scholarly journals Avaliação de fertilizantes de eficiência aumentada aplicados em cobertura sem incorporação nos parâmetros morfológicos e produtivos na cultura do café

ForScience ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. e00347
César Ferreira Santos ◽  
Sheila Isabel Do Carmo Pinto ◽  
Luciano Eduardo De Carvalho ◽  
Paulo Otávio Resende Ramalho

O equilíbrio nutricional das plantas é fundamental para se evitar perdas de produtividade. O N é o nutriente que proporciona maior resposta em termos de produção na cultura do café, e a fonte nitrogenada mais utilizada é a ureia, sendo sujeita a perdas de N por volatilização de amônia quando aplicada sem incorporação. Para evitar tais perdas, fontes nitrogenadas de eficiência aumentada têm sido comercializadas como eficientes na redução da volatilização do N. Assim sendo, objetivou-se, com este estudo, avaliar as fontes nitrogenadas aplicadas em cobertura na cultura do café. O trabalho foi desenvolvido no Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Minas Gerais (IFMG) - Campus Bambuí, em área de cafeeiro do cultivar Rubi, em espaçamento 3 x 0,8m, em um Latossolo Vermelho. O experimento foi realizado em blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições; os tratamentos incluíram sete fontes nitrogenadas, e foram realizadas quatro adubações, por dois anos, com intervalos mensais. As parcelas experimentais foram compostas por 10 plantas; contudo, somente oito foram avaliadas quanto ao diâmetro de copa, altura, número de ramos e produtividade, um mês após a cobertura. Foram analisados o IRCF da clorofila A (IRCA), da clorofila B (IRCB) e a clorofila total (IRCT). O uso dos adubos ureia + Cu + B e ureia + NBPT demonstrou, em modificações fisiológicas, que pode gerar um melhor desempenho de crescimento devido a uma maior capacidade fotossintética, posto que o adubo cinco proporcionou aumento na produtividade do cafeeiro. Palavras-chave: Amônia. Clorofila. Produtividade. Evaluation of increased efficiency fertilizers applied in coverage without incorporation in the morphophysiological and productive parameters in coffee culture Abstract The nutritional balance of the plants is fundamental to avoid losses of productivity. N is the nutrient that provides the greatest production response in the coffee crop. The most used nitrogen source is urea, which is subject to N losses by volatilization of ammonia when applied without incorporation. In order to avoid such losses, nitrogen sources of increased efficiency have been commercialized as efficient in the reduction of N volatilization. Thus, this work aimed to evaluate the nitrogen sources applied in the coffee crop. The work was developed at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Minas Gerais (IFMG) – Bambuí Campus, in a coffee area of the Rubi cultivar, spaced 3 x 0.8 m in a Red Latosol. The experiment was performed in a randomized complete block with four replicates, treatments included seven nitrogen sources and four fertilizations were performed for two years with monthly intervals. The experimental plots were composed of 10 plants, however, only eight were evaluated for crown diameter, height, number of branches and productivity one month after coverage. IRCF of chlorophyll A (IRCA), chlorophyll B (IRCB) and total chlorophyll (IRCT) were analyzed. The use of fertilizers urea + Cu + B and urea + NBPT translated into physiological modifications that can generate a better growth performance due to a greater photosynthetic capacity, since the fertilizer five provided an increase in coffee productivity. Keywords: Ammonia. Chlorophyll. Productivity.

2020 ◽  
Vol 41 (6supl2) ◽  
pp. 3121-3132
Fábio Henrique Vicente ◽  
Marcos Aurélio Lopes ◽  
Francisco Helton Sá de Lima ◽  
Fabio Raphael Pascoti Brunh ◽  

This study examines the cost of applying ixodicides by using three methods (subcutaneous injection, pour-on and spraying), in different animal categories, to generate information that can help in the choice of the method. The research was carried out between May and September 2017, in the dairy cattle section of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of the South of Minas Gerais - IFSULDEMINAS - Muzambinho campus, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. All operational expenses related to the application of the ixodicides were recorded. Data were collected by three people: two to time the application of the product and one to record the measured data. Twenty-seven Holstein cattle infested with Rhipicephalus microplus were used, consisting of 12 calves, six heifers and nine adult cows. A simulation was carried out with 50 and 100 animals to check the effect of the production scale on the cost of applying the ixodicides. Application times (animal transport, product dosing and application itself) for the calves, heifers and cow categories were shorter in the injection and pour-on methods, which did not differ from each other in any of the three studied categories. The time spent per animal on the washing of personal protective equipment and washing of sprayer reduced as the number of animals increased, because these procedures are performed only once regardless of the number of animals. The pour-on method was the least expensive. Production scale was found to be an important factor for diluting fixed costs and optimizing labor.

ForScience ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. e00730
Luzia Rezende Rodrigues ◽  
Daniela Agnezini Biaggi ◽  
Isadora Martins Soares ◽  
Sara Landi Machado Pereira ◽  
Antonio Sérgio Souza Pereira ◽  

A evasão é um dos males que aflige a todos os tipos de instituições de ensino e tem assumido preocupantes proporções no âmbito das Instituições de Ensino Superior –IES. Este estudo surgiu do interesse em conhecer como esse fenômeno se manifesta no Curso de Engenharia Civil do Instituto Federal de Minas Gerais – Campus Avançado Piumhi. Com o intuito de investigar as causas da evasão nas turmas que ingressaram no período de 2014/2 a 2018/1, procedeu-se à análise do perfil do estudante evadido, a partir da realização de testes estatísticos com dados fornecidos pelo registro acadêmico do curso. Os resultados sinalizam que, em sua maioria, o estudante evadido é homem, solteiro, oriundo de escola pública, reside com seus pais e possui renda familiar de até três salários mínimos. Dessa forma, buscou-se a compreensão da complexidade das relações que se desenvolvem no ambiente acadêmico e que podem vir a serem causadores desse fenômeno. Depreende-se, a partir das análises realizadas, que a questão socioeconômica é um fator que influencia direta e indiretamente na decisão de evasão do estudante. Palavras chaves: Evasão. Retenção. Engenharia Civil.   Evasion in the civil engineering bachelor’s course of the Federal Institute of Minas Gerais – advanced Piumhi Abstract Evasion is one of the ills that afflict all types of educational institutions and has assumed alarming proportions in the context of Higher Education Institutions -HES. This study arose from the interest in knowing how this phenomenon manifests itself in the Civil Engineering Course of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Minas Gerais – Piumhi Advanced Campus. In order to investigate the causes of evasion in the groups that entered the period from 2014/2 to 2018/1, proceeded to analyze the profile of the evade student, based on statistical tests with data provided by the academicrecord of the course. The results indicate that, for the most part, he is a man, single, from a public school, resides with his parents and has a family income of up to three minimum wages. Thus, we sought to understand the complexity of relationships that develop in the academic environment and that may be the cause of this phenomenon. It can be inferred from the analyzes made that the socioeconomic question is a factor that directly and indirectly in the student's avoidance decision today. Keywords: Evasion. Retention. Civil Engineering.

2017 ◽  
Vol 18 (7) ◽  
pp. 1018-1038 ◽  
Issa Ibrahim Berchin ◽  
Vanessa dos Santos Grando ◽  
Gabriela Almeida Marcon ◽  
Louise Corseuil ◽  
José Baltazar Salgueirinho Osório de Andrade Guerra

Purpose This paper aims to analyze strategies that promote sustainability in higher education institutions (HEIs), focusing on the case study of a federal institute of higher education in Brazil. Design/methodology/approach The research was based on a scientific literature review on sustainability in HEIs, to identify the recurrent actions for sustainability in these institutions; and a case study of a federal institute of higher education in Brazil, to illustrate how these actions are being implemented by HEIs. Findings Concerns about sustainability, prompted by the Brazilian federal legislature, led federal HEI to change its internal processes, infrastructure and organizational culture toward sustainability. Practical implications The findings presented in this study, more specifically the sustainability plan of the Federal Institute for Education, Science and Technology of Santa Catarina, aligned with the recommendations proposed, can be used and replicated in other HEIs. Originality/value Scientific literature about organizational changes led by sustainability concerns, in HEIs specifically, still needs more attention in the academia. By addressing the case of a Brazilian public institution of higher education, this paper contributes to the literature on sustainability in higher education by reporting the process of implementation of a sustainability plan.

Luana Ribeiro da Trindade ◽  
Ana Carolina Costa dos Anjos

Resumo Este artigo discute a gramática de relações raciais e os racismos a partir do caso de um professor do Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia São Paulo (IFSP) que fez um post em seu perfil do Facebook, o qual foi denunciado por alguns segmentos sociais como racista. Metodologicamente, empreendemos um estudo de caso que foi operacionalizado a partir da averiguação e análise do que foi dito pelo professor, como também as notas emitidas pela instituição, coletivos e movimentos negros, matérias jornalísticas sobre o caso e entrevista com estudantes. Inferimos que a gramática das relações sociais com foco racial está passando por mudanças de representação, por isso, há “choque” entre os sentidos visados (coordenações formais) entre os atores. Analisamos, sob uma perspectiva weberiana, as relações sociais que se estabeleceram e entendemos que as mesmas são balizadas por probabilidades de ações dentro de um sentido visado pelos atores. Assim, olhamos as ações discursivas dos agentes que proferiram e se justificaram ao perceber a gramática das relações raciais. Para tanto, realizamos uma descrição analítica do caso construindo um aporte teórico, significando e conceituando categorias-chave, como democracia racial. Palavras-chave: Relações Raciais; Racismos; Estudo de caso. Abstract This article sought to discuss the grammar of race relations and racism from the case of a professor at the Federal Institute of Education, Science, and Technology of Sao Paulo (IFSP) who posted on his Facebook profile and was denounced as racist by some social segment. Methodologically, we elaborated a case study that analyses what was said by the professor, as well as the notes released by the institution, collectives, and black movements, newspaper articles about the case, and interviews with students. We infer that the grammar of social relations with a racial focus is provoking changes in representation, so there is a “shock” between the senses targeted between the actors. We analyze, through a Weberian perspective, the social relations that are established and we understand that they are marked by probabilities of actions within a targeted sense (formal coordination) by the actors. Thus, we look at the discursive performances of the agents who uttered and justified themselves by understanding the grammar of racial relations. For this purpose, we carried out an analytical description of the case by constructing a theoretical contribution, meaning, and conceptualizing key categories such as racial democracy. Keywords: Social Relationships; Racisms; Targeted sense. Resumen Este artículo busca discutir la gramática de las relaciones raciales y el racismo a partir del caso de un profesor del Instituto Federal de Educación, Ciencia y Tecnología de São Paulo (IFSP) que hizo una publicación en su perfil de Facebook y fue denunciado por algunos sectores sociales como racista. Metodológicamente realizamos un estudio de caso que se operacionalizó a partir de la captura y el análisis de lo que dijo el docente, así como las notas emitidas por la institución, los colectivos y movimientos negros, los artículos periodísticos sobre el caso y las entrevistas con los estudiantes. Inferimos que la gramática de las relaciones sociales con un enfoque racial está experimentando cambios en la representación, por ello se da un "choque" entre los sentidos mentados por los actores. Analizamos, desde una perspectiva weberiana, las relaciones sociales que se establecen y entendemos que están guiadas por las probabilidades de acciones dentro de un sentido específico (coordinación formal) por parte de los actores. En concordancia, observamos las actuaciones discursivas de los agentes que se pronunciaron y se justificaron al percibir la gramática de las relaciones raciales. Por ello, realizamos una descripción analítica del caso, construyendo una contribución teórica, significando y conceptualizando categorías clave como democracia racial. Palabras clave: Relaciones raciales; Racismos; Direcciones de destino.

Caroline da Rosa Ferreira Becker

The study was carried out through the theoretical foundation about the conceptions and objectives of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology, and also on the social role of the librarians of this educational institute. These Federal Institutes were created in Brazil in 2009 and they offer basic and higher education. This study aims at investigating, analyzing, and understanding if the librarians of the Federal Institutes of Education, Science, and Technology recognize their social roles as professionals that can contribute to the development of cognitive skills with regards to the information in the library’s users. A case study was carried out with all the librarians of the Federal Institutes and questionnaires were the method used for collecting data. It should be noted in the librarians’ answers that they recognize their social roles, and they act according to what they recognize. In their everyday practices, these librarians try to minimize the difficulties that the library’s users face in relation to the search, location, use, assessment, dissemination, and understanding of information.

Revista Labor ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (17) ◽  
pp. 110
Elenilce Gomes de Oliveira ◽  
Carlos Augusto De Oliveira Azevedo Filho

Resumo  Destaca a tendência à razão instrumental, com base em Theodor W. Adorno e Max Horkheimer, cuja crítica a essa racionalidade constitui marco importante para a compreensão dos obstáculos à emancipação e à liberdade humana. A metodologia tem suporte na acepção do materialismo histórico-dialético, de modo a evidenciar elementos atinentes às relações histórico-sociais. Dessa maneira, põe em ressalto peculiaridades relativas à manifestação desta racionalidade no âmbito do Estágio Supervisionado, componente curricular da Licenciatura em Teatro, no Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Ceará.   Palavras-chave: Racionalidade. Adorno. Horkheimer. Formação. Estágio Supervised internship and tendency to instrumental reason Abstract  The present paper highlights the tendency to instrumental reason as developed by Theodor W. Adorno and Max Horkheimer, whose criticism to this rationality constitutes an important milestone for understanding the obstacles to human emancipation and freedom. The methodology is based on the dialectical and historical materialism, in order to point elements related to historical-social relations. In this way, it emphasizes peculiarities related to the manifestation of this rationality within the scope of Supervised Internship as one of the curricular components of the Teaching License in Theater at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Ceará. Key-words: Rationality. Adorno. Horhheimer. Formation. Supervised Internship.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-46
Eduardo Do Nascimento Karasinski ◽  
William Douglas Gomes Peres ◽  
Letíssia Crestani ◽  
Juciara Ramos Cordeiro ◽  
Fernanda Zanotti ◽  

Neste artigo será apresentada uma perspectiva histórica dos acentuados índices de desigualdade socioeconômica observados atualmente no estado de Santa Catarina. Em seguida, serão descritos os eventos Semana do Contestado e Congresso Nacional do Contestado, bem como, estes contribuíram para o debate sobre esta problemática. No ano de 2018, o Instituto Federal de Santa Catarina, Prefeitura Municipal de Caçador e Museu do Contestado propuseram a criação de uma agenda de atividades em rede, como metodologia de abordagem para ações de educação, ciência e tecnologia. Portanto, este projeto teve como objetivo ampliar a divulgação científica e o debate sobre as desigualdades no Contestado. A comunidade organizada foi convidada para construir e executar diversas ações. Participaram instituições públicas, instituições privadas, coletivos de artistas e representantes de grupos sociais. Desta forma, o principal resultado obtido foi o sinergismo entre as atividades realizadas e o seu impacto no público de diversos segmentos. As ações em rede demonstraram maior capacidade de alcançar principalmente estudantes da educação básica, assim como, maior cooperação dos grupos e núcleos de pesquisa das instituições envolvidas em torno do Contestado. Palavras-chave: Ensino Fundamental; Desigualdades; Educação   The network of education, science and technology in the Contestado and the action to reduce inequalities Abstract: This article will present a historical perspective of the accented socioeconomic inequality rates observed in the state of Santa Catarina today. Then, the events “Semana do Contestado” and “Contestado Nacional Congress” will be described and as they contributed to the debate on this problem. In 2018, the Federal Institute of Santa Catarina, the city hall of Caçador and the Contestado museum proposed the creation of an agenda of network activities as a methodology for approaching education, science and technology actions. Therefore, this project aimed to expand scientific dissemination and debate about inequalities in the Contestado. The organized community was called upon to construct and execute various actions. Public institutions, private institutions, collectives of artists and representatives of social groups participated in these actions. In this way, the main result obtained was the synergism between the activities and their impact on the public of different segments. The actions in network demonstrated a higher capacity to reach mainly students of basic education, as well as, higher cooperation of the groups and research centers of the institutions involved around the Contestado. Keywords: Elementary School; Inequalities; Education

2020 ◽  
Vol 19 ◽  
pp. 12

The objective of this work was to evaluate the production costs and profitability indexes of sorghum crop for silage production under different irrigation depths. The work was conducted at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Ceará (IFCE) – Umirim Campus, from September to December 2016. The treatments were arranged in 5 x 5 split plots with 5 replications. Irrigations were performed on a daily basis, and the applied depths were calculated based on crop evapotranspiration (ETc). The primary treatments were 50, 75, 100, 125 and 150% of ETc, associated with different levels of carnauba bagana mulch (0.00, 2.50, 3.75, 5.00, and 6.25 cm). Effective Operating Cost (EOC), Total Operating Cost (TOC), Gross Revenue (GR), Operating Profit (OP), Profitability Index (PI) and Break-Even Price (BEP) were estimated. According to the indicators analyzed, it was found that this is a promising crop within the different agricultural production schools, with favorable rates for the producer. The variety evaluated presents high resistance as to the water limitation factor, showing positive indicators such as break-even point below the average prices practiced in the region.

2020 ◽  
Vol 19 ◽  
pp. 12

The objective of this work was to evaluate the production costs and profitability indexes of sorghum crop for silage production under different irrigation depths. The work was conducted at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Ceará (IFCE) – Umirim Campus, from September to December 2016. The treatments were arranged in 5 x 5 split plots with 5 replications. Irrigations were performed on a daily basis, and the applied depths were calculated based on crop evapotranspiration (ETc). The primary treatments were 50, 75, 100, 125 and 150% of ETc, associated with different levels of carnauba bagana mulch (0.00, 2.50, 3.75, 5.00, and 6.25 cm). Effective Operating Cost (EOC), Total Operating Cost (TOC), Gross Revenue (GR), Operating Profit (OP), Profitability Index (PI) and Break-Even Price (BEP) were estimated. According to the indicators analyzed, it was found that this is a promising crop within the different agricultural production schools, with favorable rates for the producer. The variety evaluated presents high resistance as to the water limitation factor, showing positive indicators such as break-even point below the average prices practiced in the region.

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 417-429
Claudia Simone Cordeiro Pelissoli ◽  
Aline Silva De Bona ◽  
Luciano Andreatta Carvalho da Costa

This case study deals with the conceptof Interpersonal Relationship, foreseen in the Pedagogical Projects of the course -PPC's Technologist in Management Processes of Campi of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio Grande do Sul. In addition to being described in PPCs, in profile of the course and the graduate, Interpersonal Relationship is also an extremely valued skill in the world of work. The main objective is to analyze how the concept of Interpersonal Relationship is worked through the courses in Technology inManagement Processes. Paulo Freire's theory and his considerations on critical awareness, dialogicity and humanization served as the basis for this study. The data were generated through interviews with four course coordinators (Porto Alegre, Farroupilha,Osório and Caxias do Sul), in order to analyze their understanding of the concept of Interpersonal Relationship and their insertion throughout the course. The results indicate that the concept of Interpersonal Relationship has a wide approach in some disciplines formalized in the Pedagogical Course Project, but also occurs informally in other disciplines, according to the teachers' pedagogical profile and practices. The work highlights the importance of developing and updating the Pedagogical Course Project, as it is the expression of the course. And it also stresses the relevance of addressing the concept of Interpersonal Relationship in the higher course of Technology in Management Processes, aiming at a humanized formation, extremely valued in the professional sphere.

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