scholarly journals Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan Agama Alternatif: Studi Kasus pada SMP Al-Hikmah Surabaya

Djuhardi AS

AbstractAn alternative religious education is a learning institution that has the advantages of entrenched religious values and teachings in response to the existing religious education systems believed to have met none but less public expectations. Its appearance hence can be caused by cultural, social and spiritual factors. Whatever is offered to the community, the religious education should basically serve to provide learnenrs with divine worth in addition to knowledge and skills, democratic values and so on. An alternative model of religious education for the community, thus, find its significance in the context of cultural initiatives they carry out in response to the one failing to perform as expected. The AL-Hikmah Junior is selected for sampleng for it has its own peculiarities and leads viewed from such aspects as institution, vision and mission, management, as well as facilities and infrastucture in addition to its different cultural environment from that of other existing mainstream educational institutions in the same region. AbstrakPendidikan agama alternatif merupakan lembaga pendidikan yang memiliki keunggulan dalam penanaman nilai-nilai dan ajaran agama sebagai respon terhadap sistem pendidikan agama yang ada karena dianggap belum memenuhi harapan masyarakat. Munculnya pendidikan agama alternatif dapat disebabkan faktor kultural, sosial amupun keagamaan. Apapun yang ditawarkan pada msyarakat, pada dasarnya pendidikan agama harus berfungsi untuk memberikan peserta didik dengan nilai-nilai ilahiyah, pengetahuan dan keterampilan, nilai-nilai demokrasi dan sebagainya. Jadi model pendidikan agama alternatif bagi masyarakat menemukan signifikansinya dalam konteks inisiatif kultural yang dilakukan masyarakat sebagai respon terhadap model pendidikan yang tak memenuhi harapan. Pemilihan Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) AL-Hikmah karena lembaga pendidikan ini memiliki kekhususan dan keunggulan tersendiri, baik dari kelembagaan, visi dan misi, manajemen, sarana dan prasarana yang dibangun serta lingkungan budaya sekolah yang berbeda dengan lembaga pendidikan mainstream yang ada dimana SMP AL-Hikmah berada.

Numen ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 62 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-39
Vasudha Narayanan

India is home to more than 800 million Hindus and has a massive higher education system that is overseen by the University Grants Commission (ugc). Despite this, there are hardly any departments of religion or Hinduism in India, but the ugc, even though it has a secular mission, funds universities with explicit religious affiliations. This article traces the reasons for these paradoxes and discusses the apparent lacuna of religious studies departments by looking at the genealogy of the study of religion in India. It initially looks at the contested terrain of nineteenth-century educational institutions. The work of British missionaries, Orientalists, and government officials form the imperial context to understand Charles Wood’s momentousDespatch(1854), which, on the one hand, argues for secular institutions but, on the other, tries to accommodate the work of the Orientalists and the missionaries. Wood recommends a system in which government subsidies, secular education, and universities with overt religious profiles become interlocked, but the formal study of religion is bypassed. Finally, I reconsider what the “dearth” of religious studies and the “absence” of Hinduism departments reveal about the construction of religion in India itself. The lack of conceptual correspondence between “religion” and “Hinduism” as taught in Western academic contexts does not preclude the formal study of religion in India. Instead, the study of religion is conducted within particularized frameworks germane to the Indic context, using a network of unique institutes. Reflection on these distinctively Indian epistemological frameworks push new ways of thinking about religious education and the construction of religion as an object of study in South Asia.

Neofilolog ◽  
2010 ◽  
pp. 185-194
Marzanna Karolczuk

The aim of the present paper is to attempt to analyze selected factors which influence the learning of a second or foreign language. The goal is also to present the results of preliminary studies based on the observations of Russian language lessons. The introduction of a second foreign language into schools makes teaching multilingual. Students’ native language together with the languages they learn in and outside educational institutions all contribute to establishing a unique linguistic and cultural environment. The process of teaching and learning of a second language should refer to students’ knowledge and skills, which they acquired during their previous learning experiences.

Wahid Khozin

AbstractThe research undertaken in one of regencies with Moslem minority is aimed at understanding the condition of religious educational institutions, religious values taught and community expectation with respect to religious education in the future. The research findings show that numerous components of religious educational institutions, including their numbers, were so insufficient. The types of religious educations provided were oriented to the cultivation of religious principles such as faith-morals, daily prayers, and al-Quran reading and writing. Community expected that religious education in the future be increased both in their quantity and the quality of the materials transferred.

Ta dib ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 191
Mubasyaroh Mubasyaroh

Religious and moral education from an early age so needs to be invested for the child, so that in the future they will have a strong and deep understanding of the norms and teachings of Islam. Age children early childhood and kindergarten (TK) is a time to play, so education is implemented particularly religious education should be designed properly by the teacher so that the education process into an active and fun activities. Kindergarten (TK) Putra Harapan Nalumsari Jepara is one of the educational institutions that provide education for early childhood, with one lesson material is a moral and religious education. Moral education is one of the materials is very important because in load values, morals and religion, so this will be a guide for students in later life. The research method used is descriptive qualitative research to describe in detail the subjects and issues to be studied. The findings in this study is the cultivation of religious values and morals for children Kindergarten revolves around the activities of daily life. In particular cultivation of religious values with laying the foundations of the faith, personality or character that is commendable and devotional practices, in accordance with the child's ability is implemented. As one of the early childhood education institutions, in conducting the study, have several models of delivery Edutainment, habituation and uswah hasanah as a reference implementation of teaching and learning.Pendidikan agama dan moral sejak usia dini perlu ditanamkan bagi anak, sehingga di masa depan mereka akan memiliki pemahaman yang kuat dan mendalam dari norma-norma dan ajaran Islam. Usia anak-anak usia dini dan taman kanak-kanak (TK) adalah waktu untuk bermain, sehingga pendidikan diimplementasikan khususnya pendidikan agama harus dirancang dengan baik oleh guru sehingga proses pendidikan menjadi kegiatan yang aktif dan menyenangkan. TK (TK) Putra Harapan Nalumsari Jepara merupakan salah satu lembaga pendidikan yang memberikan pendidikan bagi anak usia dini, dengan satu bahan pelajaran adalah pendidikan moral dan agama. pendidikan moral adalah salah satu bahan yang sangat penting karena di nilai beban, moral dan agama, jadi ini akan menjadi panduan bagi siswa di kemudian hari. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif untuk menjelaskan secara rinci subyek dan isu-isu yang akan diteliti. Temuan dalam penelitian ini adalah penanaman nilai-nilai dan moral agama untuk anak-anak TK berkisar pada aktivitas kehidupan sehari-hari. Dalam budidaya tertentu nilai-nilai agama dengan meletakkan dasar-dasar iman, kepribadian atau karakter yang praktek terpuji dan kebaktian, diimplementasikan sesuai dengan kemampuan anak. Sebagai salah satu lembaga pendidikan anak usia dini, dalam melakukan pendidikan, memiliki beberapa model pengantar Edutainment, pembiasaan dan uswah hasanah sebagai acuan pelaksanaan belajar mengajar.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-27
Syarifatul Marwiyah

  In the dynamics of pesantren education, the development of Islamic boarding schools has undergone changes and shifts in several aspects along with the progress of the times and the development of science and technology. Islamic boarding schools are slowly adopting formal educational institutions to maintain the image of the Islamic boarding schools and to maintain or increase the number of students living in the Islamic boarding schools. Ma'had Aly when viewed from the map of education including formal diniyah education, in this case the Government issued several policies related to Islamic Religious Education in Ma'had Aly. The whole series of higher education systems in the style of pesantren (Ma'had Aly) in an effort to create ulama 'which is currently a rare thing, the pesantren with a spirit of independence are able to boost back religious education that is tafaqquh fi al-din. Therefore, the government should pay more attention to providing support and assistance that is equivalent to other Islamic higher education. Keyword: Education Policy and Ma'had Aly Dalam dinamika pendidikan pesantren perkembangan pondok pesantren telah mengalami perubahan dan pergeseran dalam beberapa aspek seiring kemajuan zaman dan perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi. Pondok pesantren perlahan-lahan mengadopsi lembaga pendidikan formal untuk mempertahankan citra pondok pesantren serta memepertahankan atau menambah jumlah santri yang bermukim di pondok pesantren. Ma’had Aly jika dilihat dari peta pendidikan termasuk pendidikan diniyah formal, dalam hal ini Pemerintah mengeluarkan beberapa kebijakan-kebijakan terkait Pendidikan Agama Islam yang ada di Ma’had Aly. Seluruh rangkaian dari sistem pendidikan tinggi ala pesantren (Ma’had Aly) dalam upaya menciptakan ulama’ yang pada saat ini merupakan hal yang langka, maka pesantren dengan jiwa kemandiriannya mampu mendongkrak kembali pendidikan agama yang tafaqquh fi al-din. Oleh karena itu pemerintah seharusnya  lebih memperhatikan dengan memberikan dukungan  dan bantuannya yang setara dengan pendidikan tinggi islam lainnya. Kata Kunci: Kebijakan Pendidikan dan Ma’had Aly

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-51
Fithriyah Putri Perdana ◽  
Agustinus Ngadiman

Religious and moral education from an early age so needs to be invested for the child, so that in the future they will have a strong and deep understanding of the norms and teachings of Islam. Age children early childhood and kindergarten (TK) is a time to play, so education is implemented particularly religious education should be designed properly by the teacher so that the education process into an active and fun activities. Kindergarten (TK) Darma Wanita Sekardangan, Sidoarjo is one of the educational institutions that provide education for early childhood, with one lesson material is a moral and religious education. Moral education is one of the materials is very important because in load values, morals and religion, so this will be a guide for students in later life. The research method used is descriptive qualitative research to describe in detail the subjects and issues to be studied. The findings in this study is the cultivation of religious values and morals for children Kindergarten revolves around the activities of daily life. In particular cultivation of religious values with laying the foundations of the faith, personality or character that is commendable and devotional practices, in accordance with the child's ability is implemented. As one of the early childhood education institutions, in conducting the study, have several models of delivery Edutainment, habituation and uswah hasanah as a reference implementation of teaching and learning.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 237
Endang Syarif Nurulloh

Development of awareness of the importance of the environment is a journey that must be pioneered for the sake of the survival of the next generation so that it is not threatened due to irresponsible human behavior today. Environmental education aims at introducing various values ​​and explaining concepts to develop the ability of attitudes and skills needed to understand and appreciate the mutual relations between humans, culture, and the biophysical environment. This analysis was developed as an effort to further explore the development of environmental awareness in Islamic education. The development of environmental awareness can be implemented through religious values ​​with an environmental perspective in Islamic educational institutions. The religious climate in the environment in Islamic educational institutions can be realized through approaches: 1) the creation of a religious education environment, 2) the realization of worship facilities, 3) the realization of the learning method by using the approach of religious values ​​in every learning, especially religious values ​​with an environmental perspective 4 ) the realization of the example of educators who have noble morals in particular having a concern for the environment.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 145-157
Winarto Eka Wahyudi

The process of Islamic religious education in schools has so far been centered on teaching materials. The materials have a varied segmentation of discussion, especially in the aspects of aqidah, ritual, akhlaq, history and so on. The values of Islamic teachings contained in teaching materials are not only related to both empirical and concrete aspects of knowledge. There are also the ones dealing with the abstract and unreasonable aspects. For example in the aqidah subject matter, there are discussions about belief in God, angels, the hereafter and so on. In this paper, the writer experimented with a learning method that integrates the cooperative learning approach with the Abid al-Jabiri's epistimological foundations. On this stand, the aqidah material in educational institutions is expected to run effectively on the one hand, and not to reduce the fundamental values of Islamic teachings on the other hand.

2019 ◽  
Vol 35 (1) ◽  
pp. 192-199
Tjeppy Tjeppy

The difficulty of providing an understanding of the values of religion to students in schools is feared to be one of the causes of the emergence of acts of violence in educational institutions. So the purpose of this article is to analyze the understanding of religious values as one way to prevent violence in educational institutions. This research method is qualitative with descriptive analytic approach, and the type of research belongs to category of library research. Primary data sources are 10 books, while secondary data sources are from relevant journals. The conclusion of this article is that violence occurs in educational institutions must be the government's concern. The number of cases of students persecuting their teachers even some has died is an indicator that religious education obtained is only memorized. Students do not understand the purpose and objectives of learning religious education, and this is also because teachers are unable to provide an understanding of the essence of religious education.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (7) ◽  
pp. 1003
Sigit Budiyanto ◽  
Ibrahim Bafadal ◽  
Burhanuddin Burhanuddin

<p><strong>Abstract:</strong> This research was conducted using a qualitative approach with a multi-site study design. This research was conducted at Kertaraja Buddhist College in Batu and Smaratungga Buddhist College in Ampel. This study aims to explain (1) religious values that inspire the leadership of monks in Buddhist educational institutions, (2) the type of monk’s leadership in Buddhist educational institutions, (3) the principles of monk's leadership in Buddhist education institutions. The results of this study are as follows: first, internal encouragement in the form of experience as a leader and encouragement to serve and meet academic qualifications, while external encouragement is basically appointed by the foundation to become chairman. Religious values in the leadership of monks in higher education institutions of Buddhism are values contained in the dasa raja dhamma. Second, the type of monk leadership in Buddhist religious education institutions is mixed, namely: democratic type, delegate leadership behavior and participative leadership. The way the head of higher education involves members to achieve organizational goals is by placing the right people, giving the vice chairman a big role and active participation of members. A personal figure as a monk who is a Buddhist clergyman and uses a humanistic approach, as well as an element of kinship in work culture. Third, the use of communication tools by the Head of the Buddhist College when not in place.</p><strong>Abstrak:</strong><em> </em>Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan rancangan studi multi situs. Penelitian ini dilakukan di STAB Kertaraja Batu dan STIAB Smaratungga Ampel. Penelitian ini bertujuan menjelaskan (1) nilai religius yang menjiwai kepemimpinan <em>bhikkhu</em> di lembaga pendidikan agama Buddha, (2) <em>jenis </em>kepemimpinan <em>bhikkhu</em> di lembaga pendidikan agama Buddha, (3) prinsip kepemimpinan <em>bhikkhu</em> di lembaga pendidikan agama Buddha. Hasil penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut. Pertama, yaitu dorongan internal berupa pengalaman sebagai pemimpin dan dorongan untuk mengabdi dan memenuhi syarat kualifikasi akademik, sedangkan dorongan eksternal yaitu pada dasarnya ditunjuk oleh yayasan untuk menjadi ketua. Nilai religius dalam kepemimpinan <em>bhikkhu</em> di lembaga pendidikan tinggi agama Buddha yaitu nilai yang termuat dalam dasa raja dhamma. Kedua, jenis kepemimpinan bhikkhu di lembaga pendidikan agama<strong> Buddha mix </strong>(campuran), yaitu tipe demokratis, perilaku kepemimpinan delegasi dan partisipatif. Cara ketua perguruan tinggi dalam melibatkan anggota untuk mencapai tujuan organisasi yaitu dengan melakukan penempatan orang yang tepat, memberikan peran besar wakil ketua dan partisipasi aktif anggota. Sosok personal sebagai bhikkhu yang merupakan rohaniawan buddhis dan menggunakan pendekatan humanistik, serta unsur kekeluargaan dalam budaya kerja. Ketiga, penggunaan alat komunikasi oleh Ketua Sekolah Tinggi Agama Buddha ketika tidak berada di tempat.

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