OPSI ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Agus Hardiyanto ◽  
Irwan Soejanto ◽  
Intan Berlianty

Yogyakarta banyak memiliki potensi wisata baru, salah satunya adalah sentra pengrajin keris Banyumurup yang telah mengembangkan kerajinan tersebut sejak tahun 1950-an. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui potensi wisata yang dimiliki Dusun Banyumurup dan merancang strategi pengembangan desa wisata. Metode yang digunakan untuk mengetahui strategi pengembangan yaitu melalui analisis SWOT dengan cara menganalisis faktor-faktor eksternal (peluang dan ancaman) dan faktor-faktor internal (kekuatan dan kelemahan) dengan matriks EFAS dan IFAS. Matriks EFAS (External Factor Analysis Summary) digunakan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang berupa peluang dan ancaman yang dihadapi. Matriks IFAS (Internal Factor Analysis Summary) digunakan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang berupa kekuatan dan kelemahan yang dimiliki. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui total nilai tertimbang matriks IFAS pengunjung sebesar  2,5073 . Total nilai tertimbang EFAS pengunjung sebesar 2,221. Faktor internal yang dimiliki yaitu suasana khas pedesaan, melihat proses pembuatan keris, pemandangan alam yang indah, keramahan masyarakat, terdapat bangunan bersejarah. Sedangakan faktor eksternal yaitu melestarikan budaya Jawa, meyerap tenaga kerja, pemanfaatan teknologi untuk media promosi, kesan positif dari wisatawan yang pernah berkunjung, perluasan segmen wisatawan dari berbagai minat seperti fotografi, pendidikan atau penelitian.

2012 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Endang Widiyastuti

Sektor pemasaran sebagai salah satu fungsi dalam perusahaan yang diharapkan mampu berperan banyak dalam upaya meningkatkan volume penjualan. Fungsi dari kegiatan pemasaran adalah menyakinkan konsumen agar bersedia membeli produk yang ditawarkan. Untuk menghindari kesalahan sasaran program pemasaran perlu adanya suatu strategi pemasaran yang tepat, yaitu strategi pemasaran yang berwawasan lingkungan pemasaran. Hal ini penting untuk menghadapi setiap perubahan lingkungan pemasaran yang semakin tidak menentu dan agar dapat bersaing serta bertahan dalam percaturan bisnis dan untuk mengantisipasi kecenderungan pemasaran karena sifat pasar yang selalu berubah dan tidak  pasti.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis lingkungan internal (kekuatan dan kelemahan) serta eksternal (peluang dan ancaman) perusahaan, serta untuk mengidentifikasi strategi yang tepat bagi perusahaan.Dari hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa strategi pemasaran yang diterapkan adalah strategi pertumbuhan internal perusahaan dengan cara pendekatan penetrasi pasar. Alasan yang mendasari pemutusan  strategi tersebut adalah pada analisis lingkungan eksternal EFAS (External Factor Analysis Strategy) yang meliputi kondisi demografi, teknologi yang menunjukkan beberapa peluang bagi perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang perikanan untuk tumbuh dan berkembang. Pada analisis lingkungan internal IFAS (Internal Factor Analysis Strategy) perusahaan menunjukkan kondisi internal perusahaan masih perlu dibenahi karena kekuatan Sumber Daya Manusia merupakan potensi yang dapat dikembangkan dimasa yang akan datang.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa strategi pemasaran dalam hal ini untuk mengantisipasi lingkungan internal.  Kata kunci: analisis lingkungan, penentuan strategi.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 117
Denyka Arinda Putri ◽  
Budi Prabowo

Di era saat ini UMKM perlu memaksimalkan usahanya agar dapat bertahan hidup. Usaha Mikro Kecil yang menjadi objek penelitian ini adalah usaha Bakso Super Rasa yan berada di Jalan Gayungan Surabaya. Usaha ini merupakan usaha yang bergerak dibidang kuliner. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis strategi bisnis yang digunakan Bakso Super Rasa dalam bidang keuangan, sumber daya manusia, pemasaran dan produksi dalam mempertahankan usaha dan meningkatkan pendapatan. Metode yang digunakan yaitu deskriptif kuantitatif dengan menggunakan teknik pengambilan data melalui wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi yang berkaitan dengan strategi bisnis dalam mengidentifikasi kekuatan, kelemahan, peluang dan ancaman dengan metode SWOT pada usaha Bakso Super Rasa. Melalui analisis menggunakan IFAS (Internal Factor Analysis Summary) dan EFAS (External Factor Analysis Summary) maka dapat diketahu faktor Internal yaitu kekuatan dan kelemahan, dan faktor Eksternal yaitu peluang dan acaman. Pemilihan strategi menggunakan strategi SO, sehingga pada diagram S dan O terletak pada kuadran I yaitu perusahaan memiliki kekuatan untuk memaksimalkan peluang yang ada dengan cara meminimalkan kelemahan dan ancaman dengan mendukung kebijakan pertumbuhan yang agresif (Growth oriented strategy).Kata Kunci : UMKM, Strategi Bisnis, Analisis SWOT

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 118
Lailatul Isnaini ◽  
Musfarita Affiani

This paper aims to determine 1) the internal environment BPSDM Prov. Jambi, 2) external environment BPSDM Prov. Jambi, and 3) what strategic alternatives that could be taken after the change in nomenclature BPSDM Prov. Jambi. The main method of this article is a review of the relevant literature and documentation were analyzed using analysis of internal factors (Internal Factor Analysis Summary), the analysis of external factors (External Factor Analysis Summary) and SWOT analysis.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
H Muhammad Ilhamuddin ◽  
Rusminah Rusminah ◽  
Hj Hilmiati ◽  
Muhammad Ahyar

This study is aimed to find out an alternative strategies of creative industry development of pearl jewelry craft sector in Mataram city. The research uses descriptive research design. The data collected by interview and observation methods which is analyzed by using Internal Factor Analysis (IFE), External Factor Analysis (EFE), and SWOT analysis. The results shows that the internal environment of the industry has a strong position where the strength has a total value of 2.46 compared to the weakness of 0.64. The industry’s position of the outside environment also has strong position where the industry ‘s opportunity has a total value of 1.80 versus threat 1.04. Based on the value of IFE and EFE can be obtained coordinate point in the axis system is 0.91,0.38. The strategy choice is a growth strategy.Keyword: development Strategy, SWOT, creative industry of pearl jewelry

2007 ◽  
Vol 87 (6) ◽  
pp. 793-800 ◽  
Paul F Beattie ◽  
Roger M Nelson ◽  
Angela Lis

Background and Purpose An instrument that provides valid measurements of satisfaction with physical therapy care for Spanish-speaking patients will enhance communication and ensure their representation in quality assurance analyses and research on health care disparities. The purpose of this investigation was to provide preliminary information on the factor structure, group- and individual-level reliability, and criterion-referenced validity of measurements obtained from a Spanish-language version of the MedRisk Instrument for Measuring Patient Satisfaction With Physical Therapy Care (MRPS). Subjects A total of 203 Spanish-speaking patients in the New York City area participated in this study. Methods Consenting subjects completed a 20-item MRPS after discharge from outpatient physical therapy care. Several translators performed “forward” and “backward” translation of the MRPS, followed by consensus agreement on item structure. Factor structure was investigated using item-correlation and exploratory factor analysis. Group-level reliability for single test administration was assessed using the Cronbach alpha, and individual-level reliability was assessed by calculating the standard error of the measure (SEM). Concurrent validity was tested by comparing the item scores and mean scores of factors to global measures of satisfaction. Results The means of individual item scores (1–5) ranged from 3.22 for “I did not wait too long” to 4.80 for “My therapist treated me respectfully.” There were no sex-based differences in item scores. Exploratory factor analysis suggested a 2-factor solution: a 7-item “external” factor and a 3-item “internal” factor. The correlations (r) of the mean scores from these factors with the 2 global measures ranged from .59 to .82. The SEM was 0.16 for the internal factor and 0.25 for the external factor. Discussion and Conclusion The underlying factor structure of the Spanish-language version of the MRPS was identical to the English-language version. Our findings provide preliminary support for the reliability and validity of measurements obtained from the Spanish-language version of the MRPS. Further study is needed to assess the stability of these findings in other samples. As with English-speaking patients, Spanish-speaking patient's satisfaction with physical therapy care is most strongly linked to the professional behavior of the clinician.

2018 ◽  
Vol 12 (02) ◽  
pp. 107
Yani Subaktilah ◽  
Nita Kuswardani ◽  
Sih Yuwanti

One product from the sugar cane is brown sugar cane. ‘UKM Bumi Asih’ is one of the producer of the sugar cane in Bondowoso Regency. Brown sugar cane has potential prospect to developed because it can be used to any purposed (for household needs and beverage industries). This study was aimed to identify the internal and external factors that affected business development of brown sugar cane. The study were used the methods of internal factor evaluation (IFE) and eksternal factor evaluation (EFE). Internal factor analysis was performed to identify the company's internal strengths that can be used and anticipated weaknesses. External factor analysis was conducted to identify opportunities that can be exploited and threats that can be avoided. The scores output from matrix IFE and EFE were all categorized with total score 2.812 for internal factors and 3.0315 for external factor. Both scores were above 2.5 which meas that the internal position was strong enough. So its has the ability above the average to take advantage of the power and opportunities to anticipated the internal weakness and the threats. Keywords: brown sugar cane, eksternal factor, internal factor

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (7) ◽  
pp. 944
Desy Anggreani ◽  
Sudarmiatin Sudarmiatin ◽  
Suharto Suharto

<p class="Abstrak"><strong>Abstract:</strong> This study focuses on identifying internal and external factors from Crystal Guava Production and Service Unit of SMK 2 Batu. Therefore, strategies for the development of Production Units as edupreneurship can be obtained, namely vehicles for practicing work and entrepreneurship for students by doing creative and innovative efforts, the use of technology at the time of the guava crystal production process and its marketing implementation. Based on the internal factor analysis of the UPJ in SMK 2 Batu at 1.19 and the external factor analysis of 1.15 which is then analyzed using the SWOT matrix at the coordinate point (1.19:1.15) which means the quadrant I (SO) namely having to develop their internal power be`1cause the opportunity to develop UPJ in SMK N 2 batu is widely opened. The SO strategy that has been developed based on the SWOT matrix is (1) making Guidelines for production activities of Production Units that propose Curriculum, (2) product development and the use of the latest technology in organic crystal cultivation, (3) expanding market share with promotional media on social media, (4) increasing student involvement in cultivation and marketing (sales services, promotion in social media), (5) increasing collaboration with industrial parties to transfer knowledge and technology of crystal guava cultivation and maintain continuity of guava products.</p><strong>Abstrak:</strong> Penelitian ini berfokus untuk mengindentifikasi faktor internal dan faktor eksternal dari Unit Produksi dan Jasa Jambu Kristal SMKN 2 Batu sehingga diperoleh strategi-strategi pengembangan Unit Produksi sebagai <em>Edupreneurship</em> yaitu wahana berlatih bekerja dan berwirausaha bagi siswa dengan melakukan yang usaha kreatif dan inovatif, dan penggunaan teknologi pada saat budidadaya Jambu Kristal serta pemasarannya. Berdasarkan analisis faktor internal dari Unit Produksi dan Jasa SMKN 2 Batu sebesar 1,19 dan analisis faktor eksternal sebesar 1,15 yang selanjutnya dianalisis susuai matriks SWOT berada pada titik koordinat (1,19: 1,15) yang berarti pada kuadran I (SO) yaitu harus mengembangkan kekutan internalnya karena peluang untuk mengembangkan Unit Produksi dan Jasa SMKN 2 Batu sebagai <em>Edupreneurship </em>terbuka lebar. Adapun strategi SO yang dikembangkan. Adapun strategi SO yang telah dikembangkan berdasarkan matriks SWOT ialah (1) pembuatan Pedoman kegiatan produksi Unit Produksi yang mengaju Kurikulum, (2) melakukan pengembangan produk dan penggunaan teknologi terbaru pada budidaya jambu kristal (organic), (3) memperluas pangsa pasar dengan media promosi di media sosial, (4) peningkatan keterlibatan siswa dalam budidaya dan pemasaran (layanan penjualan, promosi di media soasial), (5) Meningkatkan kerjasama dengan pihak DU/DI yang sejenis untuk transfer ilmu dan teknologi budidaya jambu kristal dan menjaga kontinuitas produk jambu.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 479
I Komang Darnita ◽  
Ida Ayu Tary Puspa ◽  
I Ketut Arta Widana

<p><em>Research on Virgin Beach Development as a marine tourism attraction in Bugbug village Karangasem is related to the process of developing a marine tourism destination. Marine tourism is a potential form of tourism, including in "clean industry" activities. Because it utilizes coastal areas and oceans directly or indirectly. Direct activities include boating, swimming, snorkeling, diving, and fishing. Indirect activities such as beach sports activities, picnics, enjoy the ocean atmosphere. Virgin Beach is one of the beaches in Karangasem precisely in the village of Bugbug which has the potential to be developed into a marine tourism. This is because Virgin Beach provides its own uniqueness with beautiful nature, white sand is an atmosphere that is still natural so many tourists who visit marine activities on the beach.</em></p><p><em>The issues studied include: (1) What potentials does Virgin Beach have to develop as a marine tourism attraction in Bugbug village Karangasem? (2) How are the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats faced by the community in developing Virgin Beach as a marine tourism attraction in Bugbug village Karangasem? (3) How is the strategy of developing virgin beach as a tourist attraction in Bugbug village Karangasem. </em><em>The above problems were studied with several theories. The theory used is the theory of planning and development theory of tourism area. In addition, in obtaining the data used several methods, namely the method of observation, interview and documentation and elaborated with descriptive method, so obtained a thorough conclusion. This type of research is which uses quantitative and and analyzed descritif qualitative, SWOT using External Factor Analysis Summary matrix and Internal Factor Analysis Summary.</em></p><p><em>The potential of Virgin Beach is its natural and cultural potential. The natural potential consists of natural beauty such as white sand, Kuhan island, cliffs surrounding it and cultural potentials such as the presence of gambelan and some preserved dances. From the potential gained then described the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats encountered and developing Virgin Beach as a tourist attraction nautical. These strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats are analyzed by the External Factor Analysis Summary matrix and Internal Factor Analysis Summary to determine the development strategy for the next.The strategy chosen is the strategy of natural resource maintenance, human resource development strategy and market penetration.</em></p>

Sutjipto Ngumar ◽  
Hening Widi Oetomo

In the development of industrial area, the first step needed is to find out about the current conditional supportiveness on the smallest area unit. In terms of Regency or Municipality, its smallest unit is Subdistrict. The setting of this study is Bangkalan Regency while its smallest area units studied are the Subdistricts of Kamal, Labang, Kwanyar, Modung, Tanah Merah, Tragah, Socah and Burneh. Why these Subdistricts are chosen is because of their common access from Kamal harbor and Suramadu Bridge. The method used is SWOT analysis which considering internal factor constructed in IFAS (Internal Strategic Factor Analysis Summary) table and external factor constructed in EFAS (External Strategic Factor Analysis Summary) table.The highest IFAS values are Kamal’s and Modung’s, while EFAS values are assumed to be equal because the competitors condition are relatively similar. Based on IFAS and EFAS values, the quadrant position will be derived in SWOT matrix whose x axis is IFAS and y axis is EFAS. There are 4 quadrants in SWOT matrix, they are S-O (Strengths – Opportunities), W-O (Weakness – Opportunities), S-T (Strengths - Threats), and W-T (Weakness – Threats). The results of this current study suggest that from 8 Subdistricts we studied, there are 7 (seven) Subdistricts in S-O quadrant and 1 (one) in W-O quadrant. Based on the position of these subdistricts in SWOT quadrant, the appropriate strategy for each Subdistrict in developing their area in order to support the development of industrial area will be determined.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 15-24
Ermawaty A Siallagan

The location of childbirth is one of the factors which can psychologically influence mothers who are giving birth to babies. The wrong selection of location and childbirth aide will directly affect mothers’ health. The selection of the location and the aides of childbirth can be influenced by several factors such as the distance of health service facility, transportation, demographic location, and knowledge of searching for the right childbirth aide. Goals : The research is quantitative with cross sectional analytic survey. The method of the analysis was factor analysis in which the variables were reduced to one or two factors which influenced mothers to select the home birth by midwives. Method : The population was all mothers who gave birth to babies, aided by midwives at home, and 110 of them were used as the samples, using purposive sampling technique with inclusive and exclusive criteria. Result : The result of the factor analysis showed that of 12 variables, eight of them could be included in the factor analysis with MSA value > 0.05. Of the eight factors, two of them became internal and external factors. Internal factor contributed 70%, while external factor contributed 77% in influencing mothers to select the location of childbirth at home. From the internal factor, it was found that childbirth environment was the most influencing factor (85.5%), while from the external factor, it was found that childbirth expense was the most influencing factor (84.1%). Conclusion : The conclusion of the research was that internal factor (childbirth environment) and external factor (childbirth expense) influenced mothers to select home birth by midwives in the working area of Batu Pancur Puskesmas. It is recommended that midwife professionalism should be improved in giving childbirth service so that people will be motivated to select health facility in giving birth to babies.

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