scholarly journals Features of informal education development in Ukraine

Shenderuk O.B. ◽  

The problem of informal education is currently relevant, as the concept was officially introduced by the Law of Ukraine «On Education» of 05.09.2017 № 2145-VIII and in this regard, for some time informal education and informal learning were incorrectly interpreted and, accordingly, were not always applied in time and accurately. Such scientists as I. Zhukevych, V. Isaenko, L. Nikolenko, N. Pavlyk, R. Presner, O. Samoilenko, L. Sigaeva, S. Yablokova and others devoted their works to the issue of informal education. The term «informal education» comes from English and means such form of education that is purposeful and carefully planned, but not institutionalized. Informal education is the most innovative and everyday simultaneously. It covers home, leisure and self-education. Priority trends of informal education are self-development and self-realization of participants in this process, as well as unconscious acquisition of knowledge. The principles of informal education have been defined. Among them: the principle of voluntariness, personal orientation, systematization, social orientation, and initiative and amateurs activities. The main trends we have defined are disorganization, high motivation of students, spontaneity, lack of a clear plan, the pressure of learning and a certain time; the ability of everyone to be a teacher. Informal education is put into practice due to its own activity in cultural and educational environment. And a person transfers social educational potential into effectual factors of his development. Such education can implement through goal-seeking communication, reading, aching TV programs, attending cultural places of interest, travelling, etc. This type of education can be analyzed as one of its minisystem that is close to self education and is aimed at creating necessary resources for a candidate. The importance of this issue is insufficient development and inaccurate understanding of informal education. Key words: informal education, informal learning, self-development, innovative education.

Ieva Bilbokaitė-Skiauterienė ◽  
Renata Bilbokaitė

Political, economic, social and cultural changes of the country influence the change of the educational content. Striving to develop dynamic modern Lithuanian’s and person’s modern nationality, the educational content should relate to “pupils’ experiences and sociocultural needs. The article presents that the development of interculturality of pupils is one of the approaches when striving to understand cultural diversity of the present-day world.The results of previous research (Bilbokaitė, 2017, 2016) have revealed the lack of programmes, clear guidelines for intercultural education in the context of the different learning environments. The article describes importance of informal education, that arises from the learner’s involvement in activities that are not undertaken with a learning purpose in mind.The research aim is to reveal pupil’s (of the 10th-12th Forms) opinion about the (self-)development of interculturality in informal learning environments. Quantitative research was used (sample of 727 Lithuanian comprehensive school pupils) to investigate practical application of development of interculturality in educational environment from pupil’s perspective. The research results analysed employing content analysis reveal the importance of learning from the experience as a fundamental and natural means in different environments - home, social networks, school, city, streets. Safe personal environment creates the opportunity to be self, to learn about values, variety of cultures, tolerance, acceptance of others. Pupils’ opinions concerning the lack of possibilities for development of interculturality in school (during formal education) are presented. 

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 34-46
Jody Darmawan ◽  
Hindun Nurhidayati

Educational tour or educational tour is a program that combines elements of tourism activities with the content of informal education in it. This program is packaged in such a way to be an annual tourism activity or extracurricular activities that have quality and weight for participants who follow this educational tour, the material to be used in this tour has been adjusted to the weight of participants and what information will be provided. village 99 Trees is one of the objects of educational-based tourism destination that provides tourism activities in the area of forest conservation and nature. The objective of the study was to identify the educational potential of Village 99 area and to develop education development strategy in village 99 area. The method used in this research is qualitative method, data collection with observation, questionnaire and documentation. Data analysis in this study using SWOT analysis.The result of the research is SO's strategy which involves involving local communities in the development of educational tourism. Establishing cooperation with gold dome managers related to tourist management, Maintaining beautiful environmental conditions to keep cool, making group tour packages using fish objects.

2020 ◽  
Vol 65 (1) ◽  
pp. 290-293
A. Aldabergenova ◽  
L. Sarsenbaeva ◽  

The urgency of the problem of providing a developing educational environment in modern conditions is justified by the reform of the education system in the Republic of Kazakhstan. At all levels of education, it is necessary to create conditions for the development of the personality of the subjects of the educational process, taking into account age patterns. The article reveals the leading approaches to the study of the essence and provision of developing educational environment. As the theoretical basics of accepted socio-cultural approach of Vygotsky humanistic approach Maslow personality-oriented approach of I. A. Baeva, the ecological approach V. A. Asvina etc. Developing educational environment is considered as an environment conducive to the development and self-development at all levels of education. In the present article the condition of maintenance of the education environment: meeting the needs of the individual in communication and development, the development of adaptive abilities of students, prevention of delactovine, the development of psychological culture of teachers, the development of social and emotional intelligence of teachers and students, formation of skills of effective communication subjects of educational process, development of skills of intercultural communication etc.

Lil Martha Arrieta Arvilla

ResumenEl objetivo de este artículo es presentar los aspectos teórico-metodológicos y los resultados de una investigación sobre la construcción de los sujetos en el discurso del presidente de ColombiaÁlvaro Uribe Vélez (2002-2010). En esta se propone evidenciar la orientación social del discurso y el uso de procedimientos que instauran un ethos de credibilidad en la sociedad, y que seconstituyen en mecanismos de control y de legitimación del poder. Lo anterior a partir de la descripción de las tonalidades valorativas y los actos de habla, categorías inscritas en la propuesta de dinámica enunciativa de Martínez, María Cristina (2002, 2005).Palabras clave: Análisis del discurso político, ethos, representación, poder, tonalidadesAbstractThe aim of this paper is to present the theoretical-methodological aspects and results of a research study about the construction of subjects in the speeches of President Alvaro Uribe of Colombia(2002-2010). The purpose is to evidence the social orientation of speech and the use of procedures that establish an ethos of credibility in the society, constituted by control mechanisms and legitimationof power. This is done through the description of the appreciative tonalities and speech acts, categories, defined in the declarative dynamic proposal of Martinez, Maria Cristina (2002, 2005).Key words: Analysis of political speeches, ethos, representation, power, appreciative tonalitie 

Л.П. Окулова

В статье исследуется проблема формирования понятийного аппарата нового раздела педагогики — эргономики образования. Актуальность обусловливается необходимостью обеспечить комфортность и безопасность процесса обучения, что достижимо посредством формирования эргономической образовательной среды. Целью является теоретическое обоснование процесса формирования эргономической образовательной среды, обеспечивающей развитие личности и сохранение здоровья при наличии образовательного потенциала. Рассматриваются разработки отечественными и зарубежными авторами терминологической структуры эргономической образовательной среды. В работе в качестве методологического выступает эргономический подход, а также применяется анализ и обобщение научных исследований по проблеме формирования эргономической образовательной среды в системе образования. Исследуя формирование эргономической образовательной среды, мы выявляем, что данный феномен в педагогике не изучен. Лишь фрагментарно представлены положения педагогической эргономики как раздела педагогики. Нами сформулировано несколько понятий: «эргономическая образовательная среда», «эргономическая образовательная система», «эргономичность», «эргономическое образовательное пространство», «эргономизация». Раскрыта их сущностная характеристика и наполняемость, дана характеристика эргономической компоненты образовательной среды, отмечены этапы, принципы, параметры, требования и показатели процесса формирования эргономической образовательной среды, а также указан компонентный состав технологии создания и применения комфортной среды в образовательном процессе. Делается вывод, что при формировании эргономической образовательной среды на основе эргономического подхода учет учебной деятельности обучающихся и трудовой деятельности педагога обеспечит развитие личности и сохранение здоровья. The article investigates the issue of creating the conceptual apparatus of a new branch of pedagogy, namely educational ergonomics. The relevance of the research is accounted for by the necessity to ensure comfortable and safe education, which can only be achieved through an ergonomic educational environment. The aim of the research is to provide a theoretical substantiation of the necessity to create an ergonomic educational environment which ensures learners’ harmonious development and health preservation coupled with learners’ educational potential. The article investigates Russian and foreign scholars’ works devoted to the investigation of terminology related to educational ergonomics. Having researched the formation of ergonomic educational environments, we can maintain that the phenomenon is largely underinvestigated. Pedagogical ergonomics is only treated as a branch of pedagogy. We have formulated a number of notions such as ergonomic educational environment, ergonomic educational system, ergonomics, ergonomic learning space, ergonomization. The article characterizes the essence and the content of the notions, characterizes the ergonomic components of educational environments, speaks about the stages, principles, parameters, requirements and indices of the process of ergonomic educational environment formation. It also discusses the components of the technology of creating a comfortable learning environment. The author concludes that when an ergonomic educational environment is created, the analysis of teachers’ and learners’ academic activities can ensure both personality development and health preservation.

Daniel Schugurensky

Informal learning has always been part of humankind, but only in recent decades has it attracted the attention of educational researchers. This chapter examines four challenges (conceptual, methodological, institutional, and pedagogical) related to informal learning. The section on the conceptual challenge addresses the distinctions between informal learning, informal teaching, and informal education, and identifies three forms of informal learning: self-directed, incidental, and tacit. The section on the methodological challenge discusses the difficulties of researching informal learning (particularly incidental and tacit forms), describes an approach to elicit informal learning, and presents a critical analysis of its strengths and limitations. The section on the institutional challenge discusses issues related to the assessment and recognition of informal learning. Finally, the section on the pedagogical challenge highlights the potential of informal education to nurture informal learning.

Merve Cansu Ince ◽  
Bayram Costu

It is known that an informal learning environment (i.e., out-of-school) increases the quality of teaching and learning activities. Informal environments also provide many advantages such as enriching the content of learning. Moreover, it is emphasised that the science-technology-society-environment (STSE) learning does not effectively involve in the Turkish education system. From this point of view, informal learning environments should be considered in order to enable students’ understanding of the STSE relation. Within the scope of this study, it was aimed to determine the effectiveness of study visit on students’ understanding of STSE. The research was conducted with 14 male students in the 5th-grade level in the 2016– 2017 academic year. This research, which used a recycling-solid waste collection centre, a botanic garden, a planetarium, a science centre and a zoo, a few informal learning environments, was conducted according to the case study design method. In the study, views on science-technology-society questionnaire, semi-structured interviews, observation forms and diaries were used as data collection tools. The data indicated that the informal learning environments were inadequate to promote conceptual change; however, it was effective to comprehend newly learnt concepts. In addition, it was also concluded that informal learning environment provided students to capture the understanding of STSE relations. Keywords: Science-technology-society-environment (STSE), informal education, out-of-school environment.

Syvash S. V.

The development of teacher's creative potential is a continuous pedagogical process, constant movement and self-development, in which the system of postgraduate pedagogical education plays the most important role.The article highlights special role that teachers of Ukrainian language and literature play in shaping culture of speech, linguistic flair, and literary tastes of young Ukrainian citizens. The importance of developing creative potential of teachers in the system of postgraduate pedagogical education is revealed. On the basis of the analysis of philosophical, psychological and pedagogical literature, we have determined organizational and pedagogical conditions, suggested an experimental structural and functional model for the development of creative potential of teachers of Ukrainian language and literature in the system of postgraduate pedagogical education. The conclusion is drawn about the integrity, sustainability and dynamics of the experimental model. It is pointed out that the development of spiritual and creative potential, training pedagogical skills require awareness of oneself as a subject of self- development in the created educational environment, which is oriented on positive emotional background, innovative and traditional methods and forms of work, actualization of self-educational potential and success.

Maryna Chumachenko

The purpose of the article lies in the comprehension of theoretical aspects of distance learning as the most efficient cultural and organizational paradigm of educational field development, specific nature of its realization, and prospects for cultural and artistic education development. The methodology of the research is based on the application of methods of hermeneutic interpretation (to determine specific features of distance education in foreign and national higher education establishments), comparative analysis (with the purpose to discover reasons for active development and peculiarities of realization of distance education technologies in European and US higher education establishments), structural and functional method (to discover the role of distance education in a time of civilizational globalization and social isolation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic). The scientific novelty lies in carrying out a theoretical analysis of distance education development in European countries, the USA and Ukraine, determination of advantages and disadvantages of implementation of distance education in the educational environment, the discovery of priority ways of distance education development for cultural and artistic disciplines. Conclusions. The COVID-19 pandemic provided conditions due to which adoption of distance education technologies to the traditional education system – internal and external – became the only possible form of implementation of the education activity. The new conditions caused the creation of a brand new educational environment that determined potential ways of higher education development in the future. The conceptual framework of search and realization of a new educational strategy needs to take into account a paradigm basis for cultural and artistic education and science development that is possible on the condition of adoptive integration of information and communication technologies into the cultural and artistic field.

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