Інна Бойченко

Статтю присвячено аналізу результатів апробації засобів ефективного становлення професійної самоідентичності майбутніх психологів та її складників, перш за все через активізацію процесів особистісного саморозвитку, формування уявлень про себе як професіонала, розвиток когнітивного, емоційно-оцінного, мотиваційного та поведінкового компонентів професійної самоідентичності в цілому. Завдання формувального експерименту з оптимізації професійної самоідентичності психологів включало: 1) розроблення програми оптимізації професійної самоідентичності для майбутніх психологів; 2) приведення неадекватно завищеного рівня самооцінки досліджуваних студентів-психологів під час навчально-професійної підготовки у адекватний стан за допомогою використання програми оптимізації; 3) зниження рівня тривожності та негативно-емоційного переживання майбутніх психологів під час навчання за допомогою програми; 4) підняття рівня пізнавальної активності майбутніх психологів під час навчання за допомогою програми. Розроблена тренінгова програма оптимізації становлення професійної самоідентичності майбутніх психологів. Вона містила такі активні соціально-психологічні методи: дискусії, рольові ігри, психогімнастичні прийоми, тренінги з домашніми завданнями, методами індивідуальної самостійної роботи. Мета тренінгової програми: коригування рівнів розвитку психолого-педагогічних складових майбутніх психологів у ході становлення їхньої професійної самоідентичності. Завдання тренінгової програми: 1) опанування студентами-психологами знань про професійну самоідентичність, що необхідна для їх ефективної майбутньої діяльності; 2) ознайомлення майбутніх психологів із методами та прийомами діагностики психологічних характеристик особистості, які впливають на становлення професійної самоідентичності; 3) оволодіння вміннями та навичками виконання конкретних професійних завдань, які виникають у процесі здійснення майбутньої діяльності, використовуючи для цього власні професійно значущі якості. Перший модуль був спрямований на підвищення пізнавальної активності майбутніх психологів, другий – на корекцію їхньої самооцінки, а третій – на корекцію їх емоційного стану. Для визначення ефективності програми оптимізації процесу професійної самоідентичності майбутніх психологів, нами було здійснено порівняльний аналіз рівнів розвитку особистісних складових у контрольній та експериментальній групах. Література Бондаренко, О.Ф. (1996). Психологічна допомога особистості. Харків : Фоліо. Будасси, С.А. (1972). Самооценка личности. Практические занятия по психологии. А.В.Петровского (Ред.), (с.30–37). Москва. Варбан, М.Ю. (1998). Рефлексія професійного становлення в юнацькому віці. Практична психологія та соціальна робота, 6–7, 80–83. Деркач, А.А., & Селезнева, Е.В. (2007). Акмеология в вопросах и ответах: Учебн. пособие. Москва : МПСИ, Воронеж : НПО МОДЭК. Джемс, У. (1982). Личность. Ю.Б. Гиппенрейтер & А.А. Пузырей (Ред.), Психология личности (с.61–70). Москва : Издательство МГУ. Дружиніна, І.А. (2010). Місце професійної ідентичності та ідентифікації у професійному просторі практичного психолога. Вісник Харківського національного педагогічного університету імені Г.С. Сковороди. Психологія, 37, 99–108. Харків : ХНПУ. Дубровина, И.В., Акимова, М.К., & Борисова, Е.М. (1995) Рабочая книга школьного психолога. И.В. Дубровиной (Ред.). Москва : Международная педагогическая академия. Євдокімова, О.О. (2009). Психологічні засади вищої технічної освіти. (Монографія). Харків : Нове слово. Зеер, Э.Ф. (2005). Психология профессий (учебное пособие). Москва : Академический Проект, Фонд «Мир». Кокун О.М. (2012). Психологія професійного становлення сучасного фахівця. (Монографія). Київ : ДП «Інформаційно-аналітичне агенство». Кон, И.С. (1980). Психология старшеклассника. Москва : Просвещение. Леонтьев, А.Н. (1975). Деятельность. Сознание. Личность. Москва : Политиздат. Ложкін, Г.В., & Волянюк, Н.Ю. (2008) Професійна ідентичність в контексті маргінальної поведінки. Соціальна психологія, 3, 123–130 Поваренков, Ю.В. 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2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 90
Torgeir K. Haavik ◽  
Cecilie Våpenstad

This article reports from a project introducing a virtual reality simulator with patient-specific input for endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) into a surgical environment at a university hospital in Norway during 2016–2019. The project includes acquisition of the simulator, training of personnel, and a mapping of the effects. We followed the process, adopting ethnographic methods including participation in the operating room, simulated patient-specific rehearsals, preparations of the rehearsals, meetings with the simulator company, scientific meetings and scientific work related to the clinical trials (the second author led the clinical trial), in addition to open-ended interviews with vascular surgeons and interventional radiologists. We used the concepts of boundary work and sensework as conceptual lenses through which we studied the introduction of the simulator and how it influenced the nature of work and the professional relationship between the vascular surgeons and the interventional radiologists. We found that the simulator facilitated professional integration, at the same time as it served as a material resource for professional identity development. This study is the first to our knowledge that investigates the role of simulators for professional identity and relationship among surgeons and radiologists. Further studies of simulators in similar and different social contexts may contribute to deeper and more generic understanding of the way simulators influence our working life.

2015 ◽  
Vol 30 (3) ◽  
pp. 304-319 ◽  
Ilka Dunne ◽  
Anita Bosch

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to focus on the misunderstandings that hamper the graduate identity development process of black South African graduates in the first year of work. The authors introduce the role of an independent mediator in supporting identity development in a graduate development programme (GDP). The independent mediator mediates between graduate and manager when misunderstandings occur that inhibit the warranting process during professional identity development. Design/methodology/approach – In seeking to understand the graduate transition from student to professional, the authors used identity studies as the foundation from which to track a group of 21 graduates on a year-long GDP, in a financial institution in Johannesburg, South Africa. A model of emergent graduate identity was utilised to gain insight into the warranting process and associated behaviours that graduates employ in their interactions with others in the workplace. Findings – As warranting is based on people’s own assumptions and beliefs about a particular situation or role, misunderstandings can occur during the warranting process when graduates are determining their professional identity, and managers are either affirming of disaffirming this identity. These misunderstandings were exacerbated by the fact that the graduates were often South African multi-cultural, first-generation professionals who lacked insight into and experience of corporate dynamics, this impacted on how they found their place in the organisation. Both graduates and managers were often not equipped to deal with cultural, racial, and other differences. When the graduate programme manager stepped in to play the additional role of independent mediator, helping to mediate misinterpretations during the identity formation process, the negative impact of misunderstandings was lessened, and graduates transitioned to a professional identity with greater ease. Managers also learned about managing multi-cultural individuals and their own, often limiting, experiences and worldviews. Practical implications – This highlights the value of a third-party intervention in graduate identity transitions, particularly in contexts where the graduate has little or no experience of what it means to be professional, and where managers are not equipped to deal with people who come from backgrounds that differ vastly from their own. Originality/value – The role of a third-party in shaping the identities of graduates during the identity warranting process, referred to as the independent mediator in this paper, has not been presented in research before. Studies of this nature would give us insight into how best to support graduate identity development and improve the design of GDPs.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-14
Anne-Mette Nortvig

This paper focuses on the development of professional identity by the use of video technology. On the basis of empirical material from a professional bachelor’s e-learning programme, it is argued that the use of video can contribute to reflection of professional identity through its opportunities for visual reification of the professional “Me”: while acting in profession-like settings, the students experience their professional actions from an inside “I”-perspective, but while watching themselves on the video recording of it later on, they can see, reflect and evaluate their professional “Me” from an outside perspective in the role of the professional other. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (34) ◽  
Elia Pizzolitto ◽  
Ida Verna

The development and strengthening of employees’ vocational identity are critical issues in organizations. The absence of professional selfawareness could negatively affect the emotional status of individuals. Moreover, such a condition can lead to a worsening of organizational performance. For this reason, studying the connections between human resources management and identity development is essential. Data and method. This exploratory study performs a systematic literature review starting from SCOPUS and EBSCO Host databases to understand how literature debates these connections. Results. The majority of extracted articles belong to the following fields: human resources management, psychology, and organizational studies. The connections between these three fields represent a clear theoretical framework for understanding how literature debates professional identity development in organizations. The theories considered in the extracted articles are numerous, but the social identity theory and the social categorization theory are the most cited by the authors. Four main themes emerge from the content analysis: motivation, satisfaction, and well-being of employees; the “crisis” status of human resource management; professional identity development in the workplace; the career adaptation of individuals. Conclusions. This study allows confirming how the development of professional identity is critical in organizations. Although the literature shows a considerable interest in vocational identity and human resources management, this study reflects on the possibility of producing further in-depth examinations concerning the connections between these topics. Further studies should explore vocational identity development through a renovated strategic role of human resources management, no more limited to a bureaucratic partner.

10.28945/4614 ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 16 ◽  
pp. 065-092
Sharon Hardof-Jaffe ◽  
Baruch Schwarz ◽  
Hanoch Flum

Aim/Purpose: This study aims to uncover how Social Network Sites (SNSs) active users who are eager to be knowledgeable about a specific domain develop a professional identity, what practices they use, and how do SNSs afford professional identity development. Background: Some researchers have shown that SNSs play a central role in personal development, but there is a lack of studies tracing the actual role of SNSs affordances in professional identity development. Methodology: Seven participants were followed during a whole year; we examined their professional identity development based on data collected from interviews, cued retrospective reports, and online activities. Contribution: The study shows that SNSs create a new context for professional identity development, a context whose new characteristics bring specific actors to a spectacular development in their professional identity. Based on the findings we suggest a new framework of professional identity development with SNSs. Findings: We identified a wide range of activities and changes in the perceived professional identity. We found that there are four phases of SNS’s professional identity development. The study also uncovers the three aspects of identity development: self-presentation, around-the-clock sociality, and interaction with information. The model of professional development through intensive use of SNSs is validated by our reports on the actual behaviors afforded by SNSs. Recommendations for Practitioners: The conceptual framework displayed in the article can help educational institutions to implement SNSs in order to enhance professional identity development. Guidance will allow students to handle self-presentation, sociality, and information management. By doing so, the guides will help achieving meaningful SNS activities and encouraging students to be involved in their fields of interest, thereby enhancing their professional identity. Future Research: Future studies may examine the implementation of SNSs for the exploration process leading to identity development in various educational institutions. A few years longitudinal study may examine the lifelong professional identity development in varied SNSs. Moreover, in the COVID-19 world crisis when life is in digital spaces more than ever, it will be interesting to study the role of SNSs of professional identity development in the population that lost their jobs.

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