2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 317
Akhmad Mustofa ◽  
Nanik Suhartatik

ABSTRAKKondisi pandemi saat ini memaksa masyarakat untuk mengurangi sebagian aktifitas di luar rumah. Namun demikian bagi warga desa, dengan keterbatasan ekonomi yang ada, maka pengurangan kegiatan di luar akan sangat berpengaruh terhadap pendapatan mereka. Dengan adanya kondisi new normal, maka masyarakat sudah dapat beraktifitas kembali. Namun demikian terbatasnya informasi khususnya dalam menjaga dan meningkatkan imunitas tubuh, maka diperlukan sosialisasi pada masyarakat desa akan pentingnya imunitas tubuh di masa pandemi ini. Kedunggupit sebagai salah satu desa di Kecamatan Sidoharjo yang memiliki 9 dusun di Kabupaten Wonogiri Jawa Tengah juga terdampak oleh kondisi pandemi ini. Masyarakat desa khususnya pemuda yang sebagian besar bekerja di bidang pertanian, mau tidak mau harus tetap beraktifitas untuk dapat memperoleh penghasilan. Kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan memberikan wawasan pada generasi muda yang tergabung dalam Karang Taruna Kedunggupit Sidoharjo tentang bagaimana meningkatkan dan mempertahankan imunitas tubuh di masa pandemi ini.. Peningkatan imunitas ini meliputi pola hidup dan pola makan yang harus dilakukan. Generasi muda Kedunggupit khususnya Karang Taruna yang berjumlah 50 orang menjadi sasaran kegiatan ini. Kegiatan dilakukan dalam bentuk diskusi secara online maupun offline melalui group whatsapp dan pertemuan terbatas dengan pengurus Karang Taruna. Dari kegiatan ini generasi muda telah memperoleh pemahaman yang baik tentang apa yang harus dilakukan di masa pandemi ini, tidak hanya sebatas mematuhi protokol kesehatan, tetapi juga dalam mengatur pola hidup dan pola makan.     Kata kunci: pandemi; pola hidup; pola makan; karang taruna. ABSTRACTThe current pandemic condition forces people to reduce some of their activities outside their house. However, for villagers, with existing economic limitations, the reduction in outside activities will greatly affect their income. With the new normal condition, people can return to their activities. Kedunggupit as one of the villages in Sidoharjo District which has 9 villages in Wonogiri Regency, Central Java was also affected by this pandemic condition. Village communities, especially youths, who mostly work in agriculture, inevitably have to continue activities to earn income. This service activity aims to provide insight to the younger generation who are members of the Kedunggupit Sidoharjo Youth Organization on how to increase and maintain body immunity during this pandemic. This increase in immunity includes a lifestyle and a diet that must be done. Nearly 50 Kedunggupit young people especially youth organization were the target of this activity. Activities are carried out in the form of online and offline discussions through the WhatsApp group and limited meetings with the Karang Taruna management. From this activity, the young generation has gained a good understanding of what to do in this pandemic, not only in adhering to health protocols, but also in regulating their lifestyle and diet. Keywords: pandemic; lifestyle; diet; youth organization.

2008 ◽  
pp. 90-109
N. Gavrilova

Postmodern sentiment in Ukraine is predominantly the young generation, which is concentrated in large cities. It is urbanization that creates the preconditions for the development of cultural and ideological pluralism and individual autonomy. In the diversity of existing worldview paradigms, young people seek to find themselves, including spiritually. In this regard, religion, as a spiritual phenomenon, is inevitably a field of interest for the younger generation.

2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 244 ◽  
Suharyo Suharyo

Abstract This study aims to reveal the fate of the Java language on the one hand and the Indonesian language on the other hand through the selection and defense of language (Indonesia and Java) by the younger generation. How young people choose language as a means of expression in the realm of house and the realm of friendship. (A) determining the location and population and sample, (b) questionnaire distribution to a number of respondents who were then analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively, (c) nonparticipant observation in the daily life of the younger generation, (d) structured interviews and depth using snowball method which then analyzed qualitatively. The population of this research is the entire younger generation of Javanese who live in Central Java. The target population of this study is the younger generation of the various regions who live in Solo, Boyolali, Pekalongan, and Tegal, while the sample was selected randomly. The result shows that (1) the younger generation of Java uses more BI (Bahasa Indonesia) than Javanese (BJ) both in the home and friendship, (2) the young generation of Java will use 100% BI when someday have a spouse, (3) the younger generation of Java has a negative attitude towards BJ, being ignorant of BI, and not proud of BI, (4) the younger generation is more familiar with the vocabulary such as downloads, stakeholders, gadgets, than in BI, and (5) estimated BJ (especially manners) in the next 2 or 3 generations will be abandoned by the younger generation of Java. Intisari Penelitian ini bertujuan mengungkap nasib bahasa bahasa Jawa di satu sisi dan bahasa Indonesia di sisi lain melalui  pemilihan dan pemertahanan bahasa (Indonesia dan Jawa) oleh generasi muda. Bagiamana kaum muda memilih bahasa sebagai alat ekspresinya pada ranah rumah dan ranah persahabatan. Untuk menjawab pertanyaan tersebut dilakukan (a) menentukan lokasi dan  populasi  serta sampel, (b) penyebaran angket ke sejumlah responden yang kemudian dianalisis secara kualitatif dan  kuantitatif, (c) observasi nonpartisipan pada kehidupan sehari-hari generasi muda, (d) wawancara terstruktur dan mendalam dengan menggunakan metode snowball yang kemudian dianalaisis secara kualitatif. Populasi penelitin ini adalah seluruh generasi muda Jawa yang tingal di Jawa Tengah. Adapun populasi sasaran penelitian ini adalah generasi muda dari berbagai daerah yang tinggal di Solo, Boyolali, Pekalongan, dan Tegal, sedangkan sampel dipilih secara acak.  Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa (1) generasi muda Jawa lebih banyak mengunakan BI (Bahasa Indonesia) daripada bahasa Jawa (BJ) baik pada ranah rumah maupun persahabatan, (2) generasi muda Jawa akan menggunakan 100 % BI ketika kelak memiliki pasangan hidup, (3) generasi muda Jawa memiliki sikap negatif terhadap BJ, bersikap abai terhadap BI, dan tidak bangga terhadap BI, (4) generasi muda lebih familiar terhadap kosakata-kokata seperti download, stakeholder, gadget, daripada padan katanya dalam BI, dan (5) diperkirakan BJ (terutama ragam krama) pada 2 atau 3 generasi mendatang akan ditinggalkan oleh  generasi muda Jawa.

Multilingual ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 48-66
Ninawati Syahrul

Characteristics of quality literary works must carry and convey moral messages. As a civilized citizen, the young generation — of course other citizens — must seize moral values in treading diverse lives. In this regard, literary engineering is an idea that should be taken into account as a form of literary approach in accordance with the mental development of the younger generation. How far is literary engineering capable as a new idea to introduce literature to the younger generation, that is the problem in this paper? This paper aims to describe and "sell" the role of literary literacy engineering to improve the literacy culture of the younger generation. The targets include the literary community and / or the community of young people, such as the youth organization, the literature literary forum, and the Student Council (intra-school student organization). This study used descriptive qualitative method. Based on the study of the theory of the younger generation (Stratus Howe) and the results of the analysis, this study shows that literary engineering can be used as a vehicle to improve literacy in the younger generation. Its activities can be in the form of literary rewriting in the form of student editions sourced from classical literary works such as Mahabharata, Ramayana, Siti Nurbaya novels, Salah Asuhan, or even folklore (folklore, folktale). These literary works can also be translated into literary / theater performances, soap operas, short stories, poems, or other forms. Conversely, the genre of poetry can also be "transformed" into other creative works in the form of poetry, fiction or literary / artistic performances. In addition, the work of teen literature is a way to familiarize literature with the younger generation. The success of the literacy movement is of course necessary and must be supported and collaborated with stakeholders, both government agencies, private institutions, art workers, parents, and / or literary practitioners. This literary or artistic activity is expected to be able to improve the literacy movement that is being promoted by the government as of now.

2021 ◽  
Vol 58 (2) ◽  
pp. 315-318
Fayziyeva Yulduz Yusupovna, Mardiyeva Dilrabo Nuriddinovna, Bozorova Madina Mahmudovna

This article summarizes the views of Eastern and Western thinkers on the formation of the worldview of young people, the formation of the development of the scientific worldview. Thus, the formation of the worldview of the younger generation in the age of information technology and the factors that contribute to it are theoretically based.

2021 ◽  
Vol 884 (1) ◽  
pp. 012011
S Jamaludin ◽  
A Ashari ◽  
E P N Saputro

Abstract Merapi Volcano in Central Java which has a high level of activity still holds hazard potential in the future. To reduce the disaster risks, a good disaster management is required. People who live in hazardous areas possess important social capital to enhance disaster management, in the form of local genius to cope with eruption. However, a question arises whether local genius still exists and is accepted by members of the younger generation. This paper presents a discussion about the existence of local genius on the younger generation in the southwest region of Merapi Volcano. The data were collected using some techniques which include interviews, focus group discussions, and literature study. The data were analyzed descriptively supported with scoring and statistical analysis. The results of the study show that local genius is not widely recognized and understood by the younger generation. There are no differences on the understanding of local genius among young members of the society who differ in age. The lack of teaching about local genius between generations causes a low understanding of young generation on local genius. Despite having a high motivation for preserving local genius, the younger generation perceive the local genius as a socio-cultural assets rather than as a source which enhances a disaster management. Overall, this paper presents new insights to understand the existence of local genius among the younger generation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 51
Irman Irman ◽  
Murisal Murisal ◽  
Fadhillah Syafwar ◽  
Silvianetri Silvianetri ◽  
Zubaidah Zubaidah ◽  

This research aims to build spiritual awareness through surau-based counseling. Spiritual awareness is a supporting factor for tourism in the Minang realm, because the community adheres to the customary philosophy of sarak jointed, sarak jointed Kitabullah. The target of service is the young generation and mothers in Nagari Pariangan, Tanah Datar District, West Sumatra. The dedication method uses the Parcipatory Action Reserach technique. The results of the dedication found that surau-based counseling was able to foster spiritual awareness of the younger generation and mothers, the birth of a commitment to make spiritual values as a force in developing tourism, increasing the enthusiasm of young people and mothers to develop tourism based on spiritual values, and the desire to restore the function of the surau as central in building spiritual values.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (01) ◽  
pp. 21
Iwan Kurniawan ◽  
Yudhi Chandra

businesses, but now it can be said that the internet has become one of the mandatory things for various groups, especially the majority of young people. Technological advances are the answer to the progress of globalization that is increasingly enveloping the world. A progress that will certainly have an impact on the civilization of the student's life. The large number of students who also act as users of information and communication technology, proves that their lives are never separated from the role of information technology. The ease of accessing the internet, such as the many scattered internet cafes, schools that began to provide facilities and provide lessons on the internet. But this is not balanced with knowledge about the use and use of the internet that is good for some groups. There is a possibility that there is an abuse of the internet for things that are harmful. The target of the implementation of this service activity is the youth group of kelurahan Kelapa Dua, Tangerang. The target of this training is to get an overview of the use of information technology in this case the internet as a form of activity and work tools in various fields, acquiring skills regarding internet use that can be used as information and entertainment media, and finally, make young people more creative and innovative and applying knowledge that is owned to the community. The output of this activity is to increase knowledge and skills for the younger generation in using and using the internet well. Also the younger generation is able to optimize the use of the internet in existing resource development activities.

Khujanova Tamara Juraevna

The article analyzes the scientific ideological prevention as a factor in the protection of the younger generation. The imposition of ideological immunity in the minds of citizens begins with the family. The root of the concept of love for the Motherland lies, first of all, in the family, in the means of upbringing, and then in the teachings of our ancestors, oriental kindness. Various forms of education and training play an important role in nurturing these concepts in the hearts and minds of young people.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 220-259
Sofian Syaiful Rizal ◽  
Deddy Junaedi

Narcotics abuse is still a serious threat in Indonesia, especially its use is very widespread by some of the public figures of the artists involved in it. So that it becomes a spotlight for young people, especially those whose lives are still unstable, seeing public figures as examples of current trends in the millennial world. The purpose of this study is to minimize and overcome the use of narcotics from various circles, both public figures, BNN, the Police, and the community. The problem approach used in this research is a normative juridical approach and an empirical juridical approach, namely an approach that is carried out through studies of theories, concepts, views, and aspects related to the problems discussed. The results of this study are the formation of teamwork in overcoming the use of narcotics both from all walks of life, especially for public figures (artists) by working together from various parties, both communities, agencies, BNN so that the younger generation of Indonesia is no longer touched by narcotics whose impact is very damaging the nation's young generation, both in socializing, achieving and living a normal life by maintaining akhlaqul karimah/etiquette in social life without narcotics.

2015 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 43-50
Fumiaki SENUMA

This article summarizes the author’s book (Senuma 2007) on kyara in communication among young people in modern Japan, and subsequent research developments.Here, kyara refers to an intelligible, stereotypical abstraction, derived from a person’s prominent traits. Among the young generation, individuals are sometimes assigned a specific kyara by others in their peer group, regardless of that individual's intentions. Accepting and performing that kyara can elevate the mood of the situation, and become the occasion for communication and humour. This is a benefit of kyaras, but they have disadvantages as well. For example, it may be burdensome to perform that kyara, they might not like the kyara assigned by their friends, or they may be troubled by the disconnect between kyara and self. If kyara-based teasing turns into bullying, this can be a source of suffering for youths as well.The above trends have escalated since the publication of Senuma (2007). Situations in which young people should perform kyaras around their friends have increased. Moreover, the younger generation must increasingly use different kyara for different situations due to the popularization of smartphones and the ubiquity of various social networking sites.This “situational use of different selves” is contrary to the identity theory, which posits that people build a consistent self during adolescence. Human relationships and types of friendship are inherently varied, but to the young, fear of losing friends takes precedence, so they perform kyaras to fit in with their friends. If they become too accustomed to performing these kyaras, their innate right to change within their relationships to others could be stripped away by the group dynamic.

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