scholarly journals Analysis of Technology Innovation Adoption of Plant Calendar in Cimanuk Pandeglang District, Banten Province

Ari Surachmanto ◽  
Prahastiwi Utari ◽  
Andre N Rahmanto

The Ministry of Agriculture has designed a planting calendar technology so that farmers can carry out the cultivation using the technical guidelines. But at the operational level the adoption rate of the planting calendar technology is still relatively low. This paper aims to describe how the process of adoption of agricultural technology innovation, especially regarding the planting calendar occurs in farmers in Cimanuk sub-district, Pandenglang, Banten. location-based rice specific and know the level of adoption. The results of the study illustrate that the adoption of the planting technology innovation in the Cimanuk sub-district is influenced by the needs of the farmers themselves to the planting calendar technology itself. In addition, the nature of farmers' cosmopolitanism also influences how the adoption of the calendar planting technology is among them. On the other hand, agricultural extension workers have actually worked well in providing material related to planting techniques as guided by the planting calendar, and generally farmers in the Cimanuk Pandeglang sub-district gave a positive appreciation. It's just that the habits and the strength of their traditional farming patterns have occupied the highest position in their mindset in farming.

2015 ◽  
Vol 30 (2) ◽  
Marcello De Rosa ◽  
Felice ADINOLFI ◽  
Fabian Capitanio ◽  
Renato Salvatore

The paper aims to test the influence of agricultural extension services on the propensity of farms to adopt innovations: the relationship between use of agricultural extension services and innovation adoption in a sample of Italian farms are investigated by means of an econometric model. To emphasise territorial discrepancies, areas with different degrees of rurality and North/South differences are analysed. Our results confirm, on the one hand the goodness of the selected econometric model; on the other hand, they provide for useful nonnative prescriptions on how improve links between extension adoption and introduction of innovations.

Jeanne C. Samuel

This article proposes a hypothetical model for determining rate of diffusion of an innovation in a system. The model modifies Everett Rogers’ S-curve using an index created from Gartner’s hype cycle phases. Rogers’ model for technology innovation adoption demonstrates that cumulative technology diffusion in a system from zero through the late majority adopters’ phase forms a curve resembling the letter “S”. Hype cycles analyze the five emotional stages technology adopters go through from over-enthusiasm (hype) though disappointment until it plateaus (beginning of mainstream adoption). When numbers assigned to the phases of adoption from the hype cycle are used as multipliers and applied to the cumulative adoption data of an innovation (Rogers’ S-curve), the “S” becomes a “J”. With the J-curve you can determine the rate of innovation diffusion in an organization.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 546-553
Ristina Siti Sundari ◽  
Andri Kusmayadi ◽  
Budhi Wahyu Fitriadi

 Almost people like any fishes, but some do not like the fish rancid even after processing. Catfish shredded is one of the processed processes. Turmeric, ginger, lemon, tamarind, vinegar, starfruit is often used to eliminate the fishy smell, but it still has taste left by itself. Community service was conducted to empower them and cope with the fishy smell problem. So that modified to the new variance beside the original product. Dan largen market share. Women Farmer Group for fisheries processing produces the object due to extension and implementation to adopt the technology innovation about catfish shredded processing to eliminate rancid on a fish odor. We hope this engagement and empowerment will become sustainable and spread out to other women farmer groups and animal products based on our research to raise economic circles. The group had a pre-test and post-test to measure the understanding and innovation adoption level. This engagement resulted in two variances of catfish by original and rancid free enriched with antioxidant of oregano leaf. The other result is that this new variance has more voluminous than the original in the same weight.

2018 ◽  
Vol 35 (1) ◽  
pp. 59
Cut Rabiatul Adawiyah

<p>Adoption process of effective agricultural technology innovation requires various forms and channels of communication between users. Personal communication between individuals and communication in small groups (farmers’ group) are two forms of communication that has been used as a mainstay in agricultural extension activities. Personal communication usually occurs horizontally between farmers, and vertically between farmers and agricultural extension officers. Personal communication between farmers can take place outside and also within farmers’ groups. This paper is a review of various theories and research results regarding the importance of communication in small groups. The results showed that communication in small groups becomes an important component in delivering information materials, i.e. technology and other information. In the group, in addition to ongoing communication, it is also a place of performing discussion and learning among peasants, as well as a unit of decision for unity of action in adopting technology.</p><p> </p><p>Abstrak</p><p>Proses adopsi inovasi teknologi pertanian yang efektif membutuhkan beragam bentuk dan saluran komunikasi antar pelakunya. Komunikasi personal antar individu serta komunikasi dalam kelompok kecil (kelompok tani) merupakan dua bentuk komunikasi yang selama ini dijadikan sebagai andalan dalam kegiatan penyuluhan pertanian. Komunikasi personal biasanya terjadi secara horizontal antar petani, dan secara vertikal antar petani dengan petugas penyuluh pertanian. Komunikasi personal antar petani dapat berlangsung di luar dan juga di dalam kelompok tani. Tulisan ini merupakan review ilmiah dari berbagai teori dan hasil-hasil penelitian berkenaan dengan pentingnya peran komunikasi dalam kelompok kecil. Hasil telaahan menunjukkan bahwa komunikasi dalam kelompok kecil menjadi komponen penting dalam menyampaikan materi informasi baik berupa teknologi maupun informasi lain. Di dalam kelompok, selain berlangsung komunikasi juga sekaligus menjadi tempat diskusi dan belajar antar sesama petani, di samping sebagai unit keputusan untuk kesatuan tindakan dalam mengadopsi teknologi.</p>

2016 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 211
Muh Amin

Information technology based on cyber extension is one of agricultural communication tools to achieve farmers welfare. Cyber extension is a technology innovation to accelerate communication of agricultural information to the user , so that information can be obtained more quickly, precisely and relevant to farmer demands.The study aimed to analyze the effectiveness and behavior of farmers in using cyber extension as a medium of communication and information in support of agricultural development. The study method was survey with 86 farmer as sample respondents. The data were analyzed descriptively and using path analysis. The results show that the effectiveness of cyber extension is influenced by the farmer characteristics, farmers interaction and farmer perception. The effectiveness of cyber extension is the most strongly influenced by farmer characteristics (coefficient rate 0.328 ), and can be seen from the availability of information technology facilities and motivation of farmers to seek required information for farming activities. On the other hand, farmer's behavior is directly influenced by farmer perception and farmer effectiveness in using cyber extension. In addition, cyber extension is strongly effective to influence farmer behaviour with a coefficient of 0.413.

2019 ◽  
Max Kleissler

The European Company (SE) is characterised by negotiable co-determination, which makes it attractive from the point of view of German companies in particular, despite incomplete legal regulations. However, the law assigns the negotiations on co-determination on the part of the companies exclusively to the so-called management bodies, although these are not only concerned with co-determination at an operational level, but also within the supervisory board. On the other hand, the law is extremely rudimentary on the participation of shareholders. It is precisely this shareholder participation that is the subject of the investigation, including its supplementation to a coherent system. Not only the formation procedure, but also the possibilities of participation are examined if there are renegotiations on the previously negotiated co-determination regime. Finally, the work deals with proposals to improve shareholder participation de lege ferenda.

1999 ◽  
Vol 173 ◽  
pp. 249-254
A.M. Silva ◽  
R.D. Miró

AbstractWe have developed a model for theH2OandOHevolution in a comet outburst, assuming that together with the gas, a distribution of icy grains is ejected. With an initial mass of icy grains of 108kg released, theH2OandOHproductions are increased up to a factor two, and the growth curves change drastically in the first two days. The model is applied to eruptions detected in theOHradio monitorings and fits well with the slow variations in the flux. On the other hand, several events of short duration appear, consisting of a sudden rise ofOHflux, followed by a sudden decay on the second day. These apparent short bursts are frequently found as precursors of a more durable eruption. We suggest that both of them are part of a unique eruption, and that the sudden decay is due to collisions that de-excite theOHmaser, when it reaches the Cometopause region located at 1.35 × 105kmfrom the nucleus.

A. V. Crewe

We have become accustomed to differentiating between the scanning microscope and the conventional transmission microscope according to the resolving power which the two instruments offer. The conventional microscope is capable of a point resolution of a few angstroms and line resolutions of periodic objects of about 1Å. On the other hand, the scanning microscope, in its normal form, is not ordinarily capable of a point resolution better than 100Å. Upon examining reasons for the 100Å limitation, it becomes clear that this is based more on tradition than reason, and in particular, it is a condition imposed upon the microscope by adherence to thermal sources of electrons.

K.H. Westmacott

Life beyond 1MeV – like life after 40 – is not too different unless one takes advantage of past experience and is receptive to new opportunities. At first glance, the returns on performing electron microscopy at voltages greater than 1MeV diminish rather rapidly as the curves which describe the well-known advantages of HVEM often tend towards saturation. However, in a country with a significant HVEM capability, a good case can be made for investing in instruments with a range of maximum accelerating voltages. In this regard, the 1.5MeV KRATOS HVEM being installed in Berkeley will complement the other 650KeV, 1MeV, and 1.2MeV instruments currently operating in the U.S. One other consideration suggests that 1.5MeV is an optimum voltage machine – Its additional advantages may be purchased for not much more than a 1MeV instrument. On the other hand, the 3MeV HVEM's which seem to be operated at 2MeV maximum, are much more expensive.

2005 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 129-132 ◽  
Reimer Kornmann

Summary: My comment is basically restricted to the situation in which less-able students find themselves and refers only to literature in German. From this point of view I am basically able to confirm Marsh's results. It must, however, be said that with less-able pupils the opposite effect can be found: Levels of self-esteem in these pupils are raised, at least temporarily, by separate instruction, academic performance however drops; combined instruction, on the other hand, leads to improved academic performance, while levels of self-esteem drop. Apparently, the positive self-image of less-able pupils who receive separate instruction does not bring about the potential enhancement of academic performance one might expect from high-ability pupils receiving separate instruction. To resolve the dilemma, it is proposed that individual progress in learning be accentuated, and that comparisons with others be dispensed with. This fosters a self-image that can in equal measure be realistic and optimistic.

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