scholarly journals Pengaruh iklim komunikasi organisasi terhadap kinerja karyawan: Analisis chi square

2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Putri Fadhillah A.Smit ◽  
Nurjanah Nurjanah

Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh iklim komunikasi organisasi terhadap kinerja karyawan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Kota Pekanbaru dengan subjek penelitian Karyawan perusahaan Event Organizer. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian kuantitatif verifikatif yang dimana menggunakan tehnik analisis Chi Square. Sampel yang digunakan merupakan data sensus sebanyak 40 karyawan. Data dikoleksi melalui kuesioner dianalisis deskriptif. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa 36 karyawan membutuhkan iklim komunikasi organisasi untuk mempengaruhi kinerjanya sehingga menimbulkan peningkatan.This study aims to determine whether or not there is an influence of the organizational communication climate on employee performance. This research was carried out in the Pekanbaru city with the subject of Employee research. This research is a kind of quantitative research which uses Chi-square analysis techniques. The sample used is census data of 40 employees. Data collected through questionnaires were analyzed descriptively. The results of the study show that 36 employees need an organizational communication climate to influence their performance, leading to an increase.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 34
Muhammad Agus Humaidi

This study aims to determine the communication climate and employee performance in the Office of the Ministry of Religious Affairs of Banjarmasin, in addition to know the influence between the communication climate with the performance of employees in the Office of the Ministry of Religious Affairs Banjarmasin. The method used is a quantitative research approach and a research instrument with a questionnaire that is analyzed with Chi Square Goodness Of Fit and Simple Linear Regression.The results showed that the communication climate of employees in the Office of the Ministry of Religious Affairs of Banjarmasin is quite good. While the performance of employees in the Office of the Ministry of Religious Affairs of Banjarmasin including less good category. In addition there is no influence between the communication climate on the performance of employees in the Office of the Ministry of Religious City of Banjarmasin.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 121
Nani Nuraini Sarah ◽  
Waluyo Waluyo

ABSTRAK-Tujuan dari mempelajari Ilmu komunikasi adalah untuk mengembangkan dan meningkatkan kemampuan berkomunikasi dengan sesama manusia,  sehingga dapat saling berkomunikasi dengan lebih efektif dalam mencapai tujuan, baik tujuan individu, tujuan organisasi maupun  tujuan masyarakat. Di dalam Komunikasi Organisasi ada Budaya Komunikasi dengan garis hubungan yang berbeda. Garis hubungan vertikal kebawah, yaitu antara atasan dan bawahan, garis hubungan horizontal yaitu komunikasi antar pegawai dan garis hubungan yang terakhir adalah vertikal keatas dari pegawai ke atasannya. Tiap  garis hubungan tersebut ada polanya masing-masing. Jika pola komunikasi berjalan tidak mengikuti aturannya, maka pelaksanaan komunikasi akan berjalan kurang baik. Pelaksanaan komunikasi yang efektif sangat penting untuk dapat mendorong semangat serta meningkatkan kinerja pegawai. Pelanggaran komunikasi seringkali disebabkan karena pelaku tidak mengetahui bahwa komunikasi mereka telah melanggar  jalur ketertiban.“Maksud dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memperoleh gambaran yang mendalam dan memberikan bukti empiris mengenai pengaruh pola komunikasi organisasi terhadap kinerja pegawai.”Penelitian yang dilakukan menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif atau sering juga disebut sebagai metode tradisional. Yaitu dimana data yang dihasilkan akan berupa angka-angka dan analisisnya menggunakan statistik. Hasil pengujian regresi menunjukkan bahwa variabel pola komunikasi organisasi mempengaruhi kinerja“pegawai di Pusat Pengembangan dan Pembedayaan Pendidik dan Tenaga Kependidikan (P4TK) Bisnis dan Pariwisata Jakarta. Kata kunci:”Komunikasi, Pola komunikasi, kinerja pegawai” ABSTRACT- The main purpose of studying communication is to develop and improve the ability to communicate with humans, so they can interact with each other more effectively in achieving goals, both individual goals, organizational goals and community goals. In the context of organizational communication,  an organizational culture sees communication relationships from the perpetrator's relationship line. The downward vertical relationship line, that is between superiors and subordinates, the horizontal relationship line is between one employee and another employee and last one is upward vertical relationship line, that is between the employee to the superior. Each of these lines of communication has its own pattern. If the communication pattern does not go according to the rules, then the implementation of communication will not work well. This will become one of the disturbances or obstacles in achieving company performance because the message is not conveyed correctly. Communication violations that occur are mostly caused by the perpetrators of the communication not knowing that they have violated the order lines. The purpose of this study is to obtain an in-depth picture and provide empirical evidence regarding the effect of organizational communication patterns on employee performance. The research used quantitative research methods or often referred to as traditional methods. The resulting data will be in the form of numbers and the analysis uses statistics. The results of regression testing show that the”variable organizational communication patterns affect the performance of employees at Pusat Pengembangan dan Pemberdayaan Pendidik dan Tenaga Kependidikan (P4TK) Bisnis dan Pariwisata Jakarta.”  Keywords: Communication, communication patterns, employee performance

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (9) ◽  
Arzu Önel ◽  
Şule Fırat Durdukoca

<p>The aim of this study is to examine whether reading habits have any effects on the academic achievement of the biology course of high school students in Turkey. In the research, the relational screening model was preferred from the quantitative research models and the phenomenological approach was preferred from the qualitative research models, so the mixed method was used. The study group consists of 266 students studying in the final year of various high schools and who took biology courses before in the province of Kars in Turkey. Data were collected by the questionnaire form prepared by the researchers. In the questionnaire, the participants were asked 12 questions in total; 4 questions to determine the variables of the type of school, education fields, gender, school report marks, 5 close-ended questions to be thought to be able to determine their reading habits, 2 open-ended questions and 1 metaphor question. Frequency and percentage values were calculated for descriptive analysis of the answers given to the questionnaire items. Chi-square analysis was used to examine the relationship between demographic characteristics and the reading habits of the students, and the content analysis technique was used to analyze metaphors. </p><p> </p><p><strong> Article visualizations:</strong></p><p><img src="/-counters-/edu_01/0882/a.php" alt="Hit counter" /></p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 29 ◽  
Azzam A. Abou-Moghli

The economic competition is increasing day by day on both local and international level; therefore, it becomes the duty of organization to balance these processes along with job security. The study aimed to use the social determination theory (SDT) to evaluate the relationship between work engagement, happiness and organizational commitment. A quantitative research design was used to conduct the study, selecting 317 individuals working in three telecommunications companies (Orange, Zain, and Umniah). Regression analysis and Chi square analysis were carried out on the data collected through the questionnaire survey. The results showed a significant relationship between organizational commitment, work engagement and happiness. The Social Determination Theory (SDT) was also found to be relevant in evaluating the factors that are responsible for affecting the behavior of employees towards the organization. The study provides significant knowledge to practitioners in evaluating factors that increase job dissatisfaction or job insecurity among employees that leads to a reduction in the level of work commitment and engagement.

Pondasi ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Meli Ardiana ◽  
Ely Nurhidayati ◽  
Meta Indah Fitriani

ABSTRACTThe Corridor Street dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo with an area of 0.425 km2 or 3% of the total area of Pontianak City District, Sungai Jawi Village. Street Dr. Corridor Wahidin Sudirohusodo in the RTRW of Pontianak City in 2013-2033 which is 95% of the allocation for residential areas. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors that influence changes in the use of residential land for commercial purposes in the corridor of Street dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo. This study uses a quantitative approach with quantitative descriptive analysis techniques and descriptive statistical analysis techniques using cross tabulation and chi square. The results showed that the corridor of Street dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo can conclude that from 2015 to 2021 the development of trade and services increased by 4.89 Ha or 28.5% of the total study area and settlements decreased by 3.07 Ha or 17.9% of the total study area. The results of crosstab and chi square analysis, the factors that influence changes in residential land use for commercial purposes, namely aspects of land ownership for education level, occupation, length of stay, and land ownership status have a relationship, for aspects of accessibility and completeness of public utilities the variable is fixed value. because the community feels satisfied and this is a very supportive factor for the community to open a business, and for the fiscal aspect of land there is a relationship. Keywords : Trade and services, land use change. ABSTRAKKoridor Jalan dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo dengan luas 0,425 km2 atau 3% dari total wilayah Kecamatan Pontianak Kota, Kelurahan Sungai Jawi. Koridor Jalan Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo di dalam RTRW Kota Pontianak Tahun 2013-2033 yaitu 95% merupakan peruntukkan kawasan perumahan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi perubahan pemanfaatan lahan perumahan untuk tujuan komersial di  koridor Jalan dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan teknik analisis deskriptif kuantitatif dan teknik analisis statistik deskriptif menggunakan tabulasi silang dan chi square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan koridor Jalan dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo dapat disimpulkan bahwa dari tahun 2015 sampai ke tahun 2021 perkembangan perdagangan dan jasa naik sebesar 4,89 Ha atau 28,5% dari total wilayah kajian dan permukiman menyusut sebesar 3,07 Ha atau 17,9% dari total wilayah kajian. Hasil analisa crosstab dan chi square, faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi perubahan pemanfaatan lahan perumahan untuk tujuan komersial yaitu aspek kepemilikan lahan untuk tingkat pendidikan, pekerjaan, lama tinggal, dan status kepemilikan lahan memiliki keterkaitan hubungan, untuk aspek aksesibilitas dan kelengkapan utilitas umum variabel bernilai tetap dikarenakan masyarakat merasa sudah puas dan ini menjadi faktor yang sangat mendudukung masyarakat membuka usaha, dan untuk aspek fiskal lahan memiliki keterkaitan hubungan.Kata kunci :  Perdagangan dan jasa, perubahan pemanfaatan lahan.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 1253-1258
Lin Herlina

Setiap rumah sakit mengupayakan pemenuhan sasaran keselamatan pasien  salah satunya adalah mengidentifikasi pasien dengan benar yang bertujuan agar rumah sakit melakukan perbaikan spesifik yang akan berdampak pada peningkatan mutu pelayanan dan keselamatan pasien. Kesalahan identifikasi pasien dapat terjadi disemua aspek diagnosis dan tindakan. Melakukan identifikasi perlu keinginan dari dalam diri perawat itu sendiri atau biasa disebutmotivasi. Jika seseorang memiliki motivasi maka seharusnya dapat menimbulkan kepatuhan untuk melakukan tindakan identifikasi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan motivasi dengan kepatuhan perawat dalam pelaksanaan identifikasi pasien pasien sebagai bagian dari keselamatan pasien di Ruang Rawat Inap Rumah Sakit Karya Husada Karawang. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain penelitian korelasional. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah Perawat yang berjumlah 104 orang dengan sampel 25% dari jumlah populasi yaitu sebanyak 26 orang. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan cara wawancara. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan kuisioner. Teknik analisa data terdiri dari analisa univariate dan bivariate (chi square) dengan menggunakan software SPSS. Berdasarkan hasil analisa didapatkan nilai p value = 0,004 (p<0,05). Sehingga disimpulkan bahwa ada hubungan motivasi perawat dengan kepatuhan pelaksanaan  identifikasi pasien sebagai bagian dari keselamatan pasien di Ruang Rawat Inap Rumah Sakit Karya Husada Karawang 2019.Kata Kunci : Keselamatan Pasien, Identifikasi, Motivasi, Kepatuhan.  ABSTRACTEach hospital strives to fulfill the Patient Safety Goals, one of which is to identify patients correctly which aims to make the Hospital make specific improvements that will have an impact on improving the quality of service and patient safety. Misidentification of patients can occur in all aspects of diagnosis and action. Identifying needs of the nurse's inner self or commonly called motivation. If someone has motivation then it should be able to cause compliance to carry out identification actions. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between motivation and nurse compliance in the implementation of identifying patient patients as part of patient safety in the Inpatient Room of Karya Husada Hospital, Karawang.This type of research is quantitative research with correlational research design. The population in this study were nurses with a total of 104 people with a sample of 25% of the total population of 26 people. Data collection techniques by interview.  The research instrument uses questionnaires. Data analysis techniques consist of univariate and bivariate (chi square) analysis using SPSS software.Based on the analysis results, the value of p value = 0.004 (ρ <0.05) is obtained. So it was concluded that there was a relationship between nurse motivation and compliance with the implementation of patient identification as part of patient safety in the Inpatient Room of Karya Husada Karawang Hospital 2019.Keywords : Patient Safety, Identification, Motivation, Compliance.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (E) ◽  
pp. 1042-1049
Putri Permatasari ◽  
Cahya Arbitera ◽  
Dwi Mutia Wenny

BACKGROUND: Citizens are people who have a high risk of exposure to diseases due to unhealthy environmental conditions. This requires citizens to take advantage of health services in order to get optimal examinations. AIM: The purpose of this study was to determine the description and relationship between the characteristics of citizens, the characteristics of health services and the utilization of health services by citizens in the area of Tangerang Selatan, Indonesia in 2020. METHODS: The quantitative research method with cross-sectional design used random sampling techniques. The number of samples was 150 families in the area of Tangerang Selatan, Indonesia. The riset measured data using a questionnaire and collected data by interviewing the respondents. Data analysis used Chi-square analysis and multiple logistic regression analysis. RESULTS: The results showed that the variables related to the utilization of health services were knowledge variable (p = 0.001), number of families (p = 0.021), perception of pain (p = 0.001), and family support (p = 0.030). And the variables that were not related to the utilization of health services were ownership of health insurance (p = 0.750), transportation (p = 0.297), distance (0.340), health information (p = 0.538), and attitudes of health workers (p = 1000). As well as the dominant variable related to the utilization of health services, that is knowledge (p = 0.000) with odds ratio 12.876. CONCLUSION: It is hope that primary healthcare and health workers can involve more communities around the area in their work programs, such as providing health information.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 53-60
Adamu Usman ◽  
Ali Garba Bawa

This study analyzed the effect of insurgency on cowpea production in Potiskum Local Government Area of Yobe State, Nigeria. This study is quantitative research where 120 cowpea farmers were randomly interviewed using structured response questionnaires. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The results showed that 35% of the respondents fell within the age bracket of 28-33 years; males constituted 55% and 42% had primary education. The findings further reveaed that 77.50% perceived the effect of insurgency on their livelihood. Majority up to 70.80% of the respondents perceived increase in poverty and job loses respectively. Almost 52.5% of the respondents were affected by the conflicts, then children 21.7%, women 13.3% and adult men 8.3%. 32.50% of the respondents lost their houses, 29.20% lost their livestock, and 16.70% and 13.30% lost their crops and sustained body injuries respectively. Majority up to 67.50% of the respondents suggested that all the methods, 16.70% suggested military action, 6.70% negotiation, 5.0% and 4.20% of the respondents suggested state of emergency and amnesty respectively. Furthermore, the regression analysis revealed that 74% variation in output was accounted by the independent variables in the model. However, educational level, sex and income were significant at p< 0.001, while household size, farm size and distance from farm to homestead were significant at p< 0.05. Chi-square analysis revealed that the variables included in the model such as sex, educational level, age, income and distance from farmlands to homestead were significant at p< 0.05, with the exception of farm size, marital status and farming experience. The study concluded that insurgency exists in the study area and the effects include loss of lives, crops, and destruction of infrastructures, such as schools, telecommunication mast, mosques, churches, markets and houses. The study recommended that education and employment opportunities be provided to the youths in the study area.

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Yan Kurnia Putri

This study aims to examine and analyze the influence of personal characteristics on employee motivation Sari Sehat Herbal Medicine Industry and to determine whether the employee motivation Sari Sehat Herbal Medicine Industry in Magelang . Data collected through questionnaires and conducted on 89 employees Sari Sehat Herbal Medicine Industry Magelang . Analysis of the data in this study using SPSS version 17 . In this study used a sample of the entire population and data testing techniques used in this study include test validity , reliability tests with Cronbach alpha . Spearman correlation analysis to examine the relationship between personal characteristics such as age , education , length of employment , marital status of the motivation , by comparing the value Sig.ρhitung with α value ( 0.05 ) . As for analyzing gender relations to motivation chi square analysis was used to compare the value of Sig . χ ^ 2hitung the value of α ( 0.05 ) . The analysis showed that the level of personal characteristics ( 0.003 ) , length of employment ( 0 ) and marital status ( 0.006 ) effect on employee performance . Age (0.524 ) and gender (0.217 ) had no effect on motivation . And the biggest motivation for employees Sari Sehat Herbal Medicine Industry is salary ( 79 % ) . This research

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