scholarly journals Resolution of Meeting the Public Coordinating Council for the Study on Pneumococcal Disease and Vaccination in Russia

2015 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 75-77
Editorial Article

In December 2014 the Scientific Center of Children's Health held a regular meeting of the Coordinating Council for the public study of pneumococcal infections and vaccination in Russia. The meeting was devoted to the beginning of the vaccination of children against pneumococcal disease in the National Immunization Schedule (November 2014) and planning approaches to assessing the results of vaccination in the short and long term.

1993 ◽  
Vol 27 (3) ◽  
pp. 157-167 ◽  
José Carlos Serufo ◽  
Andréa Marcia Souza ◽  
Valéria Aparecida Tavares ◽  
Marcos Cézar Jammal ◽  
Josimar Gerônimo Silva

The aim of the study is an historical analysis of the work undertaken by the Public Health organizations dedicated to the combat of the Aedes aegypti, as well as an epidemiolocal study of persons with unexplained fever, with a view to evaluating the ocurrence of dengue within the population. The Mac-Elisa, Gac-Elisa, hemaglutination inhibition, isolation and typage tests were used. Organophosphate intoxication in agricultural workers was also assessed by measuring concentrations of serie cholinesterase. A sera samples of 2,094 were collected in 23 towns, and the type 1 dengue virus was detected in 17 towns and autochthony was confirmed in 12 of them. The cholinesterase was measured in 2,391 sera samples of which 53 cases had abnormal levels. Poisoning was confirmed in 3 cases. Results reveal an epidemic the gravity of which was not officially know. The relationshipe between levels of IgM and IgG antibodies indicates the outbreak tendency. The widespread distribution of the vector is troubling because of the possibility of the urbanization of wild yellow fever, whereas the absence of A. aegypti in 2 towns with autochthony suggests the existence of another vector. Since there is no vaccine against dengue, the combat of the vector is the most efficient measure for preventing outbreaks. The eradication of the vector depends on government decisions which depend, for their execution, on the organization of the Health System and the propagation of information concerning the prevention of the disease using all possible means because short and long term results depend on the education and the active participation of the entire population.

2018 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 783-810
Angélica Pott de Medeiros ◽  
Giulia Xisto de Oliveira ◽  
Reisoli Bender Filho

Resumo: O cenário de instabilidade política, a recessão econômica e as mudanças nas regras de concessão de crédito pautaram o objetivo de examinar o relacionamento do crédito consignado, por segmento de concessão, com variáveis macroeconômicas, caso do consumo, da produção industrial e do produto agregado, na última década (2007-2017). Os resultados foram obtidos por meio da estimação do vetor de correção de erros, funções de impulso-resposta e decomposição da variância, possibilitando a análise das relações de curto e de longo prazo entre as séries temporais e indicaram que as diferentes modalidades do crédito consignado implicam efeitos distintos sobre as variáveis econômicas em curto prazo. O segmento de aposentados e pensionistas impacta positivamente ambas as variáveis analisadas, com destaque para os bens de consumo das famílias. Já a concessão ao setor privado, embora represente a menor parcela do crédito consignado concedido, mostrou elevada sensibilidade a alterações na oferta dessa modalidade de crédito, enquanto que o crédito ao setor público, de maior participação, apresentou efeitos reduzidos e de curta duração.Palavras-chave: Crédito consignado. Segmentos. Economia brasileira. Payroll loans: segments and economic effects Abstract: The environment of political instability, economic recession and changes in the rules of granting credit were guiders to aim to examine the payroll loans relationship, by concession segment, with macroeconomic variables, case of consumption, industrial production and aggregate product, in the last decade (2007-2017). The results obtained by error correction vector estimation, and functions of impulse-response and variance decomposition, making it possible to analyze the short- and long-term relationships between the time series and indicated that the different modalities of payroll loans imply different effects on economic short-term variables. With retirees and pensioners segment positively impact on both analyzed variables, highlighting the household consumption goods. The concession to the private sector, although it represents the smallest portion of payroll loans granted, it showed high sensitivity to the changes of this modality. About credit to the public sector, which has the biggest portion, it showed reduced and short-term effects.Keywords: Payroll loans. Segments. Brazilian economy.

2020 ◽  
Carlos Smaniotto Costa ◽  
Tatiana Ruchinskaya ◽  
Konstantinos Lalenis

<p>The COST Action 18110 Underground4value ( aims to advance knowledge on how to guarantee continuity of use and significance of underground historic fabric. It is collecting information, experiences and knowhow to base the development of research and training. The Action focusses on underground regeneration, revitalisation of the public realm and skills development for people concerned with underground heritage.</p><p>This contribution centres the attention of the Working Group on Planning Approaches. It also looks at the role of local authorities, as enablers and facilitators, in coordination, use  and management of underground built heritage. In this framework underground built heritage is considered as a social resource with integrated programmes of physical, economic and social measures, backed by strategic stakeholder dialogue.</p><p>On the one hand, this contribution discusses the structure and goals of the WG, as it pays attention to the necessary complementarities between functional approaches – at the level of regions and city – and social and cultural approaches involving citizens’ engagement and empowerment – at the local level. This WG aims to provide a reflection on sustainable approaches to preserve the underground built heritage and, at the same time, to unfold the case by case approach for potential use of underground space. On the other hand, to achieve its objectives the WG on Planning Approaches is setting together potentials and constraints in the efforts to make better use of underground heritage. This contribution, therefore, sheds lights on the preliminary results of the WG. It is centred on the learned lessons, challenges and barriers - from a planning science perspective - that experts met in their efforts to tackle Underground Built Heritage. Achieving this goal makes the call for an educational paradigm shift - as the Action is not only interested in compiling the results, rather on experiences that can be analysed and learned. This requires a dynamic understanding of knowledge, abilities and skills, towards creating more effective coalitions of ‘actors’ within localities, by developing structures, which encourage long term collaborative relationships. Enabled by the gained knowledge, the WG will define the best tailored ways to forward this knowledge for planners and decision-makers.</p>

2017 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 28
Nina Karina Karim ◽  
A Animah ◽  
Elin Erlina Sasanti

Corruption within the corporation has become an important issue in the academic and public debate. The negative consequences caused by companies that engage in corruption are enormous, such as market distortion and incentives, resource allocation inefficiencies, as well as the increased of poverty and social inequality. Companies have the opportunity through a corporate responsibility (CSR) to prevent the problem of corruption. As important as labor, human and environmental rights, corruption mitigation is an important aspect in promoting CSR. CSR can be profitable in sales revenue and market share by improving the perception of ethical corporate customers. However, with the involvement of corruption, it can reduce the confidence of investors and the public against the company which may result in reduced financial performance. The purpose of this study is to determine empirically the correlation of anti-corruption disclosure reported by the companies listed in the Sri Kehati Index and FTSEGoods Bursa Malaysia Index on their financial performance, both the short and long term. The results showed that only the whistle blowing policies were fully disclosed by all companies in the sample of this study. The results also show that the disclosure of anti-corruption has significant influence on the company's profitability only in the long term for companies registered in Sri Kehati Indonesia index. As for the sample of companies registered in Malaysia FTSEGoods Index, the results showed that the disclosure of anti-corruption affect the company's financial performance both in the short term and in the long term. This implies that investors were responding to the anti corruption issues disclosed by the companies and companies should keep the disclosure practice in the future. Keywords: anti-corruption, corporate social responsibility, disclosure, financial performance.

2020 ◽  
Vol 28 (1) ◽  
pp. 17
Lamhot Gurning ◽  
Mangasa Manurung ◽  
H. Bachtiar Simatupang

Illegal fishing is an act that is very detrimental to a nation and state. The impact will be seen in the short and long term. The government makes handling illegal fishing crimes a very serious concern. This study aims to determine the forms of illegal fishing, AIRUD Police efforts in overcoming and knowing the inhibiting factors of illegal fishing in Tanjungbalai waters. Descriptive analytical research means trying to collect, study, analyze, and describe the illegal fishing countermeasures. The results showed the forms of illegal fishing in Tanjungbalai, namely the use of fishing gear that is in conflict with the laws and regulations (trawl pull). The efforts of AIRUD Police in tackling the occurrence of illegal fishing in the waters of Tanjungbalai are preventive and repressive efforts. Preventive efforts aimed at increasing the intensity of the socialization of laws and regulations to the public, and increasing patrols in waters according to the scope of duties of the Air Force Police Tanjungbalai. Refressive efforts, namely describing decisive action against illegal fishing perpetrators so that it provides a deterrent effect and then provides direction so as not to do the same thing over and over again. The obstacles of AIRUD Police in tackling illegal fishing are the lack of personnel, and the fishermen's HR which are still relatively low, the completeness of facilities and supporting facilities that are still limited in increasing routine patrols in carrying out the tasks of supervision, protection and protecting the special community of fishermen in the waters.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 11
Dyah Rahmawatie Ratna Budi Utami ◽  
Siti Fatmawati

Great kids need to have healthy behaviors. Instinctively children love snack and more interested in snacks with various color and taste. Ironically these days children's snacks become a problem that needs the attention of the public, because the snacks are at risk of contamination by biological or chemical contaminants that can interfere with health, both short and long term. The purpose of community service is to improve the knowledge and skills in hand washing and choosing healthy snacks. This devotional activity is conducted one day in the form of an interactive discussion with the material about choosing healthy snacks, demonstrations and redemontration handwashing way. Based on observations during community service activities, some positive results were obtained, such as: 1). The participants are enthusiastic about the material 2). The participants were active in the question and answer session and half more enthusiastic participants demonstrated hand washing. The result is the improvement of knowledge and skill of participants related to choosing healthy snacks and hand washing. The conclusion of this activity is education with interactive discussion, demonstration and redemonstration able to improve the knowledge and skill of children about hand washing and choosing healthy snacks.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 63
Dedek Kumara

Penelitian ini ingin melihat lebih jauh bagaimana perpustakaan daerah dapat meningkatkan pelayanannya terhadap masyarakat melalui pengembangan rencana strategis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) mengetahui kondisi lingkungan internal dan eksternal Perpustakaan Daerah Kota Tangerang Selatan; (2) mengidentifikasi rumusan strategi berbasis analisis SWOT bagi perencanaan strategis jangka pendek dan jangka panjang Perpustakaan Daerah Kota Tangerang Selatan; dan (3) menganalisis proses strategi Perpustakaan Daerah Kota Tangerang Selatan. Model dan metode peneltian ini bersifat deskriptif-kualitatif. Metode analisis data yang digunakan bersifat induktif, mengacu pada Miles & Huberman model. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi partisipatif, wawancara mendalam, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pengembangan lingkungan eksternal dilakukan dengan cara memberi kesempatan kepada masyarakat untuk mengikuti pendidikan dan pelatihan tentang perpustakaan, meningkatkan jumlah pengguna, dan menjadikan perpustakaan sebagai pusat informasi bagi masyarakat. Sedangkan pengembangan lingkungan internal dilakukan dengan cara meningkatkan pelayanan perpustakaan, optimalisasi perawatan koleksi, dan memberikan formasi yang sesuai pada SDM yang ada. Adapun strategi intensif dapat dilakukan melalui penetrasi pasar, pengembangan pasar, dan pengembangan produk, sementara strategi alternatif dapat dilakukan dengan menambah tenaga pustakawan perpustakaan. This research would like to see further how regional libraries can improve their services to the public through the development of strategic plans. This study aims to: (1) know the internal and external environmental conditions of South Tangerang City Regional Library; (2) identify the strategy formulation based on SWOT analysis for short and long term strategic planning of South Tangerang City Regional Library; and (3) analyzing the strategy process of South Tangerang City Regional Library. Model and method of this research is descriptivequalitative. The data analysis method used is inductive, referring to Miles & Huberman model. Data collection techniques used were participative observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. The results of this study indicate that the development of the external environment is pursued by providing opportunities for the community to follow education and training about the library, increasing the number of users, and make the library as the information center for the community. While the development of the internal environment is pursued by improving library services, optimization of collection maintenance, and provide appropriate formation on existing human resources. The intensive strategy can be done through market penetration, market development, and product development, while alternative strategies can be done by adding librarians.

Jay T. Cullen

The triple disaster of the earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear reactor meltdowns that struck Japan in March 2011 led to the release of massive amounts of radioactive isotopes into the environment. My research and that of other professionals in the international scientific community demonstrates that the short- and long-term impacts of these releases on environmental and human health will be difficult to detect. Most of the public response to my work on the Fukushima disaster has been positive. However, a vocal minority, enamored of conspiracy theories, responded with personal threats, accusations of scientific fraud, and attacks on my professional and personal integrity.

1992 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 75-82 ◽  
W. A. M. Botes ◽  
K. S. Russell

The utilisation of the ocean for the disposal of domestic or industrial waste is a controversial subject with different views and perceptions by the public, the scientific community and developers. With extensive developments, increased stresses are exerted on the coastal zone areas. Disposal of wastes will have effect on the environment (land, atmosphere or ocean) and it is the responsibility of the scientific community and the authorities to minimise detrimental effects to the environment. The ocean as a disposal medium is an inappropriate medium to dispose of persistent toxic materials, however, the assimilative capacity of the sea is enormous for certain substances providing:Impact assessments to determine the influence of disposal to the marine environment should be compared to similar assessments of the environment to be influenced by alternative disposal options.Social and economic considerations should also form an integral part of such an assessment.Water quality criteria should be clearly defined and scientifically sound to provide the basis for the design of outfalls as well as for monitoring the short and long-term impacts.Authorised control and effective legislation should be available to enforce quality requirements and remedial actions to be taken.

2004 ◽  
Vol 33 (1) ◽  
pp. 111-116 ◽  
Susan M. Fritz ◽  
Sarah M. Ward ◽  
Pat F. Byrne ◽  
Deana M. Namuth ◽  
Valerie A. Egger

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