 students from Year 4 and Year 5 participating. The sample of students had been absent from school for more than 15% of school days in the current year. Pearson correlation shows a significant relationship between academic achievement and school satisfaction toward school refusal behavior. The findings of this study suggest that academic difficulties and dissatisfaction towards school environment could be the important risk factors for school refusal behavior. The present study underscores the importance of early detection and intervention as measures to reduce school refusal. Finally, the findings imply that the role of school factors should always be taken into account in connection with school refusal behaviour.

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