
2009 ◽  
pp. 301-312
Lawrence Friedman

- Psychoanalytic theory seems best suited to explain why psychoanalysis won't work. As theory was taught when Hans Loewald wrote his early papers, practitioners were led to expect favorable responses that made no sense. He recognized that this was the result of neglecting the process aspect of Freud's theory. Proposing that psychic structure is in continuous process within the mind and with the outside world, Loewald was able to bridge the gap between analyst and patient, past and present, old and new meaning, intrapsychic and interpersonal. He portrayed analytic process as working the same way as ordinary mental process. Although this was probably our most profound elaboration of Freud's work, and one of the few plausible theories of therapeutic action, Freudian analysts felt threatened, and denounced Loewald as sentimentalizing treatment, infantilizing patients and betraying intrapsychic causality. Interpersonal analystis claimed him for their own. Despite his clarity and explicit caveats, many erroneous caricatures represent Loewald to this day.KEY WORDS: Hans Loewald, psychoanalytic theory, therapeutic action, structural theory, interpersonal psychology

Donald L. Carveth

The chronological development of Freud’s theories of anxiety is reviewed in connection with the series of infantile danger-situations, the distinction between traumatic and signal anxiety, and the defenses evoked by the latter to avoid the former. The central defense of turning aggression away from the object and back against the self, thus generating the hostile superego, is emphasized. A critique of Freud‘s one-sided conception of danger as loss of the good is offered in light of Melanie Klein’s recognition of the danger constituted by the presence of something bad. In light of the shift from topographical to structural theory additional types of anxiety are distinguished: instinctual anxiety experienced by the ego in the face of the Id; Reality anxiety in the face of the external world; moralistic anxiety in the face of the superego. While Freud failed to distinguish persecutory and reparative anxiety and guilt, Klein and her followers posited two fundamentally different layers or positions in the mind, the paranoid-schizoid and depressive or reparative positions characterized by these two types of anxiety and guilt respectively. There has been a good deal of confusion due to the widespread failure to distinguish depressive anxiety from depression: there is no depression in the depressive position because the splitting involved in depression is a paranoid-schizoid phenomenon. The existentialists remind us that not all anxiety and guilt is neurotic.

Binti Qaniah Qaniah

Binti Qani’ahUniversitas Pesantren Tinggi Darul Ulum [email protected]   AbstrakLagu mars Unipdu merupakan lagu kebanggaan bagi loyalis dan mahasiswa Unipdu. Sayangnya, kebanyakan dari mereka kurang memahami secara mendalam makna mars Unipdu. Makna mendalam dari mars Unipdu dapat diketahui dengan menggunakan pendekatan Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL).Penelitian menggunakan teknik trianggulasi data. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk lebih mengetahui tujuan dan makna mars Unipdu secara implisit. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proses transitivitas dominasi proses perilaku 5 data atau 72%. Proses ini terdiri dari 1 data atau 14% proses perilaku verbal dan 4 data atau 58% proses perilaku mental. Proses ini menunjukkan bahwa Universitas Pesantren Tinggi Darul Ulum (Unipdu) Jombang membina, mewujudkan, dakwah dan mencetak insan,  tidak hanya sekedar bicara tetapi juga memberi contoh yang baik. Selanjutnya, proses mental terdiri dari 1 data atau 14%. Proses ini menunjukkan bahwa harapan untuk mendapatkan ridlo Allah menjadi jantung untuk mencetak insan yang bertakwa. Sementara itu, proses relasional identifikasi terdapat juga 1 data atau 14%. Hal ini mengindifikasikan bahwa Pancaran sinar Darul Ulum itu mempunyai pengaruh dalam pengembangan ilmu agama, intelektualitas, dan pengetahuan. Secara umum Universitas Pesantren Tinggi Darul Ulum (Unipdu) mempunyai peranan aktif dalam mencetak insan yang bertakwa.Kata Kunci: Lagu mars Unipdu, proses transitivitas, insan  AbstractThe song of mars Unipdu is the song for unipdu loyalis and students. Unfortunately, Most of them lack of understanding the deep meaning of mars Unipdu. The deep meaning of mars Unipdu can be known by using Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) approach.This research used data trianggulation techniques. The purpose of this study was to know more the aim and meaning of Unipdu mars implicitly. The result of this study showed that the transitivity processes are dominated by behavioural process, 5 data or 72%. It contained 1 data or 14% for verbal behavioural process and 4 data or 58% for mental behavioural processes. This processes indicated that Universitas Pesantren Tinggi Darul Ulum (Unipdu) Jombang educated, actualized, and created students, It was not only by saying but also giving good behaviors. Then, mental process consisted of 1 data or 14%. This process showed that the hopes to have Allah’s “ridlo” became a heart for creating “takwa’ students. Meanwhile, Identifying relational process had 1 data or 14%. It indicated that rays of Darul Ulum had effects in developing of religions, intellectualities, and knowledges.Generally, Universitas Pesantren Tinggi Darul Ulum (Unipdu) Jombang had active roles in creating “takwa” students. It related to Allah’s “ridlo”.Key words: The song of mars Unipdu, Transitivity process, and students

2021 ◽  
Vol 28 ◽  

The current research aims to analyze the content of the economics book for the second grade commercial according to the habits of the mind, the researcher adopted the descriptive approach as an approach to his research, and to achieve the goal of the research, the researcher prepared a questionnaire for the habits of the mind consisting of sixteen main habits and (49) indicators, presented to a group of referees to clarify Their opinions and observations about the tool, honesty and consistency were extracted for it, and appropriate statistical means were used, and after applying the tool, the following results were reached: 1- The content of the economics book includes habits of the mind. 2- The imbalance of percentages of the habits of the mind in the content of the book, economics, which was analyzed Key words: (Content analysis, economics textbook, Habits of Mind).

1994 ◽  
Vol 28 (1) ◽  
pp. 68-81 ◽  
Robert Langs ◽  
Anthony Badalamenti

The search for a science of psychoanalysis is introduced by defining three modes of psychoanalytic science: domain, statistical-stochastic, and formal. The paper outlines the domain science propositions of the communicative approach to psychoanalytic psychotherapy and indicates how this version of psychoanalytic theory led to the development of an extensive series of statistical-stochastic and formal science studies of the communications between patients and therapists. The formal science efforts which began as a mathematical search for chaotic attractors revealed instead a deep determinism within the psychotherapeutic dialogue. Three specific laws of the mind and human communication have been identified. The research is centred on how we communicate (the communicative vehicle) rather than what we express (the contents). After describing a wide range of unexpected and unprecedented results, the paper concludes with a discussion of some of the clinical implications of these findings and of the new formal science of psychoanalysis created by these investigations.

2018 ◽  
Vol 52 (1) ◽  
pp. 100-113
Arturo Ezquerro

This article provides a historical overview of sexual abuse theory (all in the mind?) within the development of psychoanalytic theory. It aims, from an attachment perspective, to increase awareness of the problem in psychotherapy and other institutions with a view to maximizing prevention and support for the survivors. The article challenges societal and institutional attitudes of secrecy, collusive silence, denial and lies, which perpetuate this relational crime.

2010 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 75-88
Astri Adriani Allien ◽  
Inosensia Dinda Juwita

Tulisan ini membahas sebuah dongeng klasik Eropa, The Sleeping Beauty yang hingga saat ini masih dibaca, baik oleh anak-anak maupun orang dewasa. Dongeng ini bercerita tentang seorang puteri raja yang terkena kutukan sehingga tertidur selama seratus tahun dan kemudian diselamatkan oleh seorang pangeran dari negeri seberang. Sebagaimana dongeng pada umumnya, maka The Sleeping Beauty dianalisis menggunakan teori struktural yang dikemukakan oleh Vladimir Propp. Analisis yang dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa dongeng The Sleeping Beauty memiliki struktur sebagaimana dongeng-dongeng Rusia yang telah dianalisis oleh Propp. Abstract: This paper discusses the European classical folktale entitled “The Sleeping Beauty”, which has so far been widely recognized by children and adults. This folktale tells about a princess who got cursed in such a way that she slept for a hundred years. She was then saved by a prince from another kingdom. In this paper, “The Sleeping Beauty” is analyzed by using Propp’s structural theory. The result of the analysis shows that “The Sleeping Beauty” has the structure similar to Russian folktales, the ones that have been analyzed by Propp. Key Words : folktale, Propp’s structural analysis

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (5) ◽  
pp. 41-45 ◽  
Alok Kumar Asthana ◽  
Monika Asthana Monika ◽  
Renu Sahu

In Ayurveda, the span of life is described to be determined on the basis of nature of the physique, type of constitution. The utility of Ayurveda is to help maintain the health of a healthy individual and cure of disease of a patient. In our ancient text, the pathogenic factor in the body are Vayu, Pitta and Kapha, while those in the mind are Rajas and Tamas. Out of three. qualities (Gunas) of mind viz., Sattva, Rajas, Tamas, it is only the latter two that cause vitiation of the mind, the former one being non-pathogenic.In other words, Vayu, pitta and Kapha are, somatic Doshas and Rajas and Tamas are the psychic ones. These three Doshas when vitiated harmful to our Dhatu (tissue) and donate life in an unvitiated state, which means helping in the acquisition of health.so for the healthy life equilibrium of Doshas is mandatory. KEY WORDS: Vata, moksha, pitta, kapha, shleshma.  

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 201-211
Fida Pangesti ◽  
Arti Prihatini

Tip of the tongue (ToT) is experienced by BIPA students when speaking Indonesian due to delayed lexical access. This study aims to describe two focuses, namely: (1) the characteristics of the target vocabulary and the ToT vocabulary and (2) the mental processes when the ToT occurs. The theory used in this research is lexical retrieval in morphosemantics. This research method is descriptive qualitative. Data collection was carried out by observation and interview techniques during the learning process of BIPA Muhammadiyah Malang University. The results showed that ToT occurred in nouns (42%), verbs (24%), adjectives (21%), conjunctions (8%), and numeralia (5%). Tip of the tongue is accompanied by a lot of silence as a fallacy effect that appears in the speech. Gestur becomes a description of the meaning features of the target vocabulary. The mental process of ToT occurs in several events, namely (1) the speaker has a picture of the object in his mind, (2) the activation of the semantic set when the active vocabulary has a relation with the meaning of the target vocabulary, (3) activation of the meaning field when the speaker describes it, (4) activation of the phonological set when the similar sound vocabulary appears in the mind, and (5) the appearance of the first language and / or intermediate language.

Sebastian Gardner

This chapter sketches a reconstruction of the basic psychoanalytic conception of the mind in terms of two historical resources: the conception of the subject developed in post-Kantian idealism, and Spinoza’s laws of the affects in Part Three of the Ethics. The former supplies the conceptual basis for the psychoanalytic notion of the unconscious, while the latter defines the type of psychological causality of psychoanalytic explanations. The imperfect fit between these two elements, it is argued, is reflected in familiar conceptual difficulties surrounding psychoanalytic theory and explanation.

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