scholarly journals The figure “teacher-writer” by J. Williams: novel “Stoner”

2020 ◽  
pp. 112-133
Kateryna Kalynych

The realization of the paradigm “teacher-writer” in the interpretation of American professor and writer John Williams has been researched. The comparison of the author’s biography with the image of the protagonist of the novel – Stoner – revealed that the latter is the prototype of the writer. Along with the evolution development of the main character William Stoner, we have followed the improvement of his teaching methods which was reflected on the pages of the novel. The reader’s attention is logically focused on the main issues, such as the war theme and the mission of the university. It was shown how political events (World Wars I and II) consistently influenced the functioning of the educational institution having direct impact on the behavior of the studenthood. The author puts forward his own concept of the real nature of an academic institution thus defining three university models. The first model – “the Stoner model” – renders a closed institution which cluster the chosen ones in order to implement ideal concepts of scientific activity; the second – “the Finch model” – demonstrates an open institution which realizes its educational and spiritual activities for an appropriate reward; the third model, knows as “Masters model”, sees a university as a shelter for incompetent people and elderly unfulfilled personalities. The conclusions lies in the notion of “perfect education” witch should be specific for any given epoch. For instance, according to J. William’s novel, new realia demand of university to renew its concepts and priorities, the lack of which, in its turn, reasons the logic of the conflict between the past and the present, and this is what the character of William Stoner systematically faces, apparently reflecting the experience of the author himself.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 16-32
Jeantriani Febrita ◽  
Eka Margianti Sagimin

This study investigates Self-Destructive Behavior of Hannah Baker in Thirteen Reasons Why novel, conducted in qualitative approach analysis of self-destructive behavior of the main character and what reasons or the causes of it through the narratives in the Thirteen Reasons Why novel. The goal of the study is to analyze how self-destructive behavior impacted the main character, Hannah Baker which is described using the theory of Self-Destructive Behavior and Defense Mechanisms by Sigmund Freud (1966). The result of this study shows that Hannah Baker developed the self-destructive behavior as a defense mechanisms from herself that triggered by trauma from the past. It started with the non-suicidal self-destructive behavior but soon turns into the suicidal self-destructive behavior. This study also shows how a suicide can really be an impact of the behavior that happens in the novel resulted from a non-suicidal self-destructive behavior that is not handled well, and all the mistreatments that the main character felt which produce the desire for ending her life.Keywords: Self-Defense Mechanism, Self-Destructive Behavior, Sigmund Freud, Suicide, Thirteen Reasons Why.

Myroslava Tomorug-Znaienko

The paper analyzes Lina Kostenko’s historical novel in verse portraying the life of the 17th century  Ukrainian minstrel poet Marusia Churai, condemned to death for poisoning her faithless lover. This work, which grows out of Kostenko’s individualized mythical perception of Marusia Churai legend, represents a unique individual construct in which the heroines’ quest for self-realization is kept in tune with the same yearning of the poetess herself; the author’s attitude towards the myth resembles the heroine’s relations with history. The narrative mode of the novel functions mainly in three aspects; these are the heroine’s confrontation with the carnivalized reality of her trial; her subjective journey inward, into the  ruined self, when her execution was pending; and her objective pilgrimage outward, into the history of her ruined land, after getting pardon. The paper touches upon various aspects of the heroine’s perception of history. The main character is depicted as a witness of contemporary events and a bearer of the Word who keeps harmony with the sacred truth of the past. The Hetman’s ‘pardon’ allows Marusia to move freely through history in order to achieve a deeper understanding of her ruined land and seize its spirit. In the experience of the heroine the historical reality appears as versatile and polyphonic, at the same time remaining integral and inseparable from her personality. Kostenko asserts the rights of poets to create their own epochs, to recreate the past or present from within their own mythical experience, becoming thus not only myth-bearers but also mythmakers.

Rikky Rooksby

Algernon Charles Swinburne (b. 1837–d. 1909) was a major Victorian poet and critic, as well as a central figure in the spread of ideas associated with Pre-Raphaelitism, aestheticism, and the Symbolists. After growing up on the Isle of Wight and in Northumberland, he was educated at Eton and Balliol College, Oxford. He left the university without a degree in 1860, having rejected the Christianity of his family upbringing. By then he had met the artists D. G. Rossetti, Edward Burne-Jones, and William Morris and was determined to be a writer. Swinburne’s second book, Atalanta in Calydon, modeled on Greek tragedy, brought him to the literary world’s attention in 1865. It combined beautiful language with outspoken antitheism. His fourth book, Poems and Ballads (Moxon, then Hotten, 1866), ignited a controversy that made him both a literary phenomenon and a cultural hero to those in Britain and abroad who felt contemporary mores were too restrictive. Bold rhythms and a lyrical style of poetry conveyed controversial political, sexual, and religious themes, as well as those of lost or failed love and transience. After completing the groundbreaking William Blake: A Critical Essay (1868), Swinburne focused his poetic energies on dealing with political events in France and Italy, most notably in Songs Before Sunrise (1871). The republicanism of these poems connects Swinburne to the radical tradition of Blake, Shelley, Landor, Mazzini, Hugo, and Whitman. Other significant books included two more volumes of Poems and Ballads in 1878 and 1889, respectively, and the Arthurian epic Tristram of Lyonesse. Alcoholism and depression undermined Swinburne’s health in the late 1860s and 1870s. His move to Putney in 1879 and a more regulated life ensured continuing productivity as a poet and writer. He also wrote two novels, one unfinished. As an intemperate but insightful critic, he championed neglected authors of the past and many contemporary writers. His influence during the second half of the 19th century has still to be fully assessed.

Ta'rif Ta'rif

AbstractPesantren is the oldest educational institution in Indonesia, which is also a subculture that has been fused and colored to the patterns of social life of religious affairs, nation and state in Indone­sia. Over the time, many pesantrens are transforming themselves. The teaching methods, culture and even pesantren orientation are shifting together with the flow of changing times. The presence of these changes is expected to continue to address the needs of schools and the increasingly complex problems of the people. However, unlike the case of Benda Kerep Islamic Boarding School, a pesantren located at Benda Kerep Block, Argasunya Village, Harja Mukti Sub-district, Cirebon City, West Java. In the middle of the swift current of changes, this pesantren remains committed and defended the noble values and the past traditions. Changes hardly occur either in social, cultural, religious, and learning method aspects. External system changes do not change the existing education traditions and systems. Even the caregivers, using the legitimacy of the pesantren’s founders try desperately to maintain the traditions as an advantage and uniqueness.AbstrakPesantren merupakan lembaga pendidikan tertua di Indonesia yang juga merupakan subkultur yang telah menyatu dan mewarnai corak kehidupan sosial keagamaan, berbangsa dan bernegara di In­donesia. Seiring dengan berjalannya waktu, banyak pesantren yang kemudian mengalami transformasi diri. Metode pengajaran, kultur, bahkan orientasi pesantren bergeser mengikuti arus perubahan zaman. Melalui perubahan ini diharapkan kehadiran pesantren dapat senantiasa menjawab kebutuhan dan pro­blematika umat yang semakin kompleks. Namun demikian, berbeda halnya dengan Pondok Pesantren Benda Kerep, sebuah pesantren yang berlokasi di Blok Benda Kerep Desa Argasunya, Kecamatan Harja Mukti – Kota Cirebon Jawa Barat. Di tengah derasnya arus perubahan, pesantren ini tetap istiqamah mempertahankan nilai-nilai luhur dan tradisi masa lalu. Perubahan hampir tidak terjadi baik dalam kehidupan sosial, kultural keagamaan, serta metode pembelajarannya. Perubahan sistem di luar tidak serta merubah tradisi dan sistem pendidikan yang ada. Bahkan para pengasuh, dengan menggunakan legitimasi wasiat para pendiri pesantren, berupaya sekuat tenaga mempertahankan tradisi tersebut se­bagai sebuah kelebihan dan keunikan tersendiri.

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (4) ◽  
pp. 633-649
Vladimir P. Kazakov ◽  

The article provides an analysis of parenthetical structures in the novel Aviator by Eugene Vodolazkin in light of its genre peculiarities and in the context of communicative registers of the language. In the diary entries of Innokentiy Platonov (the main character of the novel), the parenthetical structures appear instrumental for a variety of communicative tasks, for example, they mark important details of the past and recapture memories of the events making the reader a witness; they also help to provide explanations of situations and actions and express the reaction to what is happening or taking place. The additional speech plan of parenthetical structures easily correlates with: 1) informative register (the author of the diary shares his knowledge with the readers); 2) reproductive register (the events are described as occurring or taking place in front of the author and the readers); 3) reactive register (the author of the diary expresses his reaction to the events of the past and present). The article describes the major groups of parenthetical structures in terms of their meaning, singled out within each communicative register, and provides data on the number of items selected by means of the continuous sampling method. It is established that the most frequent parenthetical structures in the novel are those operating in the context of the informative register, predominantly with the meaning of incidental, clarifying or particularizing information, and also those performing a reasoning function.

Nadezhda I. Pavlova

The article is to study a mythological subtext of the novel “Children of mine” by G. Yakhina, which appeared at different levels: composition, plot, construction of the system of characters ' images. Main character of the novel, Jacob Bach, and his beloved Clara are reunited into a single whole, not only as lovers, but also as representatives of two interrelated and complementary principles of German culture-folklore and literature. The interaction of this pair of heroes should be considered in this symbolic context. Thus, the novel develops a fundamentally significant for its conception motif of prophecy, which implies a subtext about the creation of the world-Logos, which is further developed in the narrative, when the image of the main character fulfills the function of guardian of the cultural memory of the Volga Germans. At the same time, the act of creativity is synonymous with creation, which allows us to grasp in a complex novel whole the repeatability of components of a closed cycle of “myth-life”, fully realized in its narrative structure. Mythological world surrounding Bach is in opposition to the space of Soviet history, embodied in the image of the agitator Hoffmann. There is an inverted picture of the world: historical world as dead and the world of culture as a living world. Thus, in the novel, the poles of life and death exchange places in relation to the present and the past. In view of this conception, one can read a deep intention of the writer representing the word of culture as giving immortality and life in eternity.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (10) ◽  
Julio César Silva Ruiz ◽  
Alex Hugo Ramos Mendoza ◽  
Francisco Isaac Verduga Vélez

Es frecuente escuchar en reuniones informales sobre la asignatura de matemáticas y el pasado estudiantil,  en algunos casos se suele tener respuestas que reflejan apatía a la asignatura, expresada en experiencias poco agradables, llegando hasta seleccionar carreras que no tengan que ver con números ni cálculos matemáticos. Este ha sido motivo de estudio para los autores de la investigación, quienes indagaron en estudiantes universitarios para  conocer en detalle,  si la apatía está relacionada con estudiar carreras que tengan en el currículo la menor cantidad de asignaturas que involucren las matemáticas. El objetivo de este trabajo es determinar las causas de la apatía a las matemáticas en las carreras universitarias humanísticas, para lo cual se utilizó como instrumento de investigación la encuesta a estudiantes de las universidades: Técnica de Manabí y San Gregorio de Portoviejo, en las carreras de Trabajo Social y Jurisprudencia, identificando la principal debilidad de los docentes de matemáticas el  homogenizar su metodología de trabajo, sin considerar que los grupos de estudios, y los estudiantes son distintos, añadiendo también  que realizan diagnósticos inadecuados, que los textos a pesar de traer lecturas motivadoras la actitud de los docentes no contribuyen a una verdadera motivación, generando indiferencia y rechazo a la asignatura, concluyendo que la apatía y poco entusiasmo por la asignatura de Matemática es responsabilidad metodológica de los docentes, los cuales muestran insuficiencias pedagógicas para impartir la cátedra objeto de estudio de esta investigación.  Palabras claves: Didáctica de las Matemáticas, métodos de enseñanza de Matemáticas, Motivación hacia las Matemáticas, Hábitos de estudios.   Summary Is often heard in informal meetings about the subject of mathematics and the past student, on some cases it is usually have answers that reflect apathy to the subject, express on unpleasant experiences, until you select careers that do not have to do with numbers or mathematical calculations. This has been reason of study for the authors of the investigation, who inquired about university students to know in detail, if the apathy is related with study careers that they have in the curriculum the least amount of subjects that involve the mathematics. The object of this work is determining the causes of the apathy to the mathematics in the university humanistic careers, for which the survey of university students was used as a research tool: Technical of Manabí and San Gregorio of Portoviejo, in the careers of Social Work and jurisprudence, identifying the main weakness of mathematics teachers to homogenize their work methodology, without considering that the group of studies, and the students are different, also adding that they make inadequate diagnoses, that the texts in spite of bringing motivational readings the attitude of the teachers do not contribute to a true motivation, generating indifference and rejection to the subject, concluding that apathy and little enthusiasm for the subject of mathematics is methodological responsibility of the teachers, which show pedagogical inadequacies to teach the lecture subject of study of this research. Keywords: Didactics of the Mathematics, teaching methods of Mathematics, Motivation towards Mathematics, Study Habits.

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Dwi Masdi Widada

<p><em>The phrase that describes that a science should be pursued even to China. Novel Assalamualaikum Beijing provides an overview of the presence of Islam in the Bamboo Curtain country. Islamic civilization has appeared some time ago in China. The novel is intentionally prove that Islam was, and triumphed in China. Islam not only had triumphed in Europe, especially Andalusia (now Spain). Travelling around the main character of China as a columnist Asma Indonesia provided a glimmer of hope, strength, and love of the teachings of Islam. Islam never lived and interacted with the people of China. Chinese Muslim faces with hoods and eyes sipitnya show relationships and interactions among the Muslims. Islam in China is known as "pure religion of the sky" .In this novel, the reader is also treated to the values </em><em></em><em>of Islamic education, the history of Islam, and the messages of Islam. Building a mosque in China a sign of the existence of Islam. One of the mosques and Muslim villages in China. This shows the triumph of Islam in the past. The value of education and the propagation of Islam seen in self Zhongwen figures. He was fascinated with friends Mus'ab bin Umair handsome and willing to remove the sparkling world for his new love in Islam</em></p><p><strong><em> </em></strong></p><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><em>Islamic Civilization, Islamic Education Value, China</em>

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 114-122
O. A. Platonova ◽  
L. V. Pugina

In 2021, Russian University of Transport (previously known as MIIT, Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers) turns 125 years old.The Department of Higher Mathematics has existed since the inception of the university and has a rich history.This significant date provides an opportunity to the authors to refer to some of the most important moments in the history of this Russian higher educational institution, as well as to recall the names of some scientists, mathematicians, university professors, whose activities undoubtedly influenced both the level of training of domestic railway engineers, and the high status of the educational institution itself.It is also an opportunity to highlight the continuity of the values of mathematical knowledge for the past and future generations of students in transport and transportation fields.

2019 ◽  
Samirah Almutairi

Jamaica Kincaid is one of the most important contemporary Antiguan- American novelists. In all of her works, Kincaid focuses greatly on the influence of the colonial project from which her nation suffered greatly in the past. This paper offers a postcolonial reading of the novel Lucy (1999). The novel details the life of a girl who left her homeland, Antigua, and went to the United States to work as an au pair for a white family. The paper focuses on the author’s as well as the main character Lucy's anger at everything that reminded them of the colonizers, their homeland and family. This anger is seen as a form of hate traced in Lucy's reaction towards the educational system created by the colonizers, her homeland, and any authoritative figure. Lucy suggests that the educational system, which follows the British teachings, in Antigua asserts the domination of the colonizers and the humiliation of her nation. She hates her homeland because she considers it as a production made by the colonizers. Fleeing to the United States is a way to escape her past. Her hate of any kind of domination or control practiced on her is seen in her bad relationship with her mother and employer. Struggling to overcome her anger throughout the novel, Lucy discovers that the aftermaths of her nation colonial past formulates her present and points to her future.

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