Iryna Kovshova ◽  
Yevhenii Niestierov

The purpose of the scientific article is to study the process of certification of products as one of the means of ensuring the competitiveness of a modern enterprise, stimulating management to meet the requirements of consumers and expand sales markets. It was found that different participants in the certification process understand it differently: enterprise management believes that this is a procedure for documentary certification of the conformity of products or processes to the established regulatory requirements; the certification body considers this to be an examination and certification activity subject to compliance. On the basis of the research carried out, the constitutive attributes of product certification as a means of increasing the competitiveness of an enterprise have been systematized and the definition of the concept of “certification” has been formulated. The authors put forward a number of hypotheses: certification is a means of increasing the competitiveness of an enterprise as a result of demonstrating the ability of an enterprise to meet generally accepted requirements for representatives of a certain sphere or industry; competitiveness depends on the availability of certified specialists with a certain level of qualifications working at the enterprise and qualitatively improve internal processes; continuous cyclical certification affects the competitiveness of the enterprise in the future. Prospects for further research are to conduct an experiment to confirm the facts of the impact of product certification and business processes on increasing the competitiveness of the enterprise. The authors also noted that certification should not be confused with attestation. Certification assumes a completely independent and principled assessment, carried out by employees of certification bodies who have no connection with the enterprise. Among other things, the authors came to the conclusion that one of the advantages of product certification is their personal interest in confirming their own professionalism, and, consequently, obtaining opportunities for future career growth. Also, one of the considered hypotheses proves that there is an evolution of the enterprise, as a result of periodic changes and additions to the existing norms and standards of certification.

2020 ◽  
pp. 79-84
Nataliia Sarai

Purpose. The aim of the article is the development of theoretical, methodological provisions and practical recommendations for determining the content of business process and process approach in management of the enterprise, substantiation of classification features of grouping business processes and identifying indicators of evaluation of business processes of the enterprise and factors influencing their effectiveness. Methodology of research. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study is the position of modern economic theory, scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists to optimize the management of business processes at the enterprise. The following general scientific methods of research are used to achieve this goal: system-structural and terminological analysis – to streamline the conceptual and terminological apparatus regarding the economic content of the category "business process"; grouping, comparison and theoretical generalization – for the study of scientific works on the problems of business process management at the enterprise; inductions and deductions – to study the classification features of business process grouping and identify business process evaluation indicators at the enterprise; abstract and logical – for theoretical generalization and formulation of conclusions. Findings. The necessity of applying the process approach to the organization and management of the enterprise is substantiated. The economic essence of the category "business process" is determined. It is established that a business process is a structured sequence of actions to perform an appropriate type of activity at all stages of the life cycle of the subject activity. Characteristics of business processes: presence of internal and external users; functioning within and between divisions of the company and between different organizations; based on the way in which the organization works. The main characteristics of quality of business processes of the enterprise are determined, namely: effectiveness; efficiency; adaptability; anti-corruption. Originality. There was further development of the definition of the content of the business process and process approach in management of the enterprise are generalized, the classification features of grouping of business processes are substantiated and the possibilities of application of indicators of estimation of business processes of enterprise and factors of influence on their efficiency in management of domestic enterprises are offered. Practical value.Recommendations are proposed which define the conditions for ensuring optimization of business process management at the enterprise, in particular: application of the process approach to enterprise management; use of a scorecard to evaluate the business processes of an enterprise determining the impact of factors on their effectiveness. Key words: process; business process; process approach; indicator; factor; enterprise management.

2015 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 14-17
Чернева ◽  
Yu. Cherneva

The paper focuses on the process-oriented management of a modern enterprise. The essence of the process-oriented approach to organizing and managing the activities of a modern enterprise is featured. Considered are the different ways to classify business processes. Also proposed is the mechanism for establishing the system of process-oriented enterprise management. Specific approaches and methods to improve business processes are described in detail.

Halyna Babiak ◽  
Tetiana Sych

The article is devoted to the planning of business career and professional training of personnel. It is noted, in particular, that the most important problem of forming personnel potential of employees is their career growth and training. The article emphasizes that the priority tasks of increasing the efficiency of the operation of enterprises is to equip them with workers who have the necessary qualities to successfully own a chosen profession, to create a system that allows them to maintain and develop their working capacity, as well as reliability. To perform such tasks, periodic control of the employee's functional status and the definition of objective criteria characterizing the qualitative composition of such units and bodies are necessary. The peculiarities of career growth and professional training of the personnel are investigated. The efficiency of the existing system at the enterprise level is analyzed. The authors noted that the key to a successful career is a symbiosis of such factors as the employee's inner desire to grow professionally, hard work and charisma. It is also emphasized that personnel training plays an important role. Advanced advanced countries of the world have long been exploring the impact of training on human productivity. Consequently, one of the strategic goals of modern Ukrainian firms and organizations should be to train managers to develop their own development and manage the development of their subordinates in the most effective way. For this purpose it is necessary to create a system of career growth, training of managers of all levels.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (519) ◽  
pp. 210-216
Y. I. Hlushchenko ◽  
O. O. Korohodova ◽  
T. Y. Moiseienko ◽  
N. O. Chernenko ◽  

The authors disclose the essence of tax planning for domestic enterprises in the conditions of development of the economy in the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Foreign experience as to approaches to interpretation of the phenomenon of «tax planning» is studied. It is substantiated that the existing modern approaches to the definition of the term of «tax planning» should be divided by the characteristics of purpose and subordination. The work contains a further elaboration of conceptual-categorical apparatus of taxation theory by closer defining of «tax planning», where, contrary to existing developments, it is proposed to assess the impact of elements of the current tax system on the efficiency of financial-economic activities of enterprises. A theoretical analysis of modern trends of tax planning is carried out and it is determined that the existing conditions of operation of enterprises are such phenomena as: digitalization of economic processes, robotization of business processes, influence of other factors of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and growth of uncertainty and level of risks for economic entities. According to the results of the research, it is defined that all these phenomena will affect the process of taxation of enterprises at the micro level due to the acceleration of data processing processes and changes in tax planning objects. The article explains the directions of further research on this topic, namely, the development of an economic-mathematical model of the influence of elements of the tax system in the context of the trends of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which becomes relevant in modern conditions of tax planning.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 26-36
Olga Kalaman ◽  
Oleg Udovitsa

Introduction. Today in Ukraine there is a situation that creates an environment of "public interest" in approaches to modeling the main areas of strategic management and its content. Inaccurate perception of approaches to the "strategy" concept content significantly changes the possibility of its effective implementation at the state and economic levels. Therefore, it is logical to arise the necessity of studying the directions of forming a strategy and the possibility of applying the theory of strategic management in modern domestic enterprises. Aim and tasks. The article purpose is to determine the basic approaches to the formation of the modern enterprise development strategy, which is subject to the study of the main directions of its formation. The systematic basis for such systematization was systemic, reproductive, dialectical, and general scientific approaches. Research results. It has been established that the "action" approach as the leading methodology for the strategy development implies the relevance of the activity category with the concepts of "needs", "interests", "motives", "goals", "reflection (assessment)," "self-development". A system approach involves considering a strategy as a system that has a certain structure and interconnection within its individual components. Formation and strengthening market relations stimulates the application of new approaches and forms in management, changes (sometimes cardinally) the nature of the tasks to be solved and methods for their achievement, as well as the development of a strategy. The development of a clearly formulated strategy and the definition of organic development goals is a consequence of the external conditions manifestation of the company's existence, for example, the conditions of macroeconomic instability, the complexity of the relationship between the economic and political environment. To clearly formulate a strategy for the enterprise in accordance with the current economic situation, to outline the ways of its implementation and, if possible, to evaluate the expected result, a manager is required to possess creativity, knowledge and experience, intuition in a unified approach to formulating strategic prospects for the operation and development of the enterprise. Conclusion. For Ukrainian enterprise management system, the main task is not the prompt response to the current changes in the environment. They are the strategic vision formation of the future enterprise, the development of a flexible and viable progress strategy, the prediction of tactical and strategic threats for the enterprise, its timely elimination, and the practical use of strategic management idea for sustainable development.

Kateryna BURKO

Modern enterprise production management is a complex, time-consuming and multifaceted process. It sets new requirements for the organization of cost accounting and needs to expand control over the formation of production cost by industries, cost centers, technological redistribution, types of products (works, services). There is also a need to determine the impact of costs on the implementation of the latest technologies and improve product quality. Important elements of accounting policies are cost accounting methods. The correct choice and use of cost accounting methods contribute to a quick assessment of the appropriateness of spending. At present, the legislation of Ukraine does not specify a specific method of applying certain methods of cost accounting. The imperfection of modern domestic methods of cost accounting creates certain difficulties in their choice to solve the tasks set before the enterprise. The purpose of the article is to reveal the essence of cost accounting methods and to determine the most effective ones for consolidation in the accounting policy of agricultural enterprises. In the article the question of estimation of the role of registration policies is exposed in the process of the enterprise management. The component elements of registration politics are certainly connected with the account of spending. Different approaches of the researchers are considered in relation to the essence of methods of accounting costs and their classification. It is set that classification of methods of accounting of productive costs is the object of scientific discussions and generally accepted classification of methods has not been developed yet. The author gives general characteristics of the features of agricultural enterprises activities that have considerable influence on the process of administrative decision-making and directly determine the construction of the accounts of costs. Certainly, methods of cost accounting are the important element of registration policy of agricultural enterprises. Systematization of branch and organizational factors that influence the choice of the methods for cost accounting at agricultural enterprises is carried out. The use of the combined methods for accounting the costs is suggested, that is conditioned by the branch features of agricultural enterprises activity and formation of registration policy concerning cost accounting.

O. Litorovych ◽  
S. Maslakov ◽  

Trends in the development of modern markets, such as the globalization, the growing importance of product quality, price and customer satisfaction, the increasing importance of sustainable relationships with consumers, the growing importance of the degree of application of new information and communication technologies and the COVID-19 pandemic have significantly influenced the development of new organizational forms of enterprise management. In this regard, the question of the impact of telecommuting on relationships and interpersonal networks within organizations has become relevant. The aim of the article is to analyze the factors influencing to the creation and development of virtual organizations, as well as to identify types of virtual organizations. The research also covers a review of the main foreign and domestic virtual organizations. The article considers the theoretical foundations, factors and they influencing on the formation of virtual organizations. The article analyzes the existing approaches to the definition of a virtual organization, highlights the main types of virtual structures, the main characteristics and advantages of a virtual organization, and also highlights the features characteristic of all types of virtual organizations. The features and main problems of managing virtual organizations are identified. Virtual organization is the newest and potentially promising form of network structures, appeared and became widespread in the last decade. A virtual organization can flexibly change its configuration, where the strategic advantage of such a system provides sustainability and survival in a market economy, the ability of participants to provide flexibility and integration of resources, and the ability to quickly create virtual teams and virtual environments. However, the virtual organization has the same capabilities and potential as a traditional organization, but the virtual organization has not such institutional and structural boundaries.

2022 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 9-12
Chengran Zhang

With the development of global economy and society, public relations, as a new management discipline, is more and more applied to enterprise management. At the same time, the definition of public relations in the development process has always been different, each definition explains the characteristics of public relations from different aspects. Therefore, it is particularly important to discuss the role of public relations in enterprise management. Combined with the actual case analysis, public relations in enterprise management can not only build a good image for enterprises, can help enterprises deal with the crisis through difficulties, but also can coordinate the relationship between enterprises and the public.with the development and progress of modern enterprises, public relations is no longer an activity mode of external publicity, but an indispensable management mode in the process of continuous development of enterprises. The scientific management of public relations can not only create a successful brand for the enterprise, but also pave the way for the scientific management within the enterprise, and reasonably regulate the relationship between the enterprise and the outside society, as well as the relationship between the enterprise employees. This paper discusses the application of public relations in enterprise management.

Zenovii-Mykhailo Zadorozhnyi ◽  
Iryna Ometsinska

Introduction. The modern conditions of enterprise operation have led to changes in management reporting approaches and have caused more discussions in nonfiction about its identity with intracompany reporting. Informatization of society, globalization processes in the economy and its sustainable development have led to the expansion of management reporting functions and to clear definition of main characteristics of intracompany reporting, which is created by the staff for its internal use with the adherence of principles of confidentiality. The impact of external factors, which are mostly negative nowadays (economic crisis, restrictions caused by the global pandemic, unfair actions of competitors, cyberattacks) require qualitative developments of intracompany reporting forms, which should ensure rapid detection of the negative changes at the enterprise and timely provide the information for its effective elimination.The purpose of the study lies in scientific and theoretical justification of the concept «intracompany reporting», in determination of the role for enterprise management and also in outlining the principles of reporting formation and techniques of its preparation taking into account the modern conditions of enterprises activity.Methods. In the research process the following methods were used: theoretical generalization, comparison, abstract-logical for distinguishing the concepts of «management reporting» and «intracompany reporting»; grouping, generalization,  analogy,  analysis and synthesis for identifying the principles of formation of intracompany reporting and its qualitative characteristics; modeling, induction and deduction, structural-logical, tabular for establishing the stages of reports formation at the enterprise and the techniques of its preparation.Results. The essence of management and intracompany reporting as an information field for necessary decisions making by their users is investigated. The role of intracompany reporting for enterprise management is established and it is proved that it is an integral part of management reporting. The formation and usage principles of intracompany reporting in the context of two groups are outlined: the principles that are used in the formation      of financial and intracompany reporting; principles that are used in the formation of intracompany reporting. The qualitative characteristics of such reporting are clarified. The stages of its formation at the enterprise are highlighted. The expediency of construction the intracompany reporting information map at the enterprise is established and its form  is offered. The necessity of development of Regulations (standard) of the intracompany reporting is proved. Perspectives. Further researches should be aimed at developing the Regulations (standard) of intracompany reporting, as well as formation of standardized forms of such reporting, taking into account enterprises’ branch peculiarities.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 40-45
Alla Idobayeva

The objective of the article is to highlight and consider the main directions for improving the modern enterprise management system, since that in the modern market conditions, the issue of effective development for industrial enterprises becomes more relevant, while the fundamental bearing core of the enterprise's internal environment is the management efficiency. The main problem is the managerial inefficiency of an excessively large structure that is not well suited to the work in market conditions. Methodology. In the course of this analysis, the management system of an industrial enterprise was considered as a complex open system with the use of the system analysis methodology in the study, which made it possible to identify the main directions for its improvement. Results. Enterprise management is a continuous process of influencing the performance of an employee, group or enterprise as a whole for the best results in terms of achieving the goal, which has been set. The management process is provided by the trained management professionals who shape and manage the organization by setting goals and developing ways to achieve them. To do this, management must find an effective way to combine the key variables that characterize tasks and people, while taking into account the obvious and potential external and internal risks and threats. Setting goals and providing them with policies, strategies, procedures and rules, the necessary management mechanisms contribute to the solution of this task. Motivation and control also play a significant role in ensuring that the tasks are completed effectively. However, the key in this is precisely management, which is most obvious and directly related to the systematic coordination of tasks and, accordingly, the formal relationships of people performing them, and the correctly selected management process toolkit allows the enterprise to achieve the greatest efficiency. Practical implications. The performed analysis of the features of the functioning of the enterprise management system allows us to determine the following areas for improving the modern enterprise management system: improving the business processes of the enterprise, ensuring high-quality control in the enterprise management system, and introducing the enterprise risk-management. Value/originality. The use of system analysis made it possible to determine and substantiate the main directions of improving the modern enterprise management system.

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