2016 ◽  
Vol 40 (2) ◽  
Salminawati Salminawati

Abstrak: Kebijakan pendidikan nasional menghendaki para pendidik di Indonesia harus memiliki empat kompetensi, di antaranya adalah kompetensi kepribadian. Pendidikan nasional juga menegaskan urgensi penanaman karakter oleh pendidik terhadap peserta didik, sehingga para pendidik pun dituntut memiliki karakter yang telah ditetapkan. Artikel ini mengkaji tinjauan fukaha terhadap etika pendidik dalam Islam. Di antara fukaha di dunia Islam, Imam al-Nawawî telah memberikan ulasan tentang etika pendidik dalam Islam. Berdasarkan analisis isi terhadap karya Imam al-Nawawî, ditemukan bahwa seorang pendidik Muslim dituntut memiliki etika yang harus dipahami dan diamalkan dalam proses pembelajaran, yang terdiri atas etika pendidik dari aspek kepribadian, etika pendidik dari aspek kegiatan ilmiah, dan etika pendidik dari aspek penyampaian pembelajaran. Artikel ini telah menegaskan bahwa khazanah Islam tentang etika pendidik sangat kaya, dan harus diaktualisasikan dalam dunia pendidikan Islam di Indonesia.<br /><br />Abstract: Teacher’s Ethic in the Perspective of Imam al-Nawawî’s Thought. National education policies require educators in Indonesia to have four competencies; among of it is personality competences. National education reiterated the urgency of the character building by educators to students, so that the educators were required to have a character that has been decided. This article examines the Jurists review toward educators’ ethics in Islam. Among of jurists in Islamic world, Imam al-Nawawî has given reviews on educators’ ethics in Islam. Based on a content analysis of Imam al-Nawawî work, it was found that a Muslim educators are required to have ethics that must be understood and practiced in the learning process, which consists of educators ethics from personality aspects, educators ethics from scientific activity aspect, and educators ethics from learning delivery aspects , This article has been asserted that the Islamic literatures about the educators ethics is very much, and must be actualized in Islamic education in Indonesia.<br /><br />Kata Kunci: al-Nawawî, etika, pendidik, kepribadian, kegiatan ilmiah, pembelajaran

Mas Ruroh

Keywords: Islamic Education, Character Building, Role. It is an opportunities for educator to give contribution in effort to form character, hence expected formation of student character can be pursued through Islamic education taught in school. The formulation of the problem in this research, first, how is the learning process of Islamic education at SMP Negeri 17 Surabaya? second, how is the character of students at SMP Negeri 17 Surabaya? third, how is the role of Islamic education in building students’ character at SMP Negeri 17 Surabaya?Qualitative approach is used as the methodology in this research. Data are collected through observation, documentation and interview. The data are analyzed using descriptive analysis technique. Researcher describeds the creativity of the teachers of Islamic education in this school.The results of the study could be summarized as follows: first, in order to to keep the implementation of Islamic education run in accordance with the objectives: a) Prepare the instructional design as early as possible including: educational calendar, learning units and fun lessons; b) follow curriculum for Islamic education designed by Ministry of National Education; c) Use the following teaching method in learning process: lecturing, question-answer, demonstration and assignment; d) Conduct pretest and post test evaluation including formative and summative evaluations. Second, many variables show that students have had a good character although not all elements of their personality is good. Islamic Education has significant role in building the character of students for the provision of life in the earth and the hereafter in accordance with the guidance of Al-Qur'an and Hadith. This is all also because of the encouragement of the principal and other teachers. Basically every human wants to have a sympathetic personality, because, with it, humans will be respected, and loved by people around.

2019 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 96-107
Susi Gustina

Topik dalam artikel ini akan memfokuskan pada penerapan pendekatan Orff-schulwerk bagi mahasiswa sebagai calon-calon guru di sekolah, termasuk TK. Orff-schulwerk dapat dipandang sebagai suatu pendekatan dalam pendidikan musik. Dalam hubungannya dengan pendidikan dasar, pendekatan ini memfokuskan pada kebutuhan anak dan menumbuhkembangkan musikalitas setiap anak melalui aktivitas-aktivitas dasar (elemental) dalam musik dan gerakan. Pertanyaan yang dikemukakan dalam artikel ini adalah: 1) pendekatan Orff-schulwerk seperti apa yang digunakan calon guru untuk pembelajaran di TK?, 2) manfaat apa saja yang dapat diperoleh calon guru melalui penerapan pendekatan Orff-schulwerk dalam proses pembelajaran?, dan 3) bagaimana calon guru memahami peranan guru dalam pembelajaran di tingkat TK dengan pendekatan Orff-schulwerk?. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan. Penemuan dalam penelitian ini adalah para calon guru memahami bahwa: 1) pendekatan Orff-schulwerk yang dapat digunakan berhubungan dengan eksplorasi – imajinasi – kreasi yang melibatkan musik dan gerakan, 2) pendekatan ini bermanfaat untuk menumbuhkembangkan musikalitas siswa dalam proses pembelajaran di TK, dan 3) calon guru yang menerapkan pendekatan ini berperan sebagai fasilitator yang dapat menciptakan suasana pembelajaran yang menstimuli imajinasi dan kreasi siswa. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah pendekatan Orff-schulwerk sebaiknya dikuasai oleh para calon guru yang mengajar di sekolah, termasuk TK. Dengan dimilikinya pemahaman atas pendekatan ini, baik secara teoretis maupun praktis, para calon guru tidak hanya meningkatkan pengetahuan mereka untuk menstimuli imajinasi dan kreativitas siswa TK dengan musik dan gerakan, tetapi juga mendukung tercapainya tujuan pendidikan nasional, yaitu pembentukan karakter siswa di sekolah.The Approach of Orff-Schulwerk for Prospective Music Teachers in Kindergarten Schools. The topic in this article focuses on the application of Orff-schulwerk for university students as prospective teachers in school, including kindergarten. Orff-schulwerk can be seen as an approach to music education. In related to primary education, this approach focuses on the children needs and develops children musicality through necessary activities (elemental) in music and movement. Some questions in this article are: 1) what kind of Orff-schulwerk that can be used by prospective teachers in the learning process at kindergarten? 2) what benefits can be obtained by teacher candidates through the application of the Orff-schulwerk approach? And 3) how do prospective teachers who use this approach can understand their role in learning? The method used in this study is action research. The findings in this research are prospective teachers understand that: 1) Orff-schulwerk can be used in related to exploration – imagination – creation that involving music and movement; 2) this approach is useful for developing student musicality in the learning process in kindergarten; and 3) in this approach, prospective teachers are acted as facilitators who can create an atmosphere of learning that stimulate students’ imagination and creation. This study concludes that the Orff-schulwerk approach should be mastered by prospective teachers who teach in schools, including kindergarten. By having an understanding of this approach, both theoretically and practically, prospective teachers not only enhance their knowledge but also support the national education goals, namely the students’ character building in schools.Keywords:  Orff-Schulwerk; music education; kindergarten teachers

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Ahmad Khozin

Abstract., Indonesia is a country that is conducting educational development as mandated by the 1945 Constitution. In the course of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 20 of 2003 on National Education System defines education as a conscious and planned effort to create an atmosphere of learning and learning process so that learners actively developing his potential to have spiritual spiritual strength, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character, as well as the skills he needs, society, nation and state. In response, Islamic Education needs to get serious attention, especially among the intellectuals and thinkers of Islamic education in Indonesia. Various efforts are needed to restore Islamic education to its glory. To restore Islamic education to the glory, certainly not as easy as putting water on a cauldron. But there needs to be seriousness in reaching these ideals, including the seriousness in management and leadership of a reliable Islamic education institutions. In this paper the author will try to focus the discussion on the problems of Islamic education of the 21st century as well as solutions that can be offered in response to the problems of Islamic educationKeywords: Problematic Education, Islamic Education.          Abstrak., Indonesia merupakan negara  yang sedang melakukan pembangunan pendidikan sebagaimana yang diamanatkan Undang-Undang Dasar 1945.  Dalam perjalanannya Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 20 Tahun 2003 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional mendefinisikan pendidikan sebagai usaha sadar dan terencana untuk mewujudkan suasana belajar dan proses pembelajaran agar peserta didik secara aktif mengembangkan potensi dirinya untuk memiliki kekuatan spiritual keagamaan, pengendalian diri, kepribadian, kecerdasan, akhlak mulia, serta keterampilan yang diperlukan dirinya, masyarakat, bangsa dan negara. Menyikapi hal tersebut, Pendidikan Islam perlu mendapat perhatian yang serius, terutama kalangan cendekiawan dan pemikir pendidikan Islam di Indonesia. Diperlukan ragam upaya untuk mengembalikan pendidikan Islam kepada kejayaannya. Untuk mengembalikan pendidikan Islam kepada kejayaan tersebut, tentu tidak semudah menaruh air di atas kuali. Namun perlu ada keseriusan dalam menggapai cita-cita tersebut, diantaranya keseriusan dalam manajemen dan kepemimpinan lembaga pendidikan Islam yang handal. Dalam makalah ini penulis akan mencoba memfokuskan pembahasan pada problematika pendidikan Islam abad 21 serta solusi-solusi yang dapat ditawarkan dalam menanggapi problematika pendidikan Islam tersebutKata Kunci:Problematika Pendidikan, Pendidikan Islam.

Romlah .

ANALISIS TERHADAP ISIMATERI PENDIDIKANAGAMA ISLAMdalamKurikulum 2006 (KTSP) Kelas VII,Memasuki Standar Nasional Pendidikan(SNP)Romlah *)Fai UMMABSTRACTThe title of our research is to foster "Content Analysis of Content of IslamicReligious Education in Curriculum 2006 (KTSP) Junior High School SeniorClass VII, entered the National Education Standards (SNP)". As a verybasic consideration making this title change of the curriculum is almostadjacent, from the curriculum in 2004 (KBK) with the curriculum in 2006(KTSP). If the observed substance or content of Islamic education in juniorhigh school level class VII, then the exact same between the standard andbasic competencies, as well as forms of learning are both more emphasizedcompetencies that each student is different from one another.Keyword:Materi Pendidikan Agama Islam,Kurikulum 2006 (KTSP)

2019 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 108-120
Hery Supiarza ◽  
Deni Setiawan ◽  
Cece Sobarna

Penelitian ini mendiskusikan pola permainan alat musik keroncong dan tenor serta penerapannya  pada lagu “Cente Manis” dan “Sambel Cobek”. Kedua alat musik ini merupakan identitas keroncong gaya Jakarta. Penelitian dilakukan dengan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif dan data dikumpulkan melalui observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa asal mula istilah alat musik keroncong berasal dari bunyi alat musik itu sendiri. Istilah tenor merujuk pada istilah suara laki-laki tertinggi. Ditemukan juga teknik permainan alat musik keroncong dan tenor yaitu teknik rasguaedo (prung), strumming, arpeggio dan dengan cara dipetik satu-satu pada setiap senar. Teknik memainkan alat musik keroncong dan tenor tersebut  meliputi pola permainan dobel engkel, dobel balik, format dan gaya lama. Permainan keempat pola tersebut bergantung pada lagu yang akan dibawakan dan kesepakatan para personilnya. The Approach of Orff-Schulwerk for Prospective Music Teachers in Kindergarten Schools. The topic in this article focuses on the application of Orff-schulwerk for university students as prospective teachers in school, including kindergarten. Orff-schulwerk can be seen as an approach to music education. In related to primary education, this approach focuses on the children needs and develops children musicality through necessary activities (elemental) in music and movement. Some questions in this article are: 1) what kind of Orff-schulwerk that can be used by prospective teachers in the learning process at kindergarten? 2) what benefits can be obtained by teacher candidates through the application of the Orff-schulwerk approach? And 3) how do prospective teachers who use this approach can understand their role in learning? The method used in this study is action research. The findings in this research are prospective teachers understand that: 1) Orff-schulwerk can be used in related to exploration – imagination – creation that involving music and movement; 2) this approach is useful for developing student musicality in the learning process in kindergarten; and 3) in this approach, prospective teachers are acted as facilitators who can create an atmosphere of learning that stimulate students’ imagination and creation. This study concludes that the Orff-schulwerk approach should be mastered by prospective teachers who teach in schools, including kindergarten. By having an understanding of this approach, both theoretically and practically, prospective teachers not only enhance their knowledge but also support the national education goals, namely the students’ character building in schools.Keywords:  Orff-Schulwerk; music education; kindergarten teachers

2017 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 15 ◽  
Syamsul Bahri

Curriculum development is important to be investigated from various perspectives. This study will discuss twofold fundamental aspect of curriculum development; the basic and the purposes of curriculum. The literarure discussion reveals that the curriculum provided by a school not only limited to unit of courses and teaching learning process but also on all process which influence the development and student character building as it is required by national education goals. There are some elements such as Philosophy, Psycology, socio-culture and technology in which they support the foundation of curriculum. The objective of curriculum can be clasified into two group; micro and macro. The earlier is more consent on the institutional and intructional objectives. Whilts the latter is intended to reconstruct and to innovate any shortcoming of previous curriculum. The curriculum development aims at addaptating between education and social change and also exploring untouch knowledge.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 182
Didik Suyadi ◽  
Endin Mujahidin ◽  
Anung Al- Hamat

<p class="15bIsiAbstractBInggris">Moral decline in millennial generation is the reason for the importance of instilling moral education. Moral education is one of the foundations and principles upon which Islamic education is based. One mandate of the goal national education is to instill noble character for students. This study aims to determine the method of moral education  by Ibn Hajar in the book of Jami’ Bulughul Maram. Data is collected through document which is then analyzed by content analysis technique. The results showed that according to Ibn Hajar two, namely good morals and bad morals. The method of moral teaching according to Ibn Hajar there are eight, namely targhib wa tarhib, question and answer, repetition, global detail, advice, prayer, talk, and analogy.</p><p class="16aJudulAbstrak"><strong>Abstrak       </strong>                           </p><p class="16bIsiAbstrak">Kemerosotan moral pada generasi milenial menjadi alasan pentingnya menanamkan pendidikan moral. Pendidikan akhlak merupakan salah satu landasan dan prinsip yang mendasari pendidikan Islam. Salah satu amanat dari tujuan pendidikan nasional adalah menanamkan akhlak mulia bagi peserta didik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui metode pendidikan moral menurut Ibnu Hajar dalam kitab Jami 'Bulughul Maram. Data dikumpulkan melalui dokumen yang kemudian dianalisis dengan teknik analisis isi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa menurut Ibnu Hajar ada dua, yaitu akhlak baik dan akhlak buruk. Metode pengajaran akhlak menurut Ibnu Hajar ada delapan yaitu targhib wa tarhib, tanya jawab, ulangan, detil global, nasehat, doa, ceramah, dan analogi.</p><p class="16bIsiAbstrak"> </p>

Shobirin Shobirin ◽  
Fauzi Fauzi

This article discusses the analysis of the existence of Islamic education in the national education system in the aspect of the education budget related to the study of Islamic education policies in Indonesian legislation. This study uses a qualitative approach with a qualitative descriptive type of research through a literature research study method. This encourages the need for the reconstruction of national education system policies in the budgetary aspect of educational institutions globally. This article analyzes that the existence of Islamic education in Indonesia in the national education system is a subsystem in national education, but it has not received the same attention as other education sectors. So this study criticizes the need for the reconstruction of national education system policy regulations on the aspects of the education budget in Indonesia and the solution to the existence of Islamic education in the national education system in the aspect of the education budget in Indonesia as an effort to reconstruct education policies in Indonesia offered by the author and input in the preparation. The education road map program in Indonesia by Commission X DPR RI on the direction of education development is the first, the concept of education equilibrium. The government issued a policy to equalize the education budget globally to end the dichotomy of education budget policies so far so that the existence of Islamic education is equal to the existence of other general education. Second, the separation between national education policies and political interests through the appointment of the minister of religion and the minister of the Ministry of Education and Culture-Research and Technology with professional figures is not based on entrusted elements from supporting parties/coalitions. 

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (3) ◽  
pp. 106-122
Camila de Fátima Soares dos Santos ◽  
Edite Maria Sudbrack

This article emerges from a research that aims to reflect and understand the limits and contributions of the National Education Plan 2014-2024, in the process of producing teacher education policies. The research is qualitative in nature, with bibliographical and documentary focus. It presents an analysis of an educational policy for planning: National Education Plan (2014-2024) and legal acts sanctioned after its promulgation, Resolution 2 of July 1, 2015 and Decree 8,752 of May 9 of 2016; so as a method of analysis we opted for the content analysis proposed by Bardin (1977). The PNE envisaged new paths, fueling hope for the implementation of a training policy, aiming at a quality public education. The analysis of the documents made it possible to know the directives of teacher education policies, broadening the debate and understanding of the achievements and challenges that are presented in relation to the current political and economic crisis context.

2016 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
Suranto Aw

Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan: (1) profil acara Mario Teguh Golden Ways; (2) sinopsis jalannya acara Mario Teguh Golden Ways; (3) cakupan nilai-nilai pendidikan karakter yang terkandung dalam tayangan Mario Teguh Golden Ways; dan (4) pendekatan yang digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran pendidikan karakter melalui tayangan Mario Teguh Golden Ways. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analisis isi (content analysis). Unit analisis pada penelitian ini adalah episode “Pancing Cinta” yang ditayangkan 13 September 2015. Hasil penelitian adalah sebagai berikut. (1) Profil acara Mario Teguh Golden Ways yang ditayangkan oleh Metro TV menunjukkan bahwa acara ini merupakan salah satu bentuk nyata kepedulian media televisi melaksanakan fungsi edukasi dalam pembinaan karakter masyarakat. (2) Cinta itu harus diperjuangkan. Cinta itu harus dipancing. Kadang-kadang perlu pengorbanan. Memancing cinta identik dengan cara memancing ikan oleh pemancing hebat. Siapkan perangkatnya: lanjeran, senar, kail, dan umpan. (3) Nilai-nilai pendidikan karakter yang terkandung dalam tayangan MTGW episode “Pancing Cinta” mencakup: (a) disiplin, menaati norma dan peraturan; (b) santun, hormat, baik dan rendah hati; (c) cinta Tuhan dan mensyukuri pemberian-Nya; (d) kemandirian, tanggap (peka), tatag (tahan uji), tanggon (dapat diandalkan), niat baik, dan tanggung jawab; (e) kejujuran; (f) dermawan, tolong menolong, kerjasama, mendatangkan kebahagiaan. (4) Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam proses pendidikan karakter melalui tayangan MTGW adalah pendekatan holistik (holistic approach). Kata Kunci: pendidikan karakter, mario teguh golden ways, pancing cinta THE CHARACTER EDUCATION VALUES CONTAINED IN THE PROGRAM MARIO TEGUH GOLDEN WAYS Abstract: The purpose of this study is to describe: (1) profile of the program Mario Teguh Golden Ways; (2) coverage of the character education values contained in the program Mario Teguh Golden Ways; and (4) the approach used in the learning process of character education through the program Mario Teguh Golden Ways. This study is a content analysis. The analysis unit in this study is the episode "Pancing Cinta" which aired 13 September 2015. The results of the study are as follows. (1) The profile of the program Mario Teguh Golden Ways broadcasted by Metro TV, showed that this program is one of the real form of television media's concern to carry out the education function in character building in society; (3) The character education values contained in the program MTGW episode "Pancing Cinta" includes: (a) Discipline, obey norms and regulations; (b) Polite, respectful, kind and humble; (c) Love God and grateful for His gifts; (d) Independence, responsive (sensitive), Tatag (resilient), tanggon (reliable), good intentions and responsibility; (e) Honesty; (f) Generous, mutual help, cooperation, bring happiness; (4) The approach used in the character education process through the program MTGW is a holistic approach. Keyword: Character Education, Mario Teguh Golden Ways, Pancing Cinta

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