scholarly journals Policy Formulation of Criminal Law against Narcotics Traffickers Based On Justice Value

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 529
Ade Christian Manapa

Act No. 35 of 2009 on Narcotics there are multiple interpretations and ambiguities article formulation, namely Article 112 of Law on Narcotics. Article resulted in the perpetrators of Narcotics (trafficker) will shelter as if he was a victim of crime or narcotics abusers.The problems are: 1) Are Policy Formulation of Criminal Law Against Narcotics Traffickers based on Act No. 35 of 2009 has fulfilled a Justice Value? 2) How does the Policy Formulation of Criminal Law Against Narcotics Traffickers in Criminal Justice in Indonesia? and 3) how the Policy Formulation of Upcoming Criminal Law Against The Perpetrators And Abusers Based on Justice Value?The method used is normative, the specification of the research is descriptive analytical data using secondary data sources, data collection methods using literature study, data presentation in the narrative, qualitative data analysis. The research problem in accordance with the above described problems he infused with three theories: 1) The theory of law enforcement, 2) Theory of legal certainty and 3) Theory of justice.Result: 1) Policy Formulation of Criminal Law Against Narcotics Traffickers Based On Act No. 35 of 2009 still indicates ambiguity and multiple interpretations. Between the formulation of article 112 and article 127 so that it can ensnare abusers of narcotics in Article 127.2) Policies application of criminal law against traffickers Narcotics in Criminal Justice in Indonesia is still problematic, where the dealer the crime of Narcotics can shelter as abusers of narcotics to avoid criminal sanctions are more severe. 3) Policy criminal law traffickers and abusers of narcotics in the future is the need to change the formulation of Article 112 Law on Narcotics, ie there must be firmness that met the elements "have", "save", "master" or "buy" is a chapter devoted to trafficker, importers, producer, and another narcotics crime qualification and not pointed to narcotic abuse itself.Keywords: Policy Formulation of Criminal Law; Narcotics Traffickers; Justice Value.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Rendy Surya Aditama ◽  
Umar Ma�ruf

ABSTRAKPenelitian ini dilatarbelakangi tingginya kasus peredaran psikotropika yang dilakukan oleh anak. Berdasarkan UU SPPA, kasus anak yang berhadapan dengan hukum yang dapat diselesaikan dengan upaya diversi adalah kasus yang ancamannya dibawah tujuh tahun, tetapi temuan dilapangan, diketahui bahwa banyak kasus anak yang ancaman hukumannya di atas tujuh tahun diselesaikan melalui diversi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah merumuskan kebijakan formulasi penegakan hukum pidana Polres Magelang terhadap anak sebagai pelaku kejahatan psikotropika di masa yang akan datang.Pisau analisis dalam penelitian ini adalah teori hukum progresif, teori tujuan hukum, konsep diversi, konsep psikotropika, konsep kebijakan hukum pidana, pendekatan keadilan restoratif dan UU SPPA. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode yuridis normatif dengan metode pengumpulan data studi kepustakaan.Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kebijakan formulasi penegakan hukum pidana Polres Magelang terhadap anak sebagai pelaku kejahatan psikotropika saat ini telah menerapkan UU No. 11 Tahun 2012 Tentang Sistem Peradilan Pidana Anak. Kebijakan formulasi penegakan hukum pidana Polres Magelang terhadap anak sebagai pelaku kejahatan psikotropika di Indonesia sudah dilakukan dengan baik, namun masih terlihat adanya pelanggaran terhadap UU No. 35 Tahun 2014 Tentang Perubahan Atas UU No. 23 Tahun 2002 Tentang Perlindungan Anak pada Pasal 64, yaitu di dalam persidangan maupun publikasi hasil persidangan dengan jelas menyebutkan nama anak dimuka umum, sehingga hal ini menyalahi peraturan dalam Pasal 64 huruf i. Kebijakan formulasi penegakan hukum pidana Polres Magelang terhadap anak sebagai pelaku kejahatan psikotropika di masa yang akan datang, dapat dilakukan dengan menerapkan perlindungan anak serta menerapkan sistem peradilan pidana anak, persidangan dilakukan setelah anak berusia dewasa, serta pelaksanaan hukuman pidana dilakukan setelah anak berusia 18 tahun. Saran terkait temuan penelitian ini adalah dapat menanggulangi tindak pidana psikotropika yang dilakukan oleh anak dengan menerapkan kebijakan formulasi penegakan hukum pidana Polres Magelang terhadap anak sebagai pelaku kejahatan psikotropika di masa yang akan datang.Kata kunci: kebijakan, formulasi, psikotropika, anak.ABSTRACTThis research is motivated by high psychotropic circulation cases conducted by children. Under the SPPA Act, the case of a law-facing child who can be resolved by a diversion effort is a case that threats under seven years, but findings in the field, it is known that many cases of children whose sentence threats over seven years are resolved through a diversion. The purpose of this study is to formulate policy formulation of criminal law enforcement Polres Magelang against children as perpetrators of psychotropic crime in the future.The analysis blade in this research is progressive law theory, theory of law objective, diversion concept, psychotropic concept, concept of criminal law policy, restorative justice approach and SPPA law. This research uses normative juridical method with data collection method of literature study.The results of this study indicate that policy formulation of criminal law enforcement Polres Magelang to child as perpetrator of psychotropic crime at this time have applied Law no. 11 Year 2012 on the Criminal Justice System of Children. Policy formulation of criminal law enforcement of Magelang Police against child as perpetrator of psychotropic crime in Indonesia has been done well, but still seen violation against Law no. 35 Year 2014 About Amendment to Law no. Law No. 23 Year 2002 on Child Protection in Article 64, namely in the hearing and publication of the proceedings clearly states the name of the child in public, so that this is contrary to the rules in Article 64 letter i. The policy of formulation of criminal law enforcement of Magelang Police against child as perpetrator of psychotropic crime in the future can be done by applying child protection as well as applying the child criminal justice system, the trial is done after the adult child, and the implementation of criminal punishment is done after the child is 18 years old. Suggestions related to the findings of this study is to cope with psychotropic crimes committed by children by applying the policy of criminal law enforcement formulation Magelang Police against children as perpetrators of psychotropic crimes in the future.Keywords: policy, formulation, psychotropic, child.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 337
Tutut Suciati Handayani

In this study the issues to be discussed are: the policy positive criminal law in the prosecution of perpetrators of criminal acts of a child, criminal law policy of foreign countries in the prosecution of perpetrators of criminal acts of children and the barriers prosecutor in carrying out the task of prosecuting perpetrators of criminal acts of child and how the efforts countermeasures. The research method that will be used is the juridical sociological approach. In order to obtain primary data and secondary data that is accurate to the writing of this study, the data collection by means of a literature study to find materials relating to the principles and rules of law relating to criminal procedure law and the criminal justice system of children. Based on the results of this research is still fragmented between the investigator and the prosecutor so that ultimately the criminal justice system is not optimal child be a solution to cope with the child as a criminal. The issue of children as criminals not only be approached only by using purely legal approach, but also must use the instrument of social and economic approaches. That in conducting the prosecution against children, public prosecutors are often encountered problems due to its law system, the apparatus structure and legal culture. therefore it is necessary for the reconstruction of the criminal justice system of Indonesia, so it can be used as a reference for events that are special laws such as the juvenile justice system.Keywords: Comparative, Policy, Criminal Law.

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 161
Subaidah Ratna Juita ◽  
Amri Panahatan Sihotang ◽  
Ariyono Ariyono

<p>Penelitian ini adalah merupakan pembahasan dan pengkajian secara teoretis normatif  mengenai politik hukum pidana dalam penanggulangan tindak pidana pada anak berkaitan dengan pembaruan dalam subsistem substansi dari hukum pidana anak, serta merupakan pembangunan dalam sistem hukum Indonesia yang berorientasi pada perlindungan terhadap anak korban <em>cyber bullying</em>. Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini berkaitan dengan politik hukum pidana dalam terhadap <em>cyber bullying </em>pada Anak. Adapun metode pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan yuridis normatif yang dilakukan terhadap data sekunder. Data sekunder diperoleh melalui peraturan perundang-undangan, buku-buku, dan jurnal ilmiah. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu melalui studi pustaka. Metode analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif yang dikaji berdasarkan obyek kajian hukum pidana pada <em>cyber bullying, </em>kemudian dari obyek penelitian tersebut peneliti menganalisis dengan menggunakan teori politik hukum pidana. Dengan demikian, pendekatan yuridis-normatif dalam penelitian ini digunakan untuk menganalisis permasalahan yang berkaitan dengan perilaku <em>cyber bullying </em>pada Anak dalam perspektif politik hukum pidana. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa politik hukum pidana dalam terhadap <em>cyber bullying</em> pada<strong> </strong>anak dapat ditelusuri berdasarkan Pasal 76 C jo. Pasal 80 (1) UU Perlindungan Anak, yaitu dalam hal tindakan <em>cyber bullying</em> yang dilakukan pada<strong> </strong>anak, maka terhadap pelaku dapat dikenakan sanksi pidana penjara paling lama 3 (tiga) tahun 6 (enam) bulan dan/atau denda paling banyak Rp72.000.000,00 (tujuh puluh dua juta rupiah).</p><p> </p><p><em>This research is a form of action taken in the efforts of legal countermeasures carried out in various processes, and also in the Indonesian legal system that focuses on violence against cyber bullying. Problems in this study relate to legal policies in combating cyber bullying in children. While the method used in this study is a normative juridical approach to secondary data. Secondary data in the form of making regulations, books, and scientific journals. Data collection methods that use literature study. Data analysis method uses descriptive analysis that explores the object of cyber bullying, then from the object of the research the researcher uses political theory of criminal law. Thus, the juridical-normative approach in this study is to analyze the behavior that is happening in children in the perspective of criminal law politics. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that legal policy in the context of cyber bullying in children can be traced based on Article 76 C jo. Article 80 (1) of the Child Protection Act, namely in the case of cyber bullying actions carried out on children, it can be subject to a prison sentence of a maximum of 3 (three) years 6 (six) months and / or a maximum fine of Rp. 72,000,000.00 (seventy two million rupiah).</em></p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 161
Subaidah Ratna Juita ◽  
Amri Panahatan Sihotang ◽  

<p>Penelitian ini adalah merupakan pembahasan dan pengkajian secara teoretis normatif  mengenai politik hukum pidana dalam penanggulangan tindak pidana pada anak berkaitan dengan pembaruan dalam subsistem substansi dari hukum pidana anak, serta merupakan pembangunan dalam sistem hukum Indonesia yang berorientasi pada perlindungan terhadap anak korban <em>cyber bullying</em>. Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini berkaitan dengan politik hukum pidana dalam terhadap <em>cyber bullying </em>pada Anak. Adapun metode pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan yuridis normatif yang dilakukan terhadap data sekunder. Data sekunder diperoleh melalui peraturan perundang-undangan, buku-buku, dan jurnal ilmiah. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu melalui studi pustaka. Metode analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif yang dikaji berdasarkan obyek kajian hukum pidana pada <em>cyber bullying, </em>kemudian dari obyek penelitian tersebut peneliti menganalisis dengan menggunakan teori politik hukum pidana. Dengan demikian, pendekatan yuridis-normatif dalam penelitian ini digunakan untuk menganalisis permasalahan yang berkaitan dengan perilaku <em>cyber bullying </em>pada Anak dalam perspektif politik hukum pidana. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa politik hukum pidana dalam terhadap <em>cyber bullying</em> pada<strong> </strong>anak dapat ditelusuri berdasarkan Pasal 76 C jo. Pasal 80 (1) UU Perlindungan Anak, yaitu dalam hal tindakan <em>cyber bullying</em> yang dilakukan pada<strong> </strong>anak, maka terhadap pelaku dapat dikenakan sanksi pidana penjara paling lama 3 (tiga) tahun 6 (enam) bulan dan/atau denda paling banyak Rp72.000.000,00 (tujuh puluh dua juta rupiah).</p><p><em>This research is a form of action taken in the efforts of legal countermeasures carried out in various processes, and also in the Indonesian legal system that focuses on violence against cyber bullying. Problems in this study relate to legal policies in combating cyber bullying in children. While the method used in this study is a normative juridical approach to secondary data. Secondary data in the form of making regulations, books, and scientific journals. Data collection methods that use literature study. Data analysis method uses descriptive analysis that explores the object of cyber bullying, then from the object of the research the researcher uses political theory of criminal law. Thus, the juridical-normative approach in this study is to analyze the behavior that is happening in children in the perspective of criminal law politics. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that legal policy in the context of cyber bullying in children can be traced based on Article 76 C jo. Article 80 (1) of the Child Protection Act, namely in the case of cyber bullying actions carried out on children, it can be subject to a prison sentence of a maximum of 3 (three) years 6 (six) months and / or a maximum fine of Rp. 72,000,000.00 (seventy two million rupiah).</em></p>

Jurnal Akta ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 288
Nur Cahyanti ◽  
Sri Endah Wahyuningsih

ABSTRAKTujuan penelitian ini adalah: Untuk menganalisis perbuatan yang merupakan tindak pidana yang bisa dilakukan oleh notaris menurut hukum positif saat ini dan untuk menganalisis terhadap notaris yang melakukan tindak pidana menurut perundang-undangan di Indonesia? Penelitian ini adalah dengan pendekatan yuridis-normatif yang bersumber dari pengumpulan data yang diperoleh dari data primer dan data sekunder, kemudian dianalisis dengan metode analisis kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah studi kepustakaan. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis data kualitatif.Hasil temuan peneliti menunjukkan bahwa tindak pidana yang dapat dilakukan oleh notaris adalah pemalsuan, terhadap akta (akta fiktif), keterangan dalam akta, legalisasi, waarmerking, pencocokan fotocopy, dan tanda tangan; Penggelapan, bahwa mengaku sebagai milik sendiri segala sesuatu barang sebagian/seluruhnya yang ada dalam kekuasaan Notaris, dititipkan dengan dasar kepercayaan kerena kewenangan Notaris yang bukan milik/kepunyaan Notaris; Penipuan, bahwa melakukan kebohongan/rangkaian kebohongan/tipu muslihat untuk menguntungkan Notaris secara melawan hukum/tidak sesuai dengan ketentuan. Tidak adanya sanksi pidana dalam UUJN, peraturan yang mengatur mengenai sanksi terhadap Notaris menjadi kurang sempurna, karena tidak adanya sanksi yang tegas dan sanksi yang jelas akan tindakan-tindakan yang dikategorikan tindak pidana khusus yang hanya dapat dilakukan oleh Notaris yaitu Tindak Pidana Notaris (TPN), yang kenyataannya belum ada satupun peraturan yang mengatur mengenai hal tersebut. Sanksi yang tersisa dalam UUJN hanyalah murni sanksi administratif dan sanksi perdata sajaKata Kunci : Sanksi, Notaris dan Tindak Pidana.                                                                  ABSTRACT The purpose of this study are: To analyze the act which is a criminal act that can be done by notary according to the positive law at this time and to analyze to notary which do crime according to legislation in Indonesia?This research is a juridical-normative approach that comes from collecting data obtained from primary data and secondary data, then analyzed by qualitative analysis method. The data collection technique used is literature study. Data analysis techniques used qualitative data analysis.The findings of the researcher indicate that the criminal act which can be done by a notary is falsification, to deed (fictitious deed), statement in deed, legalization, waarmerking, copying match, and signature; The embezzlement, that claims to be the property of all things in part / entirely existing in the power of a Notary, is entrusted with the basis of trust because of the authority of a Notary who does not belong to a Notary; Fraud, that lie / series of lies / deceptions to benefit Notaries unlawfully / not in accordance with the provisions. In the absence of criminal sanctions in the UUJN, the regulations governing sanctions against Notary become imperfect, due to the absence of strict sanctions and clear sanctions on acts categorized as special crimes that can only be done by Notaries namely the Criminal Act Notary (TPN) , which in reality there is no single rule that regulates about it. The remaining sanctions in UUJN are purely administrative sanctions and civil sanctions only.Key Words : Sanctions, Notaries and Criminal Acts.

Suparmi Suparmi

This study aims to obtain a clear picture of the effects of supervision which consists of routine supervision, individual supervision, and monitoring of the administration of Papua Province.The type of data used is qualitative data and quantitative data. Primary and secondary data is the source of the data used. Data collection techniques used are field data and literature study data. The study was conducted using qualitative analysis techniques and quantitative analysis consisting of research instrument tests, standard assumption tests, and multiple regression analysis.The results showed that the routine supervision variable partially had a significant influence on the administration of the Papua Province. While the special supervision and partial monitoring variables do not have a significant effect on the administration of the Papua Province. Variables of routine supervision, individual supervision, and simultaneous monitoring have a significant influence on the administration of Papua Province.The routine supervision variable is the most dominant factor influencing the administration of Papua Province.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 296-302
Erlin Kusnia Dewi ◽  
Anak Agung Sagung Laksmi Dewi ◽  
I Made Minggu Widyantara

The 2008 ITE Law regulates fraudulent acts that are applied online. The researcher wrote a scientific article with the title Legal Impacts on the Implementation of Online Arisan Based on Law No. 19 of 2016. There are two formulations of this research problem How is the Legal Protection for Parties Conducting Online Arisan based on Law Number 19 of 2016? and What are the Criminal Sanctions Against BandarArisanOnlinein the event of Default? Normative legal research is a method applied by the author in this scientific article. The author carries out a literature study by collecting legal material to answer the formulation of research problems. The author carries out a literature study by collecting legal material to answer the formulation of research problems. This study's findings explain that there are legal protections for parties who carry out online social gathering criminal sanctions against online social gathering based on ITE Law No. 19 of 2016 against online social gathering fraud perpetrators focused on individual legal subjects. This finding is supported by Article 28 paragraph (1), which explains that consumers who get losses due to online transactions can obtain legal protection.

2018 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 128
Rugun Romaida Hutabarat

In criminal law, a person charged with a criminal offense may be punished if it meets two matters, namely his act is unlawful, and the perpetrator of a crime may be liable for the indicated action (the offender's error) or the act may be dismissed to the perpetrator, and there is no excuse. The reasons may result in the death or the removal of the implied penalty. But it becomes a matter of how if the Letter of Statement Khilaf is the answer to solve the legal problems. The person who refuses or does not do what has been stated in the letters is often called "wanprestasi" because the statement is categorized as an agreement. The statement includes an agreement which is the domain of civil law or criminal law, so its application in the judicial system can be determined. This should be reviewed in the application of the law, are there any rules governing wrong statements in the criminal justice system. By using a declaration of khilaf as a way out of criminal matters, then the statement should be known in juridical rules. This study uses normative juridical methods, by conceptualizing the law as a norm rule which is a benchmark of human behavior, with emphasis on secondary data sources collected from the primary source of the legislation. The result of this research is that the statement of khilaf has legality, it is based on Jurisprudence No. 3901 K / Pdt / 1985 jo Article 189 Paragraph (1) of Indonesian criminal procedure law. However, this oversight letter needs to be verified in front of the court to be valid evidence, but this letter of error is not a deletion of a criminal offense, because the culpability of the defendant has justified the crime he committed. Such recognition, cannot make it free from the crime that has been committed.Keywords: Legality, Letter of Statement, Criminal Justice System

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-27
Cici Afifatul Hasanah ◽  
Ayu Ferliana ◽  
Depict Pristine Adi

The purpose of this study is describe feminism and the resilience of women in the world of work in Indonesia and Iceland. Feminism as a system of ideas, as a framework and study of social life and human experience that evolved from a women-centered perspective. In Indonesia and Iceland, this is a long history as a reflection of the responsibility regarding the reality of gender inequality. In this study researchers used a research method with the type of literature study. Data collection techniques that utilize secondary data obtained through the library and then described and analyzed to extract from the literature such as books, journals, report, documents and other materials that support this research. Based on the results and discussion that has been presented, it can be concluded that feminism is increasingly developing and being recognized by the world. Feminism and the resilience of women in these two countries have shown that women have great opportunities in the development of the world of work, politics and other fields. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan feminisme dan ketahanan perempuan dalam dunia kerja di Indonesia dan Islandia. Feminisme sebagai sistem gagasan,   sebagai kerangka kerja dan studi kehidupan sosial dan pengalaman manusia yang berevolusi dari perpsektif yang berpusat pada perempuan. Di Indonesia dan Islandia, hal ini adalah sejarah panjang sebagai cerminan dari tanggung jawab tentang realitas ketidaksetaraan gender. Dalam penelitian ini peneliti menggunakan metode penelitian dengan jenis kajian kepustakaan. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik penelitian kepustakaan yang memanfaatkan data sekunder yang diperoleh melalui perpustakaan kemudian di deskripsikan dan dianalisis untuk disarikan dari literatur seperti buku, jurnal, laporan, dokumen dan bahan lain yang mendukung penelitian ini. Berdasarkan hasil dan pembahasan yang telah dipaparkan dapat disimpulkan bahwa feminisme semakin lama semakin berkembang dan diakui oleh dunia. Feminisme dan ketahanan perempuan di dua negara ini sudah menunjukkan bahwa kaum perempuan memiliki peluang besar dalam perkembangan dunia kerja, politik dan bidang lainnya.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 118-128
Sugeng Setyadi ◽  
Moh Sofyan Budiarto

  Ekonomi kreatif merupakan salah satu sektor yang diharapkan mampu menjadi kekuatan nasional dan provinsi Banten dengan kontribusi terhadap PDB meningkat dari tahun ke tahun. Diperlukan pemetaan terhadap potensi dan prioritas sektor industri kreatif di provinsi Banten untuk menentukan rencana aksi dan strategi pengembangan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis potensi dan prioritas industri kreatif skala kecil dan menengah di Provinsi Banten melalui indikator indikator yang bersifat kualitatif. Penelitian menggunakan metode diskriptif kualitatif dengan melakukan survei terhadap pelaku industri kreatif di provinsi Banten. Data primer diperoleh dengan metode wawancara, dan kuisioner sedangkan data sekunder diperoleh dari data yang relevan dari sumber lain seperti BPS, Disperindag dan studi literature. Analisa data menggunakan Analytical Hyrachy Process (AHP) merupakan pendekatan pengambilan keputusan yang dirancang untuk memberikan solusi dari permasalahan yang menyangkut kriteria yang bersifat komplek, menentukan prioritas pilihan-pilihan dengan banyak kriteria, dan menentukan model alternatif untuk menyelesaikan bermacam-macam masalah. Hasil perhitungan AHP dengan penyilangan Kriteria Prioroitas dengan Prioritas Subsektor Ekraf, didapatkan angka 0,496243386 pada posisi pertama untuk Kriya, 0,404603175 untuk subsektor Fesyen pada posisi kedua dan 0,099153439 untuk Subsektor Kuliner pada posisi ketiga. Ketiga Subsektor Ekoomi kreatif ini menjadi Sub sektor yang paling dominan dipilih oleh responden dan posisi peringkat diatas menjadi gambaran bagi pemerintah untuk memberikan stimulus lebih pada subsektor yang ada dan menjadi kekuatan utama sektor industri kreatif skala kecil dan menengah di Banten.   The research objective is to mapping the potential and priority of small and medium the creative industry in Banten Province through indicators with qualitative approach.  Research used qualitative descriptive methods by conducting a survey of creative industry actors in Banten province. Primary data was obtained by interview method, and questionnaire while secondary data was obtained from relevant data from other sources such as BPS, Disperindag and literature study. Data analysis using the Analytical Hyrachy Process (AHP) is a decision-making approach designed to provide solutions to problems involving complex criteria, determine priorities with multiple criteria, and determine alternative models to solve various problems. AHP calculation results by crossing the Priority Criteria with the Subsector's Priority Ekraf, obtained the number 0, 496243386 in the first position for Kriya, 0.404603175 for the Fashion sub-sector in the second position and 0.099153439 for the Culinary Subsector in the third position. The three subsectors of this creative economy become the most dominant subsector chosen by the respondents and the ranking position above becomes a picture for the government to provide more stimulus to the existing sub-sector micro, small and medium creative Industry sector in Banten Province.  

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