2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (XIX) ◽  
pp. 133-143
Weronika Łaszkiewicz

The aim of the following paper is to examine the conflict between the cultof the Mother Goddess and Christianity, which affects King Arthur’s reign in MarionZimmer Bradley’s original retelling of Arthurian legends – The Mists of Avalon (1983).The religious conflict presented in the novel is inextricably linked with representationsof femininity and the figures of Morgaine (Morgan le Fay) and Queen Gwenhwyfar, whoare dedicated, respectively, to Avalon and the Church. By investigating both women’sbeliefs, actions, and relationship with Arthur, this paper will demonstrate how in Bradley’sretelling the transition from the worship of the Goddess to Christianity conditions KingArthur’s reign and ultimately contributes to his downfall.

Maulana Ishaq ◽  
Linusia Marsih

This study aims to discuss the issue of religious conflict in Bhagat’s The Girl in Room 105. The objectives of this study are to analyze the religious conflicts and characteristics of the religious conflict reflected in the novel. This study uses descriptive qualitative method using sociological approach and several theories of religious conflict. The result, this study depicts the religious conflicts between by Muslim and Hindu as well as the characteristics of the religious conflict. The religious conflicts are presented in the sphere of belief: conflict between Muslim and Hindu, ideology: conflict between Kashmiri and Indian, organization: conflict between separatist groups of Kashmir against Indian government, family: conflict between Keshav and Zara’s family, and individual: conflict between Zara and Keshav.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 54-61
Sugiono Sugiono ◽  
Mulyono Mulyono

Karya sastra merupakan cerminan kehidupan masyarakat. Novel sebagai salah satu karya sastra menampilkan konflik yang merupakan cerminan atas konflik-konflik yang ada di masyarakat. Salah satu konflik dalam novel yang menarik untuk dikaji adalah konflik agama, karena konflik agama masih banyak terjadi di Indonesia. Salah satu yang memuat konflik agama adalah novel Kantring Genjer-genjer karya Teguh Winarsho AS. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan sosiologi sastra dan teori konflik Georg Simmel untuk menganalisis bentuk konflik dan penyebab konflik antara kelompok abangan dan santri dalam novel. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bentuk konflik dan penyebab konflik dalam novel terdiri atas konflik pertandingan antagonistik, konflik hukum, konflik menenai prinsip-prinsip dasar, konflik kepentingan, dan konflik dalam hubungan intim dan akrab. Literary works are a reflection of people's lives. Novel as one of the literary works that displays conflict that are a reflection of conflicts in the society. One of conflict in the novel that is interesting to study is religious conflict, because religious conflicts still occur in Indonesia frequently. One of novel which discuss the religious conflict is Kantring Genjer-genjer novel by Teguh Winarsho AS. This research is a qualitative research using sociology of literature approach and Georg Simmel's conflict theory to analyze the forms and primary causes of conflict between abangan and santri in the novel. Result of the study reveated that the forms and primary causes of conflict are antagonistic, legal conflicts, conflicts regarding principles, conflicts of interest, and conflict in intimate relationships.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 55-71
Sugiono Sugiono ◽  
Mulyono Mulyono

ABSTRAKKarya sastra merupakan cerminan kehidupan masyarakat. Novel sebagai salah satu karya sastra menampilkan konflik yang merupakan cerminan atas konflik-konflik yang ada di masyarakat. Salah satu konflik dalam novel yang menarik untuk dikaji adalah konflik agama karena konflik agama masih banyak terjadi di Indonesia. Salah satu yang memuat konflik agama adalah novel Kantring Genjer-genjer karya Teguh Winarsho A.S.. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan sosiologi sastra dan teori konflik Georg Simmel untuk menganalisis bentuk konflik dan penyebab konflik antara kelompok abangan dan santri dalam novel. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bentuk konflik dan penyebab konflik dalam novel terdiri atas konflik pertandingan antagonistik, konflik hukum, konflik mengenai prinsip-prinsip dasar, konflik kepentingan, dan konflik dalam hubungan intim dan akrab.Kata kunci: abangan, konflik georg simmel, konflik sosial, santri, sosiologi sastra ABSTRACTLiterary works are a reflection of people's lives. Novel as one of the literary works that displays conflict that are a reflection of conflicts in the society. One of conflict in the novel that is interesting to study is religious conflict, because religious conflicts still occur in Indonesia frequently. One of novel which discuss the religious conflict is Kantring Genjer-genjer novel by Teguh Winarsho A.S.. This research is a qualitative research using sociology of literature approach and Georg Simmel's conflict theory to analyze the forms and primary causes of conflict between abangan and santri in the novel. Result of the study reveated that the forms and primary causes of conflict are antagonistic, legal conflicts, conflicts regarding principles, conflicts of interest, and conflict in intimate relationships.Keywords: abangan, georg simmel’s conflict theory, social conflict, santri, sociology of literature

Michael P. DeJonge

If, as Chapter 12 argues, much of Bonhoeffer’s resistance thinking remains stable even as he undertakes the novel conspiratorial resistance, what is new in his resistance thinking in the third phase? What receives new theological elaboration is the resistance activity of the individual, which in the first two phases was overshadowed by the resistance role played by the church. Indeed, as this chapter shows, Bonhoeffer’s conspiratorial activity is associated with what he calls free responsible action (type 6), and this is the action of the individual, not the church, in the exercise of vocation. As such, the conspiratorial activity is most closely related to the previously developed type 1 resistance, which includes individual vocational action in response to state injustice. But the conspiratorial activity differs from type 1 resistance as individual vocational action in the extreme situation.

2021 ◽  
pp. 257-271
Денис Владимирович Макаров

Основная цель исследования состоит в выявлении основной проблематики романа «Александр Невский» и в исследовании особенностей художественного образа святого благоверного князя Александра Невского в художественном произведении одного из выдающихся представителей советской военной прозы Бориса Львовича Васильева. Начиная со второй половины 1990-х годов писатель воплощает в литературе образы выдающихся древнерусских князей и создаёт в своих исторических романах целую галерею художественных портретов: Владимира Святого, Ярослава Мудрого, Владимира Мономаха и многих других. В работе применяется сравнительно-исторический метод и метод филологического анализа. Для достижения указанной цели анализируется основная проблематика романа Бориса Васильева. В качестве наиболее актуальных для Руси XIII в. вопросов, поднимаемых автором, выделяются проблемы духовного наследия Византии, феодальной раздробленности, двоеверия, взаимоотношения власти (государства) и Церкви, исторического выбора между Востоком и Западом. Автором статьи предпринимает сопоставление образа святого благоверного князя Александра Невского прежде всего со знаменитым памятником древнерусской литературы XIII в. «Повесть о житии Александра Невского». Также в статье указываются предшественники Бориса Васильева в создании образа благоверного князя Александра Невского в русской литературе XIX и XX вв., среди которых поэты Аполлон Николаевич Майков, Лев Александрович Мей, Константин Михайлович Симонов и писатели Алексей Кузьмич Югов, Василий Григорьевич Ян, Анатолий Александрович Субботин, Сергей Павлович Мосияш. Наиболее важные результаты исследования состоят в выявлении основных особенностей художественного образа святого благоверного князя Александра Невского в романе Бориса Васильева. The main purpose of the research is to identify the main problems of the novel «Alexander Nevsky» and to study the features of the artistic image of the saint Prince Alexander Nevsky in the artistic work of one of the outstanding representatives of Soviet military prose - Boris Lvovich Vasiliev, who turned in the second half of the 1990s-2010s to the embodiment in artistic images of outstanding Ancient Russian princes and created in his historical novels from 1996 to 2010 a whole gallery of artistic images: Vladimir the Saint, Yaroslav the Wise, Vladimir Monomakh and many others. To achieve this goal, the main problems of the novel by Boris Vasiliev are analyzed. The research highlights the problems of the spiritual heritage of Byzantium, feudal fragmentation, dual faith, the relationship between the government (state) and the Church, the historical choice between East and West are highlighted as the most relevant issues for Russia of the XIII century raised by the author, the problems of the spiritual heritage of Byzantium, feudal fragmentation, dual faith, the relationship between the government (state) and the Church, the historical choice between the East and the West. The comparison of the image of the saint Prince Alexander Nevsky is undertaken, first of all, with the famous monument of ancient Russian literature of the XIII century «The Story of the Life of Alexander Nevsky». The work also identifies the literary predecessors of Boris Vasiliev in creating the image of the blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky in Russian literature of the XIX and XX centuries, among them the poets Apollo Nikolaevich Maykov, Lev Alexandrovich May, Konstantin Mikhailovich Simonov and the writers Alexey Kuzmich Yugov, Vasily Grigoryevich Yan, Anatoly Alexandrovich Subbotin, Sergey Pavlovich Mosiyash. The comparative-historical method and the method of philological analysis are used in the work. The most important results of the study are to identify the main features of the artistic image of the saint Prince Alexander Nevsky in the novel by Boris Vasiliev.

2021 ◽  
pp. 119-134
Li Xiaoyu ◽  
I.I. Evlampiev

This article deals with the controversial issue of F.M. Dostoevsky’s concept of “Higher Individuals.” The latter are people who rise above other people and have a special influence on society and on history. The authors argue that this concept is most clearly expressed in “The Diary of a Writer” (1876) as well as in the story “The Sentence”, along with Dostoevsky’s commentaries on this story. By means of a detailed analysis of Raskolnikov’s “theory” within the novel “Crime and Punishment”, it is demonstrated that only a superficial version of the concept of “higher individuals” is refuted in the heroes’ argumentations; at the same time, the novel’s characters – Marmeladov, his wife Katerina Ivanovna, and Raskolnikov – can be viewed as examples of different degrees in the personal accomplishment of this “higher personality” state. In conclusion, it is observed how a person must go through three stages of development in order to become a “higher character”: firstly, the experience of an existential crisis and the understanding of the lack of meaning in one’s life; secondly, the “rebellion” against the Creator of the world and its laws along with the rejection of the traditional church faith, whose rejection leads this person on the edge of suicide; thirdly, the acquisition of a new faith, first of all, a faith in one’s immortality, which happens in an unusual, unorthodox form, as is well demonstrated by the character of Svidrigailov in Dostoevsky’s novel. According to Dostoevsky’s doctrine, the meaning ofimmortality lies in the continuation of a person’s existence in a new form in the earthly world or in a “parallel” world similar to the earthly one, and not in the ideal Kingdom of Heaven, as the church claims. Finally, the authors maintain that the process of a character’s transformation into a “higher individual” was consistently and fully described by Dostoevsky in the stories of Raskolnikov and Ivan Karamazov.

2019 ◽  
Vol 27 (4) ◽  
pp. 591-599
Marie Demker

From a certain perspective, literature is always political. Literature in a broad sense has been a source of uprisings and protest at least since Martin Luther nailed his theses on the door of the church in Wittenberg in 1517 – and probably much further back in history than that. Narratives are the most potent way to articulate both political praise and criticism within a given society. In his political satires, British author George Orwell reviled all kinds of totalitarianism and the idea of a socialist utopia. Swedish writer and journalist Stieg Larsson wrote explicitly dystopian crime stories targeting the Swedish welfare state. German novelist Heinrich Böll turned a critical eye on the development of the tabloid press and the use of state monitoring in German society. In the same tradition, Michel Houellebecq has been seen as a very provocative writer in his tone and in his use of political tools. He has articulated a nearly individual anarchist perspective combined with authoritarian and paternalistic views. In Soumission, Houellebecq uses the European idea of multiculturalism to explode our political frames from within. This article explores the perception of religion in Soumission, assesses the critique Houellebecq directs towards French society and European developments, and examines Houellebecq’s perception of democracy and politics. The following questions are addressed: does Houellebecq’s critique come from a classical ideological perspective? Does he describe any elements of an ideal society – even if only as the reverse of a presented dystopia? What kind of democracy does the text of Soumission support or oppose?

1992 ◽  
Vol 45 (2) ◽  
pp. 237-244
Jochen Eber

Ten years after the Second Vatican Council the novel Die Vision des Papstes: Erzählung was published simultaneously by Catholic and Protestant publishers under the pseudonym ‘Sebastian Knecht’. The author of the work was the former official observer of the Protestant Church of Germany (EKD) to the Council, the Heidelberg professor Edmund Schlink, who retired in 1972. The fact of his authorship was known only by a few friends prior to his death; following the death of her husband Mrs Irmgard Schlink revealed the pseudonym. Thus today, one may first examine the historical reasons why Schlink wrote the book. Further, its theological content makes possible a clearer view of the strengths and problems of the particular way to the unity of the Church Schlink recommends in the story. Finally, the effect of the work raises the question if it was meaningful to suggest a solution to ecumenical problems by means of belles lettres.

Jesper Jakobsen

Jesper Jakobsen: Censorship of “Der Klagen über das verdorbene Christenthum”.   In the summer of 1739, the manuscript of a Danish translation of Philip Jacob Spener’s (1635–1705) anti-separatist polemical text, Der Klagen über das verdorbene Christenthum, was submitted to the General Church Inspection Committee (Committee of the Church) that, according to laws then in effect, was to decide whether it could be published. During the 1730s, Spener’s “Halle” evangelical exegesis of pietism was elevated almost to the level of a State religion in Denmark and the Committee of the Church endeavoured to disseminate it. The translation had, as required, previously been scrutinised and approved by the bishop in Viborg, the town in which the translator, Johannes Treschow (1691–1751), lived. The Committee of the Church would not, however, allow the translation to be published without reservations, and the article examines the factors and agendas underlying the reserved opinion.   The article is based on the case documents stored in the archives in the Committee of the Church, the Faculty of Theology and the Diocese of Viborg.   The case confirms the general perception among Danish historians that the bishops’ role in the censorship process was to relieve the censorship authorities in Copenhagen. Bishop Andreas Wøldike’s (1687–1770) correspondence with the Committee of the Church provides evidence that he had read the document thoroughly before he sent the manuscript to Copenhagen. However, Wøldike also had personal interests at stake in the case. His ill-concealed enthusiasm for the translation of Spener’s text was connected partly to the fact that he knew the translator personally and partly to the fact that he, by promoting a text by Spener, could improve his relationship with the Church’s highest authorities, since he previously had been ambiguous in his attitude towards pietism.   The Committee of the Church’s reservations relative to the translation were not based on theological disagreements but on the practical consideration that the Viborg diocese had quite recently been witness to separatist unrest. The Committee of the Church, out of fear of new unrest, would probably have preferred to do without the text altogether, but it could not ban a text by a theologian around whom, at the same time, attempts were being made to unite the church. It could, however, prohibit the translation from including the interpretations and commentaries to Spener’s intention with the text that Treschow had added. It could thereby reduce the risk of new religious conflicts and best serve the interests of the State church.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 350-362
Chijioke Fidelis Ifezue

The continuous rise of religious conflicts at different parts of the world has left so many questions unanswered and so many issues  unresolved. The quest for supremacy, wealth, relevance and dominance are some of the major causes of religious conflict. Even within religions, there is constant news of conflicts of different kinds, which, unfortunately contrasts with the notion that religion qua religion is one (Madu, 2003). This has also attracted mostly negative attributes to conflict. However, some scholars have taken a different look at the positive side of this negative act - conflict. One of such scholars was Georg Simmel, a German philosopher and sociologist. This work, therefore aims at discussing the scholar Georg Simmel, his ideas and views about conflict in respect to the study of religious conflicts. This work explains how Georg Simmel presented conflict, a negative phenomenon as having some positive outcomes. Seeing religion as a fundamental process in man’s life and conflict as a dark tunnel the leads to a bright end of the tunnel, Georg Simmel presents conflict as  what the writer terms “a negative beginning with a positive end”. To this end, this work shifts ground towards discussing how these bad sides of religious conflicts will be used to achieve something good. As widely believed that something good comes out of bad things, there are different positive roles religious conflict plays, as proposed by Georg Simmel which includes connection, definition, revitalization, social glue, integration and safety valve. For him, all these are necessary for achieving peace and unity only if the conflict is properly handled. Hence, religious conflict is bad in its entirety. Finally, the writer outlines some of the relevance of the work to students, scholars and the general public, advocating for peace.

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