scholarly journals Hungaricum as a quality of fruits and fruit products

2003 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
M. Soltész ◽  
J. Nyéki ◽  
Z. Szabó ◽  
J. Papp

The territory of the Hungarian state is largely suitable for the purpose of growing fruits of the temperate zone species. During the next decennia, the annual volume of Hungarian fruit production is expected to be around 1.1-1.3 million tons, from which some 15% is considered to be a produce of Hungary or "Hungaricum" (90 thousand tons of sour cherry, 50 thousand tons of apricot, 20 thousand tons of raspberry, 10 thousand tons of walnut). These fruits symbolise the country's special quality, which are worth to catch the interest the foreign consumers. The category of Hungaricum involves almost exclusively varieties of Hungarian origin as sour cherries, apricots, raspberries and walnuts, and they are representing outstanding qualities on the international markets. As for the fruit products the fruit brandies are eligible to be "Hungaricum" and are called exclusively "Pálinka". The Pálinka, provided to be distinguished with a geographic mark and will be competitive on the world market. Smaller quantities, though significant produce is represented by the deep frozen raspberry.

2010 ◽  
pp. 34-41
Gábor Tarcali ◽  
Emese Kiss ◽  
György J. Kövics ◽  
Sándor Süle ◽  
László Irinyi ◽  

Plant diseases caused by phytoplasmas have increasing importance in all over the world for fruit growers. Lately, phytoplasma diseases occur on many fruit varieties and responsible for serious losses both in quality and quantity of fruit production. In the long-run these diseases cause destruction of fruit trees. The apricot phytoplasma disease (Ca. Phytoplasma prunorum) was first reported in Europe in 1924 from France. In 1992 the disease has also been identified in Hungary. On the base of growers' signals serious damages of "Candidatus Phytoplasma prunorum" Seemüller and Schneider, 2004 (formerly: European stone fruit yellows phytoplasma) could be observed in different stone fruit plantations in the famous apricot-growing area nearby Gönc town, Northern-Hungary. Field examinations have been begun in 2009 in several stone fruit plantations in Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County mainly in Gönc region which is one of the most important apricot growing regions in Hungary, named “Gönc Apricot Growing Area”. Our goals were to diagnose the occurrence of Ca. Phytoplasma prunorum on stone fruits (especially on apricot) in the North-Hungarian growing areas by visual diagnostics and confirm data by laboratory PCR-based examinations. All the 28 collected samples were tested in laboratory trials and at 13 samples from apricot, peach, sour cherry and wild plum were confirmed the presence of phytoplasma (ESFY). On the base of observations it seems evident that the notable losses caused by "Ca. Phytoplasma prunorum" is a new plant health problem to manage for fruit growers, especially apricot producers in Hungary. 

Paweł Jakub Kraciński

The article presents the problem of competitiveness of Polish apples. In the paper the quantity of production and international trade of was analyzed. Major importers and exporters of apples were identified. In order to assess the international competitiveness ex post measure has been used. The study covered 2004-2015. The assumed research hypothesis has been verified positively. The indicators of the ex-post competitive position indicate that Polish apples were competitive in the world market in the years 2004-2015. Their position was increasing until the last study subperiod (2013-2015), during which, as indicated by some adopted indicators, it started decreasing.

2013 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 327-359 ◽  
Jordi Catalan ◽  
Ramon Ramon-Muñoz

Firms dealing with “Made in Spain” fashion products (e.g., textiles, apparel, and footwear) have increased their presence in the world market over the last two decades. This paper focuses on the origins of this process. After constructing a new database of export districts, it first investigates the sources of the international competitiveness of these districts. Second, it explores whether industrial districts boosted the internationalization of Spanish fashion firms. The paper concludes that most of today’s outstanding Spanish firms in fashion-related international markets emerged from 1980s’ districts, which could have benefited from classical Marshallian externalities, while also taking advantage of the organizational capabilities of leading firms.

Vladislav Ushakov ◽  
Artem Subbotin ◽  
Dmitry Lisin

Introduction. This article addresses the question of existing problems of development of construction industry in agriculture. Outdated old construction technologies and building structures give a reason for optimization and introduction of modern technologies in agricultural production. The outdated technologies of agricultural construction have a negative impact on the position of agricultural industry in the world stage of trade and economy of countries, while optimization and inevitable modernization of agricultural production and construction allow securing a foothold in the world market. Aspiration to take the lead in the world market is one of the most important tasks of agricultural industry. The agricultural industry also plays an oversize role in human life and the health, efficiency, development and activity of citizens depend directly on the quality of products delivered to the shop windows. This scope of research of this article is a comparison of traditional, temporary, field vegetable storehouses operating in winter time with modern technology of construction of these facilities in terms of technology, efficiency, environmental friendliness, mobility, availability, functionality and profitability. Materials and methods. In the course of this work, the following research methods were used: familiarization with the relevant statutes and regulations related to the study area, comparison of traditional and modern methods of vegetable storage in the field environment during the winter period and identification of the main advantages and disadvantages. Results. The positive and negative sides of the design and methods of construction of modern and traditional outdated technology have been revealed, as well as optimization of construction solutions necessary to ensure conditions for maintaining the quality of products in due form. Conclusions. Modern construction concepts and development of agricultural construction is an important area that allows provoking the trend of economic growth of countries, to take a leading position in the world market, to improve the quality of life of citizens, to improve the ecological system of the area and develop business activities.

Диасамидзе Мзия ◽  
Такидзе Ирма

The article addresses the problem of higher education - improving the quality of graduates' professional training, provides a brief analysis of research results, Recommendations on how to use the results “Quality of education” is a complex characteristic of education, the task of which is to train specialists who are competitive in the world market. It is impossible to develop a single, scientifically based system of indicators for the quality of student training, since the education system is different in all countries of the World, moreover, a different system of training students, which is one of the influencing factors on the quality of Higher Education. It is necessary to take into account the specifics of the university.One of the elements of the quality assessment system is monitoring, which is considered to be a comprehensive system for diagnosing the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the effectiveness of an educational system. The assessment of the quality of education should be formed as a cumulative indicator of all the qualities that influence the educational process. During the work we used the results of sociological research of the subjects of the educational process: students, teachers, monitoring of the educational process (academic performance of students).

2013 ◽  
pp. 25-42
Галсандорж Д

Монгол Улсын эдийн засаг өндөр хурдацтай өсч байгаа нь уул уурхайн салбарын өсөлттэй салшгүй холбоотой. Уул уурхайн салбарт өсөлт бий болж эерэг үр дүн гарч байгаа ч эрдсийн бүтээгдэхүүнийг олон улсын зах зээлийн үнээс хямд үнээр экспортлож байна. Үүний зэрэгцээ манай орны уул уурхайн худалдаа зохион байгуулалтгүй, төсвийн орлого бүрдэлт, эрдсийн бүтээгдэхүүний чанар, боловсруулалтын түвшин хангалтгүй байгаа нь олон улсын зах зээлд өрсөлдөх чадварыг сулруулж байгаа зэрэг сөрөг үзэгдэл байсаар байна.  Монгол Улсын уул уурхайн салбарт тулгарч байгаа асуудлыг судалж олон улсын жишгээр уул уурхайн бүтээгдэхүүний биржийг Монгол Улсад байгуулах нь зүйтэй гэсэн саналыг дэвшүүлж байна. Уул уурхайн бүтээгдэхүүний биржийн талаар судлахдаа манай орны эрдсийн бүтээгдэхүүний нөөц, үйлдвэрлэл, хэрэглээ болон олон улсын металлын биржийн туршлага зэргийг харгалзаж үзсэн болно.   Requirements and Opportunities for Establishment of Mining exchange in Mongolia  A rapid economic growth of Mongolia is inseparable linked to the development of mining industry. Although there is a positive result in the mining industry sector, mineral products are exported in low price compared to the world market one. Besides there is a negative factor that impacts on competitiveness of products in the world market budgeting due to the unorganized mining trading, and quality of mineral products is unsatisfactory. Establishment of Mining Exchange based on research of mining sector’s issues in Mongolia is required. The research on Mining Exchange of international exchange considered the experience of minerals reserve, manufacturing and consumption.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (525) ◽  
pp. 247-252
I. V. Nosach ◽  
N. V. Vodolazska ◽  

The article is aimed at studying the analysis of modern problems and prospects for the development of enterprises in Ukraine. Analyzing the latest researches and publications of scientists, the general theoretical bases of problems and prospects for the development of domestic enterprises were considered. The article covers and theoretically substantiates modern problems of entrepreneurship development, which periodically require their study and research, taking into account constant changes in the economy. In general, enterprises play a significant role, because their effective activities is a source of economic growth, which ensures employment in the country and directly affects the improvement of the quality of life of the population, solving social problems and overcoming poverty. However, Ukrainian economy continues to situate «on the swings» in a constantly changing tendency. It is especially influenced by such factors as raising the US dollar exchange rate, reducing attractiveness in the world market, and recently the introduction of quarantine restrictions in the face of the coronavirus pandemic, which has had a significant impact on its development both in Ukraine and around the world. At the same time, precisely the small enterprises play a leading role in creating an effective economy of Ukraine, despite the fact that their development is uneven and they have not taken a proper place in the structure of the national economy. Thus, for the government of the country should become priority directions for stimulating the innovative activity of the entrepreneurial sector, introducing European approaches to the development of small and medium-sized businesses, as well as the formation of a favorable regulatory environment, innovation and investment climate. Moreover, the implementation of this policy should be carried out purposefully, consistently and systematically, as part of the complex of the national innovation system.

2020 ◽  
V.M. Zimnyakov ◽  
A.A. Kurochkin ◽  
S.V. Bogomazov ◽  
E.N. Varlamova

Отмечено значение пшеницы как основного сырья для хлебопекарной промышленности в России. Проанализированы посевные площади и валовый сбор пшеницы в РФ в 2008-2018 годах. Исследована динамика урожайности пшеницы по регионам и в целом по стране. Рассмотрена структура производства зерна в России по видам культур. Представлен валовый сбор и урожайность пшеницы в основных регионах-производителях в 2018 году. Проанализирован валовый сбор пшеницы по категориям хозяйств. Рассмотрены проблемы при уборке пшеницы, а также при её хранении. Отмечены причины низкого качества производимой пшеницы в стране. Предложено совершенствовать систему ценообразования на пшеницу, так как формирование цены на зерно происходит без учета оптимального отношения к качеству зерна, что не отражает объективности и соразмерности затрат. Отмечено, что оптимизация природных, экономических, организационных и технико-технологических факторов, влияющих на производство высококачественной пшеницы, позволит повысить её конкурентоспособность на мировом рынке и увеличить экспортный потенциал. Дан прогноз о том, что за счет повышения конкурентоспособности российского зерна на мировом рынке, путем снижения совокупных издержек, включая логистические, и улучшения качества зерна к 2030 году прогнозируется повышение доли Российской Федерации на рынках десяти ведущих стран-потребителей российской пшеницы до 43, что составит 32,5 млн. тонн.Wheat is a main important raw material for the baking industry in Russia. An analysis of crop areas and gross wheat output in the Russian Federation in 2008-2018 has been made. The dynamics of wheat productivity in the regions and in the whole country has been studied. The pattern of grain production by types of crops in Russia has been considered. The gross yield and wheat productivity in the main producing regions in 2018 are presented.The gross output of wheat according to farm types has been analyzed. The problems of wheat harvesting, as well as its storage are considered. The reasons for the low quality of wheat produced in the country are noted. It is proposed to improve the wheat pricing system, as the formation of grain prices does not take into account the optimal ratio to the quality of grain, which does not reflect the objectivity and proportionality of costs. It is noted that the optimization of natural, economic, organizational and technological factors, that affect the production of high-quality wheat, will increase its competitiveness in the world market and increase export potential. A forecast has been given, that through increase of the competitiveness of Russian grain in the world market, through reducing total costs, logistics included, and improving grain quality, by 2030 an increase is expected in the share of the Russian Federation in the markets of the ten leading countries consuming Russian wheat up to 43, which will amount to 32.5 million tons.

2012 ◽  
Vol 6 (3-4) ◽  
pp. 111-116
Szilvia Persely ◽  
Imre Ertsey ◽  
Márta Ladányi

Fruit production in the world is increasing continuously. Though in the past few years China and some South-American countries have extended their fruit producing areas, Europe remains to be one of the greatest fruit producers in the world. In the middle of Europe Hungary has to face several challenges as competing for market. Since yield risk has an important role in Hungarian fruit production we investigate the yield risk of two of the most important sour cherry varieties (’Újfehértói fürtös’ and ’Oblacsinszka’) grown in Újfehértó (1984-2005), moreover, two of the most important pear varieties (’Bosc Beurre’ and ’Williams’) grown in Bánfa and Zalasárszeg (1984-2009). In the examined periods we analyse yield risk with different comparative methods such as E,V-efficiency, first and second degree as well as generalized stochastic dominance methods. We conclude that the production of sour cherry variety ’Oblacsinszka’ in Újfehértó is more preferable compared to the other sour cherry varieties and pear variety ’Bosc Beurre’ in Bánfa is more advantageous than the other pear varieties and sites.

2019 ◽  
pp. 86-92 ◽  
A. P. Krishtofor

Subject of research – the Russian space industry against the background of the main trends of development of the world market of space products. Research objective – to give an assessment to specifics of the competition in the main segments of the world space industry and to consider the main trends of development of the Russian space industry. The result of research is that at the present stage big changes of an environment of the world space market are observed, and also competitive positions of Russia in world private and state astronautics have been scientifically substantiated and generalized. The transnational companies in the industry become more flexible and strive to provide high level of quality of the activity. In the Russian space industry more intent attention is required to quality of industrial management.

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