scholarly journals Dakwah Fardiyah Penganten Baru

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 79
Nelson Nelson

This article is a study of literature about the formulation of Da'wah fardiyah towards married couples to realize sakinah family. The researcher interests to investigate this case because if it observeded, newmarried couple who have various level of education. According to the researcher assumption that at this time there is new married couple in forming a family like flowing water, where the direction is, anchored still in the shadow. Therefore, the researcher formulates the problems of how to formulate da'wah fardiyahtoward new married couple to realize sakinah family. While the purpose of this research is to make the formulation of da'wah fardiyahtoward new married couple to realize sakinah family. The primary and secondary data sources were taken from books related toda’wah Islamic as well as some commentary, communication science and magazine. The results of research in-depth study of various sources showed that the effort to realize the family into sakinah family based on Islamic values is one of responsibilities of Muslims and he who has competence in their field. People who have competence in the field is proselytizer and the element that has the authority is government. The government as an extension to Ministry of Religious Affairs in which there are religious counselors. Therefore da'i in the spiritual field and the government can support of funds. The formulation of da'wah fardiyah against newly married husband and wife to realize sakinah family that is some stage that is stage, preparation consist of preparation of proselytizer and preparation of target and program. Then the implementation stage is consisting of introduction, approach and delivery of materials, program evaluation, program maturation and establishment of cadres of proselytizer.

Giovani Anggasta Setiawan

This study aims to be able to find facts and the right way to behave and communicate interpersonally for newly married couples especially for wives who continue to work. This study uses a qualitative descriptive research method that is a study that describes the object of research based on field studies that are able to show the facts. Researchers get data sources through informants or resource persons, namely young couples newly married. Data is divided into 2 namely primary data and secondary data. Primary data through interviews with sources, secondary data through books, internet, & journals. Several previous studies stated that the lower the level of work conflict, the higher the level of marital satisfaction of a couple. The results of this study indicate that the process of interpersonal communication between newly married couples is very important. In this day and age an objection for a wife can still work to be something that is relative / dependent on each individual. There is nothing that determines that a wife works is a wrong thing. Responding to this, there are 3 things that can be done to maintain the quality of communication between the husband and wife, namely: 1. Understand & fulfill their respective roles in the family, 2. Establish the order of priorities for activities that will be the responsibility of the family, 3. Develop a strategy for interpersonal communication after the two agree on what kind of activities will be undertaken during a married life.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 676
Slamet Widodo ◽  
Herlambang Brawijaya ◽  
Samudi Samudi

Marriage is a spiritual bond between a man and a woman to form a happy and eternal home or family based on the Godhead. Nevertheless, many divorces still occur in the community today. Suscatin is a solution provided by the Government to overcome divorce which is getting higher every year. But there are still obstacles in the organization of Suscatin. The Suscatin implementation is still done manually, where to conduct the exam the bride and groom write on a piece of paper. In addition, the implementation was carried out on the effective day, so the bride and groom could not attend. For this reason, this research was conducted to design a web-based learning system that can facilitate the Office of Religious Affairs and prospective brides. So that the material about marriage can be studied without any obstacles both in terms of time and place of implementation. It is expected to be able to anticipate disputes and divorce as well as violence in the family in order to create a sakinah, mawaddah, and rahmah family

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
Kokoh Prasetyo ◽  
Ertien Rining Nawangsari ◽  
Johan Vivaldi Alex Sander

Indonesia is a country that has quite a large population, one of which is the largest population in the city of Surabaya as a metropolis. With this large number of people, the poverty rate for families in the community is high, so the government provides a program to break the poverty chain, the Family Hope Program (PKH). The purpose of this study is to determine the implementation of social empowerment in the city of Surabaya through the family hope program that can make the community / beneficiary socially and economically independent life and measure the family hope program as a manifestation of community independence. This study used descriptive qualitative method. Data sources consist of primary data and secondary data. Primary data sources were obtained from observations and interviews. Data processing is done through the process of data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion checking or verification. The analysis used in this research is to use the basic principle model of community independence. The results of this study, show that social empowerment through the family of hope program by using a model of community independence is still not going well to create an economically and socially independent community. This can be seen from the data of the community / beneficiaries can live independently after receiving a family of hope program. Through the basic principle model of community independence from Sunyoto Usman (2003) which includes: creating climate, strengthening power, and protecting.Keywords: Human Development Index, Social Empowerment,Welfare

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (02) ◽  
pp. 235-246
Nurina Prawinin Tyas ◽  
Nurmala Ahmar ◽  
M. Ardiansyah Syam

ABSTRACT        This study aims to test and prove the empirical evidence of the Financial Distress Prediction Model of Family Companies in Indonesia with the Beneish Ratio Index. The sample used in this study is a group of family companies in Indonesia which are listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange with an observation period of 31 December 2014 to 2018. The research method used is a quantitative method with a survey approach for secondary data. The Days Sales in Receivable Index (DSRI), Sales Growth Index (SGI), Sales General and Administrative Index (SGAI), and Leverage Index (LVGI) variables do not differ in the treatment of the Beneish Model components based on the Financial Distress status of the Family Group Company. Variable Gross Margin Index (GMI), Asset Quality Index (AQI), Depreciation Index (DEPI), and Total Accruals to Total Assets Index (TATA) differ in the treatment of the Beneish Model component based on the Financial Distress status of the Family Company Group. This research contributes to the parties concerned with the prediction of financial distress, such as auditors and the government in assessing the potential for financial distress in the company. ABSTRAK         Studi ini bertujuan untuk menguji dan membuktikan bukti empiris Model Prediksi Financial Distress Grup Perusahaan Keluarga Di Indonesia Dengan Beneish Ratio Index. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Grup perusahaan keluarga di Indonesia yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia dengan periode pengamatan 31 Desember 2014 hingga 2018. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kuantitatif dengan pendekatan survey untuk data sekunder. Variabel Days Sales in Receivable Index (DSRI), Sales Growth Index (SGI), Sales General and Administrative Index (SGAI), dan Leverage Index (LVGI) tidak ada perbedaan perlakuan komponen Beneish Model berdasarkan status Financial Distress pada Grup Perusahaan Keluarga. Variabel Gross Margin Index (GMI), Asset Quality Index (AQI), Depreciation Index (DEPI), dan Total Accruals to Total Assets Index (TATA) ada perbedaan perlakuan komponen Beneish Model berdasarkan status financial distress pada Grup Perusahaan Keluarga. Riset ini memberikan panduan kepada pihak-pihak yang berkepentingan terhadap memprediksi financial distress yang akan terjadi dalam perusahaan ataupun industri, pihak yang berkepentingan seperti Auditor dan Pemerintahan. JEL Classification : G32, M41

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 249
St. Haniah ◽  
Sam’un Mukramin

Elections for Regional Heads always experience the complexity of problems that lead to prolonged social conflicts without massive evaluation to minimize them. Not a few also happened, which involved various society and government institutions that participated in the contest. The research objective was to analyze and find the resolution of conflicts in Bulukumba Regency due to the democratic party of the Regional Head General Election. The research method is presented in a descriptive qualitative form with a case study approach. Primary and secondary data sources with data collection techniques, observation, interviews, and documentation. The analysis was data carried out through reduction, presentation, verification, and conclusions based on the data's validity. Among the conflict resolutions formulated, namely: a) local wisdom is the locomotive of peace to minimize social conflicts that lead to social disintegration. The implementation stage is a collective awareness built by the local community itself as an essential building for existing values and norms, b) The adaptation roles and of institutional functions in breaking down and applying rules is a potential superior as a latent function and a real function in preventing social conflicts that will occur, both micro and macro aspects that lead to movements preventive, persuasive and repressive role, and c) To suppress behavior deviant during the democratic party process, money politics must be stopped and avoided by the existence of associative relationships between the community and local wisdom values and the government through adaptive roles and functions. Institution authorized social.

Muhamad Badru Salam ◽  
Adie Dwiyanto Nurlukman ◽  
Amiludin Amiludin ◽  
Irwandi Irwandi

Cyberbullying in cyberspace involves a variety of behavioral risks, including bullying and provoking hostility on the internet. This study aims to determine the involvement of children at a young age on social media as victims of cyberbullying cases, as well as the role of the government in efforts to reduce cases of victims of abuse on social media so that it will decrease. The method used in this study uses qualitative research in the form of literature review with systematic mapping study techniques using secondary data such as reports and documents related to research. The results of this study indicate that the factors of social support are very influential for children because the origin of sexual violence or sexual harassment on social media is from the closest people doing social activities with children and how the family practices good parenting, monitoring how children get along with people. another, household harmony is very influential on children.

Bastiar Bastiar

In Islamic law, a marriage contract is not only a civil matter but also a very strong sacred bond that is worth of worship. Therefore, marriage must be maintained properly to realize the sakinah mawaddah wa rahmah family, but when it is in a sacred bond, there are some couples who are reluctant to fulfill their responsibilities and demand right that are not theirs so that the sakinah family will be difficult to be actualized. This study aimed to determine the understanding of husband and wife about rights and responbilities, and a significant relationship between the rights and obligations acomplishment of husband and wife in realizing a harmonious marriage or sakinah family. This research was normative-empirical legal research in the form of analytical prescriptive which was supported by primary and secondary data. Data collection was obtained through library research, documentation, interviews, and observation. Based on the research was conducted, it found the results: First, husband and wife understand that the position of wife and husband in the household are the same, but they have different rights and obligations, although on the other hand the community understands that the position of the wife in the family is under the husband, they understand it from fiqh salf which states that the wife must uphold her husband with an honor and glory. Second, the concept of Islamic marriage teaches that the rights possessed by husband and wife are balanced with the obligations burdened on them, a husband or wife has balanced obligations. Third, to build a harmonious, peace and peaceful family, they can be performed with developing the Islamic teachings, fostering the mutual respect, coaching the efficient living attitudes, and training a self-awareness from each married couples. Key Words: Fulfillment, Rights and Responbilities, Husband and Wife, Sakinah Household. Abstrak: Dalam hukum Islam akad perkawinan bukan hanya perkara perdata semata, melainkan juga ikatan suci yang sangat kokoh yang bernilai ibadah. Untuk itu perkawinan harus dipelihara dengan baik sehingga akan terwujudnya keluarga sakinah mawaddah wa rahmah, namun ketika telah berada dalam ikatan suci, ada pasangan yang enggan memenuhi kewajiban dan penuntutan hak yang diluar haknya maka keluarga sakinah sebagaimana harapan akan sulit terealisasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pemahaman pasangan suami istri tentang hak dan kewajiban suami istri, dan hubungan yang signifikan antara pemenuhan hak dan kewajiban suami isteri dalam mewujudkan perkawinan yang harmonis atau perwujudan keluarga sakinah. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian hukum normatif-empiris dalam bentuk preskriptif analitis yang didukung oleh data primer dan sekunder. Pengumpulan data melalui studi pustaka, dokumentasi, wawancara, dan observasi. Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan ditemukan hasil: Pertama, Suami istri memahami bahwa kedudukan istri dan suami dalam rumah tangga sama, namun memiliki hak dan kewajiban yang berbeda, meskipun disisi lain masyarakat memahami bahwa kedudukan istri dalam keluarga berada di bawah suami, hal ini mereka pahami dari pemahaman fikih salaf yang menyebutkan bahwa istri harus menjunjung tinggi suaminya dengan kehormatan dan kemuliaan. Kedua, Konsep pekawinan Islam mengajarkan bahwa hak-hak yang dimiliki oleh suami maupun isteri adalah seimbang dengan kewajiban yang dibebankan kepada mereka,seorang suami atau isteri memiliki kewajiban-kewajiban yang seimbang. Ketiga, untuk mewujufkan keluarga yang harmonis, sakinah dan penuh kedamaian dapat di lakukan dengan cara Pembinaan penghayatan ajaran agama Islam, Pembinaan sikap saling menghormati, Pembinaan sikap Hidup Efisien, dan Pembinaan sikap suka mawas diri dari masing-masing pasangan suami isteri. Kata Kunci: Pemenuhan, Hak dan Kewajiban, Suami Istri, Rumah Tangga

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 91
Noor Rahmansyah ◽  
Mahrus Aryadi ◽  
Hamdani Fauzi

Bamboo is a plant that can botanically be classified in the family Gramineae (grass). The economic and ecological benefits of bamboo, among other things, when compared to wood commodities, bamboo plants can provide an increase in the income of the surrounding community in a relatively fast time, which is 4-5 years. Demand that remains high is not followed by an increase in quality and prices that are compared to similar goods made from wood or other materials. This is a consideration and reduces the interest of the community to develop the business. This study aims to explore the understanding and role of community empowerment through the use of bamboo, explore the role of government in empowering bamboo-based communities and develop strategies for empowering local communities in the use of bamboo. This research is qualitative by using an emic approach that is focused on data and analysis based on answers from key people. The type of data consists of primary data obtained through interviews and observations. While the secondary data comes from the problem report documents that will be examined, writing and the results of research on the Local Community Empowerment Development Strategy. The results of this study indicate that the local community in Loksado District has the potential to develop processed bamboo production through community participation in bamboo processing and utilization training, the government and village apparatus support the processing and utilization of bamboo through programs / activities, cooperation, bamboo ecotourism and bamboo industrial products, and constraints in the empowerment of bamboo in Loksado District is in marketing and capital strategies.

Ankica Kuburovic

The general demographic picture of the Vojvodina family was analyzed according to the 2002 population census. The prevailing family type is a married couple with children. In relation to the previous census, there has been an increase of single-parent families. The family in Vojvodina is ethnically homogeneous. Families with secondary education of both men and women are dominant, except in the type of married couples without children where the woman is mainly with uncompleted primary school. Family structure according to activities varies according to type of family unit, where there is birth differentiation as well. The most frequent families are those without children in which the woman is supported, and the man works. As regards families with children, the most frequent units are those in which both woman and man are active and working, but families in which only the man works are dominant.

2015 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 53-61
Oresta Karpenko

Abstract The article highlights major changes in systematic approach to family, establishment of institutions for child and family support, recognition of the priority of family-based care, decentralization of administration and financing of childcare institutions in Poland. The government tried to introduce a number of changes in legislation that would significantly improve the condition of the child. Childcare reforms in the 1990’s and at the beginning of the 21st century aimed at modernizing local government and local organizations to provide appropriate childcare and social assistance to parents. The paradigm shift in social policy on child and family care determines the priority of family support aimed at creating comfortable conditions for the child. Nowadays the main objective of the family supportive policy of any country is to protect the child from the foster care model.

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