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Pathologia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (3) ◽  
pp. 365-370
I. V. Shop ◽  
Ye. О. Holubkina ◽  
T. M. Tykhonova ◽  
T. A. Derienko ◽  
O. V. Al-Trawneh

The association of atrial fibrillation (AF) with complete atrioventricular block (CAVB) is a common clinical feature in elderly patients. It is characterized by the loss of specific symptoms of AF (palpitations, intermissions); in the first place may come CAVB symptoms: dizziness, Morgagni–Adams–Stokes (MAS) attacks. Aim. The article objective is to illustrate the dynamic changes in the course of AF with the development of CAVB on the example of a clinical case and to discuss the difficulties in timely diagnosis and therapy correction. Case presentation. A 75-year-old male was diagnosed with a rapid ventricular response form of AF. The onset of CAVB caused the transition from rapid ventricular response form of AF to slow ventricular response form, which was initially accompanied by a subjective improvement in the patient’s condition. As the disease progressed, the patient’s condition worsened due to the development of MAS attacks. The elderly patients with a permanent form of AF require constant cardiac monitoring by an experienced specialist who has appropriate vigilance in management of patients with arrhythmias, awareness about possible concomitant conduction disorders. This provides comprehensive cardiac support, including timely pacemaker implantation which gives more options for AF symptoms monitoring and heart rate control, has a positive modifying effect on drug therapy. Conclusions. Changes in the clinical picture of AF after development of CAVB can lead to late diagnosis of CAVB, inadequate therapy and untimely pacemaker implantation, as a consequence, to progression of concomitant pathology and the development of life-threatening complications, as in our clinical case.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 368-387
Ewan J. K. Goode ◽  
Peter Bull

In this study a microanalysis of OAR (Observable Audience Responses) in the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election was conducted. OAR were coded into dimensions including response rate (frequency per minute), response type, and categorised as either a unitary (a single response), composite (two or more simultaneous response types) or sequential (a unitary or composite response that is followed by a different response type) response form. It was found that U.S. audiences made use of all three response forms (unitary, composite, and sequential) and that certain response forms had been under-represented when contrasted with findings from previous research. This study was also the first to measure the duration of OAR in the context of an election, and it was observed that response form significantly affected the duration of response. It was inferred from this that the audiences might select different responses as a means to control the force of reply. This study failed to replicate previous research that had found a correlation between response rate (affiliative OAR per minute) and voter share on polling day, but instead found a stronger, significant correlation between the duration of OAR and voter share. It was interpreted that duration of OAR may be a superior indicator of wider voter enthusiasm as it captures the length of response as well as the incidence.

David Locke

The musical rhythm of Agbadza is analyzed as dynamic and multideterminant, that is, as emerging from the interaction of many different musical factors including dance, metric structure, and the accentuation and grouping of the parts in the drum ensemble (bell, handclap, rattle, and support drum). Response drum and lead drum parts are analyzed for accentuation and rhythmic motion; the singing of Agbadza is studied in terms of melodic motion, design of phrases, and call-and-response form. The temporal relationship of songs to instrumental music is examined. By integrating the performance modalities of dance, song, and drumming within a holistic, ethnographically informed analysis of musical rhythm, the chapter models a method for documenting and understanding traditions of African performance art.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 179-198
Negara - Mangkubumi K

AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan media permainan matematika monopoli tic tac toe yang efektif dan praktis untuk menarik siswa mempelajari penjumlahan dan pengurangan bilangan bulat. Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi masih banyaknya siswa yang belum mahir melakukan operasi hitung penjumlahan dan pengurangan bilangan bulat yang merupakan materi awal yang diajarkan di kelas VII SMP sehingga keberhasilan pembelajaran kurang maksimal. Model desain pembelajaran yang digunakan adalah desain model ADDIE (Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluate). Pada tahap pengembangan (Development), metode pengembangan media pembelajaran ini menggunakan beberapa langkah model pengembangan (Borg and Gall), terdiri dari 5 tahapan utama, yaitu 1) Desain awal produk, 2) uji coba produk tahap I, 3) Revisi produk operasional, 4) Uji coba produk tahap II, dan 5) Produk. Subyek uji coba penelitian sejumlah 28 siswa. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah lembar validasi kelayakan media pembelajaran, angket respon siswa, dan foto dokumentasi. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan telah berhasil membangkitkan minat siswa untuk mempelajari matematika khususnya penjumlahan dan pengurangan bilangan bulat karena aspek keefektifan dan kepraktisan pada kriteria layak untuk digunakan serta respon siswa yang semakin positif sehingga media yang dikembangkan ini diharapkan mampu meningkatkan hasil belajar matematika siswa pada umumnya. Dari hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa permainan monopoli tic tac toe mampu membuat siswa untuk berusaha mencari tahu tentang materi penjumlahan dan pengurangan bilangan bulat dan dapat memberikan pengalaman baru yang berarti bagi siswa. Dengan adanya penelitian ini diharapkan para guru maupun peneliti termotivasi menemukan formula-formula baru bagi sistem pembelajaran yang lebih inovatif untuk meningkatkan mutu pendidikan. AbstractAbstract: This research was aimed developing the mathematics game media named monopoli tic tac toe which attrack students to learn about additon and substraction of integer number more effectively and practically. It was based of some students still uncapable to solve this operation number in grade VII SMP therefore impact deficient of learning success. The procedure used in this research was the ADDIE (Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluate). The Development used Borg and Gall model which consisted of five stages, namely: 1) first product design, 2) first trial, 3) revise operational product, 4) second trial, and 5) final product. The subjects were 28 students. The instruments consist of validation learning media form, student response form, and documentation photos. The result of research showed the increase of student interests to learn mathematics, specially the addition and substraction integer number. It causes by effective and practical aspects of suitables criteria and response of students more positive therefore this media could increase the result of learning in generally.The conclution of the results are monopoli tic tac toe interests student to have more effort to know about addition and substraction of integer number. Then, giving new experience for the student also. Hopefully by this research, the teacher and researcher were motivated to discover new formulas of teaching and learning inovation which improve the education quality.  

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 179
Negara Mangkubumi K

Abstrak:Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan media permainan matematikamonopoli tic tac toe yang efektif dan praktis untuk menarik siswa mempelajari penjumlahandan pengurangan bilangan bulat. Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi masih banyaknya siswa yangbelum mahir melakukan operasi hitung penjumlahan dan pengurangan bilangan bulat yangmerupakan materi awal yang diajarkan di kelas VII SMP sehingga keberhasilan pembelajarankurang maksimal. Model desain pembelajaran yang digunakan adalah desain model ADDIE(Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluate). Pada tahap pengembangan(Development), metode pengembangan media pembelajaran ini menggunakan beberapalangkah model pengembangan (Borg and Gall), terdiri dari 5 tahapan utama, yaitu 1) Desainawal produk, 2) uji coba produk tahap I, 3) Revisi produk operasional, 4) Uji coba produk tahapII, dan 5) Produk. Subyek uji coba penelitian sejumlah 28 siswa. Instrumen yang digunakanadalah lembar validasi kelayakan media pembelajaran, angket respon siswa, dan fotodokumentasi. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan telah berhasil membangkitkan minat siswa untukmempelajari matematika khususnya penjumlahan dan pengurangan bilangan bulat karenaaspek keefektifan dan kepraktisan pada kriteria layak untuk digunakan serta respon siswa yangsemakin positif sehingga media yang dikembangkan ini diharapkan mampu meningkatkanhasil belajar matematika siswa pada umumnya. Dari hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwapermainan monopoli tic tac toe mampu membuat siswa untuk berusaha mencari tahu tentangmateri penjumlahan dan pengurangan bilangan bulat dan dapat memberikan pengalaman baruyang berarti bagi siswa. Dengan adanya penelitian ini diharapkan para guru maupun penelititermotivasi menemukan formula-formula baru bagi sistem pembelajaran yang lebih inovatifuntuk meningkatkan mutu pendidikan. Abstract:This research was aimed developing the mathematics game media named monopolitic tac toe which attrack students to learn about additon and substraction of integer numbermore effectively and practically. It was based of some students still uncapable to solve thisoperation number in grade VII SMP therefore impact deficient of learning success. Theprocedure used in this research was the ADDIE (Analyze, Design, Development,Implementation, and Evaluate). The Development used Borg and Gall model which consistedof five stages, namely: 1) first product design, 2) first trial, 3) revise operational product, 4)second trial, and 5) final product. The subjects were 28 students. The instruments consist ofvalidation learning media form, student response form, and documentation photos. The resultof research showed the increase of student interests to learn mathematics, specially theaddition and substraction integer number. It causes by effective and practical aspects of 179suitables criteria and response of students more positive therefore this media could increasethe result of learning in generally.The conclution of the results are monopoli tic tac toeinterests student to have more effort to know about addition and substraction of integernumber. Then, giving new experience for the student also. Hopefully by this research, theteacher and researcher were motivated to discover new formulas of teaching and learninginovation which improve the education quality.

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 203 ◽  
Awaludin Nugraha ◽  
M. Baiquni ◽  
Heddy Shri Ahimsa-Putra ◽  
Tri Kuntoro Priyambodo

Pada kurun 1975-2010 Pemerintah Kabupaten Tasikmalaya telah melakukan pembangunan pariwisata di Kampung Naga dengan tujuan meningkatkan kehidupan ekonomi masyarakatnya. Namun, masyarakat Kampung Naga melakukan respons negatif terhadap pembangunan tersebut. Mengapa masyarakat Kampung Naga melakukan respons negatif terhadap pembangunan pariwisata, padahal pembangunan tersebut dapat meningkatkan kehidupan ekonominya? Tujuan studi ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan bentuk respons masyarakat Kampung Naga terhadap pembangunan pariwisata dan memahami penyebab munculnya respons itu. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode sejarah yang terdiri atas heuristik, kritik, interpretasi, dan historiografi. Pengumpulan datanya dilakukan dengan studi kepustakaan dan wawancara sejarah lisan. Teknik analisis datanya menggunakan model interaktif. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa bentuk respons negatif masyarakat Kampung Naga terhadap pembangunan pariwisata terjadi secara bertahap dari skala lokal sampai skala nasional. Respons negatif tersebut disebabkan adanya perbedaan pemaknaan terhadap konsep pariwisata. Bagi masyarakat Kampung Naga, pariwisata bermakna silaturahmi yang bertujuan mempererat persaudaraan, sedangkan bagi pemerintah adalah aset untuk mendapatkan keuntungan finansial. In the period 1975-2010 Tasikmalaya Regency Government has made tourism development in Kampung Naga. The purpose was to improve the economic life of Kampung Naga community. However, the Kampung Naga community responded negatively to that development. Why did the Kampung Naga community respond negatively to the development of tourism, whereas that development could improve the life of its economist? The purpose of this study is to describe the response form of Kampung Naga community to the tourism development and to understand the cause of the response. The research method used is a historical method, namely heuristics, criticism, interpretation, and historiography. Collecting data are using literature studiies and oral history interviews. Interactive model is used to analyze data. The result of this study shows that the negative response form of Kampung Naga community toward tourism development happened gradually from local scale to national scale. The response was caused by the difference of the meaning to the concept of tourism. For the community of Kampung Naga, tourism means a relationship that aims to strengthen the brotherhood, while for the government assets to improve financial benefit.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 179-198
Negara Mangkubumi K

Abstrak:Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan media permainan matematikamonopoli tic tac toe yang efektif dan praktis untuk menarik siswa mempelajari penjumlahandan pengurangan bilangan bulat. Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi masih banyaknya siswa yangbelum mahir melakukan operasi hitung penjumlahan dan pengurangan bilangan bulat yangmerupakan materi awal yang diajarkan di kelas VII SMP sehingga keberhasilan pembelajarankurang maksimal. Model desain pembelajaran yang digunakan adalah desain model ADDIE(Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluate). Pada tahap pengembangan(Development), metode pengembangan media pembelajaran ini menggunakan beberapalangkah model pengembangan (Borg and Gall), terdiri dari 5 tahapan utama, yaitu 1) Desainawal produk, 2) uji coba produk tahap I, 3) Revisi produk operasional, 4) Uji coba produk tahapII, dan 5) Produk. Subyek uji coba penelitian sejumlah 28 siswa. Instrumen yang digunakanadalah lembar validasi kelayakan media pembelajaran, angket respon siswa, dan fotodokumentasi. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan telah berhasil membangkitkan minat siswa untukmempelajari matematika khususnya penjumlahan dan pengurangan bilangan bulat karenaaspek keefektifan dan kepraktisan pada kriteria layak untuk digunakan serta respon siswa yangsemakin positif sehingga media yang dikembangkan ini diharapkan mampu meningkatkanhasil belajar matematika siswa pada umumnya. Dari hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwapermainan monopoli tic tac toe mampu membuat siswa untuk berusaha mencari tahu tentangmateri penjumlahan dan pengurangan bilangan bulat dan dapat memberikan pengalaman baruyang berarti bagi siswa. Dengan adanya penelitian ini diharapkan para guru maupun penelititermotivasi menemukan formula-formula baru bagi sistem pembelajaran yang lebih inovatifuntuk meningkatkan mutu pendidikan. Abstract:This research was aimed developing the mathematics game media named monopolitic tac toe which attrack students to learn about additon and substraction of integer numbermore effectively and practically. It was based of some students still uncapable to solve thisoperation number in grade VII SMP therefore impact deficient of learning success. Theprocedure used in this research was the ADDIE (Analyze, Design, Development,Implementation, and Evaluate). The Development used Borg and Gall model which consistedof five stages, namely: 1) first product design, 2) first trial, 3) revise operational product, 4)second trial, and 5) final product. The subjects were 28 students. The instruments consist ofvalidation learning media form, student response form, and documentation photos. The resultof research showed the increase of student interests to learn mathematics, specially theaddition and substraction integer number. It causes by effective and practical aspects of 179suitables criteria and response of students more positive therefore this media could increasethe result of learning in generally.The conclution of the results are monopoli tic tac toeinterests student to have more effort to know about addition and substraction of integernumber. Then, giving new experience for the student also. Hopefully by this research, theteacher and researcher were motivated to discover new formulas of teaching and learninginovation which improve the education quality.

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