2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Ubed Abdilah Syarif ◽  
Rahman Mantu

Abstract. This paper offers “Religous Studies” approach as an alternative in religious education within universities in Indonesia that emphasized discussing religions from the various perspective of social sciences. Goals of this approach are preparing students to have more diverse knowledge on religions not limited on his or her own belief, encouraging dialogue between people of different religious beliefs, sharing spiritual experiences and engaging in religious pluralism. This approach is applied in a class that is attended by students whatever religious affiliations. Instead of applying religious education term of the government (Ministry of research, technology and Higher Education) which is insisting religious education in particularistic method, religious studies approach is more relevant prior to current Indonesia’s social and political situation. This paper argues that students  need to be introduced into more inclusive views and attitudes in their religious life. Keywords: Religious Studies, Education, PluralismAbstrak. Artikel ini membahas sebuah alternatif dari salah satu mata kuliah pendidikan karakter yang wajib diambil oleh mahasiswa di Perguruan Tinggi yang berada di bawah naungan Kementerian Riset, Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi (Kemenristek Dikti), yaitu Pendidikan Agama. Melalui metode penelitian tindakan (action research), penulis mengaplikasikan pengajaran Pendidikan Agama dalam bentuk pendekatan Kajian Agama (Religious Studies). Sementara, kurikulum yang disusun oleh Kemenristek Dikti menganjurkan agar Pendidikan Agama dijalankan secara partikularistik, yaitu mengajarkan agama sesuai dengan agama yang dianut oleh mahasiswa sesuai dengan Undang-Undang mengenai Pendidikan Nasional. Pendekatan kajian agama  menggabungkan mahasiswa dari berbagai latar belakang agama dan mempelajari agama (agama-agama) secara umum dalam satu kelas dengan tujuan membuka wawasan tentang keagamaan di luar agama yang dianut, berbagi pengalaman spiritual dan pemahaman konsepsi nilai universal agama, serta mendapatkan keterampilan dialog lintas iman (interfaith dialogue). Hasil dari aplikasi pendekatan ini tercermin dari refleksi para mahasiswa yang banyak mengalami transformasi ke arah pemahaman agama yang lebih inkusif.Kata Kunci: Kajian Agama, Toleransi, Pluralisme

Яков Пляйс ◽  
YAkov Plyays ◽  
Александр Брега ◽  
A. Brega ◽  
Даниэл Петросянц ◽  

The textbook was created by a team of authors of the Department of political science of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation and is designed to study the main topics in the field of "political Science". The textbook reflects not only the previously established provisions of political science, but also new approaches to the basic topics of political science. Meets the requirements of the Federal state educational standard of higher education of the last generation. For University students studying in the areas of higher education (bachelor) and studying Humanities, social Sciences, mathematical and natural Sciences, technical Sciences. The textbook can be used by teachers to develop training courses and special courses on basic topics of political science.

2019 ◽  

Abstract.In order to enhance the quality of Indonesian higher education, the Indonesian government through the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education paid much attention to lecturers in forms of financial incentives and opportunities for them to upgrade their professional skills. Meanwhile, educational laboratory assistants (educational supporting staffs with specific functional position) had also enjoyed some incentives from the government over the past 5 years. Therefore, these laboratory assistants need continuous coaching to maximise their roles in laboratories and to deliver services to their customers, such as lectures, students and other laboratory stakeholders. This study aimed at revealing to what extent effective coaching from superiors and adversity quotient owned by educational laboratory assistants influenced the quality of service of educational laboratory assistants of some Indonesian public universities. This research employed correlational quantitative approach using questionaires as data collection method. Data were analysed using regression analysis. The results of analysis indicated that there was a positive correlation between effective coaching and adversity quotient on the service quality of educational laboratory assistants of some public universities. The more effective the coaching and the higher the adversity quotient, the better quality of service of the laboratory assistants. Based on these results, it was concluded that the service quality of educational laboratory assistants could be improved through effective coaching and adversity quotient.

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-26
M. Syahran Jailani ◽  
Muhammad Muhammad

Islamic education during the New Order experienced a growth both quantitatively and in terms of the quality of the organization. The New Order policy in Islamic Education, for example: the government implemented Islamic religious education taught in elementary schools to higher education, madrasa institutions and pesantren began to be recognized, the provision of facilities and others. Government policies during the New Order era, although providing fresh air for the development of Islamic education, the stakeholders must fight and work hard to convince the government so that the existence of Islamic education remains recognized and has the same position with other education nationally.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
pp. 281-292
Mochammad Rozikin ◽  
Mohamad Sofyan ◽  
Bambang Slamet Riyadi ◽  
Bambang Supriyono

Research on this journal ontology that many private higher education institutions in Jakarta cover the impact of the policies of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia as public officials to make and issue regulations that are very burdensome for the management of private higher education institutions. The purpose of this research is to criticize for improvement to the government of the Republic of Indonesia. This research used a qualitative method, while the research object was private universities in Jakarta that lack resources. The research subjects were resource persons who were aware of the constraints of the bankruptcy of private universities in Jakarta. The results of the study show that it has been proven that the state, in this case, the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia, makes and issues regulations that are very detrimental to the management of private higher education which is minimal in resources. The suggestion from this research shows that the government, by the constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, must be able to provide resource assistance efforts for private universities that are deficient.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 69-82
Luther Lie

Nudging majors and courses may increase the  ompetitiveness of Indonesian graduates. In order to nudge them, university corporations shall provide the characteristics of majors and courses on their websites. This paper will discuss the value of choice and an understanding of choice in decision-making, the impact of choosing wrong majors on the competitiveness of graduates, and the relation between law and human development. This paper will examine the existing laws and regulation proposal on the provision of the characteristics of majors and courses on the university corporation websites in Indonesia. The research is based on laws and regulations on education and public information related to such information provision and supported by website samples from various university corporations in Indonesia and overseas. The author proposes the government to regulate a Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education Regulation that requires university corporations in Indonesia to provide the characteristics of majors and courses on their websites to increase the competitiveness of Indonesian graduates. With the availability of the characteristics of majors and courses, prospective students may know and understand better the available majors and its learning materials. This knowledge and understanding will empower prospective students to choose majors that align with their interests and talents. Peningkatkan daya saing lulusan perguruan tinggi di Indonesia dapat dilakukan melalui nudging jurusan dan mata kuliah. Untuk melaksanakan nudge jurusan dan mata kuliah, perguruan tinggi wajib menyediakan informasi jurusan dan mata kuliah dalam situsnya. Karya tulis ilmiah ini akan membahas pentingnya pilihan dan pemahaman akan pilihan dalam pengambilan keputusan, dampak kekeliruan pilihan jurusan terhadap daya saing lulusan, dan keterkaitan pengaturan dengan pembangunan sumber daya manusia. Karya tulis ilmiah ini akan mengkaji pengaturan yang ada dan usulan pengaturan tentang penyediaan informasi jurusan mata kuliah dalam sistem elektronik perguruan tinggi diIndonesia. Penelitian didasarkan pada peraturan perundang-undangan di bidang pendidikan dan informasi publik terkait dengan penyediaan informasi tersebut dan didukung dengan sampel situs pelbagai perguruan tinggi di Indonesia dan mancanegara. Penulis mengusulkan pemerintah untuk mengatur suatu Peraturan Menteri Riset, Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi yang mensyaratkan perguruan tinggi di Indonesia untuk menyediakan informasi jurusan dan mata kuliah dalam sistem elektronik untuk meningkatkan daya saing lulusan Indonesia. Dengan ketersediaan informasi jurusan dan mata kuliah, calon mahasiswa dapat mengetahui dan memahami secara lebih jelas tentang jurusan yang tersedia dan materi ajar dalam suatu jurusan. Pengetahuan dan pemahaman ini akan memampukan calon mahasiswa untuk memilih jurusan yang selaras dengan minat dan bakatnya.

2019 ◽  

Abstract.In order to enhance the quality of Indonesian higher education, the Indonesian government through the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education paid much attention to lecturers in forms of financial incentives and opportunities for them to upgrade their professional skills. Meanwhile, educational laboratory assistants (educational supporting staffs with specific functional position) had also enjoyed some incentives from the government over the past 5 years. Therefore, these laboratory assistants need continuous coaching to maximise their roles in laboratories and to deliver services to their customers, such as lectures, students and other laboratory stakeholders. This study aimed at revealing to what extent effective coaching from superiors and adversity quotient owned by educational laboratory assistants influenced the quality of service of educational laboratory assistants of some Indonesian public universities. This research employed correlational quantitative approach using questionaires as data collection method. Data were analysed using regression analysis. The results of analysis indicated that there was a positive correlation between effective coaching and adversity quotient on the service quality of educational laboratory assistants of some public universities. The more effective the coaching and the higher the adversity quotient, the better quality of service of the laboratory assistants. Based on these results, it was concluded that the service quality of educational laboratory assistants could be improved through effective coaching and adversity quotient.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 41
Taslim HM Yasin

Islam is a universal religion that regulates all aspects of life, including teachings about religious harmony. Normatively, the Koran has included verses related to religious pluralism, multiculturalism and tolerance of religious life. Historically the Medina pajamas are historical witnesses that the Prophet laid the foundation and became an example in living a life of different religions and cultures. For Muslims in Indonesia the elimination of seven words in the Jakarta pajamas is a tangible form of inter-religious harmony shown by Muslims. Likewise with the Confucian religion, there are teachings that can lead its adherents to live in harmony with other religions, among the teachings or five noble characteristics of Wu Chang, which are seen as the concept of teachings that can create a harmonious life. The two religions generally maintain harmony with each other, but in particular there are often misunderstandings such as reality shows that there are not a few actions that deviate from the values of tolerance. The method in this discussion uses a library research (library research), with a qualitative approach. The results of this discussion illustrate that Islam and Confucianism positively support the existence of tolerance between religious communities and the government. Furthermore, religious tolerance has limits that must be maintained and respected, for example in the form of the social interests of the two teachings, while regarding the creed, both are not allowed to tolerate. The similarity of tolerance according to both is the harmony of life between religious communities, which is something that is mentioned in the Al-Quran and the book of Lun Yu. Like mutual respect, please help and be fair to every people. Meanwhile, what distinguishes religious tolerance is that Islam does not allow marriage to a non-Muslim, while Confucianism allows marriage to people of different religions

Dihin Muriyatmoko ◽  
Lalu Ganda Rady Putra

Number of Journals in Indonesia is quite a lot and various disciplines. Until March 15, 2018, registered 50,889 online and print ISSN by Indonesian Institute of Science (LIPI). The government through Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education of Republic Indonesia (Kemenristekdikti) set regulated on journal index, that is Science and Technology Index (SINTA) assigned to rank quality content and management divided by six categories called S1 to S6 which of the data is taken from Google Scholar and Scopus. This research applies S1 that these journals are accredited “A” by Kemenristekdikti and or index by Scopus. That’s data is shown ranking by sorted based on h-index and citations. S1 shown that journal which has highest h-index uncertain have highest citations too, even some have zeroes. That’s data on S1 become strange and awkward when compared with S2 to S6 because some value of h-index and citations S1 is lower than S2 to S6. This research focus to find how strong correlation or impact h-index toward citations using linear regression. The test result shows that value of Multiple R = 0.78 indicates the correlative is very close, a value of R Square = 0.61 indicates the impact of h-index toward citations achieve 61% and the rest 39% affected by others factor.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. 407
Ainul Yaqin

<p>Beasiswa merupakan bantuan biaya untuk menunjang proses pendidikan, bidikmisi merupakan salah satu program beasiswa yang diberikan pemerintah melalui Direktorat Jendral Pendidikan Tinggi (DITJEN DIKTI) Kementrian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi (Ristekdikti) mulai tahun 2010 kepada mahasiswa yang memiliki potensi akademik memadai dan kurang mampu secara ekonomi. Pengelolaan data bidikmisi diserahkan kepada perguruan tinggi masing-masing dengan bantuan pendanaan bersama antara perguruan tinggi dan Ristekdikti. Proses pendafartaran seleksi mahasiswa bidikmisi telah diimplementasikan menggunakan sistem informasi manajemen pada tetapi sim tersebut masih berfokus pada proses pendaftaran saja. Permasalahan muncul dari sisi pengelola di perguruan tinggi dalam melakukan monitoring dan evaluasi perkembangan studi mahasiswa bidikmisi. Maka diharapkan adanya sistem informasi yang dapat memonitoring data mahasiswa bidikmisi untuk pengelolaan data bidimisi. Sistem informasi monitoring dan evaluasi bidikmisi yang dirancang oleh peneliti diharapkan menjadi inovasi baru dalam pengelolaan data mahasiswa bidikmisi. Penerapan sistem informasi monitoring dan evaluasi bidikmisi mampu melakukan pelaporan perkembangan IPK setiap mahasiswa penerima bidikmisi serta menunjukkan hasil rata-rata loadtime 4.13s dan rata-rata pagesize 555KB pada kecepatan internet 0.31Mbps serta persentase session, pages dan hits dengan nilai 100%.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Abstract</strong></p><p>Scholarship is financial assistance to support the education process, bidikmisi is one of the scholarship programs provided by the government through the Directorate General of Higher Education (DITJEN DIKTI) Ministry of Research Technology and Higher Education (Ristekdikti) starting in 2010 to students who have adequate academic potential and are less able economy. Bidikmisi data management is handed over to their respective universities with the help of joint funding between universities and RISTEKDIKTI. The registration process for Bidikmisi student selection has been implemented using a management information system at but the MIS is still focused on the registration process only. Problems arise from the side of managers in universities in monitoring and evaluating the development of the study of Bidikmisi students. Then it is expected that there is an information system that can monitor Bidikmisi student data for bidimisi data management. The monitoring and evaluation information system of Bidikmisi designed by researchers is expected to be a new innovation in bidikmisi student data management. The application of Bidikmisi monitoring and evaluation information system is able to report the development of GPA for each student receiving bidikmisi and shows the results of average load time 4.13s and pagesize average 555KB at 0.31Mbps internet speed and percentage sessions, pages and hits with a value of 100%.</p><p> </p>

Religions ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (9) ◽  
pp. 449
Darryl W. Stephens

This article promotes a wider understanding of trauma-informed pedagogy for the higher education classroom, whether in-person or virtual, focusing on undergraduate and graduate teaching in religious studies and theological education. Trauma is not confined to individual experiences of single horrifying events—trauma can be collective (community-wide, e.g., COVID-19), epigenetic (inherited or intergenerational), social-cultural (e.g., racism), or vicarious. Drawing on religious education literature and recent insights from psychology, neuroscience, and public health studies, this article provides a shared basis for further development of trauma-informed pedagogy by religious and theological educators. A principle feature of this article is bibliographic, portraying the state of scholarship at the intersection of religious education and trauma and pointing to resources necessary for further development. It offers a brief survey of extant literature, presents a basic definition and description of trauma, introduces the features of a trauma-informed community approach, and discusses the core values guiding trauma-informed pedagogy. The article also explores religious aspects of trauma and discusses care for instructors, who deal with their own traumatic pasts as well as the secondary effects of encountering, teaching, and supporting traumatized individuals in the religious education classroom. This article concludes with a call for further research.

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