Becoming Christ Cathedral : the emergence, rise, and transformation of the crystal cathedral

2016 ◽  
Sarah M. Angne

[ACCESS RESTRICTED TO THE UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI AT REQUEST OF AUTHOR.] The Crystal Cathedral was part of the Reformed Church of America, located in Southern California, started by Reverend Robert H. Schuller. This Protestant place of worship thrived for many years, however, after struggling financially, was sold to the Catholic Diocese of Orange and renamed Christ Cathedral. The key informants, those social actors in charge of defining and designing the Crystal Cathedral and Christ Cathedral, afforded a unique gaze of this fluid built form. They exposed details about place formation, how leaders made sense of design and worship in a transformational space, and how the sacred environment was shaped by context, events, and participant engagement. The findings of the case study, which used a ground theory level of analysis, revealed that the sacredness of the Christ Cathedral was a result of spatial, spiritual, and socio-cultural forces. The lens of this study concentrated on the social perspective of the spatial and spiritual realm, and revealed the story of a sociallyconstructed sacred space; a space hinged on the culture it served and made sacred by the human beings it acted for. As the social actors representing the Catholic Diocese designed their new sacred space, they embraced the impact of the former Protestant ministry and distinct architecture of the Crystal Cathedral, yet disclosed ways the space needed to change. The actors worked with thresholds to more clearly separate the sacred from the profane, incorporated places for rituals to occur, added deliberate symbolism via liturgical art, materials and lighting to directly corresponded to the Catholic faith. This new design enhanced the aesthetics of the space to frame the place as more "authentically Catholic" in order to afford ways participants could bridge across the physical space to the spiritual realm.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 1-18
Tuncay Şur ◽  
Betül Yarar

This paper seeks to understand why there has been an increase in photographic images exposing military violence or displaying bodies killed by military forces and how they can freely circulate in the public without being censored or kept hidden. In other words, it aims to analyze this particular issue as a symptom of the emergence of new wars and a new regime of their visual representation. Within this framework, it attempts to relate two kinds of literature that are namely the history of war and war photography with the bridge of theoretical discussions on the real, its photographic representation, power, and violence.  Rather than systematic empirical analysis, the paper is based on a theoretical attempt which is reflected on some socio-political observations in the Middle East where there has been ongoing wars or new wars. The core discussion of the paper is supported by a brief analysis of some illustrative photographic images that are served through the social media under the circumstances of war for instance in Turkey between Turkish military troops and the Kurdish militants. The paper concludes that in line with the process of dissolution/transformation of the old nation-state formations and globalization, the mechanism and mode of power have also transformed to the extent that it resulted in the emergence of new wars. This is one dynamic that we need to recognize in relation to the above-mentioned question, the other is the impact of social media in not only delivering but also receiving war photographies. Today these changes have led the emergence of new machinery of power in which the old modern visual/photographic techniques of representing wars without human beings, torture, and violence through censorship began to be employed alongside medieval power techniques of a visual exhibition of tortures and violence.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 17 ◽  
Qian He ◽  
Hongjian Qu

Social media, represented by WeChat and micro-blog, has become an indispensable communication tool for human beings. The social media advertising that extends in this environment has also become the focus of enterprise marketing. Based on the brand attitude as the intermediary variable, this paper studies the influence of advertising appeal on the purchase intention under the socialized media environment, and tries to clarify the influence mechanism between the advertising appeal and the consumer purchase intention. Through the related literature, we find out the relationship between the advertising appeal and the brand state and the purchase intention. Put forward relevant research proposals, to enterprises in the social media environment advertising marketing pointed out a new direction.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 111-120
Indah Sri Utari

The community of inmates children as a unique and unique social system is difficult to understand when viewed only from the outside, so it is necessary to systematically attempt to know the values, norms, relationships, and objectives-through where and with what they are living, and understand both their own experiences and the world in which they liveThe situational system of the inmates children as human beings (although in this case is the child) to be fostered, is one of the important elements in the whole process of assistance in the Penitentiary is no exception to the Children Penitentiary in Kutoarjo. The entire penitentiary system design, from the assistance program, the assistance mechanism, and the assistance implementation, is actually determined by the circumstances and the reality of the people who are to be fostered, the inmates.The reality of the children inmates who are always on the "social order" in their various communities is essentially constantly changing. Specifically, this study finds links between: the institutional reality of a children penitentiary, which includes the factual circumstances concerning facilities and infrastructure, and the administrative aspects of KutoarjoChildren Penitentiary. The reality of the member of KutoarjoChildren Penitentiaryin the form of identified number of occupants, placement systems, and formal and informal groupings of the targeted children in addition to the build and formed a community of the assisted children in KutoarjoChildren Penitentiary and the basic elements of the Social System of the Auxiliaries in all the community of assisted children and etc.As Soerjono Sukanto said that even though human "convicts" live in a confined state, they instinctively want to interact with fellow inmates. This instinct is referred to as "gregariousness" (Soekanto: 1998: 73), which in the last instance will give birth to so-called "social groups". In this context created social structure, social system, norms and so on.

2021 ◽  
Michael Owens

The term “place” has been used to identify meaningful locations or buildings in reference to limitless connections, be they sensorial or emotional that develop an embodied memory of space as experienced by the senses. In the contemporary age of digital society the level of technological depth that an individual may be submerged throughout their daily activities has created a barrier between space and its occupant that must be bridged before a sense of place can be established. The following thesis will explore the social impacts of technological advancements in contemporary society which has created a populace of high-tech nomads and the implications of those advancements for physical environment and architecture. Finding ways of bridging that intangible barrier or a gap through architecture will drive space and its formal expression to new levels of interactivity and connectivity that are capable of resurfacing the digitally submerged, strengthening the existing and forging new relationships between people and places. This thesis will explore the bridging of the gap between digital technology and physical space through the advancement of interactive, adaptive spaces, materials, and forms that combine and embody a language and experience of digital design. Each section of the document works towards the establishment of the idea that it is firstly, possible to bridge that gap and to create harmony between the digital and the physical, and secondly to show that this harmony can be meaningful, impactful, and complimentary to the present richness that is the urban fabric. This thesis will investigate the impact and implications of presence of digital technologies on the forms of societal and spatial interaction. As one’s daily life starts to operate within a digital platform independently of the realm of physical space, architecture can become reoriented to establish its new parameters. An attempt to formulate a new language of digital design will allow the development of a new form of architecture, capable of engaging contemporary high-tech society in a new place making. As one begins to communicate and engage with his surroundings via his personal devices and vice versa a new system of interaction between occupants and occupied will emerge, as will new relationship between people and spaces.

Pradeep M.D.

Human beings possess instinct of inquisitiveness in cases of confronting with the unknown aspects of life which probe to attain greater understanding on such uncertainty. This inquisitiveness is the method which man employs for obtaining knowledge is termed as research. It is the art of scientific enquiry into new facts conducted in any branch of knowledge. Generally, Research is the movement from the known towards the unknown to be called as the voyage of discovery. It originally contributes to the existing stock of knowledge facilitating its advancement. Truth is pursued with the help of study, observation, comparison and experiment. Systematic study of the law through doctrinal and non-doctrinal research methods considers to be the socio-legal studies aiming to analyze the impact of legal mechanism on the social system. This paper introduces into the fundamentals of legal research, socio-legal studies, conceptual framework on doctrinal research, steps of doctrinal studies, limitations and differences between doctrinal and non-doctrinal legal research methods.

E. A. Panfilova

The article analyzes the need to develop a new type of interaction between providers of the equipment and its end-users in a changing social and cultural reality. This type of interaction is a guarantee of innovative modernization of Russian industrial facilities, as it is based on a revision of the social reality in light of new information and/or knowledge. The choice of innovative technologies that contribute to fruitful and qualitative relationships among the actors of the social process acquires significance since there have been changes in the role, objectives and potential of technology. The author focuses on the changes in perceptions of social time and space, reflection of consumers (the impact of economic, social and psychological factors on their decision to purchase), and suppliers. There is a reflection of the habitus of social actors in the context of social interaction, based on the organization of innovative practices. Today technology is also reflecting, its symbolic characteristics, contained in the codes of signification, become more important, than technical ones. The research is based on in-depth interviews with experts from the pharmaceutical industry aimed at identifying the factors influencing the decision to purchase an innovative high-quality imported equipments and machinery, which would contribute to the modernization of the existing production process. The author concludes that adequate reflection which promotes the creation and dissemination of new social practices based on close and confidential contacts and development of flexible communication tools would provide for successful modernization of Russia.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 57-76
Tuncay Şur ◽  
Betül Yarar

This paper seeks to understand why there has been an increase in photographic images exposing military violence or displaying bodies killed by military forces and how they can freely circulate in the public without being censored or kept hidden. In other words, it aims to analyze this particular issue as a symptom of the emergence of new wars and a new regime of their visual representation. Within this framework, it attempts to relate two kinds of literature that are namely the history of war and war photography with the bridge of theoretical discussions on the real, its photographic representation, power, and violence.  Rather than systematic empirical analysis, the paper is based on a theoretical attempt which is reflected on some socio-political observations in the Middle East where there has been ongoing wars or new wars. The core discussion of the paper is supported by a brief analysis of some illustrative photographic images that are served through the social media under the circumstances of war for instance in Turkey between Turkish military troops and the Kurdish militants. The paper concludes that in line with the process of dissolution/transformation of the old nation-state formations and globalization, the mechanism and mode of power have also transformed to the extent that it resulted in the emergence of new wars. This is one dynamic that we need to recognize in relation to the above-mentioned question, the other is the impact of social media in not only delivering but also receiving war photographies. Today these changes have led the emergence of new machinery of power in which the old modern visual/photographic techniques of representing wars without human beings, torture, and violence through censorship began to be employed alongside medieval power techniques of a visual exhibition of tortures and violence.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (21) ◽  
pp. 11985
Iris Vilnai-Yavetz ◽  
Anat Rafaeli

Our goal in this paper is to connect workspace design to employee wellbeing and social sustainability. Toward this connection, we introduce and empirically test a new concept of “workspace integration”. This concept refers to the continuum of integration of an employee’s workspace with the organizational, physical space. We further define three workspace affordances that predict the social sustainability of workspace arrangements by influencing employee wellbeing. The three affordances are perceptions of symbolism of the organization and of symbolism of the self, and opportunities for social interactions. We evaluate our theory using data collected from an online survey of British employees (n = 392) working in offices at home and/or in the organization in various industries. As predicted, workspace integration positively influences wellbeing directly as well as indirectly via mediation of symbolism of the organization and opportunities for social interactions. The third affordance—symbolism of the self—positively influences wellbeing, but is not affected by workspace integration. Our findings confirm the impact of workspace affordances on employee wellbeing, and thus their utility for the analysis of social sustainability. The findings also contribute to understanding of the differences between workspace symbolism of the organization and of the self, their impact on wellbeing, and thus their implications for social sustainability.

2021 ◽  
Michael Owens

The term “place” has been used to identify meaningful locations or buildings in reference to limitless connections, be they sensorial or emotional that develop an embodied memory of space as experienced by the senses. In the contemporary age of digital society the level of technological depth that an individual may be submerged throughout their daily activities has created a barrier between space and its occupant that must be bridged before a sense of place can be established. The following thesis will explore the social impacts of technological advancements in contemporary society which has created a populace of high-tech nomads and the implications of those advancements for physical environment and architecture. Finding ways of bridging that intangible barrier or a gap through architecture will drive space and its formal expression to new levels of interactivity and connectivity that are capable of resurfacing the digitally submerged, strengthening the existing and forging new relationships between people and places. This thesis will explore the bridging of the gap between digital technology and physical space through the advancement of interactive, adaptive spaces, materials, and forms that combine and embody a language and experience of digital design. Each section of the document works towards the establishment of the idea that it is firstly, possible to bridge that gap and to create harmony between the digital and the physical, and secondly to show that this harmony can be meaningful, impactful, and complimentary to the present richness that is the urban fabric. This thesis will investigate the impact and implications of presence of digital technologies on the forms of societal and spatial interaction. As one’s daily life starts to operate within a digital platform independently of the realm of physical space, architecture can become reoriented to establish its new parameters. An attempt to formulate a new language of digital design will allow the development of a new form of architecture, capable of engaging contemporary high-tech society in a new place making. As one begins to communicate and engage with his surroundings via his personal devices and vice versa a new system of interaction between occupants and occupied will emerge, as will new relationship between people and spaces.

Enrique Cañas Kirby

ResumenLos movimientos de protesta estudiantil en la historia de Chile del siglo XX configuran un tipo de acción colectiva que tienen como patrón común un grado específico de influencia y agregación de otros actores sociales en momentos críticos del proceso político. Este artículo pretende averiguar el impacto que tuvo en Chile el movimiento 2011 sobre las estructuras formales de poder en el sistema político. Se han levantado teorías sociales acerca de este fenómeno que refieren a formas de participación y representación política que tienden a distanciarse de los asuntos cívicos. Chile no es un caso aislado en este respecto. Para saberlo, es necesario conocer las coordenadas sobre las cuales transcurrió la cuestión social en 2011, sus precedentes y proyecciones.Palabras clave: Movimientos sociales, representación política, teoría política, historia de ChileStudent movement in Chile 2011: Causes and characteristicsAbstractThe student protest movements in the history of Chile in the Twentieth Century formed a kind of collective action having in common a specific degree of influence and aggregation of other social actors in critical moments of the political process. This article aims to determine the impact of the 2011 movement in Chile on the formal structures of power in the political system. Social theories have been raised about this phenomenon referring to forms of political participation and representation that tend to get apart from civic affairs. Chile is not an isolated case in this regard. To find out, it is necessary to know the coordinates on which the social question occurred in 2011, its precedents and projections.Keywords: Social movements, political representation, political theory, history of ChileMovimento estudantil no Chile 2011: Causas e característicasResumoOs movimentos de protesto estudantis na história do Chile século XX configuramse como uma espécie de ação coletiva que tem como padrão em comum um determinado grau de influência e agregação de outros atores sociais em momentos críticos do processo político. Este artigo pretende indagar no impacto do movimento de 2011 no Chile, sobre as estruturas formais de poder no sistema político. Têm sido levantadas teorias sociais sobre este fenómeno referindose a formas de participação e representação política que tendem adistanciarse dos assuntos cívicos. Chile não é um caso isolado a este respeito.Para conhecêlo, é preciso saber as coordenadas sobre as quais transcorreu a questão social em 2011, seus antecedentes e projeções.Palavras-chave: Movimentos sociais, representação política, teoria política, história do Chile. 

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