Komunikasi Antarpribadi pada Pasangan Suami Istri Muda yang Istrinya Tetap Bekerja

Giovani Anggasta Setiawan

This study aims to be able to find facts and the right way to behave and communicate interpersonally for newly married couples especially for wives who continue to work. This study uses a qualitative descriptive research method that is a study that describes the object of research based on field studies that are able to show the facts. Researchers get data sources through informants or resource persons, namely young couples newly married. Data is divided into 2 namely primary data and secondary data. Primary data through interviews with sources, secondary data through books, internet, & journals. Several previous studies stated that the lower the level of work conflict, the higher the level of marital satisfaction of a couple. The results of this study indicate that the process of interpersonal communication between newly married couples is very important. In this day and age an objection for a wife can still work to be something that is relative / dependent on each individual. There is nothing that determines that a wife works is a wrong thing. Responding to this, there are 3 things that can be done to maintain the quality of communication between the husband and wife, namely: 1. Understand & fulfill their respective roles in the family, 2. Establish the order of priorities for activities that will be the responsibility of the family, 3. Develop a strategy for interpersonal communication after the two agree on what kind of activities will be undertaken during a married life.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 152-156
I Gede Pasek Darsana Wiratama ◽  
I Ketut Sukadana ◽  
Diah Gayatri Sudibya

Marriage is a very important thing in human life, with the aim of forming a household. In Balinese society, there is a nyentana marriage, in which a family does not have a son. However, along with the development of families in Bali, they married Nyentana even though they had a son for certain reasons. The formulations of the problems in this study are: 1) What is the position of men who are sedentary according to Balinese customary law? 2) How do men inherit rights to women who have brothers? This type of research is empirical law. The approach to the problem used is sociology of law. The data used are primary data obtained from field studies by interviewing informants. Secondary data were obtained from literature study. The result of this research is the position of men who are sedentary according to Balinese customary law as predana, in general, have the same rights and obligations as men in the family. These rights and obligations are like those of a family head in general. The right to inherit male nyentana to women who have brothers is said to be abolished because the male only continues the offspring in the wife's family.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 79
Nelson Nelson

This article is a study of literature about the formulation of Da'wah fardiyah towards married couples to realize sakinah family. The researcher interests to investigate this case because if it observeded, newmarried couple who have various level of education. According to the researcher assumption that at this time there is new married couple in forming a family like flowing water, where the direction is, anchored still in the shadow. Therefore, the researcher formulates the problems of how to formulate da'wah fardiyahtoward new married couple to realize sakinah family. While the purpose of this research is to make the formulation of da'wah fardiyahtoward new married couple to realize sakinah family. The primary and secondary data sources were taken from books related toda’wah Islamic as well as some commentary, communication science and magazine. The results of research in-depth study of various sources showed that the effort to realize the family into sakinah family based on Islamic values is one of responsibilities of Muslims and he who has competence in their field. People who have competence in the field is proselytizer and the element that has the authority is government. The government as an extension to Ministry of Religious Affairs in which there are religious counselors. Therefore da'i in the spiritual field and the government can support of funds. The formulation of da'wah fardiyah against newly married husband and wife to realize sakinah family that is some stage that is stage, preparation consist of preparation of proselytizer and preparation of target and program. Then the implementation stage is consisting of introduction, approach and delivery of materials, program evaluation, program maturation and establishment of cadres of proselytizer.

Jurnal Akta ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 97
Ferri Adhi Purwantono ◽  
Akhmad Khisni

ABSTRACTInheritance often causes problems in the family. There are many risks associated with this heritage. If it is not wise to respond to conflicts in the family could happen and result in even breaking the string of family strings. There are several things related to inheritance that need to be noticed that the sale or purchase of inheritance is not problematic later.One of the problems that often happens is the sale-buy agreement in the family made by a notary. The sale and purchase agreement in the family is very rare, because usually in the family that happens is a grant. However, sometimes there are problems. The sale and purchase agreement in the family is very difficult to find solution to completion. The heirs may cancel the sale of the inheritance if the legal conditions of sale and purchase are not met through the courts. The heir who does not give his consent in the sale of an inheritance of land as a right, has the right to cancel the sale of the land.The method used in this research is with the juridical-normative approach derived from data collection obtained from the primary data and secondary data, then analyzed by qualitative analysis method. The data collection technique used is literature study. Data analysis techniques used qualitative data analysis.The sale and purchase agreement in the family between the parent and the child does not meet the objective requirements of the terms of the validity of the agreement concerning the terms of the agreement and the halal causa, that the object of the sale is part of the inheritance dispute which became the claim of the plaintiff as legitimate heirs. Implications of family sale agreements made by a Notary in the case of an heir who refuses a sale and purchase agreement is to file a civil suit against the sale and purchase agreement with the District Court. The implications of the sale and purchase agreement on the position of the heirs in the inheritance dispute above as an act against the law as stipulated in Article 1365 of the Civil Code, therefore the sale and purchase agreement is of course detrimental to the legitimate heirs which resulted in the diminution of the object of inheritance.Keywords: Notary, Sale and Purchase Agreement, FamilyABSTRAKHarta warisan sering menimbulkan permasalahan dalam keluarga. Ada banyak resiko yang muncul berkaitan dengan harta warisan ini. Jika tidak bijak menyikapinya konfik dalam keluarga bisa saja  terjadi  dan mengakibatkan renggang bahkan putusnya tali kekeluargaan. Ada beberapa hal yang berkaitan harta warisan yang perlu di perhatikan agar penjualan maupun pembelian  harta warisan  tidak bermasalah nantinya.Salah satu permasalahan yang sering terjadi yaitu perjanjian jual-beli dalam keluarga yang dibuat oleh notaris. Perjanjian jual beli dalam keluarga sangat jarang terjadi, karena biasanya dalam keluarga yang terjadi adalah hibah. Namun demikian terkadang muncul permasalahan. Perjanjian jual beli dalam keluarga sangat sulit dicari solusi penyelesaiannya. Ahli waris dapat membatalkan Jual beli tanah waris jika syarat-syarat sah jual beli tidak terpenuhi melalui pengadilan. Ahli waris yang tidak memberikan persetujuannya dalam jual beli tanah warisan sebagai haknya, berhak membatalkan jual beli tanah tersebut.Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan pendekatan yuridis-normatif yang bersumber dari pengumpulan data yang diperoleh dari data primer dan data sekunder, kemudian dianalisis dengan metode analisis kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah studi kepustakaan. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis data kualitatif.Perjanjian jual beli dalam keluarga antara orang tua dengan anak tersebut tidak memenuhi syarat obyektif dari syarat sahnya perjanjian mengenai hal-hal yang diperjanjikan dan causa yang halal, bahwa yang menjadi obyek jual-beli tersebut adalah bagian dari sengketa waris yang menjadi gugatan dari penggugat selaku dari ahli waris yang sah. Implikasi perjanjian jual-beli dalam keluarga yang dibuat oleh Notaris dalam hal adanya ahli waris yang menolak perjanjian jual beli yaitu dengan mengajukan gugatan secara perdata terhadap perjanjian jual beli tersebut pada Pengadilan Negeri. Implikasi perjanjian jual-beli terhadap kedudukan ahli waris pada sengketa waris diatas sebagai suatu perbuatan melawan hukum sebagaimana ketentuan pasal 1365 KUHPerdata, Sehingga perjanjian jual-beli tersebut tentu saja merugikan ahli waris yang sah yang berakibat pada berkurangnya obyek waris.Kata Kunci : Notaris, Perjanjian Jual Beli, Keluarga

Jurnal Akta ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 93
Sulaiman Sulaiman

The purpose of this study as follows 1) To identify and explain Child outside influence married status of the right to inherit after the Constitutional Court decision No. 46/PUU-VIII/2010 in the Religious Court Kendari, 2) To identify and explain the barriers outside the married status of children of the right to inherit after the decision of the Constitutional Court Number 46/PUU-VIII/2010 in the Religious Court Kendari, 3) To identify and explain solutions to overcome barriers outside the married status of children of the right to inherit after the decision of the Constitutional Court Number 46/PUU-VIII/2010 in the Religious Court Kendari. The method used by researchers is sociological approach juridical law and specification in this study were included descriptive analysis. The sources and types of data in this study are primary data obtained from field studies with interview Religious Court Judge in Kendari. And secondary data obtained from the study of literature. Based on the results of the research are In terms of inheritance after the court ruling, the position of a child outside of married as intended by the constitutional court decision outside the married is not the same child with the natural child, has been gaining street or space to get recognition for the sake of protection of the rights of the child outside the married. In this case the Constitutional Court to decide Article 46/PUU-VIII/2010 on children outside of married, deserved to be recognized by the biological father and is also entitled to inheritance equal to the other children. Constraints in this Constitutional Court decision is a matter of perspective among law enforcement and government officials to give up the rights to illegitimate children are no different treatment or other discriminatory treatment.

2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
Rio Saputra ◽  
Mokhammad Najih

<p><em>Suspects have the right to obtain legal assistance, especially for suspects who are classified as economically disadvantaged in accordance with Article 56 of the Criminal Procedure Code (KUHAP). The facts show that there are many irregularities in the implementation of legal aid, therefore it is necessary to know about the implementation of free legal aid for suspects who are incapacitated at the level of investigation and the factors that become obstacles in the implementation of legal aid. This legal research is an empirical legal research and this research is descriptive in nature. The data used are primary data and secondary data. The techniques used to collect data were document study techniques and interview techniques. Inhibiting factors affecting the implementation of free legal aid for suspects who are unable at the level of investigation can be classified and differentiated into 3 factors, namely, legal substance, legal structure, and legal culture).</em></p><p><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><em>Legal Aid, Criminal Cases</em></p>

Richard McCleary ◽  
David McDowall ◽  
Bradley J. Bartos

Chapter 8 focuses on threats to construct validity arising from the left-hand side time series and the right-hand side intervention model. Construct validity is limited to questions of whether an observed effect can be generalized to alternative cause and effect measures. The “talking out” self-injurious behavior time series, shown in Chapter 5, are examples of primary data. Researchers often have no choice but to use secondary data that were collected by third parties for purposes unrelated to any hypothesis test. Even in those less-than-ideal instances, however, an optimal time series can be constructed by limiting the time frame and otherwise paying attention to regime changes. Threats to construct validity that arise from the right-hand side intervention model, such as fuzzy or unclear onset and responses, are controlled by paying close attention to the underlying theory. Even a minimal theory should specify the onset and duration of an impact.

Harmoni ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 129-143
Hendrik A.E Lao ◽  
Ezra Tari ◽  
Merensiana Hale

This paper focuses on interpersonal communication in interfaith families. Interfaith families are smallunits of society whose members are of different religions. Differences are often a source of conflict between husband and wife, including religion. In the way of life of interfaith couples, different opinions about beliefs cause problems. Differences are still unavoidable in families married to different religions. Religious differences can lead to prolonged conflicts. Although different religions, of course, the family has the right to live in peace and happiness as a family in general. However, it is undeniable that interfaith families cannot last long. Therefore, efforts are needed for families to be able to live with each other accepting differences in terms of different religions. Communication is one of the efforts to maintain family harmony. Lack of communication can cause rifts in the household. The purpose of the study was to describe the effectiveness of interpersonal communication for families of different religions. The research method used is a descriptive qualitative approach. This approach seeks to find problems and solutions in the field. Research results in interpersonal communication are communication between individuals or between groups. Interpersonal communication will be more effective if the atmosphere is equal. That is, there must be a tacit acknowledgement that both parties are equally valuable and valuable. Husbands and wives have something important to contribute. In an interpersonal relationship characterized by equality, disagreement and conflict are seen as an attempt to understand differences. This communication helps in avoiding and reducing various problems and can share knowledge and experiences with family members. There are five general qualities of interpersonal communication effectiveness for interfaith families: 1) Openness, 2) Empathy, 3) Supportive Attitude, 4) Positive Attitude, 5) Equality.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 108-119
Muhammad Yasser Iqbal Daulay ◽  
Fachri Eka Saputra ◽  
Sularsih Anggarawati

Ecotourism offers a different form of travel than mass tourism. Ecotourism also provides a learning process to protect and care for nature, and improve the welfare of local communities around or within the ecotourism destination. This study was conducted to find the right approach to developing ecotourism. The main focus is given to the potential of regional ecotourism, including human, cultural, and supporting resources. Research is also conducted to determine the perspective of tourists because meeting their needs cannot be sustainably separated from business goals. This study uses data sources grouped into two, namely primary and secondary data. Primary data obtained through several instruments such as surveys, interviews, and observations.Keywords: Social innovation, ecological tourism, entrepreneurial innovation, 

2017 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 74
Chaterine Setiawan ◽  
Suzy Azeharie

This study discusses the communication between the child and the stepparent and use the theory that consists of communication theory, communication function, the purpose of communication, interpersonal communication, effective interpersonal communication, interpersonal communication role and function of interpersonal communication. This study used a qualitative method with descriptive qualitative approach. The data used in this study consisted of primary data and secondary data. The primary data of the interviews with sources consisting of four children and one stepparent. While the secondary data obtained from other sources such as books and online data searches. The technique of collecting data using interviews, observation, literature review and data searches online. From this research it is known that children who learn about and understand the prospective stepparent before she married biological parents do relatively better than those who do not recognize his step prospective parents before marriage. It is also known that the interpersonal communication of children with stepparents dependent based on the character of the child and the stepparent respectively. Penelitian ini membahas tentang komunikasi antara anak dengan orang tua tiri dan menggunakan teori yang terdiri dari teori komunikasi, fungsi komunikasi, tujuan komunikasi, komunikasi antarpribadi, komunikasi antarpribadi yang efektif, peranan komunikasi antarpribadi dan fungsi komunikasi antarpribadi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari data primer dan data sekunder. Data primer berupa hasil wawancara dengan narasumber yang terdiri dari empat orang anak dan satu orang tua tiri. Sedangkan data sekunder berupa data yang diperoleh dari buku dan sumber lain seperti penelusuran data online. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan wawancara, observasi, kajian pustaka dan penelusuran data online. Dari penelitian ini diketahui bahwa anak yang mengetahui dan mengenal calon orang tua tiri sebelum menikah dengan orang tua kandungnya hubungannya relatif lebih baik dibandingkan anak yang tidak mengenal calon orang tua tirinya sebelum menikah. Selain itu juga diketahui bahwa komunikasi antarpribadi anak dengan orang tua tiri tergantung berdasarkan karakter dari anak dan orang tua tiri masing-masing.   

Jurnal Akta ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. 675
Ailina Rahmanita Fauzi ◽  
Sri Endah Wahyuningsih

Purpose research These are 1) To analyze the concept of criminal responsibility notary law in the deed that is based on false information. 2) To analyze the legal consequences of the deed notary Based on False Information.The method used by researchers is Empirical Juridical (socio legal research)and specification in this study were included descriptive analysis. Even the sources and types of data in this study are primary data obtained from field studies with an interview with a notary in Grobogan. And secondary data obtained from the study of literature. This study uses qualitative data analysis Based on the results of research that 1) Notaries can not be held criminal liability associated with the manufacture of the deed (partijnakten) based on false information, and can not meet the crime of counterfeiting element formulation in Article 266 paragraph (1) in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code. 2) However, the notary can be held criminal liability against relaas deed or deed of officials (ambtelijke akten) if deliberate or careless notary make a fake deed to the detriment others. That made base on notary deed against false information does not in itself result in the deed null and void. The aggrieved party to the existence of the deed as it should file a civil suit to the court to cancel the deed.Keywords : Concept of Law; Criminal Responsibility; Notary; Deed; Specification False

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