scholarly journals Efektifitas Penerapan Konsep Smart City Ditinjau Dari Aspek Indeks Pembangunan Manusia Di Kota Semarang

Pondasi ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 134
Eko Muliawan Satrio ◽  
Agus Rochani

ABSTRACTSmart people are the basis of the realization of Smart Cities. This relates to the formation of smart cities, must have intelligent human resources and supported by policies and infrastructure of mobility, governance, economy and environment that are also smart to produce the quality of life as intelligent as desired. Semarang City Government, has been implementing the concept of smart cities since 2013. This travel program is very dynamic in the field. For this reason, it is necessary to consider the effectiveness of the application of the smart city concept by the Semarang City Government to the community. The assessment carried out is by calculating the Human Development Index (HDI) or can also be called the Human Development Index (HDI). Through this evaluation, making information about the application of the Smart Cities concept specifically reviews aspects of human development. ("The process of enlarging people's choices"). Longevity and healthy living, knowledge level and decent standard of living of the community. These findings serve as well as feedback for the implementation of the Smart Cities policy for future policy refinement.Keywords: Human Development Index, intelligence, effectiveness ABSTRAKSmart people merupakan dasar dari terwujudnya akan Smart City. Hal ini dikarenakan untuk membentuk suatu kota yang cerdas, harus memiliki sumber daya manusia yang cerdas dan didukung oleh kebijakan dan infrastruktur dari mobility, governance, economy dan environment yang juga cerdas sehingga menghasilkan kualitas hidup yang cerdas seperti yang diinginkan. Pemerintah Kota Semarang, telah menerapkan konsep smart city sejak tahun 2013. Perjalanan program ini sangat dinamis di lapangan. Untuk itu diperlukan penilaian terhadap tingkat efektifitas penerapan konsep smart city oleh Pemerintah Kota Semarang terhadap masyarakat. Pendekatan yang dilakukan adalah dengan menghitung Indeks Pembangunan Manusia (IPM) atau dapat juga disebut Human Development Indeks (HDI). Melalui pendekatan ini, dihasilkan informasi tentang efektivitas penerapan konsep Smart City khususnya ditinjau dari aspek pembangunan manusia. (“a process of enlarging people’s choices”). Adapun variabel yang diukur meliputi Umur panjang dan hidup sehat, tingkat pengetahuan dan standar hidup layak masyarakat. Temuan ini sekaligus berfungsi sebagai feedback bagi pelaksanaan kebijakan Smart City bagi penyempurnaan kebijakan di masa yang akan datang.Kata kunci : Indeks Pembangunan Manusia, smartcity, efektifitas

ijd-demos ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Dyah Ratna Pramesti ◽  
Aulia Nur Kasiwi ◽  
Eko Priyo Purnomo

This study focuses on the problem of smart people as an indicator of the success of smart cities in Surabaya and Malang. Smart people are one of the supporting dimensions of the creation of a smart city or what is called a Smart City (Zubizarreta, Seravalli, And, Arrizabalaga, 2016). So that the factors that make a city smart, one of which is measured by the quality of its human resources; which includes the human development index which is measured by how the level of unemployment, poverty level, health problems, and also seen from the aspect of public knowledge in receiving information, disseminating information, related to the development of creativity carried out and also the inclusiveness of empowering activities carried out by several people. (Iyer, 2018). In addition, the activities that are encountered in the city of Surabaya in community activities, already have quite innovative and creative networks. Meanwhile, Malang City is still heading for the stage of good quality. There needs to be motivation and encouragement so that Malang City is able to follow in the footsteps of the development of smart people in the city of Surabaya.Penelitian ini berfokus pada masalah smart people sebagai indicator keberhasilan smart city di Kota Surabaya dan Kota Malang. Smart people merupakan salah satu dimensi pendukung dari terwujudnya kota pintar atau yang disebut dengan Smart City (Zubizarreta, Seravalli, And, Arrizabalaga, 2016). Sehingga faktor-faktor yang menjadikan sebuah kota dapat dikatakan pintar salah satunya diukur dari kualitas sumber daya manusianya; yang meliputi dari indeks pembangunan manusianya yang diukur dari bagaimana tingkat pengamgguran, tingkat kemiskinan, masalah kesehatan, dan juga dilihat dari aspek pengetahuan masyarakat di dalam menerima informasi, menyebarkan informasi, terkait dengan penumbuhan kratifitas yang dilakukan dan juga inklusivitas pemberdayaan kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh beberapa orang (Iyer, 2018).  Selain itu, aktifitas yang ditemui di Kota Surabaya dalam kegiatan komunitasnya, sudah memiliki jaringan yang cukup inovatif dan juga kreatif. Sedangkan untuk di Kota Malang masih menuju tahapan kualitas yang baik. Perlu adanya motivasi dan dorongan supaya Kota Malang mampu mengikuti jejak perkembangan smart people yang ada di Kota Surabaya.

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 204-214 ◽  
Ridwan Miftahul Putra ◽  
Elvira Asril ◽  
Taslim Taslim

Indek Pembagunan Manusia merupakan alat ukur dari perbandingan harapan hidup, kemampuan baca tulis, tingkat pendidikan dan standar hidup . Indek Pembangunan Manusia merupakan sebah tolak ukur untuk mengklasifikasikan sebuah negara. dan juga digunakan sebagai bahan kebijakan ekonomi terhadap kualitas hidup. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan Algorithma C4.5 untuk memprediksi Indek Pembangunan Manusia di Kabupaten Kampar Riau dan hasilnya dapat digunakan sebagai salah satu alat bantu bagi pihak yang berkepentingan dalam pengambilan kebijakan..Variabel yang digunakan yaitu harapan hidup, rata-rata lama sekolah, harapan lama sekolah, pengeluaran perkapita dan pengaturan range Level dikelompokkan atas tiga kelompok yaitu tinggi, sedang dan bawah. Pada penelitian ini digunakan data Indek Pembangunan Manusia tahun 2010 sampai dengan tahun 2014. Berdasarkan pengujian yang dilakukan setiap tahun nilai kategori menunjukkan adanya peningkatan, nilai entropy IPM 0,72193 dan gain 0,72193.   Keyword : Indeks Pembangunan Manusia, prediksi, kebijakan,, C4.5   Abstract   Human Development Index is a measure of the comparison of life expectancy, literacy, education level and standard of living. The Human Development Index is a benchmark for classifying a country. and also used as an economic policy material for quality of life. In this study using C4.5 Algorithma to predict the Human Development Index in Kampar Regency Riau and the results can be used as one of the tools for stakeholders in policy making ... Variables used are life expectancy, average length of school, long expectations school, per capita expenditure and range level settings are grouped into three groups, namely high, medium and lower. In this study, Human Development Index data from 2010 to 2014 were used. Based on the tests conducted each year the value of the category showed an increase, the IPM entropy value was 0.72193 and the gain was 0.72193.   Keyword: Human Development Index, prediction, policy, C4.5

2019 ◽  
Iñaki Permanyer ◽  
Jeroen Smits

The Human Development Index, which reflects societies’ combined achievement in education, health and standard of living, has since its introduction become the most famous indicator of the level of development of societies. A disadvantage of this index is however, that only national values are available, whereas within many countries huge subnational variation in development exists. Here we present the Subnational Human Development Index (SHDI), which shows within-country variation in human development across the globe. Covering more than 1600 regions within 160 countries, the SHDI and its dimension indices provide a ten times higher-resolution picture than was available before. Within-country variation is particularly strong in low and middle developed countries and less important in the most developed ones. Education disparities explain most SHDI inequality within low-developed countries and standard of living differences within more highly developed countries. With the SHDI, global socio-economic change can be studied with unprecedented coverage and detail.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 239
Nur Isnaeni Novitasari ◽  
Suharno Suharno ◽  
Arintoko Arintoko

The Investments in human capital are the same with improving the quality of human development. The success of national development can be seen from the health aspect in the form of measurement indicator of the Human Development Index. This research analyzes the effect of health complaints, unemployment, poverty and government expenditure on the Human Development Index in East Java Province 2015-2018. This research method uses multiple linear regression with a panel data approach. The results showed that health complaints, unemployment and poverty have a negative and significant effect on the Human Development Index in East Java Province. Meanwhile, government expenditure has a positive and significant effect on the Human Development Index in East Java Province. These findings imply 1) the necessity to improve health infrastructure and government expenditure especially in the health sector, 2) the necessity to increase employment opportunities for reducing poverty and unemployment.

2020 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 4-12
Elena V. Ryumina

The article offeres an approach to including ecological factor in the Human Development Index (HDI). HDI is aimed at reflecting the quality of life of population, which is defined along with other important characteristics and state of environment. However, there is still no ecological living conditions of population in the formalized representation of HDI. Two directions of constructing ecologically adjusted HDI are developed: introducing ecological index to HDR, and using ecologically adjusted GDP/GRP in income index. Ecological index reflecting the state of environment in the places of residence and recreation of population is constructed on the basis of indicators of the number of air/water samples exceeding the ambient standards, as a percentage of the total number of examined samples. This indicator is presented in the annex to the statistical handbook «Environment Protection in Russia» for all regions. It is offered to modify the index of income in HDI by subtraction of the economic damage caused by pollution from income, as this part of income does not go to growth of the population welfare, but only compensates for the damage. For implementation of this approach there is no official statistics, and in the study was used the database accumulated by the author over many years of ecological-economic research. As a result, there was calculated ecologically adjusted HDI for all 85 regions in comparison with the traditional HDI. In 14 regions with the best ecological situation the HDI value grew, in the others it decreased. Some of the regions formerly leading by the HDI value lost their positions. Comparing the impact on HDI of ecological index on the one hand, and of modifications of income index on the other, showed an incomparably greater role of the introduction of ecological index.

Ambya Ambya

Human development index (HDI) is one of the benchmarks used to see the quality of human life as measured by looking at the level of human life quality of education, health and economy. This study aims to determine the effect of government spending from the education, health and capital expenditure sectors as well as income on the human development index. The data used is a secondary data in 7 districts in Lampung Province period of 2013-2018 which was obtained from the Directorate General of Fiscal Balance (DGFB Ministry of Finance) and the Central Statistics Agency (CSA) in Lampung province. The results of the analysis show that the government spending in the education sector and capital expenditure have a positive and significant effect on the human development index while the health sector spending as well as income have a negative and significant effect on the human development index.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 179-186
Aprilliantoni Aprilliantoni

AbstractIn the current era of globalization, competition between countries is getting stronger and is determined by the quality of their human resources. One of the benchmarks is the Human Development and Literacy Index. The better the HDI number, the better the quality of the country's human resources, thus also literacy rate. However, the country of Indonesia, which is so vast and consists of thousands of islands, leaves a serious problem, namely the high inequality of HDI figures and the low numbers literacy of the people.This paper offers a discussion and a solution for increasing the development of Human Resources and Literacy with equilibrium theory in microeconomics, to overcome inequality which is currently a serious problem. This is of course in accordance with the constitutional mandate of "Social Justice for All Indonesian People" as a reference paper based on authoritative literature with social, economic and educational analysis.Key word : Human Development Index, Literacy, Equlibrium Theory


Ухудшение качественных характеристик населения (показателей здоровья, уровня культуры и образования) необходимо относить к наиболее значимым негативным факторам социального развития России и ее регионов. В статье дана оценка современного уровня развития человеческого потенциала в России и субъектах Дальнего Востока России на основе данных индекса человеческого развития (Human Development Index – HDI). Проведено сопоставление HDI России HDI с некоторых стан Европы и Азиатско-Тихоокеанского региона, имеющих самые высокие значения (баллы) индекса за период 1990–2018 гг. В межстрановом сравнении выявлены наиболее проблемные компоненты человеческого потенциала для России. В межрегиональном сравнении за 2000–2016 гг. проведена группировка регионов по HDI, направленная на выявление и сравнительную оценку перспективности субъектов Дальнего Востока России по формированию, развитию и возможному сохранению человеческого потенциала. С помощью корреляционного анализа выявлена зависимость между значением инвестиций в основной капитал на душу населения и индексом HDI, а также составляющими его индексами долголетия, доходов. Результаты группировки субъектов Дальнего Востока России по HDI и по качеству жизни населения за 2010–2016 гг. в определенной степени совпадают. Показано, что сдерживающими факторами социально-экономического развития регионов, а следовательно, низких значений HDI и индексов качества жизни населения являются недостаточное развитие социальной сферы, низкие уровень и качество жизни населения, ухудшающие качество человеческого потенциала и препятствующие его повышению. Необходимо проводить более эффективную политику в социальной сфере с акцентом на увеличение бюджетных и привлечение частных инвестиций в экономику регионов. The deterioration of the qualitative characteristics of the population (health indicators, insufficient level of culture and education) should be attributed to the most significant negative factors in the social development of Russia and its regions. The article assesses the current level of human development in Russia and the Far Eastern regions on the basis of human development index (HDI) data. The HDI of Russia is compared with that of some countries of Europe and the Asia-Pacific region, which have the best values (points) of the human development index for the period of 1990–2018. In a cross-country comparison, the most problematic components of human potential for Russia were identified. In the interregional comparison for 2000–2016, a grouping of regions by HDI was carried out, aimed at identifying promising and less promising subjects of the Far East for the formation, development and possible preservation of human potential. Using the correlation analysis, the relationship between the value of investment in fixed assets per capita and the HDI index, as well as its indices of longevity and income, is revealed. The results of the grouping of FER subjects by HDI are confirmed by the types of regions according to the quality of life of the population for 2010–2016. It is shown that the low level of development of the social sphere, the level and quality of life of the population, which reduce the quality of human potential and prevent its increase, are the constraining factors of the socio-economic development of the regions and, therefore, low HDI and QOL values. It is necessary to pursue a more effective social policy, with a focus on increasing budgetary and attracting private investment in the regional economy.

2019 ◽  
Vol 17 (4) ◽  
pp. 226-238
Galyna Nazarova ◽  
Monika Jaworska ◽  
Nikita Nazarov ◽  
Inna Dybach ◽  
Alina Demianenko

In conditions of instability of economic, environmental, social and other processes that affect human development, the need to prevent their negative impact actualizes the issue of measuring the security of human development. The aim of the study is to highlight the importance of security phenomenon in the context of human development and improve a Human Development Index. In this paper the method of analysis and generalization was used to identify the existing approaches to the human development measuring; also expert evaluations and correlation analysis were used to improve the composite index.Thus, a method has been proposed for measuring the level of human development security. The peculiarity of this method is phased, three-tier integral measurement of the human development security in terms of the following dimensions: long and healthy life, education, decent standard of living, adjusted to the correction coefficients of prevailing threats for each of the dimensions. The formation of correction coefficients was carried out by identifying the prevailing threats. To illustrate these ideas, data on regions of Ukraine were used and the research period was 2012–2017. The implementation of the proposed method of measurement allows determining the objective level of human development security in the regions of Ukraine and identifying the percentage of lost opportunities. Thus, the study empirically confirms and theoretically proves that human development is a process of enlarging the human opportunities and freedoms, but the dominant threats hinder the expansion of such opportunities and freedoms, that leads to loss of human opportunities.

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