scholarly journals Eksistensi Manajemen Pemasaran dalam Membangun Citra Lembaga Pendidikan

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 133-153
Toha Ma'sum

Related to the image of schools and efforts to create a positive image, it cannot be separated from the efforts of the school, especially the public relations department. Public Relations in education have special tasks including: Evaluating public attitudes and opinions towards the organization, Formulation and implementation of organizational procedures and policies for organizational communication with the public, coordinating communication programs between organizations and the public, developing relationships through communication processes, developing attitudes and relationships positive between the organization and the public. As well as creating public perception and a good image for the institution. Marketing management education services can apply Marketing management theory including marketing planning, marketing organizing, marketing implementation / implementation, and marketing supervision. The effort to improve and maintain a positive image is an academic reputation / academic quality, and is aimed at improving the Quality of Education Services, improving Education Services Products, and adding other efforts in the form of building communication, implementing discipline, giving direction to alumni to maintain the good name of the alma mater. The existence of marketing education services in enhancing the image is that marketing education services is carried out by promoting excellent learning programs, positive activities outside of school, and by planning well-programmed programs. has succeeded in improving and maintaining the image of the school.

2016 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 83
Fernanda Oliveira Simon ◽  
Estéfano Vizconde Veraszto ◽  
José Tarcísio Franco de Camargo ◽  
Dirceu da Silva ◽  
Nonato Assis de Miranda

The association between scientific knowledge and attitudes toward science has historical, social and political implications. Therefore, it becomes essential to assess public attitudes in face of science as these relate to the changing context of scientific practices and their implications on practical and social problems. Thus, this paper presents results of a survey developed from a mixed approach, which evaluated the public perception of science and attitudes in face of the scientific and technological development, from the perspective of biotechnology, in a public composed of undergraduate students from different places of São Paulo State, in Brasil. The results obtained by confirmatory factor analysis are indicators that show that the conceptions that people have about science directly and positively influences their attitudes to science.

2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 86
Narayana Mahendra Prastya

Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis aktivitas hubungan media yang dilakukan oleh Universitas Islam Indonesia, saat kejadian Tragedi Diksar Mapala UII. Kejadian tersebut merupakan krisis karena tidak diduga, terjadi secara mendadak, dan menimbulkan gangguan pada aktivitas dan citra organisasi. Hubungan media adalah salah satu aktivitas yang penting dalam manajemen krisis, karena media massa mampu mempengaruhi persepsi masyarakat terhadap satu organisasi dalam krisis. Dalam situasi krisis sendiri, persepsi dapat menjadi lebih kuat daripada fakta. Batasan hubungan media dalam tulisan ini adalah dalam aspek penyediaan informasi yang terdiri dari : (1) kualitas narasumber organisasi dan (2) cara organisasi dalam membantu liputan media. Data penelitian ini diperoleh dengan mewawancarai wartawan dari media di Yogyakarta yang meliput Diksar Mapala UII. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa media membutuhkan narasumber pimpinan tertinggi universitas. Informasi yang diperoleh dari humas universitas dirasa masih kurang cukup. Dalam hal upaya organisasi membantu aktivitas liputan, UII dinilai masih kurang cepat dan kurang terbuka dalam memberikan informasi. The purpose of this article is to analyse the media relations activities by Islamic University of Indonesia (UII), related to crisis "Tragedi Diksar Mapala UII". This incident lead to crisis because it is unpredictable, happen suddenly, disturb the organizational activities, and make the organization's image being at risk. Media relations is one important activites in crisis management. It is because mass media could affect the public perception toward an organization. In crisis situation, perception could be stronger than the fact. The limitation of media relations in this article are information subsidies. Information subsidies consist of : (1) the quality of news sources that provided by the organization, and (2) how organization facilitate the news gathering process by the media. The data for this article is being collected from interview with journalist from the mass media in Yogyakarta. The results are media want the top management of the universities as the news sources. The information that being provided by public relations is not enough. The university also lack of quickness and lack of openess.

Gloria Jimenez-Marin ◽  
Marta Pulido-Polo ◽  
Maria Mateos-Marin

The difference between public relations and marketing lies essentially in its purpose: while marketing seeks to satisfy the economic needs of the company in the market, public relations pursue the confluence of interests of the organization in its environment and, as a consequence, optimal results in terms of public perception. Despite this distinction, the link between public relations and marketing has sparked broad theoretical debates, essentially reactive, from the relational postulates. While, from the perspective of public relations, the managerial character of public relations is emphasized as a directive function and the academic and professional difference between one discipline and another is deepened, from the postulates of marketing, it is naturally assumed that Public relations is a more integrated technique in the P of Marketing Mix promotion. The integrated management model "Marketing Public Relations" (Kitchen and Moss, 1995 and Papasolomou and Melanthiou, 2012), aimed at increasing efficiency in organizational management through the combination of public relations techniques and marketing techniques synergistically (Hutton, 1996 and Haywood, 1998), has been surpassed in recent years by new models, mainly corporate, focused on the systematic incorporation of specific public relations techniques along with those of merchandising and retail, under strategic postulates. Under this approach, through a qualitative methodological design, based on the concept of intra-method methodological triangulation that combines the case study method (2019 Mother's Day Campaign at the Spanish distribution company El Corte Inglés) and the use of secondary data sources (both bibliographic documents and documents of the organization under study), this article aims to analyze this emerging reality to conclude with the proposal of a comprehensive management model based on the concept of "Public Relations-Merchandising". The results derived from the study allow us to identify an integrated corporate model for managing public perception (and business reputation) and sales through the strategic use of commercial space and retail (merchandising). In this way, a new management model emerges, the “Public Relations Merchandising” model that pivots on four basic variables: - Issuer: companies are organizations and, as such, public relations can contribute to the development of their mission in society, mainly related to the generation of economic objectives derived from the sales process). - Recipient: understanding the client as a stakeholder implies that the company acquires a commitment to corporate behavior that necessarily responds to the expectations and interests of its buyers and consumers. These should be conceived as a key piece that underpins the organizational life and around which the company must build and develop (Pulido, 2017). - Context and message: the enormous growth of competition and the dizzying evolution of the purchasing process forces organizations to manage the shopping experience from relational postulates. The convergence of public relations and merchandising techniques drive a constant dialogue with customers through the profitability of the commercial space. It is possible to conclude that the integrated management of public relations applied to merchandising entails achieving a balance with the public, which, in turn, results in optimal levels of perception of the points of sale, the products and suppliers themselves, and even to buyers and consumers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 83
Nadia Muharman ◽  
Zakirah Azman ◽  
Tari Aulia Sari

This study entitled "Public Relations Of Bendahara Sector Police's Strategies In Creating A Positive Image In The Eyes Of The Public After The Death Of The Alleged Drug Abuse Perpetrator Case" with the aim of finding out the strategies carried out by the Bendahara Sector Police's Public Relations in creating a positive image in the public after the death of the alleged perpetrator of Narcotics abuse. This research is a descriptive study with a qualitative approach. The data collection technique in this study was done by using interviews with the head of Public Relations of the Bendahara Sector Police and the General Section Chief Public Relation of Bendahara Sector Police. The determination of informant was chosen using a purposive sampling technique. The results showed that there were seven PR strategies used by the Public Relations of the Bendahara Sector Police, namely visiting victims' families regularly, approaching community leaders, counseling in turns to villages, saweusikula (visiting schools) activities, approaching Aceh Tamiang news journalists, uploading activities documentation to social media, and providing donations and assistance to local communities in need. There were several obstacles for the Public Relations of the Bendahara SectorPolice in carrying out the strategies that had been designed, namely the lack of facilities and the lack of personnel in charge of the Public Relations sector or department. 

Meenakshi Sharma

As a new corporation, the Delhi Metro (DMRC) began its relationship with the media, with a clean slate, and its care with the public relations function made for the establishment of a very cordial relationship with the print media and led to positive image building in the public eye. However, with the rise of electronic media and the proliferating channels' greater emphasis on sensationalism, the warmth in the relations began to subside. A major standoff with the electronic media and the experience of accidents during construction of Phase II of the project, led to the restructuring of the approach to media relations as well as internal restructuring of the PR department. The challenges and major incidents turned out to be hard-learnt lessons in managing the media in a dynamic environment.

1970 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 64
Suharyanto - ◽  
Agus - Triyono

AbstrakKeberadaan devisi Hubungan Masyarakat (Humas) dalam  sebuah institusi pendidikan sangat memiliki peranan yang sangat penting. Dibeberapa perguruan tinggi devisi ini sangat vital karena menjadi corong bagi masyarakat luas dalam membina hubungan baik dengan para stakeholders. Begitu juga dengan Humas di Universitas Dian Nuswantoro yang telah melakukan berbagai program dalam rangka meningkatkan citra perguruan tinggi.  Penelitian ini berorientasi pada persepsi dan partisipasi sivitas akademika yang ada pada Humas Universitas Dian Nuswantoro Semarang untuk menciptakan citra positif. Target khusus penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana persepsi dan partisipasi sivitas akademika atas keberadaan Humas, sehingga dapat ditemukan hasil penelitian yang dapat menjadi rekomendasi untuk kemajuan humas dan institusi. Tujuan jangka panjang dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hasil signifikan dari temuan yang didapatkan sehingga bisa menjadi referensi atas program-program humas menjadi lebih baik.  Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode survey di lapangan, dan instrumen penelitian menggunakan daftar pertanyaan untuk wawancara.Kata kunci; persepsi, partisipasi, sivitas akademika, humas,citra positif                                                                     Abstract The existence of division of Public Relations (PR) in a highly educational institution has a very important role. In some universities this division is vital because a mouthpiece for the wider community in fostering good relations with stakeholders. So,  the PR at the University of Dian Nuswantoro who has conducted various programs in order to improve the image of the college. This research-oriented academicians of perception and participation that exist in PR Dian Nuswantoro University Semarang to create a positive image. Specific target of this research is to determine how perceptions and participation of academicians of the existence of PR, so that research results can be found that can be a recommendation for public relations and institutional advancement. The long term goal of this study was to determine the significant results of the findings obtained so that could be a reference to the public relations programs for the better. This study used a qualitative approach with a survey method in the field, and research instruments using a list of questions for the interview. Key word : Perception, participation, academic society, public relations, positive image 

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (12) ◽  
pp. 121-134
Hikmah Ningsih ◽  
Farid Umarella

The utilization of online media, known as Cyber Public Relations (CPR), is the online public relations activities for information dissemination using online media by government institutions as an agenda to build the image of the institution in the public eyes. The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze the model of Cyber ​​Public Relations and the obstacles in utilizing the online media of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government in building a positive image of the institution. The paradigm used in this research is the constructivist paradigm. This research is using a qualitative research approach with a case study research method. Data collection techniques include: (1) in-depth interviews (2) observations, and (3) study of relevant literature. The process of analyzing qualitative data is carried out in stages: data reduction, then presenting the data and finally verifying (drawing conclusions). The results showed that through two official websites, namely the official website as a data information center and as the official portal for reporting. In addition, it has a number of social media, twitter, facebook, Instagram and YouTube as a means of information to the public. It is also supported by JAKI as an application that is the gateway for the community to access all online services for the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government. Cyber ​​PR is used in synergizing communication between DKI Jakarta regional government and the community so that it can produce a better image of government in the community.

Deniz Akbulut ◽  
Birgül Üstünbaş

Covid-19 pandemic has spread to the whole world from Wuhan, China in December, 2019 and seriously changed the daily life. While various measures have been taken to fight against the global pandemic in the whole world, transformations have occurred in business manners in many countries including Turkey. The public relations sector, which is an applied communication discipline managing the communication processes between the organization and target audience, has been affected by this process. Thus, how the pandemic period has affected the business manners of agencies and how the public relations profession has been actualized in agencies have been an object of interest. The main question of this study is how the pandemic period has affected the organizational culture in public relations agencies, and will these effects cause permanent changes in business manners in the agencies after the pandemic. The fact that most people have started making grocery shopping online due to Covid- 19 has increased the share of e-trade in the sector of Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG), which are also known as packaged consumption products. Public relations agencies serving in this sector have accelerated their communication activities especially during the pandemic. A semi-structured interview technique was applied to the representatives of seven public relations agencies serving in the fast moving consumer goods sector within the framework of the questions formed in line with the factors affecting the corporate culture according to Mondy (communication, motivation, leadership, management process, organizational structure and management style) in this study. The study found that hybrid working order (telecommuting/office working) was adopted by agency employees, the concept of office hours disappeared in agencies, the service process became 24/7 by the agency, digital communication tools accelerated the communication processes, and the business capacity of agencies increased. It is observed in line with these factors that pandemic period has caused both positive and negative permanent behavioral changes in the organizational culture of agencies.

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 154-168
Sulvinajayanti Sulvinajayanti

PR Process in Managing Instagram @universitaspertamina. Instagram is a new media facilitate public relations practitioners in providing information to the public with the aim of providing a positive image. @universitaspertamina is a social media account used by public relations in reaching its external public where the public target is students and academic community which has a range of usage under 40 years. @universitaspertamina is a means of public relations in shaping the image of the organization in front of the public. In Indonesia there are 45 million active citizens using instagram. In practical terms, the instagram function is relevant to the public relations-related external public function. Instagram is a new media facilitate public relations practitioners in providing information to the public with the aim of providing a positive image. @universitaspertamina is a social media account used by public relations in reaching its external public where the public target is students and academic community which has a range of usage under 40 years. @universitaspertamina is a means of public relations in shaping the image of the organization in front of the public.

Ioana Olariu

This article is a theoretical approach on the importance of using public relations in helping an organization to project a positive image. The study of the impact information has on the image of organisations seems to be an interesting research topic. Practice has proved that the image of institutions has a patrimonial value and it is sometimes essential in raising their credibility. It can be said that an image is defined as the representation of certain attitudes, opinions or prejudices concerning a person, a group of persons or the public opinion concerning an institution. In other words, an image is the opinion of a person, of a group of persons or of the public opinion regarding that institution. All specialists agree that a negative image affects, sometimes to an incredible extent, the success of an institution. In the contemporary age, we cannot speak about public opinion without taking into consideration the mass media as a main agent in transmitting the information to the public, with unlimited possibilities of influencing or forming it. The plan for the PR department starts with its own declaration of principles, which describes its roles and contribution to the organisation.

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