scholarly journals The Effect of Think Pair Share (TPS) Learning Model With Problem Solving Approach on the Student's Math Communication in MA DA Jarowaru "

Samsuriadi Samsuriadi ◽  
Muhammad Ali Imron

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Think Pair Share (TPS) learning models with problem solving approaches. The approach used in this research is a qualitative approach with the type of experimental research "The effect of Think Pair Share (TPS) learning model with problem solving approach to students' mathematical communication in MA DA Jerowaru. Model Pair Pair Share (TPS), as the name "Thinking" learning begins with the teacher asking questions or issues related to the lesson for students to think about, "pairing", at this stage the teacher asks students to pair up pairs. Give the couple a chance to discuss. It is hoped that this discussion will be able to deepen the meaning of the answers they have thought through intersubjectives with their partners. The results of intersubjective discussions in each pair of results are discussed with the whole class pair. This stage is known as "sharing" in this activity. It is expected that question and answer will occur which encourages the integrative management of knowledge. Added to this is the emphasis on problem solving, namely the Problem Solving approach. Problem Solving is an approach that teaches students how to solve a problem. Meanwhile, according to Heriawan (in Istiqoma and Rusdi, 2012: 92). Problem Solving is a way of presenting learning material by making problems as a starting point for discussion to be analyzed in an effort to find solutions or answers by students.

Achmad Abdul Munif ◽  
Mokh. Fakhruddin S ◽  
Tatak Winata

This study began with the OME AKE learning model applied at MTs Al-Arief Jati Gili Genting Sumenep Madura, students were active in learning, even academic and non-academic achievements of students were very good. The study of this research is the application of the OME AKE learning model in MTs. Al-Arief Jate Gili Genteng Sumenep. This study uses a qualitative approach to the type of field research (field research). Steps The application of the OME AKE learning model in increasing the learning activeness of students at MTs Al-Arief Jate-Gili Genting-Sumenep runs according to the educational process standards. In learning, it refers to the syntax that is determined, with the first steps being learning orientation, modeling, topic exploration, analysis and problem solving, communicating the results and evaluation. The implementation of the OME AKE learning model in increasing student learning activeness is in children's learning being invited to do orientation or introduction to learning material, especially from the aspect of knowledge, after that children play a role according to their respective tasks, the children then analyze the material in detail, after the analysis is done then the results are conveyed to his friends in the form of presentations in groups and in class, the teacher then gives an evaluation of the process and results of the students. Students actively learn: such as paying attention (visual activities), listening, discussing, students 'readiness to ask questions, students' courage, listening and solving problems (mental activities).  

Hanifah Hanifah ◽  
Nanang Supriadi ◽  
Rany Widyastuti

Mathematical problem solving is a problem solving that uses mathematical problem solving. Students in the problem solving did not use the polya method so that students succeeded in difficulties. Educators still use conventional learning models so that students become bored, passive and reluctant to ask whether going forward working on the questions given by the educator, so that new learning models need to be applied. The e-learning learning model assisted with Edmodo learning media is an online presentation material on an Edmodo account using the mobile phone of students. PAM is the knowledge learned by students before getting learning material. This study aims to study the interaction of e-learning learning models assisted by Edmodo learning media to solve mathematical problems. This study is quantitative research. Data collection used with tests, interviews, collection and collection. The data analysis technique uses two-way anava test with cells that are not the same. From the results of the analysis, the influence of the e-learning learning model on mathematical problem solving abilities. It is necessary to question the high, medium, and low mathematical initial knowledge of Great mathematical problem solving ability, then there is no difference between assisted e-learning learning models edmodo, mathematical initial knowledge of mathematical problem solving abilities.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 13
Anggun Zuhaida

The Science Kids Community program is implemented using Group Investigation (GI) model which is part of cooperative learning. This study aims to explain the implementation of the Science Kids Community program based on GI and also to determine the results of improving problem-solving skills in students. This research is focused on the implementation of science learning in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI) students. The method used in this research is descriptive with qualitative approach. Instruments in this study, using questionnaire, problem solving test, and interview. Subjects in this study were the students of 5th class MI NU Miftahul Ulum 2 Kudus. The implementation of the Science Kids Community program with the GI model provides wider opportunities and authority for students to jointly solve problems of science learning. The results of problem solving skills, focused on 2 groups of students, namely students with high motivation category (category A) and students with moderate motivation category (category B). Obtained results, in Category A students: the maximum at the stage identify the problem, define the purpose, and execute the strategy. While the category B students, the new maximum at the stage of implementing the strategy. This can make the input for teachers, to more often implement group-based learning model / community to be able to improve students problem solving skills

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 28
I. F. Ntelok ◽  
I. B. N. Sudria ◽  
I. W. Suja

ABSTRAK Tujuan dari penelitian dan pengembangan pendidikan (R&D) ini adalah untuk (1) mendeskripsikan spesifikasi perangkat pembelajaran dengan model problem solving dan penalaran deduktif pada topik laju reaksi, (2) mendeskripsikan validitas dan tingkat keterbacaan, dan (3) mengetahui keefektifan dari perangkat pembelajaran melalui uji coba pendahuluan. Penelitian dan pengembangan ini konsisten mengikuti prosedur Borg dan Gall (1989) yang terbatas pada tahap uji coba pendahuluan mampu mewujudkan perangkat pembelajaran saintifik dengan efektif. Perangkat pembelajaran yang dikembangkan meliputi RPP, LKS, teks materi pelajaran, dan instrumen penilaian. Keseluruhan perangkat pembelajaran menyajikan materi dengan urutan pembelajaran yang sama, yakni sesuai dengan pendekatan saintifik yang diamanatkan oleh kurikulum 2013 dengan model pembelajaran problem solving melalui penalaran deduktif. Hasil validitas dan uji keterbacaan perangkat pembelajaran menunjukkan tingkat validitas yang memadai dan tingkat keterbacaan yang baik. Hasil uji coba pendahuluan di kelas XI SMA Negeri 4 Singaraja menunjukkan perolehan belajar siswa yang signfikan yakni skor postest lebih tinggi dari skor pretest dan kualitas NGS yang tergolong sedang baik per indikator maupun keseluruhan, perkembangan skor kinerja proses 5 M siswa cenderung mengalami peningkatan serta adanya apresiasi/ respon yang baik dari siswa selama mengikuti pembelajaran dengan menggunakan perangkat pembelajaran saintifik yang dikembangkan. Kata kunci: laju reaksi, model pembelajaran problem solving, penalaran deduktif, pendekatan saintifik, dan perangkat pembelajaran. ABSTRACT The aims of this educational research and development (R & D) were to (1) describe the specification scientific learning tools with problem solving learning model through deductive reasoning on topic reaction rate, (2) describe the validity and readability, and (3) determine the effectiveness of learning tools through preliminary field testing. This research and development consistent followed Borg and Gall (1989) model limited until preliminary field testing produce scientific learning tools effectively. Learning tools that were developed including lesson plan, student worksheet, learning material text, and assessment instruments. The whole of learning tools presented content with similar learning squncing, which is in appropriate with scientific approach instructed by 2013 curriculum with problem solving learning model through deductive reasoning. Validation result showed that learning tools had satisfy validity level. Learning tools also had satisfy readability level and can be comprehended by students. Preliminary field testing in class XI SMA Negeri 4 Singaraja showed a student learning outcomes that were significant namely the postest score higher than pretest score and NGS quality medium categorized on each indicator or overall, the score development of students’ performance processes 5M tended to increase and there was good appreciation / response from students in learning using the scientific learning tools which is developed.  Keywords: deductive reasoning, learning model, learning tool, problem solving model of teaching, reaction rate, and saintific approach.

Manoel Dos Santos Costa ◽  
Norma Suely Gomes Allevato

Resumo: Este artigo apresenta parte de uma pesquisa realizada com alunos em formação inicial de professores. O estudo é qualitativo e apresenta reflexões dos licenciandos referentes à possibilidade de trabalhar com a resolução de problemas enquanto metodologia de ensino e aprendizagem de Matemática. Nessa forma de trabalho, a construção de conhecimento se faz a partir de problemas (geradores), propostos como ponto de partida e orientação para o ensino e a aprendizagem de novos conceitos e/ou conteúdos. Os licenciandos perceberam que ela permite ao aluno vivenciar a construção de seu próprio conhecimento e aprender com profundidade as ideias matemáticas. Contudo, para isso o futuro professor precisa vivenciá-la para compreender a dinâmica do trabalho e perceber as conexões entre os conceitos. Dessa forma, será capaz de relacioná-los a diferentes tipos de problemas e, particularmente, ao cotidiano dos alunos.Palavras-chave: Educação Matemática; Resolução de Problemas; Formação Inicial. Initial education of future mathematics teachers from the perspective of problem solvingAbstract: The present paper shows part of a research conducted with students of initial teacher education. The study has a qualitative approach and reveals students’ reflections concerning the possibility of working with problem solving as a teaching and learning methodology in Mathematics. In that kind of work, knowledge is built from problems (generators) proposed as starting point and orientation for teaching and learning new concepts and/or contents. The initial education students realized that it allows the student to experience the construction of their own knowledge and to learn the mathematical ideas in depth. However, to that end, the future teachers must experience it to understand the work dynamics and see the connections between the concepts. Thus, they will be able to relate them to different kinds of problems and, particularly, to students’ daily lives.Keywords: Mathematics Education; Problem Solving; Initial Education. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Irsyam Irsyam

ABSTRAK Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas (classroom action research) yang terdiri atas dua siklus dengan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa klas XI-MIPA SMAN 7 Kabupaten Sinjai sejumlah tiga puluh tiga orang. Data tentang aktivitas siswa dan aktivitas guru dikumpulkan dengan lembar lembar instrumen observasi, dan data mengenai respon siswa tentang pembelajaran berbasis masalah menggunakan angket. Data tersebut dianalisis dengan menggunakan teknik analais data kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) pembelajaran kimia melalui model pembelajaran berbasis masalah, dapat meningkatkan kemampuan pemecahan masalah, hingga mencapai atau melampaui KKM, (2) pembelajaran kimia melalui pendekatan pemecahan masalah dengan menerapkan model pembelajaran berbasis masalah, dapat meningkatkan kualitas proses belajar kimia siswa yang ditunjukkan oleh aktivitas siswa mencapai kriteria ideal, (4) respon siswa terhadap kegiatan pembelajaran yang dialaminya mencapai rata-rata 92,42% . Kata Kunci: pemecahan masalah, pembelajaran berbasis masalah ABSTRACT The study is a classroom action research which consists of two cycles with descriptive qualitative approach. The subjects of the study were 33 students of grade XI of Science at SMAN 1 of Central Sinjai in Sinjai District. Data on students and tearchers’activities were collected by using observation sheet instrument and data on students’ responses conserning problem-based learning were collected by employing questionnaire. Those data were analyzed by employing qualitative data analyisis teacnique.The results of the study reveal that (1) learning Chemistry through problem-based learning model can improve problem solving competence and achieve or pass sthe KKM, (2) learning Chemistry through problem solving approach by applying problem-based learning model can improve students’ quality in learning Chemistry shown by students’ activities which achieved the ideal criteria, (4) students’ responses on learning activities achieved 92,42% in average. Keywords: problem based, problen-based learning

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 56
Yuni Wulandari ◽  
Hamdi ◽  
Akmam ◽  
Wahyuni Satria Dewi

The depth of the material is how detailed the concepts that exist in a learning material. Learning with a scientific approach is learning that is designed in such a way with the steps of observe, asking questions, gathering information, associating, and communicating. The research objective was to determine the level of application of a scientific approach and material depth based on the 2013 curriculum for SMA / MA with this type of research, namely descriptive research with a qualitative approach. The population in this study was the Edupark Physics book, a master's thesis development research. For standard books, namely Physics textbooks used in West Sumatra, Indonesia. The samples of this study were Physics textbooks Edupark Semurup Kerinci Hot Water and standard books, namely physics book class XI SMA / MA by Muhammad Farchani Rosyid, et al. The data were taken using research instruments and data analysis techniques in the form of analysis sheets The results showed that the depth of material in the Edupark book was higher, namely 79.87% compared to the MFR book which was 66.30% and both of them had the appropriate category. Meanwhile, the results of the application of the scientific approach to the Edupark textbook were 34.84% lower than the MFR book, which was 39.07%, but they had the same category, which was not suitable. Can show that the Edupark Hot Water Semurup Kerinci textbook material depth is higher than the standard book. And for the application of the scientific approach, Edupark's book is still a lot of subject matter that has not applied the steps of the scientific approach.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 137
Rita Retnowati ◽  
Rita Istiana ◽  
Nadiroh Nadiroh

The purpose of this research is to determine the effectiveness of the development of the Project-Based Learning (PjBL) model based on local wisdom in solving environmental problems and the students’ ability to develop learning media. Research conducted at Educational Faculty and teaching sciences of Pakuan University. This research uses the method of Research and Development with the ADDIE model, comprising analyses, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The data were obtained from the validation by three experts, namely learning material expert, learning media expert, and learning model expert. The effectiveness assessment was done by N-Gain assessment environmental problem-solving ability and evaluating the multimedia product. The steps to develop the model are as follows: need analysis, designing learning model development, learning model development, learning model validation by the experts, learning model implementation in class, and model evaluation. The product created by the students from learning through PjBL based on local wisdom is a video about local wisdom. According to the data analysis result, it can be concluded that model development of PjBL based on local wisdom improves their ability to solve environmental problems, the average score is 0.69 in experiment class and the score in control class is 0.055 (scales of 0-1.0). The ability to develop video environmental learning media the score video product in experiment class is 2.4 and in the control class is 2.2 (scales of 1-3).

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 5-8
Pratiwi Pratiwi ◽  
Erie Agusta

Problem-based learning model is a learning activity that requires physical and mental activity of students to understand a learning material through situations and problems presented at the beginning of learning with the aim to train students solve the problems by using problem-solving approach. This study aims to see the effect of problem-based learning model on student learning activities on the material interdependence in the ecosystem VII class. Variables in this research are problem-based learning model as independent variable and learning activity as dependent variable. The sample of this research is VII.C class as experiment class and VII.D class as control class. The method used in this research is all experimental method. Data collection techniques used were questionnaires and observation sheets to determine the level of student learning activity after applied problem-based learning model. H0 rejected and Ha accepted which means there is influence of problem-based learning model to student learning activities on the ecosystem materials.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 23-28
Khardiyawan A. Y. Pauweni ◽  
Moh. Efendi B. Iskandar

This study aims to improve students’ mathematical problem-solving ability through the Problem-Based Learning Model in Fractions learning material at grade VII of Junior High School SMP Negeri 10 Gorontalo. This classroom action research (CAR) involved 25 students as the subject and were conducted collaboratively between the researcher and teachers. This research was carried out in two cycles, and the first and second cycle consisted of three meetings, respectively. The instruments applied were an observation sheet of the teacher’s ability to manage the Problem-Based Learning Model, the observation sheet of students’ activity using the model above, and the ability tests to solve mathematical problems in the Fraction material. Further, the data were collected from observation and written tests. The results show an enhancement of the teacher’s ability in managing the Problem-Based Learning model and students’ activity using this model and the outcomes of mathematical problem-solving skill in the fractions learning material from cycle I to cycle II. Therefore, this finding indicates that the Problem-Based Learning model can be accepted as an alternative in learning Fractions at the research site.

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