Multilingual ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 48-66
Ninawati Syahrul

Characteristics of quality literary works must carry and convey moral messages. As a civilized citizen, the young generation — of course other citizens — must seize moral values in treading diverse lives. In this regard, literary engineering is an idea that should be taken into account as a form of literary approach in accordance with the mental development of the younger generation. How far is literary engineering capable as a new idea to introduce literature to the younger generation, that is the problem in this paper? This paper aims to describe and "sell" the role of literary literacy engineering to improve the literacy culture of the younger generation. The targets include the literary community and / or the community of young people, such as the youth organization, the literature literary forum, and the Student Council (intra-school student organization). This study used descriptive qualitative method. Based on the study of the theory of the younger generation (Stratus Howe) and the results of the analysis, this study shows that literary engineering can be used as a vehicle to improve literacy in the younger generation. Its activities can be in the form of literary rewriting in the form of student editions sourced from classical literary works such as Mahabharata, Ramayana, Siti Nurbaya novels, Salah Asuhan, or even folklore (folklore, folktale). These literary works can also be translated into literary / theater performances, soap operas, short stories, poems, or other forms. Conversely, the genre of poetry can also be "transformed" into other creative works in the form of poetry, fiction or literary / artistic performances. In addition, the work of teen literature is a way to familiarize literature with the younger generation. The success of the literacy movement is of course necessary and must be supported and collaborated with stakeholders, both government agencies, private institutions, art workers, parents, and / or literary practitioners. This literary or artistic activity is expected to be able to improve the literacy movement that is being promoted by the government as of now.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 124
Putu Febri Sri Suandari ◽  
Ni Nengah Selasih

<p><em>        Education is one of the most important things that is able to be a change in the world and in changing the younger generation to be better and have character. With the existence of an education that is complemented by religious teachings it self, it will streng then character and reduce the moral and ethical degradation or decline that occurs in every nation's future child. Cultivators of noble moral values, ethics and religious teachings must be planted from an early age so that children become accustomed to them and are able to understand behaviors that should be avoided and prohibited. Therefore the role of parents is very influential on the character of the child because the family is the primary or primary education that the child gets. In addition, to reduce the current moral degradation or deterioration that is prevalent in life, there is a need for cooperation between parents, educators and the government to be able to create a good young generation. In the teachings of Hinduism, there are many teachings that can be used as a guide for life and can be used as character strengthening for children and the younger generation, one of which is known as the teaching of Catur Guru, which is the teaching of how to be devoted, ethical and respecting these four teachers, including self-help teachers. , rupaka teachers, recitation teachers and wisesa teachers.</em></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
Priskila Ferawati Riwu ◽  
Izak Y. M. Lattu ◽  
Rama Tulus Pilakoanu

<p><em>Textile in the life of the Savu is not only understood as a work of art but as a marker of the Sabu genealogical identity which is divided into two. Hubi ae is for sister's bloodline while hubi is for sister's bloodline. This is where the role of patterns and compositions (motifs) in woven fabrics. Sabu people can find out the origin of the users of woven cloth simply by looking at the motives that exist in the weaving that is used. The purpose of this writing is to explore the understanding of the younger generation of diaspora methamphetamine about their eating of motifs in the woven fabric of Sabu in Kupang City. The author uses qualitative research methods by conducting interviews with young gerenasi, parents, traditional leaders who live in the city of Kupang. Based on the data obtained, the authors found that cultural memory in the narrative of woven cloth as an identity is not interpreted as it should be due to the influence of globalization and the crisis of cultural identity. The author also sees that the government has enacted policies in dealing with an identity crisis, such as the use of woven cloth on certain days and empowering weavers in the regions. The author also proposes several efforts that must be carried out by the government that responds to the needs of the younger generation that are synonymous with technological developments such as making official websites for access to accurate and valid information</em><em>.</em></p><p><strong>Keywords: </strong><em>Young Generation; Globalization; Cultural Identity; Cultural Memory; Textile.</em><strong></strong></p><h2> </h2><p><strong>Abstrak</strong></p><p>Tekstil dalam kehidupan orang Sabu tidak hanya dipahami sebagai sebuah karya seni melainkan sebagai penanda identitas genealogis orang Sabu yang terbagai dua.  Hubi ae untuk garis keturunan kakak sedangkan hubi iki untuk garis keturunan adik. Disinilah peran dari pola dan komposisi (motif) dalam kain tenunan. Orang Sabu dapat mengetahui asal dari pemakai kain tenun cukup dengan melihat motif yang ada dalam tenun yang digunakan. Penulisan ini bertujuan mengeksplorasi pemahaman generasi muda sabu diaspora mengenai pemakanaan mereka terhadap simbol motif dalam kain tenunan Sabu di Kota Kupang. Penulis menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan melakukan wawancara kepada gerenasi muda, orang tua, tokoh adat yang tinggal di kota Kupang. Berdasarkan data yang diperoleh, penulis menemukan bahwa memori budaya dalam narasi kain tenun sebagai identitas tidak dimaknai sebagaimana seharusnya disebabkan karena pengaruh globalisasi dan krisis identitas budaya. Penulis juga melihat bahwa pemerintah telah memberlakukan kebijakan-kebijakan dalam menghadapi krisis identitas, seperti pemakaian kain tenun pada hari-hari tertentu dan memberdayakan para penenun di daerah-daerah. Penulis juga mengusulkan beberapa upaya yang harus dilakukan pemrintah yang menjawab kebutuhan generasi muda yang identik dengan perkembangan teknologi seperti pembuatan website resmi untuk akses informasi yang akurat dan valid.<em></em></p><p><strong>Kata kunci :</strong><strong> </strong>Generasi Muda; Globalisasi; Identitas Kultural; Memori Budaya; Tekstil.<strong><em></em></strong></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-9
Erwani Merry Sartika ◽  
Daniel Setiadikarunia ◽  
Aan Darmawan ◽  
Audyati Gany ◽  
Novie Theresia BR. Pasaribu ◽  

Internet of Things (IoT) is a conceptual technology that aims to complement the benefits of internet connectivity that connected continuously. IoT is a paradigm that states that each object can be used as a device that can identify, sense, as long as it is connected to the telecommunications network and provides communication with other equipment that connected to the internet. PAR (Participatory Action Research) is a method that involves interested parties in assessing the actions being carried out to make changes for the better. Youth Organization is a place for the development of the young generation that grows from awareness and responsibility, and officially is supported by the government to develop the potential that exists in the area. Electrical Engineering Study Program of Universitas Kristen Maranatha supports Karang Taruna Haur Galur Sukagalih Village, Bandung City, by providing knowledge, competencies, and skills, especially in the Internet of Things technology. Through this training obtained the results that indicate an increase of 30%, specifically about the knowledge of the nature of capacitors, and knowledge of WiFi. While for some knowledge questions such as LDR, pull-up, and some symbols, a quite good correct answer percentage of around 40% (from all participants) was obtained. The motivation of participants to progress and develop is seen from 100% of participants felt training needed to be continued again.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 91-106
Solahudin Solahudin

This paper is aimed at discussing the strategic role of school (madrasah) in the country. Madrasah is one of the Islamic educational institutions that have an important role for the development of Islamic education in Indonesia. Madrasah is a place to galvanize the mental, moral, and spiritual of the young generation to educate students to be useful beings for the religion, state, and nation. Private Madrasahs as one of the Islamic Education Institutions in Indonesia have a strategic role in the participation of the nation's intellectuals. In the next developments, private madrasahs face complex issues. In one hand, there is a demand to improve the quality in order to compete with state Islamic education institutions and public schools, but on the other hand, the attention of the government, both central and local, to Islamic educational institutions is still low, even they are still placed not as the main class, but the second class of education institutions. The Ministry of Religious Affairs, which became the central policy, began to formulate serious efforts to improve the quality of madrasahs, such as through the Ministry's Strategic Plan.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 317
Akhmad Mustofa ◽  
Nanik Suhartatik

ABSTRAKKondisi pandemi saat ini memaksa masyarakat untuk mengurangi sebagian aktifitas di luar rumah. Namun demikian bagi warga desa, dengan keterbatasan ekonomi yang ada, maka pengurangan kegiatan di luar akan sangat berpengaruh terhadap pendapatan mereka. Dengan adanya kondisi new normal, maka masyarakat sudah dapat beraktifitas kembali. Namun demikian terbatasnya informasi khususnya dalam menjaga dan meningkatkan imunitas tubuh, maka diperlukan sosialisasi pada masyarakat desa akan pentingnya imunitas tubuh di masa pandemi ini. Kedunggupit sebagai salah satu desa di Kecamatan Sidoharjo yang memiliki 9 dusun di Kabupaten Wonogiri Jawa Tengah juga terdampak oleh kondisi pandemi ini. Masyarakat desa khususnya pemuda yang sebagian besar bekerja di bidang pertanian, mau tidak mau harus tetap beraktifitas untuk dapat memperoleh penghasilan. Kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan memberikan wawasan pada generasi muda yang tergabung dalam Karang Taruna Kedunggupit Sidoharjo tentang bagaimana meningkatkan dan mempertahankan imunitas tubuh di masa pandemi ini.. Peningkatan imunitas ini meliputi pola hidup dan pola makan yang harus dilakukan. Generasi muda Kedunggupit khususnya Karang Taruna yang berjumlah 50 orang menjadi sasaran kegiatan ini. Kegiatan dilakukan dalam bentuk diskusi secara online maupun offline melalui group whatsapp dan pertemuan terbatas dengan pengurus Karang Taruna. Dari kegiatan ini generasi muda telah memperoleh pemahaman yang baik tentang apa yang harus dilakukan di masa pandemi ini, tidak hanya sebatas mematuhi protokol kesehatan, tetapi juga dalam mengatur pola hidup dan pola makan.     Kata kunci: pandemi; pola hidup; pola makan; karang taruna. ABSTRACTThe current pandemic condition forces people to reduce some of their activities outside their house. However, for villagers, with existing economic limitations, the reduction in outside activities will greatly affect their income. With the new normal condition, people can return to their activities. Kedunggupit as one of the villages in Sidoharjo District which has 9 villages in Wonogiri Regency, Central Java was also affected by this pandemic condition. Village communities, especially youths, who mostly work in agriculture, inevitably have to continue activities to earn income. This service activity aims to provide insight to the younger generation who are members of the Kedunggupit Sidoharjo Youth Organization on how to increase and maintain body immunity during this pandemic. This increase in immunity includes a lifestyle and a diet that must be done. Nearly 50 Kedunggupit young people especially youth organization were the target of this activity. Activities are carried out in the form of online and offline discussions through the WhatsApp group and limited meetings with the Karang Taruna management. From this activity, the young generation has gained a good understanding of what to do in this pandemic, not only in adhering to health protocols, but also in regulating their lifestyle and diet. Keywords: pandemic; lifestyle; diet; youth organization.

Wildan Taufik Raharja

This research aims to examine social networks that can be accessed by SMEs. Capital has an important role in empowering SMEs in the Coastal Areas of Surabaya City. Some previous studies have shown that empowerment of SMEs is only seen from an economic perspective, such as product marketing, product design, and the role of SMEs in local economic growth. In this study it looks for social networks (stakeholders) with an important role in empowering SMEs and can be accessed by SMEs. This study uses a qualitative method with a case study research strategy. The method of finding data uses in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation.  There are 7 informants from SMEs owners, SMEs associations, government, and private institutions. Data analysis begins with data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and making conclusions / verification. The results of this study showed 5 social network stakeholders that can be accessed by SMEs, namely SMEs, SMEs Associations, Government, Banks, and Private.  The government is the most important institution in developing SMEs. While the limitation of this research is that it has not been able to see further the role of stakeholders that can be accessed by SMEs. Further research can examine the role of stakeholders in SMEs empowerment social networks

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (02) ◽  
Sumadi Sumadi

Abstract : This study aims to determine the extent of the role of education and teaching of Islamic economics to the younger generation towards the younger generation in the era of increasingly massive Islamic economic development. The role of education and teaching of Islamic economics as well as business practices based on sharia principles today is no longer a necessity, but has become a reality and is increasingly widespread. Economic institutions and Islamic business products are emerging and growing in various parts of the world, even among non-Muslim communities. Likewise training and education that prepares personnel for it. In the academic arena, scientific studies on the concept of Islamic economics also continue to roll and deepen. This is a result of the weakness of the existing economic system that is not able to prosper the community, on the other hand the occurrence of a dichotomy in the education system that seems to belong only to the economics faculty in terms of economics is the fulfillment of human needs in its life, so that Islamic economic education should be introduced to all young people, especially the Muslim generation. Based on the explanation above, it is obvious that the development of Islamic economic practices in various aspects is so rapid that it is very necessary to prepare a young generation of Islamic economics that can maintain and continue the existence of Islamic economics. Government support is getting better and accommodating towards the development of Islamic economic practices. Keywords: education, the development of Islamic economics, the younger generation

Feren Alia Hidayat ◽  
Moses Glorino Rumambo Pandin

Pancasila is the identity of the Indonesian nation, which means that Pancasila is a national characteristic that cannot be found in any country. Pancasila points are taken from the noble values of the Indonesian state. These principles contain culture, customs, and national character known as manners, cooperation, and high nationalism. As the successor to Indonesian culture, the young generation must be able to preserve and develop Pancasila. In this era of globalization, there are many challenges for the younger generation in preserving Pancasila. This study aims to provide an overview of the decline of Pancasila identity among the younger generation due to the impact of globalization. The research question that has been determined is how the practice behaviour of the younger generation towards the implementation of Pancasila, the solutions and efforts that all Indonesian people can make regarding the crisis of Pancasila identity in the era of globalization. This research method uses a literature review. The research sources were conducted from the latest journals and books published in 2019 until 2021 related to the theme of Pancasila and the millennial generation. The results showed that globalization has greatly facilitated foreign cultures to enter Indonesia. The younger generations use this foreign culture as a lifestyle without filtering it, whether it contains Pancasila values or not. This causes Pancasila has been forgotten and no longer applied in their everyday life. Young people can make various efforts to preserve the national identity, namely Pancasila. Apart from the role of the young generation itself, Indonesian society can also play an essential role in supporting the younger generation to continue implementing Pancasila in their lives. By conducting this research, it is hoped that Indonesia's young generation can understand, select, and stay away from the negative impacts of globalization that enter Indonesia freely. The solution that can be given from this research is that the younger generation must love their own culture more and practice every principle in Pancasila. Parents, educational institutions, and the government must also support the younger generation to maintain national identity, Pancasila values. The limitation of this research is that the researcher did not conduct any primary data, which means the data were not directly from the source. This causes the accuracy of this study to be less guaranteed. The recommendation that the researchers can give for further research is to obtain primary data to ensure accuracy and explore research topics regarding the fading of Pancasila identity in the younger generation in this era of globalization.

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 184
Agus G. Runtiko ◽  
F. Trisakti Haryadi ◽  
Roso Witjaksono

Tobacco agribusiness has contributed immensely to the economic, social, and cultural lives of the community of Temanggung district. The tobacco industry faces various challenges, such as government regulations regarding its health concerns, poor climatic conditions, decreasing agricultural land, price fluctuation of crops, and ageing farmers. However, the sustainability of tobacco agribusiness in Temanggung district still maintained by continuing their tradition, but threatened in the future by lack of farmers&rsquo; regeneration. This research is aimed at exploring and analysing the transmission of traditional knowledge in the framework of tobacco agribusiness sustainability from the perspective of young-adult family members of tobacco farmers. The focus is on: (1) aspects of social-culture and environment in the transmission of knowledge process; (2) the method of transmission of knowledge from older generation farmers; (3) the opinions of younger generation farmers in the transmission of knowledge process for the future; and (4) the role of younger generation in the transmission of knowledge. This study employed a qualitative case studies approach. Data for this research was acquired through literature review, direct observation, interview, and focus group discussions. A field study was conducted at three villages located in Temanggung district. Results indicated disparities in the level of optimism among young-adult family members of tobacco farmers towards the future of tobacco agribusiness. The high optimism among the young generation is one of the supporting factors of transmission and sustainability of traditional knowledge. This study also found important role of communications as additional points for Transactional Model proposed by Sameroff.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Glisina Dwinoor Rembulan ◽  
Fabianus Fensi

Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) explained that from 2010-2013 Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Indonesia has increased. This explains that interest in entrepreneurship in Indonesia still become a trend that gets attention for the people of Indonesia. The government's concern in the field of entrepreneurship is increasingly directed in various business actors, one of them is the young generation. This is in accordance with the government program in 2017 where the launch of Beginner Entrepreneurship (WP). This explains that the opportunity to start a business at a young age is no longer an obstacle in view of the support from the government that participated in encouraging the new WP in Indonesia. Educational institutions can be a training place for entrepreneurship incubation for students. Encouragement through the role of courses in the institution should be able to walk in harmony. Readiness of students is not uncommon to be a barrier to start a business. This study aims to explain whether there is an influence between the factors of encouragement of educational institutions and entrepreneurship courses to entrepreneurial interests for students. By using SPSS and error rates of 5%, this results that both the educational institution and the role of entrepreneurship courses partially affect student entrepreneurship interests. This study has limitation on the use of sample quantities and independent variables that still tend to be within a small range. Therefore, next researches may consider this as input.<br />Keywords: encouragement, institution, education, intention, entrepreneur

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