scholarly journals Cervical Dysgenesis with Transverse Vaginal Septum with Imperforate Hymen in an 11 year old Girl Presenting with Acute Abdomen

2013 ◽  
Vol 52 (189) ◽  
pp. 281-284 ◽  
Pratiksha Gupta ◽  
Sangeeta Gupta ◽  
Sunita Jindal ◽  
Kanwaljeet Chopra ◽  
Manjari Sinha ◽  

This case highlights the importance of careful evaluation of girls presenting with imperforate hymen as this is accompanied by other female reproductive tract anomalies. It is of utmost importance that a correct timely diagnosis is made so that the right treatment can be chosen with the perspective of future fertility. Cervical dysgenesis associated with vaginal septum and imperforate hymen has not been reported in literature so far. Present case highlights the simple mode of management with a successful outcome. Keywords: cervical dysgenesis; imperforate hymen; transverse vaginal septum.

Bharathi KR ◽  
Vijayalakshmi S. ◽  
Divya Alamelu N.

Congenital anatomic disorders of the female reproductive tract may result from genetic mutation, developmental arrest and abnormal hormonal exposure during embryonic development. These anomalies have a huge impact on the woman’s menstrual, sexual and reproductive functions. Pregnancy with these anatomic disorders is quite challenging. Here we present a rare interesting case of spontaneous pregnancy with multiple anatomic disorders namely- imperforate hymen, high transverse vaginal septum and bicornuate uterus.

2000 ◽  
Vol 48 (5) ◽  
pp. 487
R. Leon Hughes

The present observations on the now-extinct Thylacinus are based on the reproductive system of an adult thylacine discovered among the specimens of the Hill collection at the Hubrecht Laboratory in the Netherlands. As in other marsupials, the reproductive tract was characterised by the presence of a uterus duplex and a vaginal complex where the ureters passed dorsally over each lateral vaginal canal to enter the bladder. The lateral vaginal canals each entered a urogenital sinus that terminated in a shallow cloaca. The gross dimensions of the reproductive tract of the thylacine were greater than those of any extant dasyurid marsupial. The distance from the rostral pole of the ovaries to the most caudal extremity of the urogenital sinus measured 25 cm. The distinctive aspects of the reproductive tract included a disproportionate enlargement of the corpus uteri that is without parallel in any other marsupial species. The bodies of the right and left uteri measured 10.4 cm 1.2 cm 0.9 cm and 9.1 cm 0.8 cm 0.7 cm respectively. The rostro-caudal length of the right and left cervices measured 2.7 cm and 1.7 cm respectively. The cervical canals entered the vaginal complex by way of a thick median vaginal septum. The elongated caudal component of the vaginal culs-de-sac lacked a median vaginal septum. As in other dasyurid marsupials, the lateral vaginae and associated vaginal complex were of diminutive proportions in relation to the typical marsupial pattern. The histology of the tract was remarkably good for tissue preserved since 1902 and indicated that the tissues were free of pathological changes. A characteristic marsupial pattern of ovarian folliculogenesis was evident where all but a thin peripheral zone of the cytoplasm of the primary oocyte became vacuolated during the pre-antral stage of ovarian follicle development.

Keizo Tanitame ◽  
Nobuko Tanitame ◽  
Saiko Urayama ◽  
Kazuhiro Ohtsu

AbstractHemato/hydrocolpos due to congenital urogenital anomalies are rare conditions discovered in neonatal, infant, and adolescent girls. Diagnosis is often missed or delayed owing to its rare incidence and nonspecific symptoms. If early correct diagnosis and treatment cannot be performed, late complications such as tubal adhesion, pelvic endometriosis, and infertility may develop. Congenital urogenital anomalies causing hemato/hydrocolpos are mainly of four types: imperforate hymen, distal vaginal agenesis, transverse vaginal septum, and obstructed hemivagina and ipsilateral renal anomaly, and clinicians should have adequate knowledge about these anomalies. This article aimed to review the diagnosis and treatment of these urogenital anomalies by describing embryology, clinical presentation, imaging findings, surgical management, and postoperative outcomes.

1959 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 108-117 ◽  
R. W. NOYES ◽  
C. E. ADAMS ◽  

SUMMARY In order to determine what part the level of oestrogen in the body might play in the passage of ova through the female reproductive tract, 1249 freshly ovulated ova from donor rabbits were transferred into the uterine tubes of seventy-four ovariectomized recipients, fifty-three of which had previously been treated for 5–18 days with small daily injections of oestradiol benzoate. From 10 to 78 hr after transfer, 41% of the ova were recovered from the uterine tubes, 9% from the uterine horns, and 23% from the vaginae of the recipient animals. Twenty-seven% of the ova were lost. The rate of ovum transport varied widely between similarly treated animals, and between the right and left sides of the reproductive tract of the same animal. Larger proportions of ova were retained in the uterine tubes, and smaller proportions in the uterine horns as the oestrogen dose was increased. The great variability in the stage of cleavage and in the thickness of the mucin coat of ova recovered from the uterus and vagina suggested that the ova might be widely dispersed through the uterine tubes and that they probably pass out of the uterine tube at widely different periods of time. Evidence is presented that ovum transport in ovariectomized rabbits with or without oestrogen treatment is very irregular, that ova may be ejected from either end of the uterine tube at almost any time after transfer, and that ova are not normally retained in the uteri of such animals. Approx. 1 μg oestradiol benzoate administered daily for 5–10 days was necessary to maintain the uterine weight of ovariectomized rabbits at about the same level as that in intact oestrous rabbits, and also to reduce the variability in egg transport observed in control and ovariectomized animals.

2017 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 221-224
Anuja V Bhalerao ◽  
Richa Garg

ABSTRACT Introduction Primary amenorrhea is a challenging entity as it affects the reproductive outcome. Primary amenorrhea is an absence of secondary sexual characters until 14 years of age or absence of menstruation with secondary sexual characters until 16 years of age. Aim The aim of this article is to study the frequency, etiologic causes, presentation, diagnosis, and optimal mode of management of primary amenorrhea. Materials and methods All girls who had not attained menarche until 16 years of age in the absence of secondary sexual characters and until 14 years, if no secondary sexual characters, and were willing for follow-up were subjected to investigations and were treated as per the etiology. Results Mayer–Rokitansky–Küster–Hauser (MRKH) syndrome was the most common cause of primary amenorrhea (42.85%) followed by imperforate hymen (28.57%) and transverse vaginal septum (21.42%), one each of low, mid, and high varieties. There was one case of androgen insensitivity syndrome. Conclusion Establishing correct diagnosis is essential for planning treatment and management strategies in primary amenorrhea as treatment goals are preservation of fertility and progression of normal development. How to cite this article Bhalerao AV, Garg R. Müllerian Anomalies: A Cause for Primary Amenorrhea. J South Asian Feder Obst Gynae 2017;9(3):221-224.

2015 ◽  
Vol 46 (4) ◽  
pp. 393-409 ◽  
James K. Liebherr ◽  
Kipling W. Will

Western Australian populations of Mecyclothorax punctipennis (MacLeay) exhibit chiral polymorphism for male genitalic asymmetry. The plesiomorphic genitalic enantiomorph, wherein the male aedeagal median lobe is left side superior when retracted in the abdomen, is rotated 180° to a right side superior position in 23% of males from Western Australia. Conversely, population samples from eastern Australia are monomorphic for the plesiomorphic left side superior condition. Western Australian population samples are significantly heterogeneous for the percentages of chirally reversed males, with right side superior frequencies ranging 0–58%. Conversely, asymmetry of the M. punctipennis female reproductive tract, wherein the apex of the bursa copulatrix is distally expanded toward the right side of the individual, is shown to be monomorphic within the species. Based on the vast disparity in frequencies of left versus right enantiomorphs among populations of Western Australian M. punctipennis, we hypothesize that population demographic factors related to very small population size and differential gene sampling via genetic drift could interact to establish populations fixed for the novel form. When such chiral genitalic substitutions are coupled with speciation, subsequent diversification stemming from that common ancestor would result in monophyletic lineages characterized by genitalic inversion. This hypothesis is corroborated by the sporadic occurrences of individual males with chirally inverted genitalia throughout the Carabidae, and the known occurrence of eight carabid taxa — individual species to diverse lineages — that are monomorphically characterized by male genitalic inversion.

Zacharis K ◽  
Klimatsouda M ◽  
Donoudis C ◽  
Valasoulis G ◽  

Introduction: Imperforate hymen is a rare local fusion anomaly of the female reproductive tract and diagnosis can be easily missed. Cyclic lower abdominal pain and amenorrhea are common symptoms in cases left untreated after menarche. Perineal pain may be an unusual presenting symptom of imperforate hymen. In order to avert complications related to delayed treatment, hymenotomy is considered effective management. Case Report: We herein describe a case of a 13-year-old adolescent girl with an imperforate hymen presenting with lower abdominal and perineal pain. The girl underwent and hymenotomy and postoperative period was uneventful. Perineal and pelvic pain relieved instantly after surgical treatment and during follow up her menstrual cycles were regular.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 207
Philemon E. Okoro ◽  
Sukarime S. Eli

Background: Congenital vaginal obstruction is a rare disorder in which there is blockage of the vaginal tract during the developmental stage and subsequently leading to accumulation of secretions and or menstrual blood. Surgical relief of obstruction is an effective treatment. Ensuring patency of the tract following surgery in young girls not sexually active can be challenging.Methods: This is a 10-years retrospective analytical study of cases of congenital vaginal obstruction in young girls seen in two centres from February 2007 to January 2017. Data retrieved from the case notes included age at presentation, presenting features, prior intervention, diagnosis, surgery performed, vaginal dilatations, outcome, duration of follow-up. Data was subjected to simple statistical analysis.Results: Eight patients met the inclusion criteria. The age range was 7 to 15years with a median of 12years. The cause of obstruction was transverse vaginal septum in 5 cases, imperforate hymen 2, vaginal hypoplasia 1. Three of the patients had no dilatation post operatively and of these, two came back with recurrent obstruction and hematometra. The third one was a case of imperforate hymen and did not develop stenosis despite not being dilated. There were no mortalities.Conclusions: The occurrence of recurrent obstruction following surgical treatment of congenital vaginal obstruction is high. Post-operative dilatation reduces incidence of recurrence.

Reproduction ◽  
2001 ◽  
pp. 649-655 ◽  
K Yoshinaga ◽  
DK Saxena ◽  
T Oh-oka ◽  
I Tanii ◽  
K Toshimori

The monoclonal antibody mMN9 recognizes an antigenic molecule, equatorin, which is localized at the equatorial segment of the mammalian sperm acrosome. Our previous results using an IVF system indicated that mMN9 blocked sperm-oocyte fusion. Antibody-containing and control solutions were injected directly into the right and left oviductal ampullae, respectively, of anaesthetized female mice to assess the effect of mMN9 on fertilization in vivo. After hCG treatment, the females were mated, and their oviductal eggs and implanted embryos were examined. mMN9 was retained in the oviductal lumen at 20 h after injection. The rates of fertilization and concomitant pregnancy were significantly lower than in the control side (P < 0.05). In addition, histological studies showed no evidence of pathological changes in the female reproductive tract after the injections. These results indicate that mMN9 inhibits mouse fertilization significantly under in vivo conditions and that this injection method should be useful for studying the effects of antibodies and agents on fertilization in vivo.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 2519-2522
Pavithra Baskaran ◽  
Nidhi Sharma

Micro perforate hymen is an uncommon congenital defect in which the hymen has a microscopic pinpoint aperture. It is a different entity from imperforate hymen, but it might present with more or less similar complaints. Here we are discussing about a unique case of pinpoint hymenal opening or microperforate hymen where the patient presented to us with primary infertility. Most cases of micro perforate hymen present in the paediatric age group with recurrent urinary tract infections and recurrent vulvovaginitis. Rare cases in a review of literature noted that a patient was seen to present with urethral dilatation during coital activity. In this case report, we present a patient who came with primary infertility who has never been examined in the past. She had regular menstrual cycles but scanty flow with the main complaint of dyspareunia. After examination, she was found to have microperforate hymen and suspected transverse vaginal septum defect. Hence, routine investigations were done, and we proceeded with hymenectomy. This example demonstrates the importance of a thorough genital examination and the inclusion of hymenal abnormalities in the differential diagnosis of women with recurrent dysuria, vaginitis, primary infertility, and oligomenorrhoea, so that early intervention can be done to improve the woman's quality of life and reduce pregnancy difficulties.

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