scholarly journals An Analysis of the Problems in Learning English Words through Words Formation Processes by Undergraduate Students at Hazara University

2020 ◽  
Vol V (IV) ◽  
pp. 76-85
Muhammad Babar ◽  
Ghani Rahman ◽  
Sadia Ashraf

The present study analyzes the problems in learning English words through words formation processes by undergraduate students. The instrument of the test was used to collect data from one hundred seventeen undergraduate students selected through non-random convenient sampling. The findings of the study suggest that students had not acquired most of the English words through word-formation processes. The words formed through conversion, backformation, compounding and acronym were acquired less in number by students than the blending and abbreviation. The results show that undergraduate students had no significant difficulty in learning English common suffixes deriving English words as compared to the non-common ones. The common, occurring prefixes and suffixes forming new words were both difficult, but the suffixes were a bit more difficult than prefixes, while the non-common occurring prefixes and suffixes forming new words were both equally difficult for students. The idiomaticity of the words makes them difficult to learn.

Bondarchuk N.I.

The aim of the investigation is to study word formation processes in the semantics of weather lexis in the online narrative of weather news stories in British newspapers.Methods. The source base of the study is represented by a corpus of electronic texts of the new genre “weather news story” in British electronic quality (, and mass (, newspapers (2014–2017). The research is methodologically based on structural-semantic and functional research methods. The application of a functional approach in our study enables the identification of the specifics of functioning and organization of lexical units in the contextual environment of the online narrative taking into account their role in the formation of content and meaning of weather news stories. At the same time, the use of descriptive and comparative methods allows revealing more deeply the individual (author) features of the texts under study.Results. A review of the literature confirms the idea that the creation of new words is based on the models and word formation types that are already established in the language or re-emerging. The modern word formation of weather lexis in weather news stories is characterized by typical methods of word formation, among which we distinguish the affixation, compounding, blending, shortening, and conversion. The common types of word formation in the genre under research are affixation and compounding. The most common prefixes are prefixes with the contrasting semantics un-, anti-, de- and the diminutive prefix mini-, among the noun suffixes -ation, -er, -ism, ity, -ness and adjective suffixes y, -ly, -al, -ic, -ish, -ent, -ous. Both dictionary (normative) and occasional (author) forms are distinguished. The use of occasional forms serves as an expressive means of reflecting the author’s worldview, where the author deliberately violates language norms to provide a certain expressive background to the story.Conclusions. The analysis of word formation of weather lexis in weather news stories shows that its organization occurs through the prism of word formation features of the narrative and diversifies weather news stories.Key words: word formation, lexis, abbreviation, shortening, compounding, blending, conversion, weather news story. Мета. Мета статті – дослідження дериваційних процесів у семантиці номінацій погоди в онлайн-наративі про погодні новини британських газет.Методи. Джерельна база дослідження представлена корпусом електронних текстів неожанру weather news story інтернет-версій британських періодичних якісних (, і масових (, видань (2014–2017 рр.). Дослідження методологічно ґрунтується на положеннях структурно-семантичного та функційного методів. Застосування функційного підходу у проєкції на наше дослідження дає змогу виявити спе-цифіку функціювання й організації лексичних одиниць у контекстуальному середовищі онлайн-наративу з огляду на їх роль у процесі змісто- та смислотворення погодних новин. Водночас застосовано описовий і порівняльний методи, які допомогли глибше розкрити індивідуально-авторські особливості текстів онлайн-наративу про погодні новини.Результати. Досліджено дериваційні процеси у семантиці номінацій погоди. Здійснений огляд літератури підтвердив ідею про те, що творення нових слів відбувається за тими моделями, за тими словотворчими типами, які вже встановилися в мові або знову виникають. Сучасному дериваційному процесу номінацій погоди в ОНПН властиві типові способи словотворення, серед яких виокремлюємо афіксальний спосіб, спосіб словоскладання, телескопію, скорочення і конверсію. Найпоширені-шими способами словотворення у корпусі дослідження є афіксальний і словоскладання. Найпоширенішими префіксами, які слугували утворенню нових номінацій погоди, є префікси з контрарною семантикою un-, anti-, de- та зменшувальний префікс mini-, серед суфіксів ‒ відіменникові -ation, -er, -ism, ity, -ness і відприкметникові y, -ly, -al, -ic, -ish, -ent, -ous. У корпусі досліджуваних текстів виокремлено узуальні/словникові й оказіональні/авторські форми. Визначено, що вживання оказіональних форм слугує експресивним засобом вираження індивідуально-авторської мовної картини, де автор свідомо порушує мовні норми, аби надати певного експресивного фону оповіді.Висновки. Проведений аналіз дериваційних процесів у семантиці номінацій погоди в онлайн-наративі про погодні новини показав, що організація лексичних одиниць на позначення погоди відбувається крізь призму словотвірних особливостей оповіді. Дериваційні процеси в семантиці номінацій погоди зумовили наявність широкої палітри лексики в ОНПН, яка демонструє авторський чинник його організації та урізноманітнює оповідь.Ключові слова: словотвір, лексика, абревіація, скорочення, словоскладання, телескопія, конверсія, weather news story.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 43
Laila Othman Baram ◽  
Aram Kamil Noori

This research studies the widening range of forming and using blend (portmanteau) words in English language. It sheds light on the fact that most blend words are exocentric not only for second language learners but also to natives too, since they have not been listed in English dictionaries. Even if listed; still the continuous process of forming blend words will leave no room to catch up with listing all of them. English nowadays has become the most dominant language and at the same time it has been influenced by some factors as much as it has been influential. In terms of word formation processes especially blending, one can realize how rapidly and unexpectedly new words are coined for new purposes in accordance with daily life needs. In this era of speed; English native speakers, as their nature, do like to economize in their word choice especially in their word formation processes such as blending, acronyms, clipping and all types of abbreviations. In fact, the inevitability of life change as the result of daily life’s needs inventions influences English language in many ways. In addition, the policy of economizing and being selective reflects well on letter choice and word forming processes. In relation to this, the consequences of life change can be noted in studying blend forms in English. Some simple examples are: blunch, chexting, spork, feminar, brinner, brunch, fanzin, hubot, smog, etc. In a nut shell, the research states the inevitable and intriguing change of English words in the process of blending in which two or more words are cut and mixed together to form a new form, called a blend word. One basic point here is that a blend word is not simply one word; brinner as an example is formed from three other words (breakfast + lunch + dinner) to describe a situation in which you just have one meal instead of the three. Most of blend words have not so far been listed in English dictionaries. So this continuous process of forming new words does a great change to English vocabularies now and in the upcoming years.

2009 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 183-201 ◽  
Matthias Hüning

Word formation, like other lexical phenomena, seems to be a difficult terrain for contrastive linguistics since it hardly allows for significant and insightful generalizations about the differences between two languages, as has been stated in the literature more than once. This paper investigates one factor leading to morphological differences and contrasts between historically related languages (Dutch and German). It is argued that word formation processes often show semantic fragmentation: in the course of time they develop ‘semantic niches’, i.e. groups of words (subsets of a morphological category) kept together by formal and semantic criteria and extendable via analogy. When looking at word formation from a contrastive point of view, these niches seem to allow for better generalizations in terms of systematic correspondences and differences between two languages than the category as a whole. As a consequence, productivity should not be seen as an absolute notion, but rather as a local and gradual phenomenon. Morphology should not only account for the possibility of coining new words but also for their probability, because language comparison shows that even allegedly equivalent word formation processes often differ with respect to the probability of their use. The paper therefore argues in favour of an analogy approach that takes the existence of semantic niches seriously.

Alisha Vandana Lakra ◽  
Md. Mojibur Rahman

Change is the nature of every  living language for better communication. These changes can be phonological, morphological, syntactical and lexical, because of various linguistic affects. The synchronic and diachronic study of language proves that it enriches the vocabulary of the language. Another reason for the enrichment of vocabulary is through morphological word formation process which are mainly inflectional, derivational, compounding and reduplication, etc. Reduplication is implicit to phonological (sounds and prosodic units) and morphological (word constituents) components. It occurs in many languages and helps in the formation of new words. The present study concentrates on the process of reduplication Kurukh and the role of reduplication  in acquiring vocabulary.

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 78
Yulie Neila Chandra

<p>Affixation is one of the process of morphological in Mandarin. Affixes are bound morphemes that are added to other morphemes to form larger units such as words, especially to form a compound word (成词 héchéng cí). Mandarin has two types of affixes: prefixes (precedes the morpheme) and suffixes (follows the morpheme). Prefixes are rare in Mandarin, such as {初chū-}, {第dì-}, {非fēi-}, {可kĕ-}, etc;while suffixes are more numerous, such as {儿-er}, {化 –huā}, {家 –jiā}, {们 –men}, {员 –yuán}, {者 –zhĕ}, {子-zi}, etc. In Mandarin, affix morphemes can also be divided into two functional categories, namely inflectional morphemes and derivational morphemes, both refers two principal word formation processes: inflection and derivation. Although, Mandarin is not the inflection language, only prefix {初chū-} and suffix {们–men} are inflectional morphemes. Therefore, the derivation process is more productive in Mandarin. Derivational morphemes form new words by changing the meaning of the base (root) and the word class. In consequence, derivation in Mandarin may cause a change of word classes; such as nouns, verbs, and adjective, but generally form nouns.</p>

2017 ◽  
Vol 28 (3) ◽  
pp. 324
Rio Rini Diah Moehkardi

This research aims to explore the word-formation process in English new words found in the internet-based media through acronym, compound,  clipping and blending and their meanings. This study applies Plag’s (2002) framework of acronym and compound; Jamet’s (2009) framework of clipping, and Algeo’s framework (1977) in Hosseinzadeh  (2014) for blending. Despite the  formula established in each respective framework,  there could be occurrences  of novelty and modification on how words are formed and  how meaning developed in  the newly formed words. The research shows that well accepted acronyms can become real words by taking lower case and affixation. Some acronyms initialized non-lexical words, used non initial letters, and used letters and numbers that pronounced the same with the words they represent. Compounding also includes numbers as the element member of the compound. The nominal nouns are likely to have metaphorical and idiomatic meanings. Some compounds evolve to new and more specific meaning. The study also finds that back-clipping is the most dominant clipping. In blending, the sub-category clipping of blending, the study finds out that when clipping takes place, the non-head element is back-clipped and the head is fore-clipped.

O. Polonskaya ◽  
Ya. Polonskaya

The proliferation of new words and phrases accompanying the sudden outbreak of COVID-19 has led to new lexical and sociolinguistic changes that have become part of our lives. The present study attempts to examine the nature of new English words and expressions that emerged after the COVID-19 pandemic and to determine the type of word-formation processes that contributed to the emergence of these neologisms in English. The problem is that the emergence of a large number of neologisms associated with the COVID 19 pandemic creates difficulties when translating and applying them in speech. The object of the study is neologisms that appeared during the period of the COVID pandemic in the English language in 2020-2021. The subject of the research is the peculiarities of the formation of neologisms in modern English. The relevance of this work is conditioned by the need to study the new vocabulary that appears in speech due to the changes taking place in modern society under the influence of globalization. Language reflects today's changes as a global and unprecedented phenomenon, the memory of which will remain in history. Lexical neoplasms emerged during the pandemic period allow people to be versed in what is happening, regulate relationships and adapt to new living conditions.

Elisa Ratih ◽  
Rosalin Ismayoeng Gusdian

The aims of this study were to identify the processes of word formation in English new words and to know which word formation processes were the most productive one(s). The researcher used qualitative research design in order to obtain the data from the document of OED online. OED online is the online dictionary which consists of list of English new words. Therefore, the research object was the lists of English new words from year 2012-2016. Document analysis was used as the instrument to collect the data. The data were presented in the form of table. The findings of this study showed that there are some processes in creating English new words, such as a) affixation, b) folk etymology, c) compounding, d) abbreviation, e) acronyms, f) borrowing, g) blending, h) clipping, i) back-formation. Besides, there are also found the double word formation processes, such as j) folk etymology + compounding, k) compounding + affixation, m) blending + affixation, n) clipping + blending. The result showed that the most productive process of creating English new words was affixation.                                       

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 24-42
Saleh Al-Salman ◽  
Ahmad S. Haider

The surge of new words and phrases accompanying the sudden COVID-19 outbreak has created new lexical and sociolinguistic changes that have become part of our lives. The emergence of COVID-19s coinages has remarkably increased to establish a trending base of global neologisms. The present study attempts to investigate the nature of the new English words and expressions that emerged in the wake of the COVID-19 crisis. It also identifies the type of word-formation processes that contributed to the emergence of these neologisms in the English language. The researchers compiled a corpus of 208 COVID-19-inspired neologisms from different sources, including social networking websites, search engines, blogs, and news articles. The analysis revealed that word-formation processes were so varied to cover all possible forms of derivation, including affixation, compounding, blending, clipping, acronyms, among others, along with dual word-formation processes, with compounding and blending being the most discrete. The findings showed that the flux of new terms demonstrates the creativity and vitality of the English language to respond to emerging situations in times of crisis. The study recommends that further research be carried out on the new terms that have been transferred to other languages as loanwords, loan-translations and loan-blends.

Elisa Ratih ◽  
Rosalin Ismayoeng Gusdian

The aims of this study were to identify the processes of word formation in English new words and to know which word formation processes were the most productive one(s). The researcher used qualitative research design in order to obtain the data from the document of OED online. OED online is the online dictionary which consists of list of English new words. Therefore, the research object was the lists of English new words from year 2012-2016. Document analysis was used as the instrument to collect the data. The data were presented in the form of table. The findings of this study showed that there are some processes in creating English new words, such as a) affixation, b) folk etymology, c) compounding, d) abbreviation, e) acronyms, f) borrowing, g) blending, h) clipping, i) back-formation. Besides, there are also found the double word formation processes, such as j) folk etymology + compounding, k) compounding + affixation, m) blending + affixation, n) clipping + blending. The result showed that the most productive process of creating English new words was affixation.                                       

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