scholarly journals Globalización: Las tecnologías de la información como reto actual de los negocios

2017 ◽  
Vol 11 (21) ◽  
Edward Saucedo Elizondo ◽  
Monica Blanco Jiménez ◽  
José Nicolás Barragán Codina

Keywords: Business, globalization, Information technology, Innovation.Abstract: This article presents the reasons why globalization has not only become the most recurrent theme of social scientists in the department issues and matters of political debate, but commonplace in the media which has passed into everyday language and family conversations. Aguilar (2002) says that globalization, as God, is omnipresent and omniscient somehow, since it would seem to explain everything that happens in the world, also over powerfully, because of its defenders say, nothing can be opposed to the force of globalization and the contrary it is a new way of life for humanity as a whole is imposed everywhere with the forcefulness of destiny. Globalization appears in our society with an overwhelming force, as an ongoing process that cannot be stopped, however, that focusing resources properly can counteract nations to dominate and get significant benefits for each country in different sectors. This paper briefly describes some benefits that globalization brings like the process of innovation and the use of Information Technology and the positives effects on nations simply do accept it in their business.Palabras clave: globalización, innovación, negocios, tecnología de la información.Resumen: En este artículo se presentan algunas razones por las que la Globalización se ha convertido no sólo en el tema más recurrente de los científicos sociales en asuntos de la cátedra y materia del debate político, sino también en tema corriente en los medios de comunicación de donde este fenómeno ha pasado al lenguaje cotidiano y a las conversaciones de las familias. Aguilar (2002) comenta que la globalización, como Dios, es omnipresente y de algún modo omnisapiente, puesto que parecería explicar todo lo que acontece en el mundo, además omnipoderosa porque al decir de sus defensores, nada se puede oponer a la fuerza de la globalización y al contrario se trata de una nueva forma de vida de la humanidad en su conjunto que se impone en todas partes. Como antecedente, la globalización aparece en nuestra sociedad con una fuerza arrasadora, como un proceso en marcha que no se puede detener, sin embargo que enfocando debidamente los recursos de las naciones se pueden contrarrestar hasta dominar y obtener beneficios importantes para cada país en sus diferentes sectores. El objetivo de este artículo es describir brevemente algunos beneficios que ha traído consigo la globalización como es el uso de las Tecnologías de la información y el proceso de innovación, que han beneficiado a las naciones por el simple hecho de aceptarlos como una estrategia en los negocios. Por lo se utiliza el método analítico teórico con un diseño de investigación exploratorio y descriptivo para obtener como resultado una serie de recomendaciones y posibles beneficios con el uso de las tecnologías de la información, así como los retos que impone la globalización.

Lucas Gabriel Franco Gomez ◽  
Lilian Maria Paes de Carvalho Ramos

O advento das mídias ocasionou impactos significativos no campo educacional, de forma que o ensino, a aprendizagem e a intervenção no mundo não puderam ser mais como antes. Diante do desafio de se reinventar e se adaptar metodologicamente às demandas geradas pelos novos dispositivos técnicos de comunicação, a escola passou a ser questionada não só quanto a seu papel precípuo, mas também sobre que resposta é capaz de oferecer às questões que surgiram envolvendo o uso das mídias em toda a sociedade. Entende-se que, nesse cenário, são forjadas propostas de mídia-educação irreflexivas e acríticas, mas também proposituras emancipadoras e críticas, as quais este artigo busca elucidar por meio de uma pesquisa bibliográfica.Palavras-chave: Escola. Relação escola-mídia. Sociedade.Emancipatory media educationAbstractThe advent of the media caused significant impacts in the educational field, so that teaching, learning and intervention in the world could not be more like before. Faced with the challenge of reinventing and adapting methodologically to the demands generated by the new technical devices of communication, theschool began to be questioned not only as to its primary role, but also about what response it can offer to the questions that have arisen involving the use of the media throughout society. It is understood that in this scenario are forged thoughtful and uncritical media-education proposals, but also emancipatory and critical propositions, which this article seeks to elucidate through a bibliographical research.Keywords: School. Media-education. Society.Educación mediática emancipadoraResumenEl advenimiento de los impactos significativos causó medios de comunicación en la educación para que la enseñanza, el aprendizaje y la intervención enel mundo no podían ser más que antes. Ante el reto de reinventarse y adaptarse metodológicamente las demandas generadas por los nuevos dispositivos técnicos de comunicación, la escuela fue cuestionada no sólo en cuanto a su función principal, sino también en lo que la respuesta es capaz de ofrecer a las preguntas que han surgido que implica el uso los medios de comunicación en toda la sociedad. Se entiende que en este escenario son las propuestas de las proposiciones y la crítica emancipatorios educación en medios no piensan y no críticos, sino también, que este artículo trata de dilucidar a través de una búsqueda en la literatura forjó.Palabras clave: Escuela. La educación en medios. La sociedad.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 21-36

A través de los años, los medios de comunicación se han posicionado como el cuarto poder del estado al ser una herramienta transmisora de contenido “valioso” para la sociedad. Ese contenido se despliega en diversos géneros, con el objetivo de transmitir mensajes, impartir conceptos y entretener, utilizando diversas técnicas, especialmente los dibujos animados, para captar en su audiencia a la niñez, especialmente. Estos dibujos son producidos en una diversidad de colores, tamaños y temas, muchas veces presentando contenido no aptos para su audiencia. Esta investigación propone, primero una clasificación de esos dibujos animados, según su contenido. Y en segunda instancia, comprender las preferencias de dibujos animados que los estudiantes de sexto grado de escuelas primarias oficiales urbanas, demuestran. La investigación focalizo dos casos de estudio, el de mayor y menor puntaje según las pruebas TERCE.   Abstract Over the years, the media has positioned itself as the fourth power in the world to be a transmitting tool of "valuable" content for society. This content is deployed in different genres, with the aim of transmitting messages, imparting concepts and entertaining, using different techniques, especially cartoons, to capture in their audience the childhood, especially. These drawings are produced in a variety of colors, sizes and themes, often presenting content not suitable for your audience. This research proposes, first, a classification of these cartoons, according to their content. And second, understand the cartoon preferences that sixth grade students from urban official elementary schools demonstrate. The research focused on two case studies, the highest and lowest score according to TERCE tests.

Keith Ray ◽  
Julian Thomas

Why is the Neolithic period in Britain of continuing importance today? For one thing, as we observed in the Introduction to this book, places like Stonehenge, Avebury, and the components of the Heart of Neolithic Orkney World Heritage Site such as Skara Brae, the Stones of Stenness, and the Ness of Brodgar provide an enduring fascination for a wide public, and therefore attract visitors from around the world (even if they don’t arrive presidentially, as Obama did). Confronted with these spectacular but enigmatic remains, it is inevitable that visitors will find themselves looking, and often struggling, for explanations that meet their expectations of the real world. Most obviously, they want to know who made these things, and why. Beyond this, many visitors also want to identify where these people came from, what mattered to them most in their lives, and, perhaps most important of all, how they are connected to those of us inhabiting ‘their’ space, however much it has changed, today. But an equally important issue is that the way we view the Neolithic can have important ramifications for our understanding of the contemporary world, and how it came into being. For example, the adoption of farming appears to have been an escalating process from which British societies have been unable to extricate themselves, and that has led to environmental degradation and other modern ills. But it has also been a process that has shaped our perception of the landscape, and of what is ‘natural’ in our environment. And while the majority of us live a metropolitan way of life in contemporary Britain, our everyday language nonetheless remains full of reference to the land and its working. The popular answers to the ‘whys’ of the Neolithic of Britain have been legion, ranging from the pre-industrial folk stories making intelligible the chambered mounds as giant’s graves or fairy caves, to antiquarian invocations of Merlin or the Druids, and more recent suggestions of priestly astronomers. Equally, as we saw in Chapter 1, each generation of academic archaeologists has brought new conceptual resources to bear on Neolithic Britain, and has come up with novel interpretations.

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 327
Rose Mara Pinheiro

O interesse desse trabalho volta-se para o ensino superior e sobre o curso de Jornalismo, onde os estudantes aprendem desde cedo a lidar com os meios de comunicação e as novas tecnologias. Como fruto do meu estágio de pós-doutoramento na Faculdade Cásper Líbero, a pesquisa pretende refletir sobre a relação Comunicação e Educação nos próprios cursos de comunicação, ou seja, se a apropriação das tecnologias da informação forma cidadãos críticos e conscientes de sua participação na sociedade. Quero chamar a atenção para a contribuição da Educomunicação para o Ensino Superior.Palavras-chave: Jornalismo; Educomunicação; Formação.AbstractThe interest of this paper turns to higher education and over the course of Journalism, where students learn early to deal with the media and new technologies. As a result of my post-doctoral internship at the Faculty Casper Libero, the research intends to reflect on the relationship Communication and Education in their own communication courses, that is, if the appropriation of information technology so critical and aware citizens of their participation in society. I want to draw attention to the contribution of the Media Education for Higher Education.Keywords: Journalism; Media Education; Education.RESUMENEl interés de este trabajo se convierte en la educación superior y en el curso de Periodismo, donde los estudiantes aprenden temprano para hacer frente a los medios de comunicación y las nuevas tecnologías. Como resultado de mi pasantía post-doctoral en la Facultad Cásper Líbero, la investigación tiene la intención de reflexionar sobre la relación de Comunicación y Educación en sus propios cursos de comunicación, es decir, si los ciudadanos la apropiación de la tecnología de la información de manera crítica y consciente de su participación en la sociedad. Quiero llamar la atención sobre la contribución de la Educomunicación para la Educación Superior.Palabras clave: Periodismo; Educomunicación; Enseñanza.

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 ◽  
Valentin Arapu ◽  

The pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus has multiple unknown sides, various hypotheses regarding the causes of this plague being launched. One of the hypotheses, circulating both in science and in the media, concerns a series of animals, carriers of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, subsequently transmitted through other animals to humans. Bats are among the possible mammals that are targeted in such contamination, but there is no clear evidence in this regard. Chiroptera play an important role in ecology, economy and human life, contributing to the protection and pollination of plants, the eradication of harmful insects in agriculture, the development of new remedies and pharmacological preparations, including anticoagulants. In Romanian folklore, bats have an evil image, a fact explained by their nocturnal way of life. Some practices of magical medicine were based on the use of certain parts of the bat’s body (blood, wings, paws, down) to treat certain diseases and mental ailments. The bat appears in children’s folklore, in stories and riddles, being a creature through which the little ones got to know the fauna and learned to hate the petty qualities of the human being. In the cultures of the world, the bat is ubiquitous in folklore, magic medicine and art

On 18 September 2014, a referendum took place in Scotland to determine the question of Scottish independence. Soon after, the independence issue recurred strongly as a topic in the UK general election of May 2015. This volume examines the media coverage of the referendum, analyzing how it was reported and structured in the media in Scotland, the wider United Kingdom, and in other parts of the world which had a direct interest in the outcome. In twenty chapters encompassing a rich variety of perspectives, scholars, commentators and journalists from Scotland, the rest of Britain, Europe, Canada and Australia examine how the media across the world presented the debate. By exploring how the media in their particular nations constructed coverage of the Scottish political debate, contributors from outside the UK illuminate a range of attitudes to nationalism and separatism in various countries which saw significance for themselves in the Scottish case. The book’s investigation of the shifting nature of Scottish – and British - identity thus revealed is thereby placed in an emphatically international context, alongside specific contributions from England, Wales and Northern Ireland, as well as Scotland itself. The consequences of the referendum are traced in the media until the aftermath of the May general election of 2015.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-19

The development of knowledge in the field of information and communication technology has received positive support from the world of education. The development of computers and supporting software can help in the visualization of objects or abstract concepts. The online learning system is one of the information technology breakthroughs that offers flexibility in a learning system. In addition, online media is very effective in creating an open learning environment, therefore online learning media is needed. One of the media is Facebook and Telegram. The purpose of this development is to utilize Facebook and Telegram as a means of collaboration in the world of learning. In addition, it is also to determine the effectiveness of the interactions that occur in online learning. Facebook and telegram learning was developed as material for social media groups by utilizing websites, blogs, yahoogroups, virtual laboratories, and google as supporting programs. The advantage of Facebook is that it is equipped with chat facilities that provide other sites. Facebook is a place for teachers, students, and enthusiasts of thermochemistry to interact outside of the classroom. Facebook was developed to be used for learning group members without the presence of a teacher or instructor, can be accessed by group members at any time and costs are relatively affordable, and can support information technology-based network programs according to government programs

Comunicar ◽  
2005 ◽  
Vol 13 (25) ◽  
Teresa Sibón-Macarro

The teaching of a language must invariable go hand in hand with the culture of the people who speak it as they infuse it with their way of life, their surroundings and their social relationships. This inseparable association of language and culture gains special relevance in the field of the media and, specifically, in relation to televisión. Today, every specialized course worthy of mention, involved in the learning of one’s native language (L1), a second language (SL) or foreign language (FL), dedicate a significant part of their study to this type of media. We are approaching a potencial instrumentation of televisión as a didactic tool in the language classroom with its interpretation of culture. La enseñanza de una lengua siempre va de la mano de la cultura, pues lo que da vida a un idioma es la misma vida que le insuflan sus hablantes en las relaciones humanas y con su entorno. Esta indisociable hermandad entre lengua y cultura cobra una especial personalidad en el ámbito de los medios de comunicación social, y, en concreto, desde la TV. Hoy día, todos los master que se precien, implicados en la adquisición/ aprendizaje de lengua materna, segundas lenguas o lenguas extranjeras, dedican alguno de sus módulos a este tipo de recursos. Las vivencias a las que nuestros alumnos están abiertos, nos remiten a las que comparten habitualmente con sus familiares, amigos, colegas, compañeros... Parece que hay unas «aduanas» cuando procuramos trabajar desde la enseñanza de las lenguas y las culturas que estas transmiten. Dichas aduanas se consiguen superar mediante un conocimiento presupuesto/ previo compartido por los interlocutores. En el caso de la TV, y analizado como recurso curricular, la peculiaridad de los interlocutores viene informada por la habilidad del profesional de la enseñanza en «manipular» didácticamente la TV en el aula. Quedan a su albedrío la conjugación del principio de cooperación y del cortesía, junto con las competencias pragmáticas que conforman todo el proceso de comunicación inserto en el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje. Por un lado, pensamos que ser buen receptor de la TV, de estos canales de comunicación, significa convertirse en un buen potencial-instrumentalizador de los mismos; bien sea en el entorno familiar de los aprendices o bien sea en el ámbito de aula inserto en el contexto de aprendizaje reglado. Queremos llamar la atención, entre otras «herramientas» que nos proporciona la TV, en la TV Vía Satélite. Esta es otra nueva tecnología muy interesante, particularmente a la hora de proporcionar cantidades ilimitadas de materiales variados. Los países desarrollados americanos, europeos y asiáticos, retransmiten programas vía satélite que aunque no son importantes en sus respectivos países sí se ven en otros que tienen interés por su lengua, su cultura y sus acontecimientos políticos y económicos. Esta es una fuente incalculable de materiales para el vídeo y tampoco es tan cara si se compara con el coste de otros laboratorios (fotografía, ciencias, etc.) Por otro lado, queremos llamar la atención en la idea de que ser un buen observador y evaluador de los recursos en el aprendizaje, nos lleva de la mano hacia la reivindicación de la adaptación de la TV a personas con deficiencia visual o auditiva. ¿La comunicación bimodal y la TV de calidad? No siempre la adaptación atiende a las edades y niveles socioculturales, o a los comportamientos lingüísticos y conductual del estudiante-televidente. La manipulación de este medio queda entonces en manos de las pautas que el docente pueda y sepa transmitir a un técnico para amoldar las formas y los contenidos a los requerimientos educacionales en el aula; en ocasiones nos hemos visto abocados a abordar el aprendizaje desde secuencias que ya nos llegan fragmentadas como los anuncios publicitarios, con el consiguiente riesgo del bagaje cultura que implican las metáforas, las inferencias, las implicaturas, la relevancia.

2012 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 57

Globalization is happening at the present time, have an impact on all aspects of human life, including how humansacquire and convey information. As the world becomes cosmopolitan, so as to create cultural uniformity that makes human communication affect each other even though the place is very far apart. One of the demands of globalization is the information accessible to the whole society. Thus, the existing media industry should be able to meet that demand. One effort that needs to be done by the media industry is to make the adjustments to the advancement of existing technology. The globalization of information that played by the media industry has put developing countries as a share of the world information society that requires the establishment of regulation and use of information technology in each country in response to developments in both regional and international levels. Activities use of information technology should be developed without compromising the rights of audience in a fair manner, so that the violations related to the use of information technology can be avoided through the application of uniform principles and rules in each country.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 129-138
Wiji Nurasih

This paper seeks to examine the insights of the Qur’an about radicalism and how to deal with it in the millennial era by utilizing information technology to realize moderate Islam. At present the notion of radicalism has spread through various means and has become a troubling problem. This needs to be dealt with seriously in order to realize peace and tranquility in life throughout the world. Al-Qur’an as a way of life for Muslims also contains things about the problems of mankind, instructions for their settlement and so forth. So in this paper we will examine how the Qur’an talks about radicalism and seek solutions to these problems. Data sources were obtained through literature review and explained descriptively analytically. The study was conducted through a review of several interpretations of the Qur’an and other supporting sources. From this study, the results show that human radical behavior that occurs among humans has been described in Surat al-Baqarah verse 30. Then in this verse also Allah SWT states that he will make a caliph on earth. Departing from this verse, the author tries to contextualize it now so that the millennial generation can play a role in addressing and overcoming the phenomenon of radicalism by utilizing information technology in accordance with the guidance of the Qur’an

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