2012 ◽  
Vol 15 (4) ◽  
pp. 63-70
Lam Minh Nguyen ◽  
Phuoc Van Nguyen ◽  
Triet Minh Lam

The paper presents some results on study of the carrying capacity of Vam Co Dong (VCð) river, section crosing Ben Luc district, Long An province. The MIKE 11 – hydrodynamic and water quality model was used in this study. Main pollutant sources from industry, agriculture, domestic and runoff in the areas were calculated for the simulation. Model results showed that the carrying capacity of the Vam Co Dong river from 2009 to 2015 and to 2020 is limited in dry season, while during the transition of rainny and dry season, the recieving capacity for BOD is about 10 tons/day and 15 tons/day for COD which is rather low. The recieving capacity is increased in rainny season with 75tons/days for BOD and 145 tons/day for COD. Especially, during flooding season (September and OcTober) the receiving capacity can raise up to 150 tons/day for BOD and 300 tons/day for COD. For others water quality parameters, the Vam Co Dong river can recieve certain loadings at some specific sections.Based on the calculated carrying capacity of Vam Co Dong river, we can determine which areas is allowed for wastewater discharge with limited pollution loadings so that the river will not be deteriorated in the future.

2018 ◽  
Vol 69 (8) ◽  
pp. 2045-2049
Catalina Gabriela Gheorghe ◽  
Andreea Bondarev ◽  
Ion Onutu

Monitoring of environmental factors allows the achievement of some important objectives regarding water quality, forecasting, warning and intervention. The aim of this paper is to investigate water quality parameters in some potential pollutant sources from northern, southern and east-southern areas of Romania. Surface water quality data for some selected chemical parameters were collected and analyzed at different points from March to May 2017.

1990 ◽  
Vol 22 (5) ◽  
pp. 69-78 ◽  
D. Müller ◽  
V. Kirchesch

The construction of two or three impounding dams in the remaining freely flowing reach (73 km) of the Danube is under discussion. The purpose of these impoundments is to guarantee a minimum navigable depth of 3 m needed for modern cargo ships and to produce electric power. The impact of these developments is discussed on the basis of experience with similar impoundments further upstream and of the results from water quality model calculations. The mathematical model used is of the deterministic type, calculating the growth of slowly-growing organisms (nitrifying bacteria, algae and zooplanktons) according to MONOD and MICHAELIS-MENTEN. Compared with impoundments on other German rivers or the Iron Gate impoundments on the Danube, the effect of the impoundments under discussion on water quality parameters is likely to be fairly small, reflecting the slight changes in morphology which would be necessary for attaining the water depth required. Therefore, the more important effects of these developments would be the changes in the ecologic situation at the river bed and near the banks of the river.

2008 ◽  
Vol 57 (8) ◽  
pp. 1295-1300
Nayana G. M. Silva ◽  
Marcos von Sperling

Downstream of Capim Branco I hydroelectric dam (Minas Gerais state, Brazil), there is the need of keeping a minimum flow of 7 m3/s. This low flow reach (LFR) has a length of 9 km. In order to raise the water level in the low flow reach, the construction of intermediate dikes along the river bed was decided. The LFR has a tributary that receives the discharge of treated wastewater. As part of this study, water quality of the low-flow reach was modelled, in order to gain insight into its possible behaviour under different scenarios (without and with intermediate dikes). QUAL2E equations were implemented in FORTRAN code. The model takes into account point-source pollution and diffuse pollution. Uncertainty analysis was performed, presenting probabilistic results and allowing identification of the more important coefficients in the LFR water-quality model. The simulated results indicate, in general, very good conditions for most of the water quality parameters The variables of more influence found in the sensitivity analysis were the conversion coefficients (without and with dikes), the initial conditions in the reach (without dikes), the non-point incremental contributions (without dikes) and the hydraulic characteristics of the reach (with dikes).

Mark Anthony A. Lazo ◽  
Louise Mark Kit S. Geronimo ◽  
Lester John T. Comilang ◽  
Kenneth John B. Cayme ◽  
Jay M. Ventura ◽  

The paper presents a multiparameter aquaculture water quality tester with a decision support system. A device was developed to aid aquaculture farmers in monitoring water quality parameters and maintaining or achieving optimal levels by suggesting ways on how a farmer can respond to such measurements. The AQUACISION device measures six different water quality parameters; temperature, practical salinity, pH level, total dissolved solid (TDS), oxidation-reduction potential (ORP), and algae density. Measurements were sent to the AQUACISION application where they were processed to determine the course of action that was best to maintain or achieve optimal levels using fuzzy rules. Based on the comparative result, the AQUACISION was accurate in measuring temperature, practical salinity, pH level, TDS, and ORP during the actual testing. The application also received an excellent rating on the ISO/IEC 25010 software quality model standard

Rumana Yasmin ◽  
Mehady Islam

The current study was performed to monitor in situ condition and spatio-temporal modelling of the present status of water quality parameters of different spawning grounds and sanctuaries of Hilsha. The study was conducted in nine sites in lower Padma River (Maowa) to lower Meghna River (Bhola, Patuakhali) from 1 August 2015 to 31 January 2016. This study demonstrates surface water temperature, salinity, conductivity and transparency were ranged from 19.00-33.00°C, 0.10-2.90 ppt, 125.60-4720.00 µS/cm and 6.60-74.00 cm respectively. The values of pH, DO, free CO2, total alkalinity, total hardness and free NH3 were varied from 6.00-9.50, 4.50-11.60 mg/L, 3.46-24.00 mg/L, 33.00-172.50 mg/L, 34.20-1291.00 mg/L and 0.20-1.40 mg/L respectively. Moreover, water quality model reveals that the present status of some water quality parameters (free CO2, free NH3, transparency) deviated from optimum condition suitable for the normal physiological process and spawning of Hilsha.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (6) ◽  
pp. 118-127
Le Ngoc Tuan ◽  
Tao Manh Quan ◽  
Tran Thi Thuy

The South of Binh Duong province has undergone various economic activities and significantly contributed to the local budget, but has also posed adverse impacts on environment where the decrease in surface water quality is a vital of concern. To evaluate the change in surface water quality and carrying capacity of receiving water bodies in southern waterways of Binh Duong province (not mentioned in this work), the surface water quality data was recalled from 25 monitoring stations during 2012 – 2016 and sampled at 93 locations in the dry season of 2017. In the period of 2012 – 2016, the SWQ fluctuated from very poor to good level (WQI = 20 – 88). The sites of interest were the Chom Sao canal (RSG5), Bung Cu stream (RĐN2), and Thi Tinh river (RTT1) (WQI <7) with high concentrations of BOD5, COD, and coliform, etc. In the dry season of 2017, the SWQ was ranged from very poor to good level (WQI = 16 – 88). Some monitoring locations should be taken into consideration were STT2 in Thi Tinh River, MC25 in Cau Dinh stream, MC50 in Cat - Bung Biep stream, and MC91 in Cai stream due to high concentrations of SS, turbidity, NH4+-N, BOD5, COD, etc. Accordingly, it is necessary to continue studying and assessing the waste water generation, the carrying capacity of receiving water bodies in relation to the local socio-economic development plans, as a basic for local surface water management and the sustainable development.  

2020 ◽  
Vol 26 (2) ◽  
pp. 31-48
Ayu Widya Utami ◽  
Pramiati Purwaningrum ◽  
Diana Irvindiaty Hendrawan ◽  

Abstract. The downstream segment of Citarum River flows from Bendung Curug, Karawang Regency and ends at Muara Gembong, Bekasi Regency. The pollution of downstream segment of Citarum River is caused by settlement, agriculture, farm, and industrial activities that dump their waste into river bodies. This causes a decrease in water quality and reduce the carrying capacity of the downstream segment of Citarum River pollutant. The purpose of this research was to analyze the pollutant load capacity (PLC) in downstream segment of Citarum River using QUAL2Kw model. This research was carried out downstream of Citarum River from segments 16 to 20 which were divided into 9 sections with 11 locations monitoring water quality. Sampling was carried out for 3 periods of observation that the sampling is done twice at each location using grab sampling method. Water quality parameters being modeled are BOD, COD, nitrate, and phosphate. The results of the simulation model of PLC for BOD was 14556.67 kg/day-23456.84 kg/day, COD was 24261.12 kg/day-39094.73 kg/day, nitrate was 24261.12 kg/day-39094.73 kg/day, and phosphate was 485.22 kg/day-781.89 kg/day. Overload of BOD was 0%-26%, COD was 61%-68%, phosphate was 78%-7%. Meanwhile, nitrate load in the Citarum River downstream segment doesn’t exceed its pollutant load capacity. Keywords: Pollution Load Capacity, carrying capacity, Citarum River, Qual2Kw, water quality

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 24-32
Jufri ◽  
Andi Gusti Tantu ◽  
Suryawati Salam

This study aimed to analyze the capacity of assimilation of water quality parameters in the Lake Sentani and identify appropriate management model in the carrying capacity of Lake Sentani. The analysis showed that a key element in the management of Lake Sentani initiated by law enforcement, Coordination area, Strengthening relationships between stakeholders, compromise the level of need and Development OBM, elements other needs are also a key element in the management of Lake Sentani is Equation vision, mission and goals against environmental improvement, and Spatial Planning, the decline in the fraction of the population increases have also impacted on the decrease in the amount of waste that KJA waste, waste of pigs, cattle waste, waste of human feces, the amount of waste, and decrease erosion effect on residential and agricultural erosion. From the results of this study concluded that, for the parameter TDS assimilation capacity of 12184.94 tons / month, BOD of 11.31973 ton / month, COD is 122.4184 tons / month, PO4 of 1.401685 tons / month, NO3 by 185,2202729 tons / month, Fe at 0.226383192 ton / month, Cl amounted 15286.18799 ton / month, SO4 amounted to 1276.118 tons / month, Zn amounted to 0.169118 tons / month, Cu of -0.06125 ton / month, Cr at 0.769953052 ton / month, and NH3 at 8.620493359 ton / month. Parameter Cu, PO4, Zn and Fe is above the value of assimilation capacity, this shows the carrying capacity of Lake Sentani have declined. Policy measures total reduction of pollutant sources is through setting migration of people coming to live in the vicinity of Jayapura and Sentani Lake, approaches to sources, law enforcement, and agricultural intensification.

2017 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 42-56

Pollution of wells and borehole water, either from point or non-point sources, has become a matter of health concern both in urban and rural areas. Groundwater is tapped for domestic uses through the con-struction of hand dug wells and boreholes. However, while providing an alternative to the public water supply sources; most of the boreholes are often located too close to possible contamination sources. Various land use and human activities such as solid waste landfills, cemetery and animal wastes, among others can result in ground water contamination. In an open or buried dumping solid waste or sanitary landfill, the organic and inorganic by-products resulting from the decomposition of wastes are leached out by the infiltration of rainfall. A release of leachate to the surrounding soil without proper collection and treatment could contaminate groundwater resources. Many of the wells and boreholes in the study area were found to be indiscriminately located and scattered among such impairing lands/features. This study was therefore aimed at assessing the pollution hazards and vulnerability of groundwater resource in Abe-okuta North Local Government Area (LGA) by sampling some boreholes from selected locations in the area. Water samples were collected and analyzed for water quality parameters using standard proce-dures. The parameters determined were Turbidity, Temperature, Electrical Conductivity (EC), pH, Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Total Solids (TS), Total hardness, cations {Potassium (K), Sodium (Na), Calcium (Ca), Magnesium (Mg), Manganese (Mn), iron (Fe)}, anions {Chloride (Cl-), Nitrate (NO3-), Sulphate (SO42-), Phosphate (PO43-)}, and heavy metals {lead (Pb2+), Zinc (Zn2+), Copper (Cu2+)}. Results were subjected to statistical evaluations using SPSS 18.0 for descriptive statistics and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). It was observed that the elemental parameters in the bore-holes sampled have mean values of the concentrations of Fe2+, Na+, Cl- , SO42-, Pb2+, Mn2+, Cu2+ and Zn2+ higher during the wet season relative to dry season. For the physico-chemical parameters, it was equally observed that parameters such as EC, TDS, TS, TSS were higher during the wet season than dry season while turbidity, temperature, pH and total hardness were higher during dry season than in the wet season. Water quality parameters such as Fe2+, Pb2+, NO3-, and EC have mean values greater than World Health Organization and NESREA maximum permissible standards for drinking water. Elevated values of these parameters are of great concern to public health when the water from these boreholes is consumed without treatment by people. It is recommended that well and borehole waters in this area be adequately treated before consumption using advanced inorganic removal techniques such as Nano-filtration and Reverse Osmosis to safeguard human health in the study area.Keywords: Boreholes, pollution, water quality, public health, physico-chemical

2015 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 52-60 ◽  
Limin Hou ◽  
Qiang Yue ◽  
Xiangzheng Hu ◽  
Tong Wang ◽  
Liusuo Wang ◽  

The water environmental carrying capacity (WECC) of a city can demonstrate a balance between the level of exploitation of the local water resources and the population growth and concomitant socio-economic development. To begin with, the definition of WECC was elaborated. Combined with hydraulic, hydrologic and water quality data, a one-dimensional water quality model was subsequently applied to simulate the water pollutants (chemical oxygen demand (COD)) in Tieling City. Then, a multi-objective model was applied to explore WECC. Economy, demography, and contaminant were selected as goals, taking into account the constraints of macroeconomic aggregates, water supply, water quality, and population. The results showed WECC could nearly carry all planned gross domestic product (GDP), population in the planning years 2015, 2020, and 2025 with the maximum COD of 30,681.7 t, but not for the condition of maximum COD of 15,709.0 t. That is, COD overload would occur if GDP and population develop as planned. Some measures must be taken to improve WECC in Tieling City, which are valuable for supporting the adjustment and planning for social-economic development.

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