scholarly journals عتبات النص في "رواية الثلاثة" لمحمد بشير الإبراهيمي: دراسة تداولية (Paratexts in “Riwayat al-thalathah” by Muhammad al-Basheer al-Ibraheemi: A pragmatic Study)

إبراهيم بن عبد الرحمن (Ibrahim bin Abdul Rahman Brahmi)

ملخص البحث:تحاول هذه الدراسة - انطلاقاً من المقاربة التداولية في تحليل النصوص - أن تبرز نظام العتبات بوصفه خطاباً تداولياً تمهيدياً وتعريفياً للنص أو المتن، ويتواءم مع نسق النص الموازي له ويستدل عليه، إذ يمكن عده موقعاً تداولياً ينعقد فيها للقاء بين الكاتب والقارئ، ويتم فيه البحث عن بعض الخصائص والتحليلات التي يحملها هذا الخطاب. في "رِوَايةُ الثَّلاثـَةِ" مهد المؤلف لنصه بعتبتين خطابيتين مارستا دور الإفهام والتعريف والتسهيل على المتلقي للولوج إلى نصه الأساسي؛ فالعنوان إضاءة لغوية تعبّر عن النص المتن قبل الولوج إليه، وليس من شك في أن الكاتب تعمد هذا النهج؛ فهي تعبير قصدي يحمل نية التعبير الدقيق عن مضمون الأرجوزة؛ فالعنوان لم يأتِ بصورة اعتباطية، بل يتشاكل مع النص في مضمونه ومعناه، وهو ذو ارتباط شديد بالسلوك اللغوي العام، وبالنسبة إلى المقدمة اضطلعت بمهمة تواصلية، أسهمت في فتح بعض نوافذ النص للقارئ من أجل العروج إليه، وأتاحت لهذا القارئ إمكانية واسعة في فهم النص؛ ومن ذلك: التعريف بالعمل الأدبي، وبيان المجال المعرفي للمتن وجنسه الإبداعي، وأسباب تأليف لهذا النص، والموضوع في طبيعته وأبعاده وحدوده، ووصف دينامية النص، وقصديته (الدافع إلى الكتابة) وغرضه؛ إلى جانب بعض الجوانب تشخيصية للنص المتن.الكلمات المفتاحية : العتبات- العنوان- المقدمة- التداولية- رواية الثلاثة.Abstract:This study is an attempt- through the pragmatic approach in text analysis-  to point out the system of paratexts as an introductory and pragmatic discourse to the text which aligns, appropriate and signifies the text. It can be regarded as a pragmatic location which connect between the writer and the text. It is also a ground for finding certain features and analysis that text contains. In the work “riwayat al-thalatha”, the writer prepared for his text two discourse thresholds that contribute to prepare and guide the readers into the real text. Hence, the title expresses the content before the real entry into the content of the text and, certainly the selection of title is a deliberate action of the writer. A title is not the result of an arbitrary action as it is related to the general linguistic behaviour. The introduction is imbued with a communicative function that intends to open up certain windows of the text to the reader in order for him/her to ascend to its world thus increasing his understanding and appreciation.Keywords: Paratexts– title– introduction– pragmatic– riwayah al-thalatha.Abstrak:Kajian ini cuba menjelaskan ‘sistem separa teks’, melalui pendekatan pragmatik dalam menganalisis teks, sebagai pengenalan dan ucapan pragmatik bagi teks yang sejajar dengan kandungan teks tersebut, di mana ia boleh dianggap sebagai lokasi pragmatik yang menghubungkan antara penulis dan pembaca. ‘Sistem separa teks’ juga merupakan asas dalam mendapatkan sebahagian ciri-ciri dan analisis yang dibawa oleh teks. Dalam karya riwayah al-thalathah, penulis mengemukakan teksnya dengan menggunakan dua ucapan separa teks yang dapat membantunya membimbing pembaca dalam menghayati teks sebenar, manakala tajuk yang digunakan dapat memberikan gambaran tentang kandungan sesuatu teks sebelum menelaah isi kandungan teks tersebut dengan lebih lanjut. Oleh yang demikian, ternyata penulis amat bergantung kepada hal ini ketika memilih tajuk kerana tajuk melambangkan isi kandungan teks yang ingin disampaikan. Tajuk juga tidak hadir secara sembarangan, bahkan ia wujud sejajar dengan kandungan dan maksud teks dan mempunyai kaitan rapat dengan tabiat linguistik secara umum. Bahagian pengenalan sesuatu teks pula berfungsi untuk memberikan maklumat awal berkaitan teks kepada golongan pembaca supaya mereka dapat menghayati isi kandungan teks, seterusnya menambahkan kefahaman dan penghayatan terhadap yang ditelaah. Antara pengenalan yang digunakan ialah definisi tentang kerja sastera, penjelasan tentang skop bidang dan jenis penulisan, asbab penulisan, konteks dan batas tajuk-tajuk berkaitan, penerangan tentang kedinamikan penulisan, pendorong dan tujuan penulisan serta lain-lain pengenalan yang berkaitan dengan kandungan teks.Kata kunci: Ambang- Tajuk- Pengenalan- Pragmatik- Riwayah al-thalatha.

1946 ◽  
Vol 3 (02) ◽  
pp. 168-189
Margaret J. Bates

When, on November sixteenth last, the newspapers announced the awarding of the Nobel Prize for literature to a Chilean poetess, Gabriela Mistral, the news came as a surprise to many Americans, who, although they considered themselves well read, had never heard her name. The fundamental reason we know so little of this remarkable woman who enjoys such a great popularity in the Spanish-speaking world, not only for her words but for her deeds, is because the limited number of her poems which have been translated into English, by heavy hands, for the most part, allow hardly a glimmer of the real Mistral to shine through them. Of course, all translation of poetry is difficult but that of Gabriela extremely so because of her unique selection of words. She has created a plant that does not grow on English soil.

1986 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 196-204 ◽  
Pam Hunt ◽  
Lori Goetz ◽  
Morgen Alwell ◽  
Wayne Sailor

Three students with severe disabilities were taught to request items or events within four interrupted behavior chain contexts. When interrupted behavior chain procedures were in effect, a typical operant instructional trial for teaching communication responses was inserted into the middle of an ongoing predictable sequence of behaviors such as brushing teeth or playing ball. Throughout the baseline and intervention phases, generalization probes were conducted to determine whether the newly acquired responses would be performed within behavior chains not yet used for instruction. The results demonstrated that for each of the three students the communicative function and the response form acquired within one behavior chain context generalized without further instruction to at least two chains in which training had not yet occurred. Moreover, for two of the students the picture discrimination skills required for selection of the appropriate content for each communication response generalized to nontraining contexts.

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 142
Rahmadya Putra Nugraha ◽  
Anastasya Christy Puspitasari

The selection of the 2017 DKI Jakarta governor was attended by 3 candidates, including the pair Agus Harimurti - Sylviana Murni, the pair Basuki Tjahaja Purnama - Djarot Saiful Hidayat and the couple Anies Baswedan - Sandiaga Uno. Basuki Tjahaj Purnama - Djarot Saiful Hidayat is a pair of incumbent governors who again competed in this gubernatorial election. The researcher focused on research to find out how the strategy used by the incumbent governor pair in facing the 2017 DKI Jakarta gubernatorial election. In this case, the author uses the Constructivist paradigm, namely, the truth of a social reality seen as a result of social construction, and the truth of a social reality is relative. The type of research used is descriptive, which describes a social situation as it is by using a qualitative descriptive analysis method. Based on this research regarding the campaign strategy of Basuki Tjahaja Purnama - Djarot Saiful Hidayat in facing the gubernatorial election, the researchers concluded that the pair Basuki Tjahaja Purnama - Djarot Saiful Hidayat possessed and re-demonstrated the real program that was directly felt by the community and also maximized the entire media to socialize their upcoming programs. Pemilihan gubernur DKI Jakarta 2017 diikuti oleh 3 pasangan calon antara lain pasangan Agus Harimurti – Sylviana Murni, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama – Djarot Saiful Hidayat dan Anies Baswedan – Sandiaga Uno. Pasangan Basuki Tjahaj Purnama – Djarot Saiful Hidayat adalah pasangan gubernur petahana yang kembali bersaing dalam pemilihan gubernur ini. Peneliti memfokuskan penelitian untuk mengetahui bagaimana strategi yang digunakan oleh pasangan gubernur petahana dalam menghadapi pemilihan gubernur DKI Jakarta 2017 ini. Dalam hal ini, penulis menggunakan paradigma Konstruktivis yaitu,  kebenaran suatu realitas sosial dilihat sebagai hasil konstruksi sosial, dan kebenaran suatu realitas sosial bersifat relatif.  Tipe penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian yaitu deskriptif, yang menggambarkan suatu keadaan sosial secara apa adanya dengan menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Berdasarkan penelitian ini mengenai strategi kampanye Basuki Tjahaja Purnama – Djarot Saiful Hidayat dalam menghadapi pemilihan gubernur, maka peneliti membuat kesimpulan bahwa pasangan Basuki Tjahaja Purnama - Djarot Saiful Hidayat memiliki dan menunjukkan kembali program nyata yang sudah dirasakan langsung oleh masyarakat dan juga pasangan ini memaksimalkan seluruh media untuk mensosialisasikan program mereka yang akan datang.

María Villanueva Fernández ◽  
Héctor García-Diego

Resumen: A partir de 1920 Le Corbusier comenzó a elaborar un cuerpo teórico sobre el diseño de objetos que iría difundiendo a través de sus escritos y conferencias. Libros como Vers une architecture, L´art décoratif d´aujourd´hui o Précisions sur un état présent de l'architecture et de l'urbanisme han constituído un rico legado de ideas e imágenes interrelacionadas que permiten analizar la propuesta del arquitecto desde el plano de la teoría. Sin embargo, el poder de sus postulados fue continuamente experimentado y corroborado por su obra en materia de mobiliario, hasta el punto de establecerse relaciones directas entre teoría y obra. Esta evolución conjunta proporciona una completa visión del concepto de mobiliario moderno desarrollado por Le Corbusier. Por tanto, esta investigación persigue, por un lado, sacar a la luz un verdadero cuerpo teórico de cuño 'corbuseriano' y específico del equipamiento moderno, haciendo especial mención a los postulados y dibujos originales del arquitecto y, por otro, comprobar la correspondencia real entre sus teorías y sus obras mediante el análisis de una escogida selección de obras del arquitecto pertenecientes al periodo de entreguerras, para, finalmente, ofrecer una caracterización 'corbuseriana' del mobiliario moderno. Abstract: From 1920 Le Corbusier began to develop a theoretical body on the objects design that went spreading through his writings and lectures. Books like Vers une architecture, L'art décoratif d'aujourd'hui or Précisions sur un état présent de l'architecture et de l'urbanisme have constituted a rich legacy of interlinked ideas and images to analyze the proposal of the architect from the level of theory. However, the power of its principles was continuously experienced and corroborated by his work in furniture, to the point of establishing direct relations between theory and work. This joint development provides a comprehensive overview of modern furniture concept developed by Le Corbusier. Therefore, this research aims on the one hand, to expose a 'Corbusian' and specific theoretical body of modern equipment, with special reference to the principles and original drawings by the architect; and, secondly, to check the real correspondence between his theories and works by analyzing a choice selection of works by the architect belonging to the interwar period, to finally offer a 'Corbusian' characterization of modern furniture.Palabras clave: Teoría; mobiliario; moderno; escritos. Keywords: Theory; furniture; modern; writings. DOI: 

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 53-60
Isabel De la Cuétara San Luis ◽  
Concepción San Luis Costas

ABSTRACTThe objective of this research is to verify, by an empirical methodology, the existence of an emotion that we have called aesthetics using for it paintings by Kandinsky. The selection of abstract works as stimuli is determined by the fact that they are the formal elements (shape, colour, lines) what constitutes the composition of the works in which there is no reference evocative, as they have no visual references of the real world. Our results indicate that the stimuli used cause alterations in the psychogalvanic response indicates there has been an emotion developed in line with the proposals by James.RESUMENEl objetivo de esta investigación es comprobar, mediante una metodología empírica, la existencia de una emoción que hemos denominado estética, empleando para ello obras de Kandinsky. La selección de obras abstractas como estímulos viene determinada por el hecho de que son los elementos formales (forma, color, líneas) los que constituyen la composición de la obra en la que no hay referencia evocadora al carecer de referencias visuales del mundo real.  Nuestros resultados indican que los estímulos utilizados provocan alteraciones en la respuesta psicogalvánica, que indica que se ha producido una emoción elaborada en línea con las propuestas por James.

2018 ◽  
Vol 42 ◽  
pp. 00072
Darmawan Edi Winoto ◽  
Sariyatun ◽  

The article focused on the analysis ofBabad Banyumaswhich is integrated in historical learning contents. The purpose of this integration was an effort to improve the sympathy of fellow students. Practicing this empathy was for the sake of realizing a harmonious friendship. This research was conducted in explorative way due to data collection techniques using observation, interview, document analysis, and questionnaire. The selection of the object was based on its position as a standard text. This paper was based on text analysis with qualitative research. Checklist was used as assessment instrument. Validity was done through discussion and triangulation technique. Data analysis was done through interactive analysis technique based onindependent samples t-test usingSPSS 15. The results of the study showed that the integrated history ofBabad Banyumascould improve the empathy of fellow students.

Tekstualia ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 4 (35) ◽  
pp. 93-104
Adam Kola

Theoretical movements, interpretative paradigms and intellectual fashions have been widely introduced to Poland (feminism, postcolonial studies etc.), rarely (g)localized, but without a good understanding of the real consequences of embracing those cultural models. In literary studies, the main obstacle preventing the fulfi llment of the paradigm shift is the exclusion of poetics from those new trends, while its development should follow the adoption of a given theory. The article shows a complex character of the absence of poetics (in plural, refl ecting a variety of theories), on the one hand, and the persistence and appeal of the structural poetic (singular; even in the situation when the structuralistic theory is not used). The present situation can be seen as an infl ation of pure theorizations and a defl ation of the development of possible tools in text analysis.

L Chen ◽  
F Wu ◽  
Q Li ◽  
F Guo ◽  
A Su

A heat transfer model with a complex exponent between a thermoacoustic cooler and its surrounding heat reservoirs is established in the current paper. Both the real part and the imaginary part of the heat transfer exponent strongly affect the optimal performance of the cooler. The exergetic efficiency and the cooling load decrease with an increase in the imaginary part of the complex exponent when the real part is fixed. The optimal performance zone of the thermoacoustic cooler is obtained by numerical analysis. The results obtained herein may be useful for the selection of operation parameters for a real thermoacoustic cooler.

2019 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-38
Rahmad Novianto Ardiansyah

This study aims to find how the writer of petition represent Universitas Brawijaya student condition on 2016 through word choice, and also to find the ideology behind the petition “Ganti WR III Unibraw Malang u/ Selamatkan Mahasiswa & IKA Unibraw Malang dari Perpecahan”. The author used 3 stages of Fairclough Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) framework in this study, text analysis, discourse practice, and social practice. The result of this study is there were 16 data that represent how the student were oppressed (3 data) and the Vice-Rector III abusive act (13 data). The ideology behind this petition itself is how students experience persecution by WR 3 illustrated by the selection of words described by the petitioners. The ideology does not escape the author's social background, social conditions, and norms that apply to student life in UB at that time.

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