scholarly journals Enhancing Mentally Retarded Students’ Comprehension: The Development of MASH Project-Based Reading Material

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 101-109
Lulu Asyrifah

The development of reading material through Project Based Learning (PBL)strategy using MASH is aimed to meet mentally retarded students’ learning andtarget needs in EFL English reading courses. This study employed a researchand development design which comprises seven stages, namely: a) students’need analysis, design of MASH Project based reading, development, expertvalidation, implementation, reading material evaluation, and final product inthe form of MASH project based reading material. The result of the reading material development took resulted six chapters in terms of number 11-20, expression agree/disagree, and part of house where containing material of thetopic, video, and exercises that utilize Project-Based Learning strategy. Theresult of experts’ validation from an English teacher who assessed the materialrevealed the score was 78% that sorted out into ‘very good’ category and anInformatics teacher who assessed the media revealed the score was 74% thatsorted out into ‘good’ category. While, the result of the students’ responserelated to the product showed the total score was 79% that the students agreewith MASH media to be used in learning process. As its effectiveness towardthe improvement of mentally retarded students’ reading comprehension is notmeasured yet, so an experimental study is addressed for further research tomeet the issue of MASH reading material effectiveness and conduct the similarproject with another media to develop more reading materials and activities.

Nisfu Sari ◽  
Busmin Gurning ◽  
Juli Rachmadani Hasibuan

The aims of this research were: (1) to find out the suitable the reading materials for grade eight students of SMP N 1 Kotapinang, (2) to find out how to design English reading materials based on problem based learning which is suitable to the needs of students of SMK Sinar Husni Medan. The research was conducted by Research and Development (R & D) design through six stages; gathering information and data,analyzing data, designing materials, validating by experts, revising, and final product. The subject of this research was class X students of SMK Sinar Husni Medan consisting of 38 students. The instrumentations for collecting the data were questionnaire and interview. After , anlyzing the data, the researcher got the students’ needs. The data were gathered by administering interview and distributing the questionnaire to 38 students to get the students’needs. The interview and questionnaire results proved that the students needs English reading materials which cointain English relating to their daily life environment. Thus, developing English reading mateials were descriptive text. The products have been validated by experts. The average scores are 5,17 from English Lecturer and 4,68 from English Teacher. It means the developing materials categorized as relevant or appropriate for Grade X Students of SMK Sinar Husni Medan. This research developed Problem Based Learning materials. It covers reading skill and consists of introduction, main lesson and reinforcement tasks. The input was in the form of written texts, vocabulary list and grammar explanation. The students were encouraged to do discussion and involve in active investigation to solve and do tasks. Most of the tasks are done in a small group discussion and in pairs. Based on the results of materials evaluation, the content, language, presentation and graphic of the developed materials are considered appropriate. Keywords : Research and Development (R & D, Problem Based Learning ,Descriptive Text 

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 3
Arisandi Setiyawan ◽  
Dinar Vincy Yunitaka, B

This study was conducted to develop English reading material for midwifery student in Madura Islamic University. The aim was to help students to enrich their experience, build their knowledge, and construct their reading comprehension especially in midwifery context. The procedures of doing the development of this research ( R and D )  were  include of need analysis, material development, expert validation, revision, field testing and final product. To collect the relevant information, the instrument used in this study was need analysis that consist of questionnaires, and interview guide. The information that was gotten from need analysis becomes a basis for developing the reading material. Moreover, Contextual Teaching and Learning strategy was used by the researchers in developing reading material, then the expert validators was carry out to evaluate the material. After revising based on the experts’ suggestion, the next step was field testing, it was done to know the applicability of material development. Finally, the final product of this study consists of ten chapters about reading material which is suitable for the midwifery context.

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
Muvidah Muvidah ◽  
I Wayan Dirgayasa Tangkas ◽  
Eddy Setia

The purpose of this study are; 1) to examine the existing reading materials used today by the students of light motor vehicle program; 2) to find out the reading materials needed by the students of light motor vehicle program; 3) to develop the reading materials students of light motor vehicle program based on quantum learning model.  This study is descriptive qualitative research. This study inspired by ten stages of Educational Research and Development model by Gall, Gall and Borg, 2003, but in implementing the model is simplified and adapted to Dirgayasa (2011) become four steps: 1) Evaluation and need analysis, 2) designing new material, 3) validating material, 4) revision and final production. The Instrument of collecting the data was collected by questionnaire, documentation and interview. The result of this study showed that the students agree that they really need the relevant material which proper to their program and the analysis of the existing reading material and the existing syllabus showed that the both are less relevant for English reading skill for light motor vehicle students. From evaluation research of documentation and interview agreed that the developing of reading material for light motor vehicle is needed combined with the quantum learning model. the final result of this developing material through quantum learning become some activities; enrolling, experience, labeling, demonstration, review and celebrate and with new title which has correlation with light motor vehicle program they are: 1) Introduction world of automotive;, 2) Introduction to tools used by mechanics; 3) Safety rules automotive maintenance safety; 4) How cars work; 5) Light vehicle clutch system; 6) General maintenance. Keywords: reading materials, light motor vehicle program, quantum learning model.

Chrishna Sianturi And Muhammad Natsir

This study is aimed to develop English reading text materials about describing people, food and culinary spot based on students’ needs of Culinary Art. This study was conducted by using Research and Development (R&D). The subject of this research was class X SMKN 10 Medan consisting of 32 students. The language skill was concerned on reading comprehension, particularly in descriptive text. Qualitative data consist of syllabus, lesson plan, and existing teaching materials. Instrumentation for collecting data were questionnaire, interview and existing materials. After analyzing the data, the writer got the students’ need in learning English in term of vocation that they have through questionnaire and interview. After the students’ need had been analyzed, the new reading materials was developed. The developed teaching materials were related to the vocation that the students had; it was culinary art. The development of materials followed six stages; those were gathering information and data, analyzing data, designing new reading material, validating new reading material, revising new reading material, and final product revision. Based on the result of experts’ validation, the developing English reading text materials was equipped with adding one example in each exercise, adding the representative picture in each chapter and adding the generic structure of descriptive text on the reading text. Based on the result of the study, it can be concluded that developing English reading text materials is appropriate (4.32 = 86.55%) to use by the students of Culinary Art.

Sri Wirdani Wulandari And Zainuddin

This study is aimed to develop English reading materials for vocational school. This study was conducted by using Research and Development (R&D). The subject of this research was Grade X students of Culinary Art Department of SMKN 1 Kisaran, Asahan, Sumatera Utaraconsisting of 25 students. The data consist of syllabus, lesson plan, syllabus and existing materials. Instrument of collecting data were questionnaires and interview which were used to collect information about students’ needs and learning needs. The evaluation of existing reading materials showed that the existing reading materials are not intended for students of Culinary Art Department. The existing reading materials are intended for all vocational students. After the students’ need and reading materials had been analyzed, the new reading material was developed that considering the students’ need and the relevant with culinary. The genre of the reading texts which were developed is descriptive text.The product was validated by an English teacher and an English lecturer with the mean score is 4.1 from 5. The product is categorized as “Good and Relevant” reading materials.

Hotmian Sitorus ◽  
Anni Holila Pulungan ◽  
Nora Ronita Dewi

This study concerns on how reading text are developed for vocational school. This study was conducted by using Research and Development (R&D) design. It was started from collecting the data, analyzing data, designing course grid, designing new reading material by using Scientific Approach, validating by experts, and revising for final product. The new reading material contained of five stages namely; observing, questioning, exploring, associating, and communicating. The source of data of this study was the grade X students of Computer Engineering and Networking Program at SMKS Taman Siswa Medan consisting 24 students. Instrument of collecting data were observation, questionnaire, and interview. After analyzing data, the researcher got the students’ need in learning English in term of vocation that they have. The interview and questionnaire result proved that the students need English reading materials which contain English for Computer Engineering and Networking program. The materials which were developed were focused on descriptive text. The product had been validated by the experts. The average scores are 3,4 both from English teacher and English lecturer. It means the developing materials categorized as relevant for students of Computer Engineering and Networking program grade X.Key words: Research and Development (R&D), Scientific Approach, Reading, Material, vocational school, Computer Engineering and Networking program

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 39-45
Hanswaty Noho ◽  
Hasanuddin Fatsah ◽  
Rasuna Talib

The main problem of this study was “What are students of the Vocational School of Computer Networks need in learning English?” and “How is the development of supplementary English materials for reading skill?” The objective aimed at describing the development of supplementary reading materials for the tenth-grade vocational school based on the 2013 curriculum. The subject was the computer networks students in grade tenth in the 2015/2016 academic year consisting of twenty-two students (five males and 17 females). This research used R & D (Research and Development) method. The data were gathered from a number of sources, including students’ need analysis of English reading materials in grade X in the students’ book of 2013 curriculum, supplementary development of the English reading materials for computer networks students, and expert validation of supplementary English reading materials and students’ response after used the supplementary English materials. The findings showed that more than 30% of students were difficult to read the computer networks text and to understand the meaning of the text. The result of students’ book analysis was none of the reading materials appropriate for computer networks department, mostly provided General English. In developing the supplementary English reading materials for computer networks students, there were four stands, in which the current research only applied three out of the four stands, including define, design and developed. This supplementary English reading material helped the computer networks students to learn English based on their need.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 61-78
Andi Mukarramah Nagauleng ◽  
Nur Halimah ◽  
Muhammad Imran

Reading skill as a part of receptive skills are given the first priority in language curriculum and in Islamic education. Reading skill is important because it is a medium of communication and a tool for learning. This study aims to find out the effectiveness of English reading material based on islamic value for Islamic higher education in IAIN of Manado, that support the students learning and coprehension the Islamic values through the English reading materials. This study applied a qualitative approach using a case study design where researcher conducted the in-depth exploration of the events, processes, and activities to one or more people who are bound by time and activity. The researcher used this type of research is due to the subject of this study is only one class of second semesters students, they are 21 students. The researcher was a key instrument who participated actively in the activities. In collecting data, the researcher used observation, interview, field note, and documentation. The data were analyzed concurrently with the data collection interactively through the process of data reduction, display and verification using domain analysis, taxonomic, conventional, and cultural theme analysis. The researcher found that with apply Islamic value in reading texts materials, beside students more easily understand it, texts Islamic value can also improve the character of students as Muslim students.

Imamul Khaira And Anni Holila Pulungan

This study is aimed to develop English reading materials for vocational school.This study was conducted by using Research and Development (R&D). Thesubject of this research was Grade X students of Light Vehicle EngineeringDepartment of SMK YPT Pangkalan Brandan consisting of 22 students. The dataconsist of syllabus, lesson plan, syllabus and existing materials. Instrument ofcollecting data were questionnaires and interview which were used to collectinformation about students’ needs and learning needs. The need analysis showedthat 81.8 % of students had difficult to understanding English reading text becausethe text is not relevant, difficult to understand the structure of word and sentencesin reading text and difficult to conclude the reading text. The evaluation ofexisting reading materials showed that the existing reading materials are notintended for students of Light Vehicle Engineering Department. The existingreading materials are intended for all vocational students. After the students’ needand reading materials had been analyzed, the new reading material was developedthat considering the students’ need and the relevant with vehicle. The genre of thereading texts which were developed is descriptive text. Based on basiccompetence, kinds of descriptive text which developed are describing people,tourism place, and historical building. The product of this study consists of fivechapters which titles are Soichiro Honda, Museum Angkut, Coventry TransportMuseum, TMII Transport Museum, and Cadillac Ranch. The product wasvalidated by an English teacher and an English lecturer with the mean score is 4.1from 5. The product is categorized as “Good and Relevant” reading materials.

Zhana Sabrina Amelia ◽  
Busmin Gurning ◽  
Isli Iriani Indiah Pane

This study concern on how reading text materials are developed for fashion design vocational school. The objectives of this research were: (1) to design English reading material for students in Fashion Design Program, (2) to develop English reading material for students in Fashion Design Program. This study was conducted by using developmental research (R & D). The subject of the research was grade twelve in SMK N 10 Medan consisting of 33 students. Instrumentation for collecting data was document, questionnaire, and interview. After analyzing the data, the writer got the students’ need learning English based on their program in school. Based on the students’ need analysis, it was got some reading materials from the students’ book are not appropriate with the syllabus. Then, there is reading material that should develop based on their syllabus and their need. After the materials had been designed, the reading materials were done. The results show of the 84.1% from the Expert – lecturer and 92.1% from the Expert – English teacher, for the new reading material and the categorized is “relevant” as the reading material criteria. The developed teaching materials were related to the vocation that the students had; it was fashion design program. The development of materials followed six stages; those were gathering information and data, analyzing data, designing new reading material, validating expert, revising new reading material from experts’ suggestion and developing reading material (final product). Keywords: Develop, Reading Text Materials, Fashion Design, Vocational School, Developmental Research

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