scholarly journals Perbanyakan Mikro Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott var. Antiquorum Melalui Penggunaan IAA

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 28-34
Asnad E Louw ◽  
Henry Kesaulya ◽  
Imelda J Lawalata

An appropriate in vitro propagation medium is necessary to improve the shoot multiplication ability and seed quality in micro propagation. In the Murashige Shoog in vitro culture medium, plant growth regulator can be added as growth promoter. This study aimed to determine the best IAA concentration for in vitro culture growth of Japanese taro (satoimo). The treatment consisted of 4 IAA concentrations, i.e. I0 (0 mg / l), I1 (0.5 mg/L), I2 (1 mg/L), I3 (1.5 mg/L) in randomized block design, with 5 replicates. The results of this study showed that IAA treatment gave an effect on the time of shoot emergence, shoot number, leaf number and root number of satoimo plantlet. IAA concentration of 0.5 mg/L was the best for satoimo shoot number, whereas 1 mg/L IAA was the best concentration for shoot number, shoot height and leaf number in micropropagation of satoimo. Keywords: IAA, in vitro culture, Japanese taro, micro propagation   ABSTRAK Media perbanyakan in vitrosangat diperlukan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan multipikasi tunas maupun kualitas bibit. Media Murashige Shoog (MS)dapatditambahkanzat pengatur tumbuh sebagai pemacu pertumbuhan dalam kultur in vitro.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan konsentrasi IAA terbaik bagi pertumbuhan talas jepang dalam kulturin vitro. Perlakuan terdiri dari 4 taraf konsentrasi IAA yaitu I0 (0 mg/L), I1 (0,5 mg/L), I2 (1 mg/L), I3 (1,5 mg/L) yang diulang sebanyak 5 kali dalam rancangan acak kelompok. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa pemberian IAA berpengaruh nyata terhadap saat muncul tunas, jumlah tunas, tinggi tunas, jumlah daun dan jumlah akar satoimo. Konsentrasi IAA 0,5 mg/L merupakan konsentrasi terbaik untuk pertumbuhan akar dan saat muncul tunas talas satoimo, sedangkan konsentrasi IAA 1 mg/L merupakan konsentrasi terbaik untuk jumlah tunas, tinggi tunas dan jumlah daun satoimo. Kata kunci: kultur in vitro, talas jepang, IAA, perbanyakan

2015 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 29

Conventional propagation of Nepenthes was difficult to do. To overcome the problems were required alternative method such as in vitro propagation. The objective of this research was to obtain the best treatment of BAP + NAA on shoot multiplication of Nepenthes through in vitro culture. The research design used Randomized Completely Design consist of seven treatments, e.g. 1) ½ MS0 (control); 2) ½ MS + 1 ppm BAP + 0.5 ppm NAA; 3) ½ MS + 1 ppm BAP + 1 ppm NAA; 4) ½ MS + 1.5 ppm BAP + 0.5 ppm NAA; 5) ½ MS + 1.5 ppm BAP + 1 ppm NAA; 6) ½ MS + 2 ppm BAP + 0.5 ppm NAA dan 7) ½ MS + 2 ppm BAP + 1 ppm NAA. The parameter observed were number of shoot, number of nodul, number of leafs, number of pitcher and number of root. The result of this research showed that treatment of ½ MS + 1 ppm BAP + 1 ppm NAA is the best treatment compared to others. At induction stage, this treatment can produce the number of shoot, number of nodul, and number of root were 1.6 shoots/explant, 10.8 nodul/explant and 3.6 root/explant, respectively. At subculture, this treatment can produce the number of shoot, number of leafs, and number of pitcher were 5.8 shoots/explant, 12.4 leafs/explant and 5.2 pitcher/explant, respectively.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 102-107
Darda Efendi ◽  
Mirza R Putra

Papaya is a popular fruit and is grown commercially in many subtropical and tropical countries. Papayas are generally grown from seeds; therefore the offsprings are not true-to-type and could come in three sexes, female, male, and hermaphrodite. Clonal propagation is required to obtain to grow true-to-type hermaphrodite papayas. In this research, we developed an in vitro protocol for shoot multiplication from lateral shoots from in vitro germinated papaya seedlings. The in vitro propagated plant materials could potentially be used as a source of papaya micro cuttings, or as scion for papaya grafting. The experiment was set up as a factorial experiment with NAA at 0, 0.1 and 0.5 mg.L-1, and BAP at 0, 0.1, 0.5, and 1.0 mg.L-1 in a completely randomized block design. BAP interacted with NAA in affecting the shoot production per explant. The optimum BAP and NAA concentration to produce lateral shoots was 0.54 mg. L-1 and 0.1 mg.L-1, respectively. Media without NAA reduced the number of lateral shoots and number of leaf per explant at any BAP concentration.Keywords: hermaphrodite, seeds, true to type, clonal propagation, micro cuttings.

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (6) ◽  
pp. 341
David Correia dos Anjos ◽  
Gabrielen De Maria Gomes Dias ◽  
Fernando Felipe Ferreyra Hernandez ◽  
Josefa Diva Nogueira Diniz

The transition from heterotrophism to autotrophism in acclimatization is a delicate process for most species. The objective of this work was to evaluate combinations of regional substrates of the Brazilian Northeast in the acclimatization and morphological development of minirose (Rosa chinensis ‘Minima’) seedlings. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse using seedlings with 30 days of in vitro culture. The treatments were constituted by: 1) dry coconut powder; 2) 75% dry coconut powder + 25% rice husk; 3) 50% dry coconut powder + 50% rice husk; 4) 75% dry coconut powder + 25% charcoal rice husk; 5) 50% dry coconut powder + 50% carbonized rice husk; 6) 100% vermiculite; 7) 50% vermiculite + 50% dry coconut powder; 8) commercial substrate; 9) 75% sand + 25% dry coconut powder and 10) 50% sand + 50% dry coconut powder. After 21 days, the following characteristics were evaluated: survival percentage, leaf number, shoot height, dry matter of shoot and root and total dry matter. The regional materials tested showed a good choice of substrates to be used in the acclimatization of minirose seedlings. The vermiculite presented the worst results in the characteristics evaluated. Dry coconut powder as substrate should be used in mixtures with other materials to provide better acclimatization conditions. The use of 50% dry coconut powder + 50% rice husk provided a best development and growth of minirose seedlings (Rosa chinensis ‘Minima’) than other tested substrates

2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (3) ◽  
pp. 125 ◽  

<p>ABSTRAK<br />Langkah antisipatif pemenuhan kebutuhan massal benih temulawak<br />dilakukan dengan perbanyakan secara in vitro menggunakan medium<br />tumbuh yang murah mengandung air kelapa. Penelitian bertujuan untuk<br />menganalisis kandungan kimia air kelapa dan peranannya dalam multi-<br />plikasi tunas temulawak in vitro, serta pengaruhnya terhadap produksi<br />rimpang dan kandungan xanthorrizol. Penelitian dilakukan mulai Mei<br />2009 sampai Agustus 2010 di Laboratorium dan Kebun Percobaan Balai<br />Penelitian Tanaman Rempah dan Obat; serta Balai Besar Penelitian dan<br />Pengembangan Pascapanen Pertanian. Air kelapa yang digunakan berasal<br />dari kelapa muda (7-8 bulan) dan kelapa tua berumur (10-12 bulan).<br />Penelitian dilakukan secara bertahap, terdiri atas 4 kegiatan. Pertama,<br />analisis zat pengatur tumbuh, vitamin dan mineral dalam air kelapa<br />menggunakan metode HPLC. Kedua, pengaruh konsentrasi air kelapa (0,<br />5, 10, 15, 20, dan 25%) terhadap multiplikasi tunas temulawak in vitro.<br />Kegiatan dirancang secara acak kelompok, 3 ulangan. Pengamatan<br />meliputi parameter pertumbuhan. Ketiga, aklimatisasi dan kandungan<br />klorofil tanaman hasil in vitro. Keempat, pertumbuhan dan produksi<br />rimpang benih temulawak in vitro dalam pot berisi media tanah + pasir dan<br />analisis kandungan xanthorrizolnya. Rancangan penelitian acak kelompok,<br />3 ulangan, dan parameter pengamatan karakter pertumbuhan, produksi<br />rimpang, dan kandungan xanthorrizol. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan<br />bahwa air kelapa mengandung kinetin, zeatin, auksin, vitamin, mineral dan<br />sumber karbon yang berguna untuk multiplikasi tunas in vitro. Kandungan<br />kimia air kelapa muda lebih tinggi dibanding air kelapa tua. Medium<br />tumbuh mengandung air kelapa 15% terbaik dalam merangsang pertum-<br />buhan tunas in vitro (rata-rata 4,6 jumlah tunas per botol selama periode<br />awal pertumbuhan (8 minggu) sehingga dijadikan sebagai standar perba-<br />nyakan. Bibit temulawak hasil perbanyakan in vitro tumbuh baik (72%)<br />pada masa aklimatisasi, walaupun sebagian kecil ada yang menguning.<br />Kandungan klorofil a, b, dan total klorofil temulawak asal kultur in vitro<br />lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan yang konvensional, dan bentuk<br />rimpangnya normal. Poduksi rimpang generasi awal (Vo) mencapai rata-<br />rata 320,2g, lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan rimpang konvensional<br />(800,5g). Kandungan xanthorrhizol temulawak hasil kultur in vitro lebih<br />rendah dibandingkan rimpang konvensional. Hasil penelitian mengindi-<br />kasikan potensi air kelapa sebagai zat pengatur tumbuh alami pada<br />temulawak in vitro.<br />Kata kunci: air kelapa, Curcuma xanthorrhiza, in vitro, xanthorrhizol,<br />hasil</p><p>ABSTRACT<br />Anticipated step for Java turmeric seed massal fulfillment was<br />conducted by in vitro using cheap growth medium enriched with coconut<br />water. The aim of the research was to analyse the chemical content of<br />coconut water and its role on java turmeric micropropagation in vitro and<br />their effect on yield and xanthorrhizol content. The experiement was<br />conducted from May 2009 to August 2009 at Indonesian Spices and<br />Medicinal Research Institute and Indonsian Center for Agricultural Post<br />Harvest Research and Development. The coconut water used comes from<br />young coconut (7-8 months) and old coconut (10-12 months). The research<br />consisted of four steps. First, analysis of growth regulator, vitamin and<br />sucrose from coconut water using HPLC method. Second, the effect of<br />several concentration od water coconut: 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25% on in<br />vitro multiplication. The experiment was arranged in completely block<br />design with three replicates. The parameters observed were growth of<br />culture during in vitro. Third, acclimatization and chlorophyll content of<br />plant derived from in vitro and fourth, growth, and yield of java turmeric<br />seed on pot containing soil + sand as growth medium and xanthorrhizol<br />analysis. The experiment was arranged in completely block design with<br />three replicates. The parameters observed were growth characters, yield<br />and xnthorrhizol content. Result showed that coconut water contain<br />kinetin, zeatin, auksin, vitamin, mineral and carbon source which used for<br />in vitro shoots multiplication. The chemical of young coconut water was<br />higher than old coconut. The growth medium enriched with 15 % coconut<br />water gave the best result on inducing shoots in vitro (average 4.6<br />shoots/bottle during 8 weeks culture), so it’s used as multiplication<br />standard. Java turmeric seed from in vitro culture grew well (72%) on<br />acclimatization. Although, some of them were greenish.The content of a,<br />b, and total chlorophyll of java ginger from in vitro culture was higher than<br />conventional rhizome and have a normal rhizome. The production on Vo<br />(plantlet generation) around 320.2 g/plant, is lower than conventional<br />rhyzome (800.5 g). Xanthorhizol and essential oil content of Java turmeric<br />from in vitro seed were lower than conventional rhyzome. Result research<br />indicated potency of the coconut water as a nature growth regulator in<br />vitro.<br />Key words: coconut water, Curcuma xanthorrhiza, in vitro, growth,<br />xanthorrhizol, yield</p>

A. Fira ◽  
K. Magyar-Tábori ◽  
I. Hudák ◽  
D. Clapa ◽  
J. Dobránszky

In vitro shoot multiplication responses of Amelanchier canadensis ‘Rainbow Pillar’ were studied on media solidifi ed with different gelling agents. The media were gelled either with 6.8 g l-1 fi brous agar-agar, or 50.0 g l-1 wheat starch, or 20.0 g l-1 Guar gum, or 15 g l-1 Isubgol or 50.0 g l-1 wheat starch mixed with 0.5 g l-1 Phytagel. Shoot cultures were grown for two months, thereafter the multiplication rates (number of newly developed shoots per explant) were counted and the length of shoots were measured. We found that the highest shoot multiplication of Amelanchier canadensis ‘Rainbow Pillar’ occurred on media gelled with Guar gum, while the longest shoots developed on media with Starch. About four-fold shoot number were obtained on media with Guar gum compared to the weakest results found on media gelled with Isubgol. Finally, considering all factors (shoot growth parameters, costs) the most economical gelling agent for Amelanchier canadensis ‘Rainbow Pillar’ was proved to be wheat starch among the tested alternatives which allows a 75.6% cost reduction.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 93
Douglas Bertoncelli ◽  
Guilherme Alves ◽  
Gustavo Freiria ◽  
Felipe Furlan ◽  
Helio Neto ◽  

In vitro cultivation is a highly important biotechnological method widely used for the production of orchid seedlings, but it is necessary to study the suitability of the nutrients used in different kinds of formulation, as the nutritional requirement varies according to the species. The objective was to evaluate different concentrations of iron in the in vitro cultivation of Schomburgkia crispa Lindl seedlings. Seedlings were obtained from seeds germinated in vitro. Modified MS culture medium was used with half of the macronutrient concentration. The micronutrients were added according to the original formulation, except for the iron which was added from a stock solution of FeEDTA (FeSO4.7H2O: 5.6 g L-1 and EDTA: 7.48 g L-1) at 0.0; 2.5; 5.0; 7.5; 10.0 and 12.5mL L-1. At 200 days after seedling transplantation, shoot height, root length, number of leaves, shoot number, leaf length, leaf width, aerial and root dry mass, chlorophyll a, b and carotenoids content were evaluated. A completely randomized design was used, with six treatments and ten replicates of five seedlings. Regression analysis was performed at 5% of significance. The increase in iron concentration caused a reduction in root length and an increase in the number of leaves and shoots. The concentration of 4.13 mL L-1 of FeEDTA was the one that provided the best in vitro growth of S. crispa plants. High concentrations of iron caused a reduction of initial development, but stimulated an increase in the number of shoots.

2016 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 91
Yati Supriati

<p>Micropropagation Efficiency of Banana cv Kepok<br />Amorang through Modifications of Culture Media and<br />Incubation Temperature. Yati Supriati. The budless<br />banana cv Kepok Amorang is potentially commercialized<br />due to its sweet taste and does not have flower bud, hence<br />reduced the potential of being infected by the blood disease<br />pathogen. Enhancement of banana industry needs continuous<br />supplies of large number banana seedlings. In vitro<br />culture enable the production of seedlings in a large scale,<br />uniform, quick. The research aims: (1) to formulate an<br />efficient medium for in vitro multiplication of cv Kepok<br />Amorang shoot, (2) to identify efficient growth environment<br />for in vitro culture of cv Kepok Amorang, and (3) to formulate<br />an efficient culture medium for roots inductions of cv<br />Kepok Amorang. The plant material used was in vitro culture<br />of Kepok cv Amorang, 2 cm in height without leaf and root.<br />The media formulation for shoot multiplication were full<br />strength, half strength, one fourth strength MS media,<br />supplemented with either 1, 3, or 5 ppm IBA. On optimization<br />step, the media tested were MS, Knop, Knop and<br />Heller, Hyponex N, Growmore N, and Rosasol N containing<br />of 1 ppm BA. The explants were incubated in culture room<br />with 8, 12, and 16 hours photoperiod with temperatures 30oC<br />(non air conditioned) and 25oC (air conditioned). The root<br />induction trial was done using MS, Knop, Knop and Heller,<br />Hyponex N, Growmore N, and Rosasol N media containing<br />of 1 ppm and 3 ppm IBA. The results showed that the best<br />medium formula for shoot multiplication was ¼ MS + 1 ppm<br />IBA. The best incubation condition was 16 hours photoperiods<br />at 30oC. The best media for root induction was<br />Hyponex 2 g/l + 1 ppm IBA. This culture method reduced<br />cost by Rp 261.7 per plantlet through efficiency of media<br />formulation and electricity use.</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
pp. 1669-1679 ◽  
Mohamad Shatnawi ◽  
Rida A. Shibli ◽  
Wesam G. Shahrour ◽  
Tamara S. Al-Qudah ◽  
Abu-Zahra Taleb

An efficient protocol is outlined for rapid and mass micropropagation of Ficus carica L. (fig). Shoot tips (5 mm) were obtained from mother plants stock grown on half strength Murashige and Skoog (½ MS) medium with the addition of 30 g/L sucrose. For shoot multiplication Benzyl amino purine (BAP) and kinetin produced differences number of new shoot per plant and shoot height. BAP at 0.4 mg/L in combination with 0.2 mg/L indole-3-butyric-acid (IBA) produce maximum in vitro propagation rate, with 4.2 shoots per ex-plant. Root initiation was experimented on MS medium containing different concentrations of mg/L, IBA, IAA (Indole-3-acetic-acid) (IAA) or Naphthalene acetic acid (NAA). Highest number of root (4.3) was resulted when 1.5 mg/L IBA was used. After acclimatization in a mixture of (1 soil: 1 perlite: 1 peat) survival rate of 80% was achieved. For in vitro conservation of F. carica was experimented as microshoots were stored for 40 weeks on MS medium containing different sucrose concentration. Medium supplemented with 3% sucrose gave the highest regrowth (89%) at 24 ± 2 °C. Culture grew slowly when transferred to new fresh medium after the storage periods.

2013 ◽  
Vol 19 (3-4) ◽  
I. Hudák ◽  
K. Magyar-Tábori ◽  
L. Zsombik

Asparagus offi cinalis has been widely studied, but little information is available about its in vitro response to exogenous cytokinin during shoot multiplication. To study the effects of different cytokinins on shoot multiplication of A. offi cinalis ‘Grolim’, in vitro culture was initiated from shoot segments cultured on media with Murashige and Skoog medium. Effects of different aromatic cytokinins (6-benzylaminopurine, 6-benzylaminopurine riboside and meta-topolin) applied in four concentrations (0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 mg/l) on shoot multiplication of ‘Grolim’ were tested. Effect of explant position (vertically or horizontally) on the shoot multiplication outcome was also studied. Both the length and the number of newly developed shoots were signifi cantly affected by explant position and cytokinin content of the medium. The highest numbers of shoots (4.9) were produced in the presence of 0.5 mg l-1 6-benzylaminopurine riboside when explants were paced horizontally onto the medium. Although the longest shoots (41.5 mm) developed on explants placed vertically onto medium supplemented with 2.0 mg l-1 meta-topolin, the lengths of shoots developed on medium with 0.5 mg l-1 6-benzylaminopurine riboside were also adequate in both explant position (29.5 and 33.6 mm placed horizontally and vertically, respectively).

2020 ◽  
Neja Jemal ◽  
Tileye Feyissa

Abstract Background: Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) ranks the seventh most important crop in the world. As it is propagated vegetatively, viruses accumulate from generation to generation and seriously affect its yield and quality. Currently virus diseases especially double infections are the major constraints of sweetpotato production. Meristem culture, chemotherapy and thermotherapy methods are suggested as the methods of choice to produce virus free planting materials although the success varies among different reports. The objective of this study was to produce virus free sweet potato planting materials through meristem culture and chemotherapy. The micropropagated plants were tested for the viruses. Results: All of the stock plants of the four varieties of sweet potato tested for 10 different viruses using Nitrocellulose Membranes Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (NCM-ELISA) were found to be infected with Sweet potato feathery mottle virus (SPFMV). In addition, Sweet potato chlorotic stunt virus (SPCSV) was detected in ‘Ogensegen’ variety. Among the four varieties of sweet potato, ‘Beletech’ showed best performance resulting in 90% shoot initiation from meristem on MS medium containing 1.0 mg/l 6-benzyl amino purine (BAP), 2.0 mg/l Gibberellin (GA3) and 0.01 mg/l a-naphthalene acetic acid (NAA). In addition, the highest mean shoot number per explant (8.0 ± 6.2) was obtained from the same variety on shoot multiplication medium containing 2.0 mg/l BAP. This variety showed 100% rooting and 4.2±2.0 mean root number on growth regulator free medium. After acclimatization, 91.4% of plants survived. All in vitro propagated plants from meristem culture and shoots cultured on medium containing 20 mg/l and 30 mg/l ribavirin were virus free. Conclusions: This protocol can be used to produce virus free planting materials of sweet potato and distribute to the farmers to overcome the current serious sweet potato virus diseases in East Africa.

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