scholarly journals Practicing Communicability, Redeemability, and Educability: The Response of Christian Education to Violence against Women during the Covid-19 Pandemic

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 406-425
Jeniffer Fresy Porielly Wowor

This article explores violence against women in Yogyakarta, which increased rapidly during the pandemic. The study showed that violence against women is also the result of deep and troubling cultural structures that oppress women. Based on a see–judge–act analysis, this article proposes that church educational ministries can build relationships with women victims and their families through a variety of transformational ways, even amid a pandemic. The church can develop communication, healing, and education through a holistic approach in Christian education (practicing communicability, redeemability, and educability). The paradigm of gender equality should be integrated into our attitudes and actions in daily life and in the whole range of the church’s ministry to create spaces for women’s voices not only through education and ritual action but also actual transformation.

Kurios ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 36
Johanes Waldes Hasugian

Christian educators have got the important task to teach adults in the church, especially how to design and develop the Christian education curriculum creatively. Christian education curriculum has its function as a guide to help Christian educators to teach adults in the church so that they might be able to comprehend their self-image or self-concept, their role and task as adults distinctively and significantly in their daily life and their relation amid society. The curriculum is anticipatory essentially. Therefore Christian educator is enhanced to reduce failure and to enlarge achievement in teaching adults in the church.  Abstrak Dalam membelajarkan orang dewasa di gereja, pendidik Kristen memiliki tugas penting, khususnya mendesain dan mengembangkan kurikulum pembelajaran pendidikan Kristen secara kreatif. Kurikulum pembelajaran pendidikan Kristen berfungsi sebagai pedoman untuk menolong pendidik Kristen dalam membelajarkan orang-orang dewasa dalam gereja sehingga dengan demikian mereka semakin memahami gambar atau konsep diri, peran dan tanggung jawabnya sebagai orang dewasa secara lebih jelas dan mantap dalam kehidupan sehari-hari dan dalam relasinya dengan masyarakat sekitar. Kurikulum bersifat antisipatori, oleh karenanya pendidik Kristen dimampukan untuk meminimalisir kegagalan dan memperbesar keberhasilan dalam tugas pengajarannya bagi warga jemaat dewasa di gereja. Artikel ini menguraikan pemahaman dan praktik pembelajaran pendidikan Kristen orang dewasa di gereja, serta bagaimana gereja mendesain dan mengembangkan kurikulum pembelajaran bagi orang dewasa.

2017 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 127
Gunawan Adnan

Gender mainstreaming is a globally accepted strategy for promoting gender equality. Mainstreaming is not an end in itself but a strategy, an approach, a means to achieve the goal of gender equality. Mainstreaming involves ensuring that gender perspectives and attention to the goal of gender equality are central to all activities - policy development, research, advocacy/dialogue, legislation, resource allocation, and planning, implementation and monitoring of programs and projects. Gender mainstreaming is, therefore, becoming a collective awareness and concern in most countries since it is viewed as one of the most appropriate, comprehensive and representative approaches to solve both the problem of gender inequality and the problem of violence against women and children including in Indonesia in general and Aceh in particular.  This study is aimed at exploring how gender mainstreaming initiatives, attempts to integrate a gender equality approach to post-tsunami and post-conflict reconstruction and development efforts in Aceh, take part in the social and political reconstruction by both reproducing and subverting gendered images of temporality and spatiality as well as promoting a holistic gender equality in all aspects of life. The method used in doing this research is a library method in which all related data and library resources are collected, examined and finally analyzed. The result of this study suggests, among others, that gender mainstreaming should be based on a holistic approach, not only in spirit and conceptual basis but also in practical and social reality basis, such as empowering women in having equal access toward education, access to economic resources, access to the right of possessing property, etc. Moreover, one of another important result of this study is that the violence against women and children that still commonly occur almost everywhere in the world should be viewed as collective enemy and challenge which needs to be faced and eliminated collectively as well.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 400-433
Shintya Giri Ramadhaniati ◽  
Shary Charlotte Henriette Pattipeilhy ◽  
Tri Cahya Utama

Abstract: Gender inequality is a problem faced throughout the world, including in Indonesia, where the patriarchal system causes women to often get injustice from various sectors, especially the work sector. In 2014, UN Women initiated the formation of HeForShe by making men as agents of change so that women can live equally without discrimination. This research then aims to see why the HeForShe organization involves men in efforts to address gender inequality in Indonesia. This research also uses qualitative methods with various data sources from the HeForShe organization, the Government of Indonesia and the Ministry of PPPA. The theory used is Liberal Feminists with the concept of men as privileged allies. The results of this study indicate that men as privileged allies in the struggle for the rights of women workers in Indonesia. The support provided by Indonesian men currently varies from learning about gender equality to building movements to support the elimination of violence against women. It is through this contribution that women's voices will be heard and gender equality actions will be better realized. Keywords: Indonesia, Gender Inequality, HeForShe, Privileged Allies, Equality, Rights of Women Workers   Abstrak: Ketidaksetaraan gender merupakan permasalahan yang dihadapi di seluruh dunia termasuk di Indonesia dimana sistem patriarki menyebabkan wanita seringkali mendapatkan ketidakadilan dari berbagai sektor terutama sektor pekerjaan. Pada tahun 2014, UN Women menginisiasikan terbentuknya HeForShe dengan menjadikan pria sebagai agen perubahan agar wanita bisa hidup setara tanpa diskriminasi. Penelitian ini kemudian bertujuan untuk melihat mengapa organisasi HeForShe melibatkan pria dalam upaya penanganan ketidaksetaraan gender di Indonesia. Penelitian ini juga menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan berbagai sumber data dari organisasi HeForShe, Pemerintah Indonesia serta KemenPPPA. Teori yang digunakan adalah Feminis Liberal dengan konsep pria sebagai privileged allies. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pria berperan sebagai privileged allies dalam perjuangan hak pekerja wanita di Indonesia. Dukungan yang diberikan pria Indonesia saat ini sangat beragam mulai dari mempelajari mengenai kesetaraan gender sampai membangun gerakan untuk mendukung penghapusan kekerasan terhadap wanita. Melalui kontribusi inilah suara wanita akan lebih didengar dan kesetaraan gender akan terwujud dengan lebih baik. Kata Kunci: Indonesia, Ketidaksetaraan Gender, HeForShe, Privileged Allies, Kesetaraan, Hak Pekerja Wanita.

Zorica Saltirovska Professor ◽  
Sunchica Dimitrijoska Professor

Gender-based violence is a form of discrimination that prevents women from enjoying the rights and liberties on an equal level with men. Inevitably, domestic violence shows the same trend of victimizing women to such a degree that the term “domestic violence” is increasingly becoming synonymous with “violence against women”. The Istanbul Convention defines domestic violence as "gender-based violence against women", or in other words "violence that is directed against a woman because she is a woman or that affects women disproportionately." The situation is similar in the Republic of Macedonia, where women are predominantly victims of domestic violence. However, the Macedonian legal framework does not define domestic violence as gender-based violence, and thus it does not define it as a specific form of discrimination against women. The national legislation stipulates that victims are to be protected in both a criminal and a civil procedure, and the Law on Prevention and Protection from Domestic Violence determines the actions of the institutions and civil organizations in the prevention of domestic violence and the protection of victims. The system for protection of victims of domestic violence closely supports the Law on Social Protection and the Law on Free Legal Aid, both of which include provisions on additional assistance for women victims of domestic violence. However, the existing legislation has multiple deficiencies and does not allow for a greater efficacy in implementing the prescribed measures for the protection of victims of domestic violence. For this reason, as well as due to the inconsistent implementation of legal solutions of this particular issue, the civil sector is constantly expressing their concern about the increasingly wider spread of domestic violence against women and about the protection capabilities at their disposal. The lack of recognition of all forms of gender-based violence, the trivial number of criminal sentences against persons who perform acts of domestic violence, the insufficient support offered to victims – including victim shelters, legal assistance, and counseling, and the lack of systematic databases on domestic violence cases on a national level, are a mere few of the many issues clearly pointing to the inevitable conclusion that the protection of women-victims of domestic violence is inadequate. Hence, the functionality and efficiency of both the existing legislation and the institutions in charge of protection and support of women – victims of domestic violence is being questioned, which is also the subject for analysis in this paper.

2003 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 104-116 ◽  
Rowan Williams

ABSTRACTFor Hooker's opponents, sacraments could only be human actions designed to further the homogeneity of that community of uniform spiritual achievement which is the holy congregation. Hooker, on the other hand, affirms the possibility of uneven, confused faith, even the confused ecclesial loyalties of the ‘church papist’, as something acceptable within the reformed congregation. This is entirely of a piece with the defence of a liturgy that is more than verbal instruction. Hooker traces these two issues to a Christology which is centred upon divine gift and ontological transformation, and a consequent sacramental theology which affirms the hiddenness but effectiveness of divine presence and work in the forms of our ritual action.

2021 ◽  
Vol 38 (1) ◽  
pp. 119-141
Helene Fisher ◽  
Elizabeth Lane Miller ◽  
Christof Sauer

Abstract Emerging understanding of gender-specific religious persecution in some of the world’s most difficult countries for Christians offers timely insight into complex dynamics in which the church and missions have too often been unwittingly complicit due to limited visibility of the components contributing to these wounds. Fresh research into these deeply wounding global phenomena stands as both a warning and a pointer towards an avenue for effective ministrations by churches and Christian ministries that are working in the most severely affected areas of the world. Drawing on the latest trends identified by World Watch Research, outcomes of the Consultation for Christian Women under Pressure for their Faith, a contemporary case study from Central African Republic, and a biblical narrative, we will explore practical opportunities for a holistic approach to bring preparedness, healing, and restoration for communities under severe pressure for their Christian faith.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-63
Hardi Budiyana

Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan dan mengetahui Misi Pendidikan Kristen dalam Mewujudkan Murid Kristus, yang tentunya Murid Kristus yang memiliki karakter Kristiani dalam jemaat melalui proses pengajaran di gereja lokal. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian bersifat kualitatif dengan cara studi pustaka yakni mengkaji tentang Misi Pendidikan Kristen yang berpusat pada Kristus akan mewujudkan Murid Kristus yang memiliki wewenang untuk membangun karakter jemaat sesuai dengan ajaran iman Kristiani. Hasil penelitian ini memberikan pemahaman bahwa Misi Pendidikan Kristen berperan baik dalam Mewujudkan Murid Kristus yang memiliki pembentukan karakter kristiani dalam jemaat. Oleh karena itu, disarankan agar Para hamba Tuhan dalam hal ini Gembala Jemaat memiliki loyalitas yang tinggi dalam melaksanakan tugas dan tanggung jawab sebagai rekan kerja Allah yang bukan hanya berkotbah semata, tetapi juga menyampaikan pengajaran dengan hasil terwujud adanya murid Kristus yang memiliki karakter Kristiani nyata dalam diri Jemaat, sehingga jemaat mau melibatkan diri dalam pelayanan maupun dalam penginjilan baik dalam gereja maupun di luar gereja. Kata Kunci: Misi Pendidikan Kristen, Murid Kristus, Gereja Lokal. AbstractThis study aims to describe and know the Mission of Christian Education in Realizing Christ's Disciples, which is certainly Christ's Disciples who have Christian character in the congregation through the teaching process in the local church. This research is a qualitative study by means of literature study that examines the mission of Christian Education centered on Christ will realize Christ's Disciples who have the authority to build the character of the church in accordance with the teachings of the Christian faith. The results of this study provide an understanding that the Christian Education Mission plays a good role in realizing Christ's disciples who have the formation of Christian character in the congregation. Therefore, it is recommended that the pastors of the Church of the Church Shepherd have a high loyalty in carrying out their duties and responsibilities as partners of God who not only preach, but also deliver teaching with the results of the realization of disciples of Christ who have a real Christian character in themselves Congregation, so that the congregation wants to be involved in ministry and in evangelizing both in the church and outside the church. Keywords: Christian Education Mission, Christ Disciples, Local Church

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 40-65 ◽  
Charanjit Kaur ◽  
Sarjit S. Gill

This article aims to examine how the Sikh women diaspora from two generations exercised their rights within the religious domain in Malaysia. Sikhism has a unique world view of gender ideology; from a gender perspective, God is symbolically described as a husband to all of humanity, whereby all humans, irrespective of gender, are perceived as having the status of wives to God. Since the Sikh religion focuses on the concept of the spirit rather than the physical body; therefore, the position of God and mankind should be cognized from the viewpoint of transformation of spirit. Most significantly, every human being, be they male or female, is held in equal importance, with each individual being conferred the same position, status, rights and opportunity to live this life as God has ordained. In fact, tenets of life that define practices as being praiseworthy, or to be avoided, are not gender specific. This makes the philosophy of gender equality of the Sikh religion particularly interesting and worthy of academic scrutiny. To what extent is it true that women have equal status with men? The authors discovered that patriarchal cultural practices have clearly dominated Sikh women’s views about their roles in daily life, as well as in the perception of their own status. This article concludes with specific recommendations to uplift and strengthen gender equality among the Sikh community in the religious domain.

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