scholarly journals Pengaruh Metode Bermain Bola Tangan dan Lempar Tangkap Bola Terhadap Efektifitas Pembelajaran Passing Atas Bolavoli pada Kelas XII TPHP SMK Putra Wilis Kecamatan Sendang Kabupaten Tulungagung

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 230
Ridwan Hanafi ◽  
Ardhi Mardiyanto Indra Purnomo ◽  
Weda Weda

The purpose of this research is to know whether or not there is influence of the method of playing handball and throwing the ball to the effectiveness of passing learning on bolavoli in grade XII student of TPHP SMK Putra Wilis Subdistrict Sendang Tulungagung Regency. This research using Classroom Action Research approach (PTK) with research subject of student of class XII TPHP SMK Putra Wilis Sub District Sendang Tulungagung Regency. The research was conducted in two cycles, using the instrument in the form of RPP, student activity observation sheet, teacher activity observation sheet and student learning result test. The conclusions of this reseacrh are 1) Through the learning action cycle can be found steps - the effective step of applying the method of playing handball and throwing the ball to improve the effectiveness of passing learning on the volleyball playing through the observation of student activity is known increase reaches 34.65%, (2) Through the learning action cycle the method of playing handball and throwing the ball proven to improve the effectiveness of passing learning on the volleyball playing through observation of teacher activity increase reaches 28,12%, and 3) Through the learning action cycle, the method of playing handball and throwing the ball is proven to improve student's learning achievement reach 40,01%.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 43
Suyatmiati Suyatmiati

<p><em>This research is aimed  to improve mathematics students learning achievement inelementary school, especially inmixed count operation on integer materials through the application of colored paper learning media. This research was a classroom action research refferedto Kemmis and Mc Taggart’s design, which includes planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. The research subject were all the student of fourth A grade  in SDN Wadungsari Waru Sidoarjo in  the  the period of 2016/2017. Before the implementation of the action, the classical average value is 58.75. After the action is applied, the results of the test on  cycle I is 75 for classical average value and the results of the test on  cycle II is 84,38 with student learning completeness</em></p><p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><em>:</em><em>colored paper media</em><em>, learning achievement</em><em></em></p><p><em><br /></em></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 16-20
Sastra Wijaya

APPLICATION OF THE ROLE TO PLAY LEARNING MODEL TO IMPROVE RESULTS LEARN IN LESSONS SOCIAL SCIENCESApplication of Role Play Learning Model to Improve Learning Outcomes in Social Science Learning (This Study with Classroom Action Research Approach for Class IV Students of State Elementary School 1 Walantaka Walantaka District Serang City 2017/2018 Academic Year). This research is a Classroom Action Research (CAR). From the results of observations of the cycle I data on student learning outcomes in learning, teachers only get a score of 61.3. Students have started to be active, this is evidenced by the results of student observations that have reached 61.3. Then from the results of student learning in the first cycle of Meeting 1 obtained data, student learning completeness only reached 45.83 with an average value of 54.17. From the data of student learning outcomes in the first cycle of meeting 2 results of learning observation, the teacher gets a score of 74.9. students have started active, this is evidenced by the results of student observations that have reached 74.9. Then from the results of student learning in the first cycle of Meeting 2 obtained data, student learning completeness only reached 70.83 with an average value of 67.35. From the data of student learning outcomes in cycle II learning observation results, the teacher gets a score of 86.4., Students have begun to be active, this is evidenced by the results of student observations that have reached 88.89 Then from student learning outcomes in cycle II obtained data, student learning completeness reaches 100% with an average value of 77.39. Based on the above data it is concluded that the application of role playing learning models can improve learning outcomes in social studies lessons at SD Negeri 1 Walantaka, Walantaka District, Serang City in 2017/2018.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 16-20
Sastra Wijaya

APPLICATION OF THE ROLE TO PLAY LEARNING MODEL TO IMPROVE RESULTS LEARN IN LESSONS SOCIAL SCIENCESApplication of Role Play Learning Model to Improve Learning Outcomes in Social Science Learning (This Study with Classroom Action Research Approach for Class IV Students of State Elementary School 1 Walantaka Walantaka District Serang City 2017/2018 Academic Year). This research is a Classroom Action Research (CAR). From the results of observations of the cycle I data on student learning outcomes in learning, teachers only get a score of 61.3. Students have started to be active, this is evidenced by the results of student observations that have reached 61.3. Then from the results of student learning in the first cycle of Meeting 1 obtained data, student learning completeness only reached 45.83 with an average value of 54.17. From the data of student learning outcomes in the first cycle of meeting 2 results of learning observation, the teacher gets a score of 74.9. students have started active, this is evidenced by the results of student observations that have reached 74.9. Then from the results of student learning in the first cycle of Meeting 2 obtained data, student learning completeness only reached 70.83 with an average value of 67.35. From the data of student learning outcomes in cycle II learning observation results, the teacher gets a score of 86.4., Students have begun to be active, this is evidenced by the results of student observations that have reached 88.89 Then from student learning outcomes in cycle II obtained data, student learning completeness reaches 100% with an average value of 77.39. Based on the above data it is concluded that the application of role playing learning models can improve learning outcomes in social studies lessons at SD Negeri 1 Walantaka, Walantaka District, Serang City in 2017/2018.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 71-78
Maiharti Hadijah

Teacher has a very important role in creating an exciting and enjoyable learning environment in math lessons.Learning atmosphere is not exciting and fun for students usually to create learning activities that are less harmonious.As in SD 06 Perawang Barat is still low learning achievement of mathematics students, especially VD class with the number of students 32 people.Based on the mathematical repetition value of grade VD students contained in table 1 can be concluded that most students have not reached the established KKM that is 60 in 2012/2013           Another effort that teachers do is to provide practice questions (PR). Then the teacher also repeats the material that the students have not understood. But the effort made by the teacher has not achieved the expected result; low student learning achievement to mathematics is a material for researchers, that the need for mathematics learning that can improve the results of learning mathematics.               The formulation of the problem in this study is whether the application of direct learning model in groups can improve student achievement on the subject matter of the fractional matter in the VD SDN 06 Perawang Barat class in the even semester of the academic year 2012/2013?       The form of this research is collaborative classroom action research, in collaborative classroom action research involving teachers, principals, and outsiders in one team simultaneously, with the aim of improving learning outcomes, the development of theory and teacher performance improvement. This team relationship is a partnership, meaning that the position of team members with each other is the same that aims to think about the issues to be studied in classroom action research. In this case the researcher serves as a teacher. Action will be done is in order to improve the results of teaching mathematics at class VD SDN 06 in Perawang Barat.               The data in this study were collected with observation sheet and mathematics learning result test. Observations were made to the activities of the students and teachers during the learning process for each meeting by filling out the observation sheets that have been filled in by observing the observation sheets of each teacher and student behavior on the observation sheet. While data is about mathematics learning result collected through daily test (UH1) and daily test (UH2) which contains problem based on indicator that will be achieved based on lattice test result of learning.               The data obtained in this research is then analyzed through descriptive analysis.Descriptive data analysis aims to describe data about student learning outcomes on subject matter using in problem solving.               Based on the results of research and discussion concluded that the application of direct learning model in groups can improve student learning achievement at VD SDN 06 in Perawang Barat class on the subject matter using fractions in problem solving.      

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 169
Rosniar Rosniar ◽  
Salawati Salawati

The aim of this study was to improve the learning achievement and activities of students through the implementation of the Problem Solving learning method in Mol Concept. This study was conducted by using two cycles of classroom action research. The subject of this research was 25 students of class X-2 MAN Rukoh Banda Aceh. The result of the implementation of learning Problem Solving method showed that there is improvement of student learning achievement from Cycle I to Cycle II. It could be seen from the results of research that showing about 64% of students had passed learning in Cycle I and about 88% in Cycle II. While the observation was conducted, the improvement of learning activities of students amounts 50%. Based the result of this study, it is can be concluded that the implementation of learning Problem Solving method can improve the learning achievement and activities of the student in Mol Concept.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 197
Ismuhul Fadhil

This study aims to see the application of the discussion method in improving creative thinking skills in social studies learning outcomes of grade IV students. The research method used was classroom action research which consisted of two cycles. Each cycle consists of stages of planning, implementing, observing and reflecting. The first cycle of teacher activities obtained a score of 3.27%, student activity was 2.69%, the learning outcomes in the first cycle showed that 18 students had completed and 22 other students had not. The results in cycle II experienced an increase, teacher activity obtained a score of 3.94% and was included in the good category, student activity obtained 3.69% which was included in the good category, while the overall completeness of student learning outcomes was 33 students complete, and 7 other students had not. reach completeness. It can be seen that in cycle II student learning outcomes increased compared to cycle I.Keywords: Discussion Method, Creative Thinking, IPS Learning

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 122

AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan menulis teks pidato siswa kelas X MA Al-Muhajirin Tugumulyo menggunakan model pembelajaran kumon yang berjumlah 32 orang siswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian tindakan kelas (classroom action research). Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini�menggunakan teknik tes. Hasil data tes dianalisis dengan melihat nilai rata-rata peningkatan pada pratindakan, siklus I, dan siklus II. Teknik analisis data dilakukan dengan cara menjumlahkan skor dari indikator penilaian yang diperoleh siswa. Pada kegiatan pratindakan nilai rata-rata siswa sebesar 71,71% dengan ketuntasan sebesar 34,38% dengan jumlah siswa tuntas sebanyak 11 orang dan yang tidak tuntas sebanyak 21 orang. Tindakan siklus I, nilai rata-rata siswa 75,53 dan ketuntasan hanya mencapai 71,88% dengan jumlah siswa tuntas sebanyak 23 orang dan tidak tuntas sebanyak 9orang. Sedangkan pada siklus II nilai rata-rata mencapai 80,93 dengan jumlah siswa tuntas sebanyak 30 orang dan tidak tuntas 2 orang, berarti dari siklus I sampai siklus II meningkat sebesar 21,87%.. Simpulan, melalui model pembelajaran kumon kemampuan menulis teks pidato meningkat.Kata Kunci: Teks pidato, pembelajaran, kumon.AbstractThis study aims to improve the ability to write speech texts in class X MA Al-Muhajirin Tugumulyo using a kumon learning model of 32 students. This research uses a classroom action research approach. Data collection techniques in this study used test techniques. The results of the test data were analyzed by looking at the average value of the increase in pre-action, cycle I, and cycle II. Data analysis technique is done by adding up scores from assessment indicators obtained by students. In the pre-action activities the average value of students was 71.71% with completeness of 34.38% with the number of students as many as 11 people and as many as 21 people who did not complete. The first cycle of action, the average value of students 75.53 and completeness only reached 71.88% with the total number of students as many as 23 people and not as many as 9 people. While in cycle II the average value reached 80.93 with 30 students completing as many students and not completing 2 people, meaning that from cycle I to cycle II increased by 21.87%. increased.Keywords: Speech text, learning, kumon.

Ike Rahmawati ◽  
Sutansi Sutansi ◽  
Ferril Irham Muzaki

Abstract: This study aims to describe application and improvement learning result of summarizing explanatory text use mind mapping by strengthening the character of responsibility. Type of research is classroom action research. By means 4 stages, they are, plan, implementation, observation, and reflection. The result showed an increase in the percentage of teacher activity from cycle I to cycle II which is 84 percent to 100 percent. Student activity also increased from 80 percent to 88 percent. Student learning result of knowledge aspect had increased from cycle I to cycle II with classical learning completeness from 78 percent to 88 percent. Student learning result of skill aspect had increased in cycle I to cycle II with classical learning completeness from 65 percent to 88 percent. Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan penerapan dan peningkatan hasil belajar meringkas teks eksplanasi menggunakan model Mind Mapping dengan penguatan karakter tanggung jawab. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian tindakan kelas. Melalui 4 tahap yaitu perencanaan, pelaksanaan, pengamatan dan refleksi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya peningkatan presentase aktivitas guru dari siklus I ke siklus II yaitu 84 persen menjadi 100 persen. Aktivitas siswa juga mengalami peningkatan dari 80 persen menjadi 88 persen. Hasil belajar siswa aspek pengetahuan mengalami peningkatan dari siklus I ke siklus II dengan ketuntasan belajar klasikal dari 78 persen meningkat menjadi 88 persen. Hasil belajar siswa aspek keterampilan mengalami peningkatan pada siklus I ke siklus II dengan ketuntasa belajar klasikal dari 65 persen meningkat menjadi 88 persen.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 138
Rose Fitria Lutfiana ◽  
Rohmad Widodo ◽  
Latifah Latifah

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengimplementasikan model pembelajaran Two Stay Two Stray (TSTS) agar dapat meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa di kelas XI IPA 2 Madarasah Aliyah Negeri Kota Batu semester ganjil tahun pelajaran 2018/2019. Penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian tindakan kelas (classroom action research) dengan menggunakan model John Elliot yang masing-masing siklus terdiri dari perencanaan, pelaksanaan, pengamatan, dan refleksi. Subyek dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa/siswi kelas XI IPA 2 pada semester ganjil tahun pelajaran 2018/2019 yang berjumlah 32. Variabel yang diselidiki dalam penelitian ini yaitu variabel input (siswa kelas XI IPA 2), variabel proses (model Two Stay Two Stray) dan variabel output (peningkatan prestasi belajar). Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan berupa observasi, wawancara, studi dokumentasi dan tes. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah rubrik penilaian observasi, pedoman wawancara, pedoman studi dokumentasi dan soal tes. Sedangkan teknik analisis data yang digunakan berupa teknik analisis kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Hasil yang didapatkan dalam penelitian ini adalah penerapan model Two Stay Two STray dapat meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa XI IPA 2 materi Hak Asasi Manusia pada semester ganjil tahun pelajaran 2018/2019 dengan nilai ketuntasan klasikal meningkat dari prasiklus sebesar 43,1% (ketuntasan klasikal 3,12%) pada siklus I meningkat menjadi 63,7% (ketuntasan klasikal 34,37%) dan siklus II meningkat menjadi 84,6% (ketuntasan klasikal 87,5 %).

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