Moh. Zulkifli Paputungan

The purpose of this research is to describe (1) the development strategies of maharah al-kalam (students’ speaking skill) in Muhadatsah course at Madrasah Aliyah Alkhairaat Kota Gorontalo, (2) problems in the development strategy of maharah al-kalam (students’speaking skill) in Muhadatsah course, (3) the solutions to overcome problems in the strategy of developing maharah al-kalam (students’speaking skill) in Muhadatsah. This is a descriptive qualitative research using an educative approach. The data collection method were observation and interview. Strategy in developing maharah al-kalam (students’ speaking skill) in Madrasah Aliyah Alkhairaat, Gorontalo included eight strategies and exercises. The data sources were from the teacher, students, the principal and the leader of Islamic Boarding School. But, just a few students are able to speak arabic language and mastering مهارةالكلام (speaking skill) after they have class of المحادثة (conversation). Some problems are found variously, such as: (1) less of teacher of المحادثة (conversation) and it can be solved by adding some more professional teachers. (2) less of using arabic language in the teachers’ daily life that can be solved by making some written rules and instruction for all of the teachers and staff to speak arabic language in the school. (3) Obligating the students to speak arabic language wherever they are and give punishment to whom did not do it. (4) Realizing the program “Pemberantasan Buta Bahasa Arab” and provide dormitory for the students who live outside the school. And (5) making an innovative way about language development program by involving the students’ parents.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 267-286
Ai Nurholisoh ◽  
Mochammad Fakhruroji ◽  
Dindin Solahudin

Masalah penelitian ini untuk menganalisis strategi pengembangan yang digunakan pondok pesantren Al-Mu’awanah dalam meningkatkan kreatifitas santri, karena banyaknya pesantren yang telah lama berkembang namun pondok pesantren Al-Mu’awanah dengan lingkungan yang sederhana dan fasilitas yang minim dapat menghasilkan santri-santri yang pandai dalam meningkatkatkan kreatifitas sehingga dapat meraih berbagai prestasi dan memiliki berbagai keahlian sehingga menjadi kebanggaan bagi pondok pesantren dan juga bagi keluarganya. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui kemampuan pengelola pondok dalam meningkatkan kreatifitas santri serta untuk mengetahui motivasi dan program yang ada dipondok pesantren Al-Mu’awanah dalam meningkatkan kreatifitas santri. Adapun metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif, karena tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menggambarkan dan memberikan penjelasan tentang strategi pengembangan dipondok Al-Mu’awanah dalam meningkatkan kreatifitas santri. Langkah yang ditempuh dalam penelitian yaitu menentukan lokasi penelitian, metode penelitian, jenis data, sumber data, teknik pengumpulan data dan menganalisis data. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa pengelola pondok Al-Mu’awanah mampu meningkatkan kreatifitas santrinya sehingga sebagian besar santri dapat mengikuti berbagai program dipondok pesantren Al-Mu’awanah dengan baik dan lancar dan menciptakan berbagai kreatifitas santri sehinga santri mendapat penghargaan dari pondok dan kebanggaan bagi keluarganya. Serta dengan motivasi yang diberikan pengelola pondok baik dengan memberikan reward, hukuman terhadap santri yang melanggar, menyelenggarakan fasilitas pondok dan menyelenggarakan berbagai program kegiatan pondok sehingga mampu meningkatkan kreatifitas santri dipondok pesantren Al-Mu’awanah. The problem of this research is to analyze the development strategies used by Al-Mu'awanah Islamic boarding schools in increasing the creativity of santri, because there are many pesantren that have long been developing but Al-Mu'awanah Islamic boarding schools with simple environments and minimal facilities but can produce santri who are clever in increasing creativity so they can achieve various achievements and have various skills so that it becomes a pride for Islamic boarding schools and also for their families. The purpose of this study was to determine the ability of cottage management in increasing the creativity of santri and to find out the motivations and programs available at the boarding of Al-Mu'awanah Islamic boarding school in increasing the creativity of santri. The method used in this study is descriptive method, because the purpose of this study is to describe, and provide an explanation of the development strategy in Al-Mu'awanah in increasing students' creativity. The steps taken in the research are determining the location of research, research methods, data types, data sources, data collection techniques, and finally analyzing. The results of this study indicate that the manager of Al-Mu'awanah cottage is able to increase the creativity of his santri so that most santri can take part in various programs at the Al-Mu'awanah boarding school smoothly and create a variety of santri creations so that the santri gets appreciation from the hut and pride for his family . As well as the motivation given by the management of the lodge both by giving rewards, punishing the violating santri, holding cottage facilities and holding various cottage activities programs so as to increase the creativity of santri boarded by Al-Mu’awanah Islamic boarding schools.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 83-102
Nurholisoh Nurholisoh

The purpose of this study was to determine the ability of cottage management in increasing the creativity of santri, to find out the motivations and programs available at the boarding of Al-Mu'awanah Islamic boarding school in increasing the creativity of santri. The method used in this study is descriptive method, because the purpose of this study is to describe and provide an explanation of the development strategy in Al-Mu'awanah in increasing students' creativity. The steps taken in the research are determining the location of research, research methods, data types, data sources, data collection techniques, and finally analyzing. The results of this study indicate that the manager of Al-Mu'awanah boarding school is able to increase the creativity of his santri. Motivation given by giving rewards, punishing the violating santri, provide facilities and holding various activities programs to increase the creativity of santri boarded by Al-Mu’awanah Islamic boarding school.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-10
Nurul Farida ◽  
Hery Suprayitno

The purpose of this study is to describe the market transaction model "candak kulak" in the empowerment of women in restricted village in Panggungduwet especially those who live in rural areas. The research method uses interview, participant observation and documentation studies. Next is determination of location, building access to informants, and its implementation by collecting data, recording information, breaking content, and storing data again at the initial step. The subject of this research is the market transaction model in the form of "candak kulak" in the Panggungduwet village of Blitar Regency. Analysis that arises in restricted and underdeveloped areas, the development strategy of restricted villages in Blitar District is development in the agribusiness-based agricultural sector, because most of the population are farmers. The output of this study can provide an overview related to the market transaction model "candak kulak" in the restricted village in Panggungduwet Blitar Regency. In this effort to spur development in terms of economic and social aspects in restricted areas, the development program must prioritize three main aspects, namely alleviating poverty, improving the quality of human resources, and building infrastructure.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 82-101
Yunus Yunus ◽  
Jazuli Mukhtar ◽  
Ichwan Nugroho

This study aims to determine the pattern of development strategy Boarding School in Malangke. Pattern or strategic used by the container or place in order to process a change of plans that require the support of all parties to develop and improve educational quality. In this study, researchers used a qualitative research and data sources through interviews with the leadership of the cottage. Boarding school development opportunities in the North Luwu, belonging to the sub-national education system in Indonesia that aims to educate the nation, making the man who is faithful and devoted to God Almighty, noble, healthy, knowledgeable, skilled, creative. In addition, the boarding school New Belawa As'adiyah, considered successful because students-students directly involved in the community, for example in the Holy month of Ramadhan, these students were sent to be Imam in every mosque in Malangke. But beyond the success, there are some some of the barriers faced by Islamic Schools As'adiyah New Belawa (Malangke) include: 1) a more modern curriculum system, so that schools lag far from public schools, 2) Lack of funds and sources of funding due to lack of students. 3) the majority of parents are not keen to send children in school boarding school.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Putri Kholida Faiqoh

Language Environment Approach (Bi’ah Lughowiyah) is a language learning approach that aims to enhance the ability of learners in a foreign language through the utilization of the environment as a learning resource. Speaking skills (Maharah Kalam) are one type of productive skills of learners who require the ability to pronounce sounds correctly, it is a major part of the curriculum of foreign language learning. The Al-Amanah Islamic Boarding School and Darul Hikmah Islamic Boarding School is two of the cottages that there are several activities that aim to develop the ability to speak with students in Arabic, such as Mufrodat Kulla Yaum, Usbu' al-'Araby, Muhadharah, and all of activities about daily speaking skills until monthly. But unfortunately, most students of this cottage did not speak Arabic correctly because mixed by language of their region (Jawa). This research uses a qualitative approach, as well as the type of Multisite research. The results of this study are: 1) The role of Bi'ah Arobiyah in developing Maharah Kalam at the cottage, in terms of the psychological, the role is very helpful, but less. In terms of pedagogic, the role is ineffective. In terms of instructional, there is major role. 2) Supporting factors of Bi'ah Arobiyah that affect the ability of students to speaking Arabic, the position and the positive appreciation of all the inhabitants of the cottage to the Arabic language, Arabic learning materials, Language Activator Division of cottage, rules and punishment, the implementation of the teaching-learning processing a fun atmosphere, and strong motivation of most students. And the inhibiting factors are: the lack of a good education funding for the implementation of Bi'ah Arobiyah, at least media language learning, and most students of this cottage did not speak Arabic correctly because mixed by language of their region. And to solve the problems, intensive evaluation followed by corrections in learning is needed. Keywords: Arabic Environment, Arabic Speaking Skill

2010 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 133
Hisyam Zaini

Modern Islamic Boarding School of Gontor, commonly called Pondok Gontor, is the pioneer of language teaching among pondok pesantrens– islamic boarding schools- in Indonesia. Its reputation is well known nationally and internationally. There have been many researches on its education systems, yet no particular concerns have been given to the study of language used among santris (students of pesantren). For this concern, this paper aims to study the internal condition of language used daily by santris in their daily life. This paper focuses on semantic changes, which occur in santri’s daily language. Due to the usage of Arabic—the language that is the most commonly used by santris— the main focus of this paper is lexical semantic changes in Arabic language. In additions, this paper analyzes the problems in using words. This paper finds that semantically some words are used incorrectly. For example, some nouns are used as verbs, and some other as adjectives. The semantic changes occur amongst santris seem to be influenced by their first language or their mother tongue. Deeper study needs to be conducted in order to get a whole description of the usage of language by the santris.

2015 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 245
Abdul Kholiq Syafa'at ◽  
Siti Aimah ◽  
Lely Ana Ferawati Ekaningsih ◽  
Mahbub Mahbub

This study was conducted to identify and analyze the external factors that can lead to opportunities and threats, as well as internal factors are the strengths and weaknesses for boarding, so we can know what strategies are suitable to appliedi schools in an effort to increase its presence as an Islamic educational institutions in the environment conditions that have changed into modern one. The focus of research is the development strategy of boarding school in an effort to maintain its existence as educational institutions in the era of globalization. This type of research is qualitative research. Data analysis methods used are: a qualitative analysis, which is a series of activities to analyze the data in the study objects that are not expressed in the figures using SWOT analysis. Research results indicate that the development of appropriate strategies to be implemented in the pesantren of Banyuwangi regency there are :1) development of Islamic educational institutions there are two, namely:consistent and adaptive, 2) renewal of pesantren management by application of professional management, 3) improving resource there are namely: enhancement of human resources and improvement of Natural Resources.

2012 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 65
Armen Zulham ◽  
Subhechanis Saptanto

Program minapolitan merupakan salah satu program pembangunan yang bertujuan untuk mendorong pertumbuhan pada kawasan berbasis kelautan dan perikanan. Pada perikanan tangkap laut, pelabuhan perikanan dijadikan zona inti dari program minapolitan dengan tujuan untuk merevitalisasi dan mengoptimalkan pemanfaatan seluruh infrastruktur yang terdapat pada kawasan tersebut. Pemanfaatan infrastruktur itu diharapkan dapat menstimulasi tumbuhnya berbagai kegiatan ekonomi disekitar kawasan pelabuhan perikanan. Tulisan ini didasarkan pada hasil mail survey dari 67 pelabuhan perikanan dan studi mendalam pada 9 (sembilan) pelabuhan perikanan. Tujuan dari tulisan ini adalah untuk menilai kesiapan pelabuhan perikanan dalam melaksanakan program minapolitan dari aspek sosial ekonomi dan menganalisis strategi pelaksanaan program pembangunan pada kawasan minapolitan. Tujuan pertama diperoleh dengan teknik pembobotan berdasarkan 6 (enam) pilar minapolitan, tujuan kedua diperolehdengan analisis SWOT. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan: 5 (lima) pelabuhan perikanan masuk dalam kategori mandiri, 20 pelabuhan perikanan masuk dalam kategori maju, 22 pelabuhan perikanan masuk dalam kategori pemula dan 8 (delapan) pelabuhan perikanan masuk dalam kategori perintis. Pelaksanaan program minapolitan harus dikonsentrasikan pada pelabuhan perikanan mandiri dan pelabuhan perikanan maju. Strategi pengembangan minapolitan pada pelabuhan perikanan katagori mandiri adalah strategi ST (Strengths-Threats). Strategi ini dilakukan dengan memobilisasi infrastruktur yang ada, diikuti dengan berbagai inovasi kebijakan untuk mengendalikan ancaman agar tujuan program minapolitan dapat terwujud. Pada pelabuhan perikanan maju didorong dengan strategi SO (Strengths-Opportunities). Strategi SO dilakukan melalui peningkatan kerjasama dengan Pemda untuk memperbaiki kualitas infrastruktur pelabuhan perikanan. Pengembangan program minapolitan kedepan harus dilakukan dengan konsep klasterisasi pelabuhan perikanan, untuk menghindari persaingan tidak sehat antara pelabuhan perikanan.Title: The Development Strategy of Marine Fisheries in “Minapolitan” Areas.Minapolitan known as one of the marine and fisheries development program in order to stimulate the economic growth in the fisheries areas. In the marine fisheries, the fishing port were chozen as the main location to the implementation of minapolitan program. The aims are to revitalisation and to optimize the infrastructure in fisheries fishing ports. This research was used the data from 67 fishing port in all part of Indonesia. Indept studies were conducted in 9 (nine) fishing ports. The main findings of the research revealed the readiness of fishing port to implementing the minapolitan program classified into for categories; 5 (five) fishing port classified as self developed, 20 fishing port classified as developped, 22 fishing ports remain developing and 8 (eight) fishing ports classified as under developing. Based on SWOT analysis, recommendation for the implementation of minapolitan program should be focused on the fishing ports which were classified as self developed and developed. The development strategy to carry out the minapolitan program in the fishing port under self developed categories was ST (Strengths-Threats) strategy. Main while, the strategies to implement minapolitan program in the fishing ports under developed category was SO (Strengths-Opportunities) strategy. This research also recommended that implementation of minapolitan program among fishing ports should be conduct under cluster policy to avoid the unfair competition among fishing ports.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 26-39
Alfiyatul Azizah

The Arabic language teaching has been developed rapidly through this modern era as a result of the world wide acceptance to study this language. Language enthusiasts as well as the scholars have noticed some development of Arabic language on several ways as well as its advancement according to the linguistic and geographic condition of learners. This study aims to understand some differences of Arabic language teaching for students who speak in single rooted language and students who speak in multiple rooted language. The single rooted language one took a sample from Assalam Islamic Boarding School where all of the student came from single rooted language, Malay language. While another one took a sample from An-Nile Center of Arabic Language Study for Foreigner, Cairo where the students came from several roots of languages, such as Malay, European, Russian, Turkish, African, and so on. In addition, this study aims to understand some difficulties and challenges the students and teachers face, and compare the percentage results of 4 language development skills between the two groups. The result of this study, based on those two institutions’ Arabic teaching methods, it is concluded that the comparison result of 4 language skills shows that the Arabic teaching method for Multiple Rooted Foreign Speakers (Taken from An-Nile Arabic Language Center) is better than Arabic teaching for the single rooted language speakers, especially on the speaking skill. In another side, we found that one of reasons why Arabic teaching method for foreigners from single rooted language speakers is weaker— is due to the tendency of language teachers to perform translation for Arabic words into their own particular language and the less of creative media invention uses which allow them to explain Arabic words with Arabic language.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 55
Zaenal Afandi

<p>Generally Boarding School take religious and morals material as the most priority, but ignoring skills. The consequences is Boarding School graduates always feeling awkward when back to their hometown. Facing that condition, entrepreneurship education become one of concrete solution. This research describe about entrepreneurship education strategy in Al-Mawaddah Boarding School Centre Honggosoco Jekulo Kudus. This reseach belong to field research. Researcher collect data using interview method, observation and documentation. While for the analysts researcher using qualitative descriptive analyst thechniques. This research is held in Al-Mawaddah Boarding School Centre Honggosoco Jekulo Kudus. The result of this research showing that 1). The implementation of entrepreneurship education runs effectively. It can be seen from material that have been submitted and enthusiasm of the santri in running the entrepreneur owned by the Boarding School. 2) is the development strategy of entrepreneurship education in Al Mawaddah Boarding School quite successful that proved by the growing entrepreneurship of Boarding School.</p>

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