Eka N.A.M. Sihombing

<p>Undang-Undang (UU) Bantuan Hukum memberi ruang bagi daerah untuk mengalokasikan dana penyelenggaraan bantuan hukum dalam APBD. Apabila daerah berkehendak mengalokasikan dana bantuan hukum dalam APBD, maka pemerintah daerah dan DPRD harus mengaturnya dalam Peraturan Daerah (perda). Sampai saat ini, di Provinsi Sumatera Utara belum memiliki Peraturan Daerah yang secara khusus menjamin terlaksananya hak konstitusional warga negara tersebut, khususnya bagi orang atau kelompok orang miskin. Metode penelitian yang digunakan pada penulisan ini menggunakan metode penelitian hukum normatif, dengan pendekatan yuridis normatif ( legal research ). Sifat penelitian ini adalah deskripsi analitis yaitu suatu penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan (menggambarkan) tentang fakta dan kondisi atau gejala yang menjadi objek penelitian, setelah itu dilakukan telaah secara kritis. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sampai saat tulisan ini dibuat, ranperda tentang bantuan hukum belum dilakukan penyusunan, masih sekedar dicantumkan dalam Prolegda 2013. Mengingat pentingnya perda tentang bantuan hukum sebagai landasan hukum bagi daerah untuk memenuhi hak-hak masyarakat miskin dalam mengakses keadilan dan perlakuan yang sama di hadapan hukum, dibutuhkan komitmen kuat dari DPRD maupun Pemerintah Daerah Provinsi Sumatera Utara beserta stakeholder untuk segera mengimplementasikan pembentukan perda Bantuan hukum serta mengalokasikan dana bantuan hukum dalam APBD sebagaimana amanat pasal 19 UU Bantuan Hukum.</p><p>The law on legal aid gave space for the region to allocate costs of legal aid in the APBD. When the region has an intention to allocate funds in the APBD, local government and the parliaments should be arrange it in regional regulation (Perda). Until now, the province of North Sumatra has not been having regional regulation which speci fi cally guarantees implementation of constitutional rights citizens, especially for people or poor society. Research method used on this paper is normative legal research with normative juridical approach. The nature of research is analytical descriptive that aims to describe about facts and condition or indication which became the object of research, aer was done critical studies. The result of research shows that up to thetime of writing, Ranperda on legal aid has not been drafting, just simply listed in Prolegda 2013. considering the importance of Perda on legal aid as a legal foundation for the region to ful fi ll the rights poor society in accessing justice and equal treatment before the law, it takes high commitment from the council and local government of the Province of North Sumatra and its stakeholders to implementing immediately the formation of Perda on legal aid and allocated in the budget as mandated by article 19 the law on legal aid.</p>

Helmy Yahya Rahma Aji ◽  
Raden Muhammad Arvy Ilyasa

Indonesia as a state of the law has guaranteed the constitutional rights of each of its citizens without exception as a form of protection of human rights contained in Article 1 paragraph (3) of the 1945 Constitution. Providing legal assistance to citizens who are unable as constitutional rights of every citizen and the State is obliged to protect the constitutional rights regarding obtaining guarantees, protections, and certainty of law that is fair and equal treatment before the law. Legal aid legally in Law Number 16 of 2011 is a legal service free of charge to legal aid recipients. The thing that becomes the basis for the provision of legal assistance by the State is because the State is responsible for providing legal assistance to disadvantaged citizens as a form of access to justice and equality before the law. The state has a role in terms of establishing regulations as the legal basis for implementing legal assistance for disadvantaged citizens. But in reality, in the development of legal aid, there are several problems between legal aid providers (advocates) and the State as a guarantor of the constitutional right to the realization of justice and equality before the law for every Indonesian citizen, including the poor.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 86-98
Muhsin Muhsinhukum

Efforts to implement the implementation of the Regional Regulation regarding the retribution for waste and sanitation services in Indragiri Hilir Regency certainly require support from many parties, both from the local government and the community who are classified as obligatory levies. The problems in this study are (1) How is the Implementation of Collection of Regional Retribution in the Sector of Waste and Cleanliness Based on Regional Regulation Number 15 of 2011 Indragiri Hilir Regency, (2) What are the Inhibiting Factors in the Implementation of Collecting Regional Levies in the Sector of Waste and Cleanliness Based on Regional Regulation Number 15 of 2011 Indragiri Hilir Regency. (3) What are the Efforts in Implementing Regional Retribution Collectors in the Sector of Waste and Cleanliness Based on Regional Regulation Number 15 of 2011 Indragiri Hilir Regency This research method uses empirical/sociological legal research, the nature of this research is descriptive, that is, it provides a clear picture. It can be concluded that (1) Implementation of Collection of Regional Levies in the Sector of Waste and Cleanliness Based on Regional Regulation No. 15 of 2011 Indragiri Hilir Regency begins with collecting data and mandatory registration of user fees clearly and correctly and collecting using SKRD which is carried out once a month turns into two times in one month. month. (2) Inhibiting factors in this implementation can be seen from the lack of supervision, factors from the law itself, law enforcement factors, facilities and facilities and community factors. (3) Efforts are made by increasing the supervision carried out by DLHK together with Bapenda, issuing regulations further implementing regulations as a basis for implementing additional regulations, involving Satpol PP who act as regional regulations enforcers and the formation of PPNS as part of investigators who are authorized to take action on cases of regional regulations violations committed by retribution obligations that do not implement regulations.      

2016 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 15
Tri Astuti Handayani

<p><strong>Abstrak</strong></p><p>Bantuan hukum adalah salah satu upaya mengisi hak asasi manusia terutama bagi lapisan termiskin masyarakat. Konstitusi menjamin hak setiap warga negara mendapat perlakuan yang sama di muka hukum, termasuk hak untuk mengakses keadilan melalui pemberian bantuan hukum. Orang kaya dan mempunyai kekuasaan, dengan mudah mengakses dan mendapatkan “keadilan”, melalui tangan-tangan advokat yang disewanya. Tidak demikian halnya kelompok masyarakat miskin, mereka tidak mempunyai kemampuan untuk memahami hukum  dan tidak mampu untuk membayar advokat,  hal demikian menyebabkan tidak ada perlakuan yang sama di muka hukum untuk mengakses keadilan.<strong></strong></p><p><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong><br /> Legal aid is an effort to fulfill the human rights, especially of the poorest groups of the society. The Constitution guarantees the right of every citizen to equal treatment before the law, including the right to access justice through legal aid. The haves and those having power would easily access and obtain justice, through the hands of advocates employed. That is not the case with the poor who do not have sufficient knowledge of the law and can not afford to pay for lawyers. This situation creates an unequal treatment before the law to access justice.</p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 241
Yusnani Yusman ◽  
Magfirah Magfirah

The violation of the law is: "Article 32, which reads every person who played, display, use, possess or store pornographic products as referred to in Article 6 shall be liable to a maximum imprisonment of 4 (four) years and / or a maximum fine of Rp. 2,000,000,000.00 (two billion rupiah). (Note: Article 6 of each person is prohibited from playing, displaying, exploiting, memorizing or storing pornographic products as referred to in Article 4 paragraph (1), except those authorized by law". Islamic law views any extramarital sexual relations as adultery and threatening with punishment, whether the perpetrator is married or not, done likes it or not. Our source of law Qs, 24: 2: "The woman who commits adultery and the adulterer then hail every one of them a hundred times dera. This uses the method of empirical normative legal research, which is "Explaining what it is about a legal event or legal conditions. The municipal or local government seems impressed still in determining the termination of access to pornography or cybersex including socialization of positive criminal law about the crime of single adultery such as Draft Law Article 485. And the proposed criminal law of 2 years imprisonment or fine penalty of R 50,000,000.00 (Fifty million rupiahs) for a single individual. As the law of takzir.

Wajah Hukum ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 185
Herma Yanti

The formation of the Constitutional Court (MK) as a guardian of the constitution is basically intended to guarantee the implementation of the constitutional provisions (the 1945 Constitution) seriously in the administration of the state, as well as to realize constitutional supremacy in the Indonesian legal state. One of the contents of the 1945 Constitution is a guarantee of protection of basic human and citizen rights that have been accepted as constitutional rights. Because of that, the Court also functions to guarantee the implementation of these constitutional rights. However, for violations of constitutional rights included in the case of constitutional complaints submitted to the Constitutional Court, the resolution has not yet been dealt with, because their authority has not been regulated in the 1945 Constitution, so the idea of making constitutional complaints develops as the Constitutional Court's new authority. This paper discusses how the Constitutional Court's authority in protecting constitutional rights is based on the 1945 Constitution, and what about the ideas that emerged to add constitutional complaint as the Constitutional Court's new authority in protecting constitutional rights. In accordance with the problem, this research is a normative legal research using a legal approach accompanied by a comparative legal approach. The results of the study show that the authority of the Constitutional Court in protecting constitutional rights is only limited to the authority to examine the Law against the Constitution. From the ideas that emerged, there were three possibilities for entering constitutional complaint on the authority of the Constitutional Court, namely through changes to the 1945 Constitution, through changes to the Law and through interpretation by the Constitutional Court itself. Of the three ideas, the most appropriate is to change the 1945 Constitution so that it can provide a strong foundation in providing protection for citizens' constitutional rights.

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 341-366
Achmad Al-Muhajir

Legal aid represent constitutional rights for every citizen in front of law which arranged in Act Number 16 Year 2011 concerning Legal Aid, specially to impecunious society (the poor). Researcher tries to investigate the problem of Legal Aid implementation in Indonesia. To answer the the problems used by method research of normatif yuridis, having the character of analytical descriptive, using justice theory, used data of sekunder of book study, with approach of legislation. Results of this research concluded that implementation giving of legal aid to the poor as arranged in Act Number 16 Year 2011 About Legal Aid not yet can walk it to, there still found by many resistance and constraint, like human resource factor related to amount and quality giver of legal aid, and related/relevant culture factor society itself the lack of knowledge of society about legal aid. Potency receiver of its amount legal aid very big, but run legal aid system in this time not yet as according to real requirement to legal aid. Access to legal aid program to society still limited especially because its minim of existence of organization giver of legal aid or access inaccesible region geographically. Factor enforcer of less owning law of integrity, moralitas, and idealism of profesionalitas. Factor is lack of budget or financing of Local Government, and lack of observation and control.

2017 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 14
Abdul Mukmin Rehas

Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1945 which is the country's constitution has given recognition, guarantees, protection and legal certainty as well as equal treatment of all citizens before the law (equality before the law). In fact, the application of the principle of Equality Before The Law in Indonesia is still lacking. In the Code of Criminal Procedure (Criminal Procedure Code) only for the granting of legal aid free of charge only if the crime committed is punishable by imprisonment of 5 years or more, while if it is less than 5 years, while if the penalties are less than 5 years then the public will not get legal aid free of charge. The enactment of Law No. 16 of 2011 on the Legal Aid eliminating restrictions as stipulated in the Criminal Code, so that people can obtain legal assistance free of charge to the entire process of both the Criminal and Civil law for the sake of the implementation of the principle of Equality Before The Law.

Gede Agung Wirawan Nusantara

The provision of legal aid is based on the principle of equality before the law. Access to legal aid is seen as a human right. One legal aid according to the Act No. 16 of 2011 concerning Legal Aid is a paralegal, but the laws are not set on the definition and duties of paralegals in providing legal aid. This study examines two issues namely juridical legitimacy of paralegal in the national legal order and the authority of paralegals in providing legal aid to the poor. This research is a normative legal research that examine the vagueness of the norms regarding the provision of paralegal. Primary legal materials in the form of legislation, while secondary legal material in the form of books related to this issue. Legal materials collected through library research. Paralegal juridical legitimacy in the national legal order contained in Article 9 and Article 10 of the Act No. 16 of 2011 on Legal Aid. Paralegal be one of relief. Paralegal only authorized to provide legal assistance to cases settled by non-litigation. Paralegals can also provide legal counseling and perform the preparation of the report. Pemberian bantuan hukum didasarkan pada prinsip persamaan di depan hukum. Akses bantuan hukum dipandang sebagai hak asasi manusia. Bantuan hukum sesuai dengan Undang-Undang Nomor 16 Tahun 2011 tentang Bantuan Hukum merumuskan tentang peran paralegal, tapi undang-undang tersebut tidak mengatur mengenai definisi dan tugas paralegal dalam memberikan bantuan hukum. Paralegal diartikan secara legitimasi yuridis dalam tatanan hukum nasional yang tercantum dalam Pasal 9 dan Pasal 10 Undang-Undang Nomor 16 Tahun 2011 tentang Bantuan Hukum. Perumusan Undang-undang memposisikan Paralegal hanya berwenang untuk memberikan bantuan hukum dalam proses kasus yang diselesaikan dengan metode non-litigasi dan juga Paralegal juga dapat memberikan penyuluhan hukum dan melakukan persiapan laporan. Penelitian ini menguji dua isu yaitu legitimasi yuridis dari paralegal dalam tatanan hukum nasional dan otoritas paralegal dalam memberikan bantuan hukum kepada orang miskin. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian hukum normatif yang meneliti ketidakjelasan norma-norma tentang pemberian bantuan hukum oleh paralegal. Bahan hukum primer berupa undang-undang, sedangkan bahan hukum sekunder dalam bentuk buku yang terkait dengan masalah ini. Bahan hukum dikumpulkan melalui studi kepustakaan.

Widya Kurnia Sulistyowati

Based on Law No. 16 of 2011 on Legal Aid, Article 1 paragraph (1) states that Legal Aid is a legal service provided by legal aid providers free of charge to Legal Aid Recipients. Legal aid is a guarantee of legal protection and a guarantee of equality before the law, which is a constitutional right for every citizen. Because, the constitution guarantees the right of every citizen to get equal treatment before the law, including the right to access justice through legal aid. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, many people are asking for legal assistance related to the case of installment billing by debt collectors. The debt collector itself is a third party, which has an agreement with the financing institution to make efforts to force the collection of debtor vehicles because it has not paid installments as agreed. The result of this paper is that under these circumstances there is another legal remedy, namely restructuring.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 129-148
Xavier Nugraha ◽  
Ave Maria Frisa Katherina ◽  
Safira Noor Ramadhanty ◽  
Elma Putri Tanbun

The authority of the Constitutional Court in the current regulations in Indonesia still does not fully protect the constitutional rights of the citizens. This is reflected by seeing that the examination that were accommodated only covered the abstract review (there were no concrete cases in the court). This condition causes the absence of legal remedies to resolve the issue of constitutionality of legal norms in the court (concrete review), even though often the issue of constitutionality of laws is precisely found in court proceedings. This research is a dogmatic legal research. The primary legal material usedis the Law of the Constitutional Court, whilst the secondary legal material consists of books, journals, and other relevant sourcesrelated to the issues discussed in this research. Based on this research, it was found that it is necessary to raise a constitutional question so that the Acts that are being examined can be annuled by the Constitutional Court and articles that are considered in contrary to the constitution cannot be used as a basis by the judge to decide related cases that being examined concretely. AbstrakWewenang Mahkamah Konstitusi yang ada dalam peraturan perundang-undangan di Indonesia saat ini masih belum melindungi hak-hak konstitusional warga negara secara penuh. Hal ini tercermin dari pengujian yang diakomodasi hanyalah melingkupi abstract review (belum adanya kasus konkrit di pengadilan). Kondisi ini menyebabkan tidak adanya upaya hukum menyelesaikan persoalan konstitusionalitas norma hukum di pengadilan (concrete review), padahal sering kali persoalan konstitusionalitas undang-undang justru ditemukan dari proses di pengadilan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian hukum dogmatik. Bahan hukum primer yang digunakan yaitu Undang-Undang Mahkamah Konstitusi, sedangkan bahan hukum sekunder terdiri dari buku, jurnal, dan sumber lain yang relevan dengan masalah yang dibahas dalam penelitian ini. Berdasarkan penelitian ini, ditemukan bahwa perlu diterapkannya constitutional question supaya undang-undang yang diujikan dapat dibatalkan oleh Mahkamah Konstitusi dan pasal yang dinilai bertentangan dengan konstitusi tersebut tidak dapat dijadikan dasar oleh hakim untuk memutus terkait kasus yang diujikan secara konkrit.

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