Problems of humanization and Russian religious and philosophical thought

2000 ◽  
pp. 3-11
O. O. Romanovsky

In the twentieth century was made grandiose on its scale as an attempt to re-open the idea of ​​development, evolutionism adapted to man - the image and likeness of God, moreover, to influence the further development of man in accordance with the designed purpose - "common good", "the main benefit" (F. Dostoevsky ) Expected result was considered close and easily achievable, so obviously the dependence of "characteristics" from the natural and social environment seemed to be. There was a temptation to create some kind of supersonic "bloc of control" of society, which would "lead" not only a person who had many "disadvantages" but a new, "corrected" person better than the previous one. That is, the idea was to take over (of course, with the help of science) superhuman functions. In this program, three "inorganic" ideas (which are leaked in a world-view paradigm: part of the whole, which was typical of the New Age) organically joined: rationalism, reductionism, and evolutionism.

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 112-117
Dmitry N. ORLOV ◽  
Natalia A. ORLOVA

A review of some concepts of man-made space of the twentieth century is given. The main part of the article is devoted to the analysis of the «second nature» in the Soviet and Western European branches of Marxism. The diff erence of approaches and criticism of some points are presented. One of the examples of the linguistic school of - the hermeneutics of Paul Ricoeur and some examples of existential philosophy philosophy are considered. The concepts and approaches common to diff erent schools of philosophical thought are revealed. The connection of philosophical concepts and professional architectural studies is shown. It can be concluded about the general corpus of the space conclusions, which unites the discourses of diff erent schools. The sum of these concepts allows us to form, with further development, a general theory of man-made space.

2021 ◽  
pp. 9-34
L. M. Alekseeva ◽  
S. L. Mishlanova

An overview of trends in the development of Russian terminology is provided in the article. The issues of the historical roots and stages of development of Russian terminology, the peculiarities of the formation of this science are highlighted, and also the evolution of its main concept “term” is revealed. It is shown that the emergence of terminology as a science correlates with the era of great Russian natural science discoveries, characterized by social challenges. It is noted that one of the prerequisites for the formation of the theory of the term is the Russian philosophical thought of the early twentieth century. An overview of terminological concepts and views is built taking into account the principle of integrity and continuity of the main stages in the development of terminology. The object and subject of terminology in dynamics are shown with an emphasis on the specifics of the development of the term science within the framework of Russian philological science. Particular attention is paid to the description of models of terminological activity in different aspects. It is pointed out that the modern stage of terminology is in the development stage. The main conclusions of the study are formulated and the prospects for the further development of Russian terminology as a science are considered. A long way of development of Russian terminology is presented, demonstrating sufficient grounds for considering it as one of the leading directions of Russian linguistic science. 

R.M. Valeev ◽  
O.D. Vasilyuk ◽  
S.A. Kirillina ◽  
A.M. Abidulin

Abstract The study of the Turkic, including Asia Minor sociopolitical, cultural and ethnolinguistic space of Eurasia is a long and significant tradition of practical, academic and university centers in Russia and Europe, including Ukraine. The Turkic, including the Ottoman political and cultural heritage played a particularly important role in the history and culture of the peoples of Russia, Ukraine and modern Turkic states. Famous states and societies of the Turkic world (Turkic Khaganates, Volga Bulgaria, Ulus Juchi, the Ottoman Empire and other states of the Middle Ages and the New Age), geographical and historical-cultural regions of the traditional residence of the Turkic peoples of the Russian and Ottoman empires and Eurasia as a whole became the object and subject of scientific studies of Russian and European orientalists Turkologists and Ottomans of the nineteenth beginning of the twentieth century.Аннотация Исследование тюркского, в том числе малоазиатского социополитического, культурного и этнолингвистического пространства Евразии является давней и значимой традицией практических, академических и университетских центров России и Европы, в том числе Украины. Особо важную роль тюркское, в том числе османское политическое и культурное наследие играло в истории и культуре народов России, Украины и современных тюркских государств. Известные государства и общества тюркского мира (Тюркские каганаты, Волжская Булгария, Улус Джучи, Османская империя и другие государства Средневековья и Нового времени), географические и историко-культурные регионы традиционного проживания тюркских народов Российской и Османской империй и в целом Евразии стали объектом и предметом научных исследований российских и европейских востоковедов тюркологов и османистов ХIХ начала ХХ в.

1995 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 43-83 ◽  
Tom Mouck

This paper provides an overview of the influence of Newtonian mechanics on the development of neoclassical economic theory and highlights Fisher's role in the popularization of the resulting mechanical conception of economics. The paper also portrays Fisher's The Nature of Capital and Income — a work which has been aptly characterized as the “first economic theory of accounting” — as the first move toward the colonization of accounting by economics. The result of Fisher's influence has been a paradigmatic linkage between the Newtonian world view of science, neoclassical economics, and mainstream academic accounting thought. The picture that emerges from this linkage is then used as a backdrop against which the emerging challenges to economics-based accounting thought are highlighted.

Evan F. Kuehn

This study argues that the core of Ernst Troeltsch’s theological project is an eschatological conception of the Absolute. Troeltsch developed his idea of the Absolute from post-Kantian religious and philosophical thought and applied it to the Christian doctrine of eschatology. Troeltsch’s eschatological Absolute must be understood in the context of questions being raised at the turn of the twentieth century by research on New Testament apocalypticism, as well as by modern critical methodologies in the historical sciences. The study is a revisionist response to common approaches to Troeltsch that read him as introducing problematic historicist and immanentist assumptions into Christian theology. Instead it argues that Troeltsch’s theological modernism presents a compelling account of the meaningfulness of history while retaining a commitment to divine transcendence that is unconditioned by history. As such, his theology remains relevant to theological research today, well beyond theological circles that normally take Troeltsch’s legacy to contribute in a constructive way to their work.

Soil Research ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 53 (8) ◽  
pp. 907 ◽  
David Clifford ◽  
Yi Guo

Given the wide variety of ways one can measure and record soil properties, it is not uncommon to have multiple overlapping predictive maps for a particular soil property. One is then faced with the challenge of choosing the best prediction at a particular point, either by selecting one of the maps, or by combining them together in some optimal manner. This question was recently examined in detail when Malone et al. (2014) compared four different methods for combining a digital soil mapping product with a disaggregation product based on legacy data. These authors also examined the issue of how to compute confidence intervals for the resulting map based on confidence intervals associated with the original input products. In this paper, we propose a new method to combine models called adaptive gating, which is inspired by the use of gating functions in mixture of experts, a machine learning approach to forming hierarchical classifiers. We compare it here with two standard approaches – inverse-variance weights and a regression based approach. One of the benefits of the adaptive gating approach is that it allows weights to vary based on covariate information or across geographic space. As such, this presents a method that explicitly takes full advantage of the spatial nature of the maps we are trying to blend. We also suggest a conservative method for combining confidence intervals. We show that the root mean-squared error of predictions from the adaptive gating approach is similar to that of other standard approaches under cross-validation. However under independent validation the adaptive gating approach works better than the alternatives and as such it warrants further study in other areas of application and further development to reduce its computational complexity.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 109-143
Ying-kit Chan

AbstractIn late imperial China, an extremely small number of bureaucrats adopted corpse admonition (shijian尸諫) to protest with their death what they regarded as inadequacies or failings in the imperial structure. This article introduces the case of Wu Kedu 吳可讀, who killed himself to protest the designation, by the late Qing empress dowagers Ci'an and Cixi, of Guangxu as the emperor, and as the adopted son of Xianfeng and not as the heir to Tongzhi. The article argues that Wu Kedu's suicide, which was highly praised during and after its time, was an attempt to sway bureaucratic opinion to put a check on the arbitrary power of empress dowagers, but instead had the unintended consequence of reinforcing it. More importantly, Wu Kedu's corpse admonition was a precursor of the outpouring of voices of remonstrance over political issues at the turn of the twentieth century, leading to further development of the Chinese “constitutional agenda.”

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 92-108
Newton de Oliveira Lima

The neokantianism as a philosophical school of thought of Law developed as legal knowledge method that searched for a phenomenological intuition prescribe legal values . The linguistic- pragmatic turn in philosophy in the mid- twentieth century led to the replacement of the legal neokantianism by a linguistic methodology on the Law within a justifying discourse procedure of human rights as core values (liberty, equality, common good) and a procedural rationality who returns to Kant as a defense of State of Law. We will seek to map the discourse and Kantian justification of Law from the thought of Ricardo Terra and its approach to legal values as linguistic objects, paving the way for a new legal methodology based on constructed values arguably and according to the principles of kantian reason.

Анастасия Николаевна Кошечко ◽  
Алина Сергеевна Шилова

Введение. Предпринята попытка исследования рецепции антропологического идеала в романе Ф. М. Достоевского «Братья Карамазовы» русскими религиозными философами порубежной эпохи XIX–XX вв. Аутентичное понимание и интерпретация ключевых идей писателя о человеческом идеале, его ценностях и смысле жизни возможны только в контексте православной антропологии. Важность этого материала не ограничивается осмыслением проблемы антропологического идеала и его влияния на дальнейшее развитие русской религиозно-философской мысли, позволяет исследовать особенности художественного мира романа, в том числе специфику репрезентации в идейном поле произведения авторского начала, мировоззрения писателя. Материал и методы. Материалом исследования послужили работы В. С. Соловьева «Три речи в память Достоевского», В. В. Розанова «Легенда о Великом инквизиторе», Н. А. Бердяева «Миросозерцание Достоевского», Н. О. Лосского «Достоевский и его христианское миропонимание», канонический текст романа Ф. М. Достоевского «Братья Карамазовы». Используются культурно-исторический, сравнительно-сопоставительный, структурно-типологический методы. Результаты и обсуждение. Наука о Достоевском начинается именно с трудов русских религиозных философов и мыслителей конца XIX – начала XX в., которые идеи о сущности человека, его предназначении, идеале делают содержательным ядром своих размышлений. Итоговый роман Великого Пятикнижия «Братья Карамазовы» как квинтэссенция жизненного и творческого пути Достоевского, неразрывно связанный с духовными и аксиологическими императивами православной антропологии, наиболее часто привлекается религиозными философами для рефлексии ключевых доминант собственных философских концепций, анализа и аргументации идей. Этот материал позволяет исследовать особенности художественного мира романа, специфику репрезентации в идейном поле произведения мировоззрения писателя и авторского начала, антропологического идеала, неразрывно связанного для Достоевского с такими духовными и ценностными доминантами, как Христос, Православие, святость, народность, добро и зло, и выявить его влияние на дальнейшее развитие русской религиозно-философской мысли. Заключение. Антропологический идеал Достоевского, по мысли религиозных философов, опирается на православное учение о человеке, раскрывающее как антиномичность человеческой природы (pro et contra в терминологии писателя), так и бытийную ее устремленность к Богу, Истине, потребность в добре, вне которых личность осознает свое не-бытие. Доминантами антропологического идеала писателя, которые находят отражение в трудах религиозных философов, становятся святость, красота как этическая доминанта личности, укорененность в ценностях и смыслах христоцентричной в своих основаниях русской культуры. Introduction. This article attempts to study the reception of the anthropological ideal in the novel by F. M. Dostoevsky “The Brothers Karamazov” by Russian religious philosophers of the late 19th–20th centuries. Authentic understanding and interpretation of the writer’s key ideas about the human ideal, its values and the meaning of life is possible only in the context of Orthodox anthropology. The importance of this material is not limited to comprehending the problem of the anthropological ideal and its influence on the further development of Russian religious and philosophical thought; moreover, it allows one to explore the peculiarities of the artistic world of the novel, including the specifics of the representation of the author’s principle in the ideological field of the work, the peculiarities of the writer’s worldview. Material and methods. The research material was the work of V. S. Solovyov “Three Speeches in memory of Dostoevsky”, V. V. Rozanov “The Legend of the Grand Inquisitor”, N. А. Berdyaeva “Dostoevsky’s worldview”, N. O. Lossky “Dostoevsky and his Christian worldview”, the canonical text of the novel by F. M. Dostoevsky “The Brothers Karamazov”. The work uses cultural and historical, comparative, structural and typological methods. Results and discussion. The science of Dostoevsky begins precisely with the works of Russian religious philosophers and thinkers of the late XIX – early XX centuries, which ideas about the essence of man, his purpose, ideally make him a meaningful core of his thoughts. The final novel of the Great Pentateuch “The Brothers Karamazov” as a quintessence of Dostoevsky’s life and creative path, inextricably connected with the spiritual and axiological imperatives of Orthodox anthropology, is most often attracted by religious philosophers to reflect key dominants of their own philosophical concepts, analyze and argue ideas. This material allows us to explore the features of the artistic world of the novel, the specifics of representation in the ideological field of the work of the writer’s worldview and author’s beginning, the features of the anthropological ideal, inextricably linked for Dostoevsky with such spiritual and value dominants as Christ, Orthodoxy, holiness, nationality, good and evil, and to identify its influence on the further development of Russian religious and philosophical thought. Conclusion. Dostoevsky’s anthropological ideal, according to religious philosophers, is based on the Orthodox doctrine of man, revealing both the antinomy of human nature («pro et contra» in the writer’s terminology) and its previous striving for God, Truth, the need for good, outside of which the person is aware of his non-existence. The dominants of the anthropological ideal of the writer, which are reflected in the works of religious philosophers, are holiness, beauty as the ethical dominant of the person, and reproach in the values and meanings of Christ-centered Russian culture in their foundations.

World Science ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (4(44)) ◽  
pp. 34-37
Ірина Смірнова

In the article by I. Smirnova, the problem of the formation of the style of artistry in the amateur orchestral performance of Ukraine and the functioning of orchestral collectives in the conditions of the formation of artistic amateur activities and in the educational work in Ukraine of the 20th and 3rd years of the 20th century is considered. The urgency of the work is due to the fact that the specificity of the formation of amateur orchestral performance in the Ukrainian musical culture of this period is not sufficiently studied, although it played a prominent role in the further development of domestic amateur collective music. The object of attention was the enlightenment movement in Ukraine in the first half of the twentieth century - one of the brightest phenomena of cultural life of that period.

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