scholarly journals Optimizing Jigsaw Type of Cooperative Learning Model to Improve Students' Mathematical Self-Confidence

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 122
Muhamad Ikhsan Sahal Guntur ◽  
Seftika Anggraini ◽  
Raden Rosnawati

This research is motivated by the low self-confidence of students in the learning process at SMAN 1 Ngemplak where the students who were respondents were 35 students consisting of 22 female students and 13 male. The solution given is using a cooperative learning model with jigsaw type. Based on the evaluation of cycle I obtained an average value of 61.71 with a percentage of mastery learning 57%. The highest score obtained by students is 80 and the lowest score is 40. Whereas for giving a confidence questionnaire in pre-cycle is 66.63  in the medium category and after cycle I it increases to 80.17 but still in the medium category. The results obtained in the first cycle are still quite good or have not been fulfilled. Based on the results of the second cycle evaluation, the average is obtained 75.57 and 89% completeness learning increased from 57% previously. In addition, an increase in student confidence was also seen from the comparison of the results of the assessment questionnaire in pre-cycle, cycle I and cycle II, which initially 66.63 became 80.17 and ended 86.80. Abstrak Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh rendahnya kepercayaan diri siswa dalam proses pembelajaran di SMAN 1 Ngemplak dimana siswa yang menjadi responden adalah 35 siswa yang terdiri dari 22 siswa perempuan dan 13 laki-laki. Solusi yang diberikan adalah menggunakan model pembelajaran cooperative learning tipe jigsaw. Berdasarkan evaluasi siklus I diperoleh nilai rata-rata 61,71 dengan persentase ketuntasan belajar 57%. Skor tertinggi yang diperoleh siswa adalah 80 dan skor terendah adalah 40. Sedangkan skor kepercayaan diri pada pra siklus adalah 66,63 yang berada pada kategori sedang. Setelah dilakukan siklus I, skor kepercayaan diri meningkat menjadi 80,17 tetapi masih dalam kategori sedang. Berdasarkan hasil evaluasi siklus II, diperoleh nilai rata-rata 75,57 yang sebelumnya adalah 61,71. Ketuntasan belajar pada akhir siklus II adalah 89% yang meningkat dari 57% pada akhir siklus I. Selain itu, peningkatan kepercayaan diri siswa juga terlihat dari perbandingan hasil angket penilaian pada pra siklus, siklus I dan siklus II, yang awalnya 66,63 menjadi 80,17 dan berakhir 86,80.  

Sudarmiani Sudarmiani

Based on initial observations  and interviews  with high school Economics teacher  PGRI  1 Maospati  Magetan  note that the average  value of the cognitive  aspects of students  in the class XA is 62. These results  indicate  that the numbers  are still low com- pared  to other  classes.  The learning  process  is commonly  carried  out using  a model  of discourse  as a whole,  namely  the delivery  of content  to students  and interspersed   ques- tions and answers.  This leads to learning  as students  tend to be passive  and less meaning- fullearning   for students.  Students  gain experience  less direct,  and less teacher  provides opportunities   as well as self- confidence  in the students  to be active  in learning.  It  also adversely  affects  the affective  aspects  of students.   Based on these problems  researchers to  make  improvements   by  implementing   cooperative   learning  model  of two  stay  two stray  ( TSTS  ). The  learning  model  involves  students  actively  in learning  activities. Pakok mind model of cooperative  learning  are two stay two stray provide  an opportunity for groups  to share  results  and information  to other  groups.  The approach  used  in this study  is a qualitative  approach  to classroom  action  research  that  consists  of 2 cycles. Research  subject  is class XA SMA PGRI  1 Maospati  Magetan  , the number  of 32 stu- dents.  Data  collection  methods  used  in this  study  is a test  of the cognitive  aspects  of economic  subjects  in the form of daily tests at the end of the cycle, and affective  aspects of the observation  sheets during the learning  process.  The results  of observations  of stu- dents'  learning  in classroom  situations  XA SMA PGRI  1 Maospati  Magetan  increased, namely:   ( 1 ) The interest  and attention  of students  in the learning process  from 67.25% to 84.60%  increased   17.35%  ( 2 ) The active  participation   of students  in asking  from 54.10%  to  68.25%  an increase  of  14.15%  ( 3 ) the active  participation   of students  in answering  / expression  from 52.22%  to 69.45%  increased   17.23% ( 4 ) the level of stu- dent  discipline  in the process  of learning  from  60.500/0 to 78.13%  17.63%  an increase. The results  of observations  III group  activities  has increased,   namely:   ( 1 ) The active participation   of students  in an opinion  from  51.58%  to 68.75%  increased   17.17%  (2) The active participation   of students  in asking from 50.60% to 66.68%  increased  16.08% (3)the active participation   of students  in answering  questions  from 53.12%  to 71.88% increased18.76% (4)   Respect  tile opinion  of friends from 55.50%  to 74.850/0 increased 19,35%  (5)   Cooperation  in completing  a task group from 60.35% to 78.25%  17.90% an increase. Another thing shown by the increased learning outcomes from 65.63 % to 84.38%. Thus there is an increase  of 18.75% .While the average  value of learning  outcomes  in the first cycle is 71 increased  to 82 in the second cycle. Learning  model  two stay two stray ( TSTS ) can improve  cognitive  and affective  aspects  of students  by providing  a learning environment  that is fun discussions,  opportunities  for students to learn actively  exchange information  with peers and materials,   conveying  the idea to friends,  submit answers and questions  discussion  of the problem,  and it requires  cooperation  within  the group.

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
Lilis Arini ◽  
Edi Surya

This study aims to determine whether the type cooperative learning model Think Pair Share (TPS) can improve mathematics learning creativity in students of SMP Muhammadiyah 8 Medan in particular on the subject of Perimeter and Area of Rectangle class VII T.P second semester 2014/2015. The research is a classroom action research (PTK) using cooperative learning model Think Pair Share (TPS). The instrument used was a test as much as 5 about the shape of the description and in the observation is the creativity of student learning. The subjects were students / student of class VII-C SMP Muhammadiyah 8 Medan totaling 38 people consisting of 21 male students and 17 female students. The object of this research is the creativity of mathematics learning using cooperative learning model Think Pair Share (TPS). Obtaining the average value of the creativity of the students at an early test of 41.26% (Less), the first cycle increased to 59.15% (Enough), and the second cycle increased to 79.10% (Good). It can be concluded that the cooperative learning model Think Pair Share (TPS) on the subject of the circumference and area of a rectangle increased creativity of mathematics learning in class VII-C SMP Muhammadiyah 8 Medan T.P.2014 / 2015.

Four Marito Marbun

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the cooperative Student Teams Achievement Devision (STAD) learning model on the ability to understand students 'mathematical concepts and students' responses to the STAD cooperative learning model type. This research method is a quasi experimental method. This research was conducted in State 2 Junior High School of Sorkam at the even semester of the 2016/2017 Academic Year. The sample of this study was class VIIIA as the experimental class and VIIIB as the control class. From the research data obtained a regression equation Y = 74,857 + 8.857X (there is a positive effect). The average value of students' understanding of mathematical concepts learned by the STAD cooperative learning model is 83,714, while the conventional learning model is 74,857. The coefficient of determination is 21.6%, meaning that 21.6% of the influence of the STAD type cooperative learning model on the ability to understand students' mathematical concepts. The results of the analysis of student responses were obtained (1) by 98.2% stating they were interested and the rest not; (2) amounting to 95.05% stating that there are benefits obtained and the rest not; (3) amounting to 86.78% stated that there were no obstacles experienced during the learning process and the rest stated there were; (4) 94.04% hoped the STAD type cooperative learning model was used in the learning process and the rest did not expect. So, it can be concluded that the student response is very positive because the average percentage of student approval responses to the STAD type cooperative learning model is ≥ 85%.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 66-77
Mahdi .

The aim of this research is to improve the learning outcomes of science subjects in human and animal organs through the use of the Picture and Picture Technique Cooperative Learning Model in class V of the Julok Cut Elementary School in the second semester of the 2016-2017 academic year. The benefits of this research are to add new references and theories in the field of education, especially the implementation of Classroom Action Research by applying various models or learning methods so as to improve student learning outcomes. To achieve this, the steps that need to be implemented are using the Picture and Picture Technique Cooperative Learning Model. Data analysis method used in this study uses descriptive analysis whose data is sourced from formative tests and classroom observations. This research was conducted in 2 cycles, each cycle consisting of two meetings. Indicators of success in this study are expected to increase students' mastery learning which reached 85% classically. The results showed, in the first cycle the average value of students amounted to 64 and mastery learning reached 44%. These results indicate an improvement from the initial conditions with an average score of only 54.8 and a new learning completeness of 28%. While in cycle II the average value of students was 79.2 and mastery learning reached 92%. The conclusion of this study is the use of the Picture and Picture Technique Cooperative Learning Model in natural science learning materials of human and animal organs can positively influence the improvement of student learning outcomes in the second semester of the second semester of SD Negeri Julok Cut, Julok District, East Aceh Regency.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 512
Noviar Noviar

The background of this study is caused by the learning process is still centered on the teacher with the dominant use of lecture method, so that students are less motivated in the learning process, students are less enthusiastic and not actively asked in the delivery of learning materials. This study aims to improve teacher skills and student activities so as to improve learning outcomes PAI students class VA SDN 015 Buluh Kasap Dumai Timur using STAD type cooperative learning model. This research is a classroom action research conducted in two cycles, this research was conducted in April 2014, the subject of this research is the students of VA SDN 015 Buluh Kasap Dumai Timur class with 25 people consist of male students 11 Persons and female students 14 Persons. Measuring tools used are teacher activity, student activity, learning outcomes, and mastery learning. The results showed that the average of teacher activity in the first cycle was 70.92% (Good). In the second cycle is 70.92% (Good). In the second cycle is 79.48% (Good). The average learning outcome in the first cycle was 56.92% (Enough). In the second cycle is 73.84% (good). Based on the results of the study can be collected that STAD type cooperative learning model can improve learning outcomes of PAI in students.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 261-273

Learning mathematics that tends to be monotonous will cause boredom and for students. This can be seen from their enthusiasm for learning. They pay attention when the teacher provides material and sample questions, but when working on the questions, they have difficulty. Therefore, it is necessary to think about ways of presenting and learning mathematics that are suitable for students, so that students can actively participate in the learning process. The suitable model is the cooperative model. One of the cooperative models is the STAD type. In this type, the teacher provides material, which in the next group of students will be deepened further. At the time of the teacher's presentation, students must really pay attention, so that later when doing quizzes they will not experience difficulties. In the group, all students can certainly master the material being studied. students of class X MIPA 1 in the even semester of the 2019/2020 Academic Year after participating in the learning process by applying the STAD type cooperative learning model. Methods of collecting data using the method of observation and tests. The technique used in this research is descriptive analytical technique, namely quantitative data obtained from quiz results that are processed using percentage descriptions and qualitative data obtained from observations about teacher and student activities are used as the basis for describing the successful application of the STAD type cooperative learning model. Student learning outcomes from cycle I and cycle II have increased. For the first cycle the average value is 54.17. While in the second cycle the average value is 67.92. The percentage of complete learning outcomes of students in the first cycle is 37.50% and in the second cycle is 79.20%. Thus the research hypothesis is proven. The action is said to be successful if there is an increase in learning outcomes from cycle I to cycle II and the percentage of students who achieve the KKM (completed) score has reached a minimum of 75%. So this CAR is declared to have succeeded in improving student learning outcomes. ABSTRAKPembelajaran matematika yang cenderung monoton akan menyebabkan rasa bosan dan bagi peserta didik. Hal ini bisa dilihat dari antusiasme mereka mengikuti pembelajaran. Mereka perhatian ketika guru memberikan materi dan contoh soal, tetapi ketika mengerjakan soal, mereka mengalami kesulitan. Oleh karena itu, maka perlu dipikirkan cara penyajian dan suasana pembelajaran matematika yang cocok buat peserta didik, sehingga peserta didik dapat berpartisipasi aktif dalam proses pembelajaran. Model yang cocok adalah model kooperatif. Salah satu model kooperatif adalah tipe STAD. Pada tipe ini guru memberikan suatu materi, yang selanjutnya dalam kelompok peserta didik akan diperdalam lebih lanjut. Pada saat guru presentasi, peserta didik harus benar-benar memperhatikan, sehingga nantinya ketika mengerjakan kuis tidak mengalami kesulitan.Dalam kelompoknya, semua peserta didik dipastikan dapat menguasai materi yang dipelajari.Penelitian tindakan kelas ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui peningkatkan hasil belajar Matematika pada materi vektor pada peserta didik kelas X MIPA 1 semester genap Tahun Ajaran 2019/2020 setelah mengikuti proses pembelajaran dengan menerapkan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan metode observasi dan tes. Teknik yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik deskriptik analitik yaitu data kuantitatif yang diperoleh dari hasil kuis yang diolah dengan menggunakan deskripsi persentase dan data kualitatif yang diperoleh dari observasi tentang kegiatan guru dan peserta didik dijadikan dasar untuk mendeskripsikan keberhasilan penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD. Hasil belajar peserta didik dari siklus I dan siklus II mengalami peningkatan. Untuk siklus I nilai rata-ratanya 54,17. Sedangkan pada siklus II nilai rata-ratanya 67,92. Persentase ketuntasan hasil belajar peserta didik pada siklus I sebesar 37,50% dan pada siklus II sebesar 79,20%. Dengan demikian hipotesis penelitian ini terbukti. Tindakan dikatakan berhasil jika ada peningkatan hasil belajar dari siklus I ke siklus II dan persentase peserta didik yang mencapai nilai  KKM (tuntas) sudah mencapai minimal 75%. Maka PTK ini dinyatakan telah berhasil meningkatkan hasil belajar peserta didik.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 57
Khairina Khairina ◽  
Heffi Alberida ◽  
Rahmadhani Fitri ◽  
Ardi Ardi

Achievement and success in learning depends on several aspects. One aspect that really influences is how a teacher implements learning. The background of the writing of this article is based on the results of observations and interviews at school which show that the learning process still tends to be teacher-centered, and this also has an impact on the learning competences. One way that can be used to demand the activeness of students is by applying the learning model. Based on the literature study that has been conducted, the writer found a suitable learning model to overcome the problems found, namely the Student Facilitator and Explaining type of cooperative learning model. This type of research is a literature study using descriptive analysis. Based on the literature study conducted, learning using the Student Facilitator and Explaining type of cooperative learning model can improve the learning competence of students. It makes students as facilitators and is invited to think so that it will result in a deeper and more interesting exchange of information and lead to self-confidence in students. It is very helpful to improve the learning competence of students both in the aspects of attitudes, knowledge and skills.

Jurnal PGSD ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 62-69
Resnani Resnani

This study aims to determine the improvement of students' ability in writing rhymes by applying the multiliterate learning model in Class V SDN 62 Bengkulu City. This research is a Classroom Action Research which is conducted in two cycles, each of which includes: planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting. The subjects in this study were students of SDN 62 Bengkulu City which consisted of 14 female students and 16 male students. The research instruments used were observation sheets and poetry writing test sheets. The data from this study were analyzed using the average value and the percentage of classical learning completeness with the standard conversion formula of 100. The results showed that the average value of the pantun writing test in cycle I was 68.33 with classical learning completeness of 66.66 % ; There was an increase in cycle II with the average score of the rhyme writing test result was 81.66 with classical learning completeness of 83.33 %. Thus, it can be concluded that the application of the multiliterate learning model can improve students' ability to write rhymes in grade V SDN 62 Bengkulu City. It is recommended that Indonesian teachers, especially the material about pantun, apply a multiliterate model in learning to write pantun by paying attention to student involvement in the learning process, and other researchers can also apply it to other subjects.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 9
Theresia Warsini

The problem that underlies this research is the lack of collaboration and mathematics learning outcomes of students of class IX C of SMP N 4 Sumbang. This can be seen if students have difficulty in understanding the material, students tend to be quiet and do not want to cooperate with friends, even though the cooperation of students is very necessary to achieve the success of teaching and learning. To create student cooperation in the learning process, a learning model is needed. One such learning model is the TAI (Teams Assisted Individualization) type of cooperative learning model, where the model is oriented towards collaboration, both mentally, attitudes, and socially. The purpose of this research is to find out the improvement of cooperation and learning outcomes in mathematics through the application of cooperative learning models in the form of sequence and series TAI material. This research is a Classroom Action Research. Learning tools, namely syllabus, lesson plans, teaching materials, and worksheets. While the research instrument is the description test and observation sheet. The subjects of the study were 22 students of the IXC class at SMPN 4 Sumbang. Data sources come from teachers and students. Data collection techniques are by observation, and tests. The study was conducted in December 2017 until April 2018. The subject and time of the study were chosen because the researcher taught in the class and the implementation time was adjusted to the lesson schedule. The research procedure begins with problem identification, action planning, implementation of actions and observations, and analysis and reflection. The results showed that the ability of student cooperation, from the first cycle the percentage of student cooperation with the category of "quite good" 27% and the category of "good" by 73% to the category of "good" 54% and the category of "very good" by 45% in the second cycle. Student learning outcomes in the first cycle obtained an average of 72.18 with a classical completeness of 59.09% and an increase in the second cycle an average value of 80.36 with a classical completeness of 81.82%. From these results it is recommended that teachers be able to clarify the process of assessing the ability of students to collaborate in the learning process, so that the implementation of learning can run smoothly. While students are advised to increase collaboration so that individual and group learning outcomes can be achieved to the maximum.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 66-69
Habibi Hidayat ◽  
Salastri Rohiat ◽  
Amrul Bahar

Cooperative learning model is one learning model of activities and interactions between students to motivate each other and help each other in mastering subject matter to achieve maximum achievement. This research was conducted in n cycles. Each cycle is carried out by the changes to be achieved starting from initial reflection to returning to analysis and reflection. The average value of students has increased in each cycle of 50.75 in cycle 1, then increased in cycle 2 that is equal to 52.2 and cycle 3 to 72.75. teacher activity during the chemistry learning process in the classroom for each cycle using the type cooperative learning model with greeting and questions techniques continued to increase namely from an average score of 30 to 34.5 and increased very well in the cycle to 3 which is equal to 42 with good criteria while for student activity the average score of 26 to 31.5 and increased very well in the third cycle that is equal to 39 with good criteria. The conclusion is that the implementation of cooperative learning model with greeting and question techniques can improve the learning outcomes and activities of students in SMA 1 Bengkulu.

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