scholarly journals Tradisi Pemindahan Perempuan dalam Perkawinan Adat Masyarakat Nyura Lele Suku Wee Leo Kabupaten Sumba Barat Daya

Zedi Muttaqin ◽  
Hafsah Hafsah ◽  
Yuan Aristo Malo

Perkawinan adat Sumba, suatu hal yang masih melekat hingga saat ini yaitu tradisi pemindahan perempuan sebagai salah satu tahapan yang harus di lalui agar perkawinan dikatakan sah dan dapat dijemput oleh keluarga laki-laki. Perkembangan zaman dan peradaban yang semakin maju, akhirnya tradisi ini tidak berjalan sesuai dengan kebiasaan yang telah disepakati. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomologi. Dalam penelitian ini peneliti menggunakan sumber data primer di peroleh melalui hasil wawancara sedangkan data sekunder diperoleh melalui dokumen-dokumen dan informasi lain yang terkait dengan penelitian. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan proses Tradisi pemindahan perempuan (Padikina Minne Pala Koro Burru Nauta) pada perkawinan adat masyarakat desa Nyura Lele suku Wee Leo kabupaten Sumba Barat Daya meliputi tahapan perkenalan, tahapan perkenalan adat, tahapan ikat adat dan tahapan pindah dinding turun tangga/ikat pindah. Dalam proses pelaksanan tradisi pemindahan perempuan dalam istilah masyarakat Sumba disebut  padikkina mine pala koro burru nauta (pemindahan perempuan/ mempelai wanita pindah dinding turun tangga) meliputi yaitu membuka/memulai pembicaraan, pemberian Tagu Loka (bagian om/paman), pemberian Tagu Umma Kalada (Belis untuk rumah besar), pemberian Imbalan Air Susu Ibu (Itta Kere Puaro Mata), dan urusan Belis. The traditional wedding of Sumba, a thing that is still inherent to the present is the tradition of Padikkina Minne mone nutmeg Velvet (the transfer of women/brides moved the wall down the stairs) as one of the stages that must be passed so that the marriage is said to be valid and can be picked up by the male family. The development of the time and civilization is progressing, eventually this tradition does not go according to the agreed habit. The method used in this research is a qualitative method with a phenyomological approach. In this research researchers use primary data sources in obtaining through the results of interviews while secondary data is obtained through documents and other information related to the study. The data collection techniques used are observations, interviews and documentation. The results of the study showed the process of women's removal tradition (Padikina Minne Pala Koro Burru Nauta) on the indigenous marriage of the villagers Nyura Lele tribe Wee the West Sumba Regency Power includes the introductory stage, the stage of customary introduction, the stage of customary ikat and the stage of moving the wall down stairs  In the process of the tradition of the removal of women in the community term Sumba called Padikkina mine pala Koro burru Nauta (Transfer of women/bride moving Wall down stairs) covering the opening/starting talks, giving Tagu Loka (part om/uncle), giving Tagu Umma Kalada (Belis for Big House), giving breast milk (Itta Kere Puaro Mata), and Belis affairs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 59
Susanti Krismon ◽  
Syukri Iska

This article discusses the implementation of wages in agriculture in Nagari Bukit Kandung Subdistrict X Koto Atas, Solok Regency in a review of muamalah fiqh. The type of research is field research (field research). The data sources consist of primary data sources, namely from farmers and farm laborers who were carried out to 8 people and 4 farm workers, while the secondary data were obtained from documents in the form of the Bukit Kandung Nagari Profile that were related to this research, which could provide information or data. Addition to strengthen the primary data. Data collection techniques that the author uses are observation, interviews and documentation. The data processing that the author uses is qualitative. Based on the results of this study, the implementation of wages in agriculture carried out in Nagari Bukit Kandung District X Koto Diatas Solok Regency is farm laborers who ask for their wages to be given in advance before they carry out their work without an agreement to give their wages at the beginning. Because farm laborers ask for their wages to be given at the beginning, many farm workers work not as expected by farmers and there are also farm workers who are not on time to do the work that should be done. According to the muamalah fiqh review, the implementation of wages in agriculture in Nagari Bukit Kandung is not allowed because there is an element of gharar in the contract and there are parties who are disadvantaged in the contract, namely the owner of the fields.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 89
Arifin Arifin

Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan tentang kasus penegakan kebijakan protokol kesehatan yang tidak konsisten di Kota Pontianak. Kondisi masyarakat ini merepresentasikan keterlibatan mereka sebagai bagian dari penyelenggaraan kebijakan, khususnya dalam penegakan kebijakan protokol kesehatan di masa pandemic Covid-19. Terjadi ketimpangan yang tidak adil dalam penegakan aturan ini. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pengumpulan data primer melalui wawancara dan observasi. Pengumpulan data sekunder juga dilakukan dengan penelusuran daring. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, ketaatan masyarakat Kota Pontianak terhadap penyelenggaraan aturan protokol kesehatan tergolong baik. Hal ini dilihat dari kepatuhan masyarakat dalam melaksanakan perilaku menjaga jarak, mencuci tangan, dan memakai masker secara konsisten. Meski demikian, ada juga pelanggaran aturan yang terjadi. Hal ini dilihat dari jumlah sanksi atau denda yang diberlakukan kepada sejumlah pengusaha kedai kopi. This paper describes the case of inconsistent health protocol policy enforcement in Pontianak City. The condition of this community represents their involvement as part of the implementation of policies, especially in the enforcement of health protocol policies during the Covid-19 pandemic. There is unfair and inequality in the enforcement of the rule. This research uses qualitative method, with primary data collection by interview and observation. Secondary data collection is also done with online browsing. Based on the results of the study, the adherence of the people of Pontianak city to the implementation of health protocol rules is relatively good. This is seen from the community's compliance in maintaining distance, washing hands, and wearing masks consistently. However, there is also a violation of the rules that occur, this is seen from the number of sanctions or fines imposed on a number of coffee shop entrepreneurs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-49
Budi Sunarso ◽  
Zulviatun Annisa

This study aims to determine the dependence of society on natural resources in Ringinsari village, Boyolali district. To obtain a representative sample there, the qualitative method was carried out by conducting interviews with locals related to the topic of writing. Primary data collection is obtained by means of observation, namely question and answer sessions with the local community. Secondary data is obtained from agencies related to the issue. The data were analyzed by dividing into an analysis of the village environment, an analysis of the lifestyle of the locals, and an analysis of the population's dependence on nature or natural resources. The results showed that the Ringinsari village, Boyolali district is the largest village in one sub-district and has the largest population, namely 66 Family Cards (KK). Most of the locals work as factory workers, farmers and some have set up their own businesses, such as opening basic food stalls. Society is still very dependent on nature because some locals own livestock and manage plantations.

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 92
I Gusti Ngurah Fredi Firawan ◽  
Ida Bagus Suryawan

Nungnung Waterfal is located in Pelaga Village, Petang District, Badung Regency. Nungnung Waterfal have several potentials that can be developed into a natural taourist attraction. It is the researchers wanted to know the potential of what is owned by NungnungWaterfall that can be developed into a tourist attraction. Types of data and data sources used are the data Qualitative, Quantitatif, primary data and secondary data. Collection data by Observasi, interviews, library, and using purpose sampling method, data analytic method using qualitative descriptive that applies the facts found in the field. Nungnung Waterfallhas the potential of natural and artificial potential that could be developed into a tourist attraction. Natural potential possessed NungnungWaterfallis landscapes, mountains, waterfalls, and forests. As for the potential of artificial owned by Nungnung Waterfallnamely supporting facilities including a gazebo for resting place for tourists and take pictures in the area of Nungnung Waterfall.

Ni Putu Sri Prajayanti ◽  
I M Sudana ◽  
I G M Karma ◽  

This research aims to determine the marketing strategy that must be taken from the results of the SWOT analysis at the b Hotel Bali & Spa Denpasar. This study uses primary data sources and secondary data sources with data collection methods through interviews, observation and questionnaires. The analysis technique used is a qualitative descriptive analysis technique, namely the SWOT analysis technique which explains, first, the data collection stage at the Bali Hotel & Spa Denpasar regarding the identification of internal and external factors in the form of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, the second is the analysis stage, and third namely the stage of decision making to determine the strategy to be taken by the company. The research results from the SWOT analysis show that the company is in quadrant I, where it shows a problem regarding for the strength to see opportunities where the strategy taken is the SO strategy used to be applied in developing strategies that can be suggested at management b Hotel Bali & Spa Denpasar, to can improve the progress of the hotel going forward.

Sudarmiani, Waini Astuti

<p><em>This study aims to determine the implementation of the UPPKS program, the role of UPPKS cadres, the supporting components of the UPPKS program and obstacles in family economic empowerment activities through the UPPKS program in Sukorejo Village, Saradan, Madiun. The type of research used is descriptive qualitative with a case study approach. Data sources used are primary data and secondary data. Data collection is done by observation, interviews and documentation. The validity of the data uses source triangulation. The results show, (1) The implementation of family economic empowerment through the UPPKS program in Sukorejo Village runs quite well in savings and loan activities. (2) The role of UPPKS cadres in Sukorejo Village is as facilitators in conveying what their members want to the UPPKS program organizers. (3) Supporting components in the implementation of UPPKS activities in Sukorejo Village are Village Village, Saradan PLKB, and BKKBN. (4) Obstacles in the process of family economic empowerment through the UPPKS program in Sukorejo Village, namely the existence of members who are less active in the activities of UPPKS groups and members who move domiciles, so that UPPKS members are reduced.</em></p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 243
Diah Cahyani ◽  
Weni Nelmira

AbstrakPermasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kerajinan sulaman kruistik di nagari Embunpagi Kabupaten Agam. Kerajinan sulaman kruistik merupakan salah satu kerajinan di Nagari Embunpagi yang mempunyai nilai keindahan tersendiri yang banyak diminati. Sulaman kruistik adalah sulaman yang memakai jahitan benang yang bersilangan membentuk huruf x diatas kain tenunan sejajar.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan bentuk kerajinan sulaman kruistik dilihat dari segi desain dan motif di Nagari Embunpagi. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif. Jenis data yaitu berupa data primer yaitu data yang diperoleh dari pimpinan dan karyawan usaha dan data sekunder yang diperoleh dari dokumentasi. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan cara melalui wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisa data yang dilakukan bersifat induktif berdasarkan fakta- fakta yang ditemukan dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh adalah bentuk desain motif berupa naturalis dengan bentuk bunga dan daun, dan bentuk geometris berupa garis- garis yang disusun.. Kata Kunci: sulaman, kruistik embunpagi.AbstractThe problem in this study was to find out about the crusical embroidery craft in the Embunpagi village of Agam Regency. Crystalline embroidery is one of the handicrafts in Nagari Embunpagi that has its own beauty value that is in great demand. Crewistic embroidery is embroidery that uses cross stitches forming letters x on parallel woven fabrics. The aim of this study is to describe the shape of the crew embroidery craft in terms of design and motif in Nagari Embunagi. The method used in this research is qualitative method. The type of data is in the form of primary data, namely data obtained from business leaders and employees and secondary data obtained from documentation. Data collection techniques by means of interviews, observation and documentation. Data analysis techniques performed are inductive based on facts found and conclusions drawn. The results of the research obtained are the form of motif design in the form of naturalists with flower and leaf shapes, and geometric shapes in the form of lines arranged.  Keywords: needlepoint, embunpagi. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 88-96
Sitti Husna Noviana Djou ◽  
Imam Mashudi

The purpose of this study is: 1) to find out and analyze how the implementation of employee performance appraisal at the Bina Mandiri Gorontalo Foundation; 2) to find out what factors are hampering the implementation of employee performance appraisal at the Bina Mandiri Gorontalo Foundation. This research uses a qualitative approach and the type of research used is descriptive qualitative. Data sources used are primary data sources and secondary data sources. Data collection techniques used are observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis techniques used: data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and concluding. The result of the research shows that the implementation of employee performance appraisal at the Bina Mandiri Gorontalo Foundation based on 7 (seven) performance evaluation indicators can be said to be not yet fully appropriate. Three categorized indicators are by performance appraisal, namely obedience, honesty, and cooperation. Meanwhile, the indicators of leadership, responsibility, and achievement are not appropriate because in the performance evaluation that indicators still less influential. And, the initiative is categorized as inappropriate because in the performance evaluation it does not become a benchmark in performance appraisal. The factors that hampered the implementation of performance appraisal at the Bina Mandiri Gorontalo Foundation were seen from seven factors. Based on the results of the research five factors hinder the performance evaluation, are lack of objectivity, halo effect, Leniency, Strictness, and Personal Prejudices. While the other two factors, i.e. Central Tendency and Recent Behavior Bias is inappropriate because these two factors did not hamper the implementation of performance appraisal at the Bina Mandiri Gorontalo Foundation.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 69
Siti Sopiah

Learning the art of calligraphy based on chemical experiments is an activity of learning the art of calligraphy in developing the potential of students to foster creativity, instill value, and develop productive abilities by using harmless materials, namely using colored plants. The purpose of this research was to determine the process and to obtain calligraphy work in learning the art of calligraphy based on chemical experiments. The type of method used in this research is field qualitative research. The data sources in this study were divided into two: first, primary data sources consisting of the principal, educators, and students of SDN 8 Kawunglarang Rancah; second, secondary data sources obtained through tracing of various references. Furthermore, the data collection instruments used were observation, interviews, and documentation, as well as the data analysis techniques used, namely through three stages including data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of this study indicate that the process of learning the art of calligraphy based on chemical experiments includes the planning, implementation, and evaluation stages. The work of SDN 8 Kawunglarang students is still in the basic stages so there are several mistakes in its making.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 41
Putri Handayani ◽  
Sulastri Caniago

This study aims to explain the practice of paying debts by working in terms of fiqh muamalah in Jorong Malintang Nagari Lawang Mandahiling, Salimpaung District, Tanah Datar Regency. This research is a field research. The data sources consist of primary data sources, namely 7 people who owe, 7 people who give debts and 1 scholar, while secondary data sources are documentation and books and scientific works related to accounts payable. Data collection techniques that the author uses are interviews and documentation. The data analysis technique that the author uses is descriptive qualitative analysis. This study found that the implementation of debt payments by working carried out by the community in Jorong Malintang Nagari Lawang Mandahiling, Sallimpaung District, Tanah Datar Regency, namely debt and money receivables which was only done verbally without any written evidence. If it is due, but the borrower is unable to pay it and the payment is made by working in the person's field with his wages taken in exchange for the debt. The execution of debts paid by work is included in usury where the debtor takes the excess wages for working money when paying his debts.

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