scholarly journals The use of small forms of active rest to improve the mental capacity of second or third students elementary school classes

S. Prysyazhniuk

This article highlights the effectiveness use of small forms of active recreation to increase mental working capacity of primary school students during the school day. It was found that the students of the second and third grades starting from the second lesson a steady tendency to fatigue of the body develops. Especially children's fatigue developed in math lessons, and in particular if they were scheduled for the third or fourth lesson. The duration of the lesson also contributed to the development of fatigue processes in children of this age 45 minutes, instead of the recommended 40 minutes of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, because the school bell rang adjusted for all classes 45 minutes Execution of specially selected physical exercises in lessons in the form of a physical education minute or physical education micropause helped reduce the impact of fatigue on the body of children. One of the urgent problems of modern pedagogy is scientific substantiation of rational motor regime of children and adolescents. Studies in recent years suggest that the cause is the most common diseases, physical development disorders and functional state of the body of schoolchildren is increasingly becoming motor insufficiency experienced by the body of children.

Y. P. Sergienko ◽  
O. M. Lavrentiev ◽  
V. Y. Gaevyy ◽  
O.V. Starovoit ◽  
T.M. Stepura

In the article the impact of regular taijiquan practice on the health level of people of different ages is considered. The practical experience of teachers of martial arts school „Peresvit‟ and scientific researches with the use of east sports and health technologies are analyzed and generalized. They will allow effectively and purposefully to improve physical, mental and spiritual health of human, applying various forms and methods of physical education, which will contribute to the formation of sustainable motivation for a healthy lifestyle. The pedagogical research was conducted from September, 14 to November 20, 2020 on the basis of the „All-Ukrainian Federation of Free Fight and Contact Martial Arts in Mixed Martial Arts‟. Except of physical education and involvement in the sports culture, people find new friends, gain knowledge about healthy lifestyles, the peculiarities of relationships between people, the life values, that help in solving problems outside the gym, and, as a result, improve health level, strengthen confidence in their own abilities and become healthy and successful people. Every year the federation conducts sports and health activities for school students in various picturesque places of Ukraine and the world, where everyone can demonstrate their results. And the best students have the opportunity to visit the legend, wrapped by the legends, the abode of the spirit of Martial Arts - the Shaolin Temple. A woman (n = 10) aged 30-35 years took part in the pedagogical experiment. The control measurement took place simultaneously for all participants. According to the internship program, a training program was developed, which included classes for two months on a schedule of Monday, Wednesday and Saturday for 1 hour and 30 minutes. The work plan is as follows: study and practice of basic exercises and basic movements of taijiquan; breathing and meditation in taijuan and tea ceremonies; performance of previously developed and studied movements in the complex; watching the movie "The Grandmaster". This technique and its application is aimed at the formation of basic physical and mental qualities, the impact on certain functional systems of the body, the activation of their backup capabilities and aims to expand knowledge on the construction of training sessions with different groups of the population, regardless of their knowledge in the field of physical education and sports and the ability to form a training load by means of taijiquan. After the training course, a pedagogical study was conducted in the direction of: anthropometric data (weight, height, age); risk assessment of cardiovascular diseases, authors Zapisochny A.Z, Dushanin S.A. 1980 (physical activity, ideal weight, blood pressure, etc.); assessment of physical performance by Ruffier test.

2018 ◽  
Vol 79 (1) ◽  
pp. 42-52 ◽  
Olga Theocharidou ◽  
Georgios Lykesas ◽  
Ioannis Giossos ◽  
Dimitrios Chatzopoulos ◽  
Maria Koutsouba

Abstract The combination of Creative Dance and BrainDance within the context of physical education could be a promising innovation. This combined program can be implemented in primary school to help students achieve a better and more holistic assessment of their Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQoL), covering aspects of physical, emotional, social, and mental functioning and well-being. The aim of this study was to investigate the impact that a combined Creative Dance and BrainDance program based on the Laban Theory of Movement Analysis has on HRQoL perceptions of primary school students when this program is implemented within the context of the physical education curriculum in primary school. For this purpose, an eight-week educational intervention was designed combining Creative Dance and BrainDance into one single program. The survey sample consisted of 32 fifth- and sixth-grade primary school students. The Kidscreen-52 questionnaire was used to collect data. Data analysis was performed with the use of descriptive statistical indices and mixed analysis of variance (ANOVA). Although the results showed no differences between the beginning and end of the educational intervention, a fact that might be due to the small sample and the time of the implementation of the program (limited to 8 weeks), its implementation produced very good results with regard to improvisation, body control, balance, and coordination, as well as kinaesthetic awareness and musical rhythmic skills. Creative Dance and BrainDance promote imagination, creativity, improvisation, and self-esteem in general, particularly in primary school students..

Yuldashev Ma’mirjon Mamajonovich ◽  

The means of physical education of younger schoolchildren are physical exercises, physical labour, the use of hygiene factors, and the health-improving forces of nature. This article provides an example of several schools located in the central cities of the Fergana region.

Andy Large ◽  
Jamshid Behesti ◽  
Alain Breuleux ◽  
Andre Renaud

From the 1994 CAIS Conference: The Information Industry in Transition McGill University, Montreal, Quebec. May 25 - 27, 1994.Multimedia products are now widely available on a variety of platforms, and there is a widespread assumption that the addition of still images, animation and sound to text will enhance any information product. The research reported in this paper investigates such claims for multimedia in an educational context and for a specific user group: grad-six primary school students. The students' ability to recall, make inferences from, and comprehend articles presented to them in print, as text on screen, and in mutlimedia format has been mesured. The findings to date suggest that the impact of multimedia is subtle, and that generalisations about the effectiveness of multimedia, at least with children in an educational context, should be employed cautionously. The long-term goal is to identify design criteria which can be employed in the production of multimedia products for schools.

2020 ◽  
pp. 158-160
Салтанат Кошалиева

Аннотация: Бул макалада мектеп жашына чейинки балдардын ден соолугун чыңдоодо оюн технологиясын пайдалануунун өзгөчөлүктөрү талкууланат. Метепке чейинки курак баланын дене-бой жана психикалык ден соолугунун пайдубалын түптөөнүн чечүүчү этабы болуп саналат. Бул мезгилде органдардын ургаалдуу өнүгүшү жана организмдин функциялык системасынын калыптанышы жүрүүдө. Акыркы жылдары мектепке чейинки балдардын ден соолугунун начарлаганы туруктуу тенденцияга айланып, оорулуу балдардын саны көбөйүүдө. Мектеп жашына чейинки балдардын психикалык жана сүйлөө жөндөмдөрүн оюн аркылуу жакшыртып, жаңы механизмдерин иштеп чыгуу жагы каралган. Бала бакчанын негизги милдети - баланы өз алдынча жашоого даярдоо, жакшы адаттарга багыттоо менен тарбиялоо иши макалада каралган. Түйүндүү сөздөр: Ден соолук, бала бакчада, дене тарбия, элдик оюндар, тарбиялоо, ден соолукту чыңдоо, иш пландар, жаш муундар, коюлган талаптар, педагогикалык шарттар. Аннотация: В данной статье рассматриваются особенности использования игровых технологий в оздоровлении дошкольников. Дошкольный возраст является решающим этапом в формировании фундамента физического и психического здоровья ребенка. В этот период идет интенсивное развитие органов и становление функциональных систем организма. Наметившаяся в последние годы устойчивая тенденция ухудшения здоровья дошкольников, увеличение количества детей с нарушениями психического и речевого развития, диктует необходимость поиска механизмов, позволяющая изменить эту ситуацию. Основная задача детского сада - подготовить ребенка к самостоятельной жизни, дав ему для этого необходимые умения, навыки, воспитав определенные привычки. Сегодня в дошкольных учреждениях уделяется большое внимание здоровье сберегающим технологиям, которые направлены на решение самой главной задачидошкольного образования – сохранить, поддержать и обогатить здоровье детей. Ключевые слова: Здоровье, детский сад, физическое воспитание, народные подвижные игры, физические упражнения, общеобразовательная школа, учащиеся, воспитание, оздоровление, подрастающее поколение, предъявляемые требования, педагогические условия, теория и практика физического воспитания, подвижные игры. Abstract: This article discusses the features of the use of game technologies in the rehabilitation of preschoolers. Preschool age is a crucial stage in the formation of the Foundation of physical and mental health of the child. During this period there is an intensive development of organs and the formation of functional systems of the body. The steady tendency of deterioration of health of preschool children outlined in recent years, increase in number of children with violations of mental and speech development, dictates need of search of the mechanisms allowing to change this situation. The main task of the kindergarten is to prepare the child for independent life, giving him the necessary skills, bringing up certain habits. Today, preschool institutions pay great attention to health-saving technologies, which are aimed at solving the most important task of preschool education – to preserve, support and enrich the health of children. Key words: Health, kindergarten, physical education, folk outdoor games, physical exercises, secondary school, students, education, rehabilitation, the younger generation, the requirements, pedagogical conditions, theory and practice of physical education, out-door games.

Children ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (8) ◽  
pp. 666
Javier Cachón-Zagalaz ◽  
Déborah Sanabrias-Moreno ◽  
María Sánchez-Zafra ◽  
Amador Jesús Lara-Sánchez ◽  
María Luisa Zagalaz-Sánchez

Physical Education is one of the subjects that arouses the most interest in children. The aim of this study is to find out the opinion that primary school students have about the Physical Education class. Drawings from a sample of 62 students from an educational centre in the city of Jaén, aged between six and eight years old, were analysed. The results show that the larger size of the drawings corresponds to the aspects that are to be emphasised. This subject is carried out regularly in the sports pavilion of the centre, making frequent use of materials such as sticks, hoops or balls. Cheerful colours are used, reflecting their enthusiasm for the subject. The smiling facial expression represents the schoolchildren’s interest in the subject. The most popular games or sports are basketball and pichi, both of them collective.

Galih Prasetyo ◽  
Suroto ◽  
Dwi Cahyo Kartiko

The purpose of this research is to improve physical fitness which is one of the goals of physical education in Indonesia while also improving the nutritional status of Surabaya vocational high school students. This research uses the treatment of physical activity 3 times a week in 2 months as a task in physical education to improve physical fitness and nutrional status on the sample of this research. Research design uses quasi experimental design with metode non-randomized control group pretest-posttest design. Research data was obtained as follows: data processing result on experiment group show that physical activity to VO2max got significant score based calculating using SPSS of 0,00 and physical activity to nutrional status got sig. of 0,60. Whereas in the control group, physical actifity got sig. of 0.20 to VO2max and sig. to 0.11 on nutrional status. Based on the above analysis it can be concluded that physical activity has a significant effect on physical fitness but physical activity has no significant effect on nutrional status to Surabaya vocational high school students.

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