2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (11) ◽  
pp. 141-121
Ibnu Artadi

In line with the identity of "rechstaat" and "the rule of law", the law must recognize and guarantee human rights in order to establish a just order, because justice goes hand in hand with the structure of human rights. The realization of the Criminal Procedure Code which functions to protect human rights comprehensively, in line with the demands of the Convention Against Torture, is a basic requirement towards the era of rule of law. So, the purpose of this article is to analyze the quality of the implementation of law enforcement that is not in accordance with the principles of law regarding the behavior of good law enforcement officials. The method used is qualitative with a sociolegal approach. The conclusion of this article is that one of the authority of legislation is its success in adapting to international conventions recognized by the affected people. The Criminal Procedure Code as an integral part of the national law of the Indonesian state law must be in line with Law No. 5 of 1998 concerning the Ratification of the Convention Against Torture. For this reason, looking at the weaknesses of the Criminal Procedure Code, both substantively and in practice, renovating the Criminal Procedure Code is urgent. The lack of perfection of the legal substance of the Criminal Procedure Code in providing human rights protection in a country that acts as a state of law is disastrous. In accordance with the rule of law, the law must recognize and guarantee human rights in order to establish a just order, because justice goes hand in hand with the structure of human rights.

2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 395-426
Yahyanto Yahyanto

The fundamental principle of human rights is that all people are born free and have equality in human rights. Equality requires equal treatment; it means that anyone should be treated equally in any condition before the law. The idea of Human Rights in the Draft of the Law on Criminal Procedure Code, which will be upheld, will become a new legalized law in the future, not apart from lifting and placing a suspect, defendant, and convicted dignified position as a creature of God. Moreover, in the end, declarative human rights principles will not mean much if the stage of the rule of law does not follow them.Fundamental dari hak asasi manusia adalah ide yang meletakkan semua orang terlahir bebas dan memiliki kesetaraan dalam hak asasi manusia. Kesetaraan mensyaratkan adanya perlakuan yang setara, dimana pada situasi sama harus diperlakukan dengan sama, dimana pada situasi yang berbeda diperlakukan dengan berbeda pula.  Pemikiran HAM dalam RUU KUHAP  yang akan diundangkan menjadi UU kedepan, tidak terlepas  mengangkat dan menempatkan seorang tersangka, terdakwa dan terpidana dalam kedudukan yang bermartabat sebagai makhluk ciptaan Tuhan. Dan pada akhirnya, prinsip-prinsip HAM yang bersifat deklaratif tidak akan banyak berarti apabila tidak diikuti dengan tahap supremasi hukum. 

to-ra ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 34
Thomas Abbon

Abstract   The issue of upholding the rule of law is a chore that must be resolved by the current government. The state and nation have been disadvantaged from all aspects, because in the end the harassment of the law has given rise  to corruption, collusion and nepotism. One of the things that stands out about law enforcement is the issue of detention and suspension of detention and sentencing that has to do with detention. The problem of detention and the detention in practice so far has been widely distorted by unscrupulous law enforcers and this institution has become an "open business arena". Detention and suspension of detention is actually a legal effort, which aims to realize the enforcement of the law itself, because detention is only allowed as long as there is suf cient preliminary evidence, and detention is solely in order to facilitate investigation / examination and besides that detention is also intended as protecting the suspect / defendant from violence / other people (eigenrichting).   The suspension of detention should be able to be given to every suspect / defendant who provides guarantees according to the law, unless otherwise speci ed in certain cases. In addition there is another side of the Criminal Procedure Code which determines that detention is part of punishment, so it has become a habit in practice that if a suspect / defendant who was originally detained "must be sentenced" .From the facts that are decomposed in the past this has brought a a very dif cult situation to nd out who really deserves detention or suspended detention and it turns out everyone is nally able to pay "anything" to release himself from the snare of detention even though it should not be his right.   Keywords: rule of law; corruption, collusion, and nepotism; legal effort.  

Komang Ekayana

Corrupted state assets certainly hurt the country narrowly, but also broadly where it harms the country and its people. However, the formal approach through the current criminal procedure law has not been able to recover the losses suffered by the state. In fact, state losses resulting from corruption are state assets that must be saved. Then there needs to be a new breakthrough to recover state losses through the asset recovery model. When looking at the country from the perspective of the victims, the state must obtain protection, in this case recovery from the losses suffered due to corruption. This paper examines the model of returning assets resulting from corruption in the law enforcement process that focuses on the rule of law in the 2003 UNCAC Convention and the mechanism of returning state assets in terms of Law No. 20 of 2001 concerning amendments to Law No. 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication of Corruption Crimes. 

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (3.21) ◽  
pp. 317
M Zamroni ◽  
. .

Hope to have legislation that specifically set while an umbrella in running materialize advocate profession, lawyers are more confident in addition to other law enforcement officials, such as judges, prosecutors and police, as well as respected as an equal partner in the law enforcement process. But the big question is how the existence of the profession of advocate Indonesia before and after the enlawment of Act Number 18 of 2003 concerning the Advocate, as well as any constraints that occur in their implementation. The rule of law relating to the profession of advocate before the enLawment of Act Number 18 of 2003 concerning The Advocate, scattered in various laws, such as Act Number 1 of 1946 on the Law of Criminal Code, Act Number 1 of 1950 on the Supreme Court, Emergency Act Number 1 of 1951 governing temporary measures to organize the unity of the pecking order and civil court events, and Herziene Indlandsch Regalement (HIR). Before the release of Act Number 18 of 2003 concerning Advocates, advocate the use of the term in prLawice there has been no standard for the profession. In various provisions of the legislation of any inconsistency pr. For example Act Number 14 of 1970, as has been replaced by Act Number 35 of 1999, and was replaced again by Act Number 4 of 2004 as well as the latter is replaced by Act Number 48 of 2009, regarding the power of Justice, to use the term legal aid and lawyers. Birth of the Act of the Republic of Indonesia Number 18 of 2003 concerning The Advocate is the expectation of a long delayed during the 58 years since the independence of the Republic of Indonesia, the laws governing the profession of advocate a free, independent and responsible for the implementation of a judicial honest, fair, and legal certainty for all seekers of justice in upholding the law, truth, justice, and human rights.  

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Dodik Hartono ◽  
Maryanto Maryanto

ABSTRAK�Penelitian dengan judul Peranan Dan Fungsi Praperadilan Dalam Menegakkan Hukum Pidana di Polda Jateng. Berdasarkan uraian dalam Tesis ini, permasalahan yang akan yang akan di teliti adalah: 1) Bagaimanakah fungsi dan peran praperadilan dalam penegakan hukum di Indonesia berdasarkan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku? 2) Apa hambatan dalam pelaksanaan fungsi dan peran pra peradilan dalam penegakan hukum di Polda Jateng? 3) Bagaimanakah solusi dari hambatan dalam pelaksanaan fungsi dan peran pra peradilan dalam penegakan hukum di Polda Jateng?Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa : 1) Maksud dan tujuan utama yang hendak ditegakkan dan dilindungi, dalam proses praperadilan yaitu tegaknya hukum dan perlindungan hak asasi tersangka dalam tingkat pemeriksaan penyidikan dan penuntutan. Pasal 1 butir 10 KUHAP dipertegas dalam Pasal 77 KUHAP yang menyebutkan Pengadilan Negeri berwenang untuk memeriksa dan memutus, sesuai dengan ketentuan yang diatur dalam undang-undang. Wewenang pengadilan untuk mengadili dalam praperadilan dijelaskan dalam Pasal 95 KUHAP. 2) Hambatan dalam pelaksanaan fungsi dan peran praperadilan dalam penegakan hukum di Polda Jateng meliputi : a. hakim lebih banyak memperhatikan perihal dipenuhi atau tidaknya syarat-syarat formil penangkapan dan penahanan, atau ada tidaknya perintah penahanan dan sama sekali tidak menguji dan menilai syarat materilnya. b. setiap pelaksanaan upaya paksa selalu ada perenggutan HAM. c. pemeriksaan untuk melakukan penahanan, masih ada penyalahgunaan dalam tahap penyidikan oleh Polisi dan penuntutan oleh jaksa. d. selain luasnya kewenangan penyidikan dalam menentukan bukti permulaan yang cukup, pengawasan terhadap kewenangan tersebut juga lemah. 3) Solusi dari hambatan dalam pelaksanaan fungsi dan peran praperadilan dalam penegakan hukum di Polda Jateng meliputi : ����������� a. Diperlukan upaya kontrol terhadap setiap aparat penegak hukum pada lembaganya masing-masing secara vertikal. b. KUHAP perlu direvisi khususnya mengenai mekanisme saling mengawasi antara penegak hukum dan lembaga dalam subsistem peradilan. c. diperlukan peran aktif hakim dalam menggunakan kewenangannya pada saat pemeriksaan pokok perkara untuk mempertimbangkan penyidikan atau penuntutan yang tidak sesuai dengan ketentuan hukum acara atau yang melawan hukum guna menghindari penyalahgunaan HAM. d. dalam tahap ajudikasi, hakim seharusnya berkonsentrasi untuk menentukan hasil pembuktian di persidangan dan dalam tahap ini, hakim dapat menilai apa yang terjadi dalam tahap praajudikasi.Kata Kunci : Peranan dan Fungsi, Praperadilan, Penegakan Hukum Pidana�ABSTRACT�Research with the title Role And Practice Function In Enforcing Criminal Law in Central Java Regional Police. Based on the description in this Thesis, the issues that will be examined are: 1) How is the function and role of pretrial in law enforcement in Indonesia based on the prevailing laws and regulations? 2) What are the obstacles in the implementation of pre-justice functions and roles in law enforcement in the Central Java Regional Police? 3) How is the solution of the obstacles in the implementation of functions and the role of pre-judiciary in law enforcement in Central Java Regional Police?The results of the study conclude that: 1) The main purpose and objectives to be upheld and protected, in the pre-trial process, namely the enforcement of the law and the protection of human rights of suspects in the level of investigation and prosecution investigation. Article 1 point 10 of the Criminal Procedure Code is affirmed in Article 77 of KUHAP stating that the District Court has the authority to examine and decide upon, in accordance with the provisions stipulated in law. The jurisdiction of the courts to adjudicate in pre-trial is described in Article 95 of the Criminal Procedure Code. 2) Obstacles in the implementation of functions and the role of pretrial in law enforcement in Central Java Police include: a. judges pay more attention to whether or not the formal conditions for arrest and detention, or whether there is a detention order and not test and judge material requirements at all. b. every execution of forced efforts is always a rush of human rights. c. checks for detention, there is still abuse in the investigation stage by the Police and prosecution by the prosecutor. d. besides the extent of investigative authority in determining sufficient preliminary evidence, the oversight of the authority is also weak. 3) Solutions from obstacles in the implementation of functions and pretrial roles in law enforcement in Central Java Police include: a. Control of each law enforcement apparatus is required on each institution vertically. b. The Criminal Procedure Code needs to be revised, especially regarding the mechanism of mutual supervision between law enforcement and institutions within the judicial system. c. an active role of the judge in the use of authority at the time of examination of the principal matter to consider investigations or prosecutions that are not in accordance with the provisions of procedural law or against the law in order to avoid abuse of human rights. d. in the stage of adjudication, the judge should concentrate on determining the results of the evidence in the hearing and in this stage the judge can judge what happened in the pre-certification stage.Keywords: Roles and Functions, Pretrial, Criminal Law Enforcement

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 94-100
Nuryuli Nurdin ◽  
Baso Madiong ◽  
Yulia A. Hasan

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Pelaksanaan Fungsi Balai Pemasyarakatan (BAPAS) Makassar Dalam Perlindungan Hak Asasi Manusia Pada Sistem Pidana Anak dan Kendala Balai Pemasyarakatan dalam Perlindungan Hak Asasi Manusia Pada Sistem Peradilan Anak. Penelitian merupakan penelitian normatif. Metode Pengumpulan Data melalui wawancara dan dokumentasi. Teknis Analisis data ini merupakan analisis kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Balai Pemasyarakatan kelas I Makassar sebagai salah satu penegak hukum khususnya dalam pembimbingan terhadap anak nakal menjalankan perannya tersebut melalui tiga tahap, yaitu tahap Pra ajudikasi, tahap ajudikasi dan tahap Post ajudikasi. Faktor kendala yang dihadapi dalam pelaksanaan Fungsi Balai Pemasyarakatan (BAPAS) antara lain kelemahan aturan hukum yang berlaku terhadap tindak pidana anak, kurangnya koordinasi diantara sesama aparat penegak hukum, rendahnya kualitas sumber daya manusia di BAPAS, and kurang Sarana dan Prasarana yang memadai. Mengakibatkan pelaksaan Fungsi Balai Pemasyarakatan (BAPAS) kurang optimal, dan alokasi anggaran dana yang sangat minim. This study aims to determine the implementation of the function of Makassar Correctional Center (BAPAS) in the Protection of Human Rights in the Criminal Justice System of Children and the Obstacles of the Correctional Center in the Protection of Human Rights in the Justice System of Children. This research is normative research. Data collection methods were through interviews and documentation. Technical analysis of the data is a qualitative analysis. The results showed that Correctional Center Class I Makassar as one of the law enforcers, especially in guiding delinquents carried out their roles in three stages, which are the Pre-adjudication stage, the adjudication stage and the Post-adjudication stage. Obstacles faced in the implementation of the function of Correctional Center (BAPAS) are weaknesses in the rule of law that applies to the crimes of children, lack of coordination among law enforcement officials, low quality of human resources at BAPAS, and lack of adequate facilities and infrastructure. As a result, the implementation of the function of Correctional Center (BAPAS) is not optimal, and the budget allocation for funds is very minimal.

Sugeng Sutrisno

Law enforcement in the Military Court System in the settlement of criminal cases committed by TNI soldiers is seen as not yet fully guaranteeing legal protection for the rights of suspects, this is due to the absence of a control agency that oversees the actions of law enforcement officers in carrying out their duties and authorities as is the case in the system. General Court. This condition should not drag on indefinitely, because it will affect the law enforcement process and harm the suspect to fight for his rights to obtain justice which results in human rights violations (TNI soldiers). The purpose of the establishment of the Pretrial Institution is as stated in the Elucidation of Article 80 of the Criminal Procedure Code which states that this article intends to uphold law, justice, and truth through horizontal supervision. Settlement of criminal cases in Indonesia in addition to the Code of Criminal Procedure Code (KUHAP) which applies to civil society, we also recognize the existence of the Military Criminal Procedure Code which is regulated in Law Number 31 of 1997 concerning Military Courts, namely the law that regulates the procedure for resolving criminal cases. a criminal case committed by a TNI soldier. The Law on Military Courts includes the provisions of the litigation process (Military Criminal Procedure Law) starting from the investigation stage, submission of cases, the examination process at trial to the implementation of decisions. 31 of 1997 does not regulate pretrial. In several cases in the Military Court where a suspect was detained without a warrant for detention or was late in obtaining a warrant for detention, therefore such actions may conflict with the principles applicable in the provisions of criminal law so that they do not respect the position of the suspect as a creature created by God, even the act can lead to human rights violators. Therefore, in the military justice system in Indonesia, pretrial institutions are needed as a form of horizontal external supervision.

2003 ◽  
Vol 175 ◽  
pp. 623-642 ◽  
Ronald C. Keith ◽  
Zhiqiu Lin

This article examines the CCP's “falun gong problem” with reference to PRC law and policy on “heretical cults,” paying particular attention to the implications of this problem for the ongoing struggle to establish human rights under the rule of law. Official PRC commentary contends that the falun gong not only committed criminal acts but also wilfully sought to undermine the rule of law itself. Human rights critics and agencies, such as the US Commission on International Religious Freedom, have, on the other hand, attacked the PRC for a “repressive legal framework” that threatens human rights. The “falun gong problem” is an important chapter in the struggle for the rule of law in China, and it appears that the law has not been able to transcend the conceptual bias of past criminal law on counter-revolution. The related politicization of the law through a revived principle of “flexibility” challenges the internal process of criminal justice reform and the recent reform focus on the balance of human rights protection and public order.

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 216
Cecep Wiharma

The law society's awareness of the factors that strongly holds an important role in the efforts of the law enforcement itself, because it is this persfektif that need to be arranged so that the rule of law in this country can run. The relevance of the rule of law in the perspective of the rule of Justice as part of the legal consciousness of the public, is an alternative effort over mistrust against law enforcement officials of the ruling is positive and which is the mainstream of the view legalistic. When talking about the law in persfektif justice in the area of ethics or morality and does not discuss the legal issues in a sense narrow. How positive law is made, and whether it has made positive law represents the community's sense of fairness, as well as the legal apparatus that this mentality of enforcing the law? The culture of the law society legal culture depends on its members which is influenced by the background of his education, the environment, culture, position, even the interests. Keywords: Law enforcement, Legal Awareness, and Justice

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 89-108
Ewang Sone Andrew

The incorporation of habeas corpus and bail in the Cameroonian Criminal Procedure Code has not only entrenched them in law, but has also widened and deepened their scope, with a view to obtaining, as far as possible, the respect for human rights and the rule of law in order to ensure a more functional criminal justice system in Cameroon. The incorporation of habeas corpus and bail in the Cameroon criminal trial process will restrain the arbitrary and illegal use of the powers of the judicial police officers and ensure respect of human rights. Although there are some challenges in the application of habeas corpus and bail such as misuse of the remedies by some overzealous authorities, defiance of court orders in the enforcement of the writ of habeas corpus by administrative authorities, and erosion of confidence in the Judiciary, there is optimism in the conscious efforts being made to ensure that habeas corpus and bail are properly applied so that the Cameroonian Criminal Procedure Code attains its full potential.

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