scholarly journals Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Mata Kuliah Bahasa Indonesia S 2 Semester Satu Pendidikan Dasar Fkip Univ ersitas Bengkulu T.A. 2020/2021

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 145-149
Daimun Hambali Hambali

The purpose of this research is to (a) develop teaching materials for Indonesian language courses for Master of Elementary Education (Dikdas) students, (b) to create Indonesian language lecture materials that support students' abilities as candidates for Masters in Basic Education, (c) availability of references Indonesian language material that can be used by students in lectures and the completion of their final project (thesis), and (d) the availability of various references to Indonesian subjects. In addition, the teaching materials for this Indonesian Language Course can be used for research activities; (a) increasing the literacy competence of teaching staff in the Primary Education Study Program, (b) increasing the quality of Indonesian language course material content, and (c) increasing libraries in the S-2 Dikdas Study Program, in improving the quality of lectures and student learning outcomes. This study was designed using a Research and Development approach. Research data collection techniques; interviews and documentation. Data analysis using qualitative analysis. The research output is expected to be; (a) a draft of Indonesian Language Course teaching materials for Master of Basic Education students, and (b) the results of the research will be published in the S-2 Basic Education journal, (c) a printed reference book, and (d) obtain an IPR.

Akhurbek А. Magometov ◽  
Boris A. Takhokhov

The article presents the authors ‘view on the activities of the scientific journal” Bulletin of the North Ossetian State University named after K. L. Khetagurov”. The relevance of the article is due to a significant increase in the role of research work of teachers and students of universities and the requirements for their publication activity; the importance for the university of having highly rated scientific journals and the increasing importance of the scientific publication of the university for improving the training of students. At the scientific and theoretical level, the changes that were determined by the modernization of education in the country and the need to improve the quality of scientific publications in accordance with the vector of development of international high-ranking publications and the desire of the university management and the editorial board to keep the journal in the trend of modern science are understood. Attention is paid to the problem of evaluating and reviewing scientific articles, the idea of the impact of reviews on the development of scientific knowledge is justified; the systematic work of the editorial board on the introduction of scientific research into the educational process of the university is shown. The new tasks of the editorial board are considered, the solution of which will contribute to improving the quality of the publication and the research activities of the teaching staff and students of the university. The purpose of the work is to substantiate the author’s approach to the current state, functioning and perspective view of the development of the university scientific publication and to determine its place in the modern scientific and educational space. The research methodology is based on systematic, activity-based and culturological approaches using such methods as systematization, generalization, analysis, description and comparison.

Milkhatun Milkhatun ◽  
Alfi Ari Fakhrur Rizal ◽  
Ni Wayan Wiwin Asthiningsih ◽  
Asslia Johar Latipah

A lecturer with a good performance has a positive impact on the quality of teaching and learning. The said quality  includes the delivery of teaching materials, learning methods, and ultimately the academic results of students. Performance of lecturers contributes significantly to the quality of research and community service which in turn improves the quality of teaching materials. It is desirable, therefore, to have a method to measure the performance of lecturers in carrying out the Tri Dharma (or the three responsibility) activities, which consist of teaching and learning process, research, and community service activities, including publications at both national and international level. This study seeks to measure the performance of lecturers and cluster them into three categories, namely "satisfactory", "good", and "poor". Data were taken from academic works of nursing study program lecturers in conducting academic activities. Clustering process is carried out using two machine learning approaches, which is K-Means and K-Medoids algorithms. Evaluation of the clustering results suggests that K-Medoids algorithm performs better compared to using K-Means. DBI score for clustering techniques using K-Means is -0.417 while the score for K-Medoids is -0.652. The significant difference in the score shows that K-Medoids algorithm works better in determining the performance of lecturers in carrying out Tri Dharma activities.

2014 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Ramli Abdullah

Urgency curriculum development education courses chemistry Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teaching UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh. Implementation of this research aims to be known: (1) How is the curriculum of Chemical Education Program currently in use, and (2) How is the curriculum of Chemical Education Program that is relevant to the times now. The research was conducted at the Basic Education Program Chemistry Faculty of tarbiyah UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh in April to September 2013. The method used in this research is qualitative descriptive, the population in this study is a faculty, alumni, and students of Chemistry Education Tarbiyah UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh. Retrieving data using instruments interviews with faculty, students, and alumni of Basic Chemical Education Program Faculty of tarbiyah UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh. While the curriculum documentation talaah Basic Chemical Education Program Faculty of tarbiyah UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh and curriculum Document Basic Chemical Education Program FKIP Unsyiah Banda Aceh. The results obtained in this study are: (1) Get a picture of the curriculum of Chemical Education Program currently in use, and (2) Chemistry Education Program curriculum that is relevant to the times now for the Basic Education Program Chemistry Faculty of tarbiyah UIN Ar Raniry Banda Aceh. The conclusion of this study is mengatahui picture of Chemical Education Program curriculum currently in use, and the curriculum of Chemical Education Program are relevant to the development of today for Basic Chemical Education Program Faculty of tarbiyah UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh. Suggestions put forward of this research is to improve the quality of learning in Chemistry Education Program requires continuous curriculum development, improving the quality of teachers and increase motivation and interest in students' growth Study Program Basic Chemistry Faculty of tarbiyah UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 106
Muhammad Sabir Ramadhan

ABSTRACT- This study aims to design interactive multimedia for computer client server programming with Android-based so that it can be accessed via smartphone. Client server programming course is one of compulsory subjects in Informatics Engineering course. With the realization of multimedia is expected to shorten the learning time of students, and students can more easily understand the material of client server programming rather than through the tutorial tutorial as usual, and is expected to improve learning achievement. This multimedia realization chose to use the Android operating system to be accessible through smartphone that is currently widely used by the students. This interactive multimedia presents theories, simulations and problems as the evaluation of client server programming learning. The results of this interactive multimedia will be tested through the test instrument to the students on the study program of Informatika Technique of Asahan University. Instrument test used to know student achievement. Test instrument used is a questionnaire instrument to determine the quality of interactive multimedia computer network courses. Multimedia is designed using the main software such as Macromedia Flash, Macromedia Director, and Macromedia Authorware and Eclipse 4.2 along with supporting applications. The material to be delivered on interactive multimedia is tailored to the syllabus of client server programming courses on Strata 1 level. The expected research output is in the form of teaching materials for the enrichment of client server programming subjects and multimedia technology and will be socialized through the national seminar in the field of informatic engineering. Keywords - interactive multimedia, Android, client server programming

2020 ◽  
Vol 210 ◽  
pp. 18116
Svetlana Kholina ◽  
Oksana Babenko ◽  
Viktoriya Grudinina ◽  
Victor Velichkin

This article discusses a model for training future physics teachers. The conceptual model of training future physics teachers shows the complete structure of training, methodological features of training for professional activity, future physics teachers at different stages of training: bachelor's, master's, postgraduate and professional retraining. The methodological features of the training consist in the examples of introduction of physical concepts. The article presents the evidence base for the effectiveness of the methodological system of training future physics teachers for secondary schools, lyceums and gymnasiums in the Moscow region. The article presents an approbation of the results of objective assessment of the quality of training of physics teachers, based on the results of research activities of students, achievements in all-Russian educational competitions and participation in the International competition "WorldSkills". Interaction of the Department and faculty is carried out with secondary schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, higher educational institutions in the framework of scientific and practical, scientific and methodological conferences for schoolchildren, students, teachers and teaching staff. The article highlights the factors that affect the success of training physics teachers, examples of which are: fruitful interaction with the external environment, both directly with the personal participation of representatives of educational institutions, and through networking; continuous monitoring to assess the success of teaching activities by graduates of this field of training; improving the quality of student recruitment, through the annual holding of physics Olympiads for students of secondary schools in the Moscow region.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 1156
La Mudae ◽  
Jopang Jopang ◽  
Nana Mulyana

The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze the quality of services in the field of basic education in Kulisusu District, North Buton Regency. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach. There were 11 research informants consisting of the Head of the Education and Culture Office, Head of the GTK Division of the Education and Culture Office, Head of SD Lamoahi, Head of SD Lelamo, Head of SDN Wa Ode Buri, 3 teaching staff and 3 Committee Chairs. The selection of informants was done purposively. Data were collected through observation, interviews and document studies. The data collected was then analyzed descriptively qualitatively.The results showed that the quality of service in the field of basic education in Kulisusu District, North Buton Regency was not optimal. This can be seen from the 10 dimensions measured, indicating that the indicators of tangible, credibility, competent, reliable and security are not yet optimal and still require serious improvement. Meanwhile, indicators of access, courtersy, competent, responsiveness, communication, and understanding of the customer have been well fulfilled

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 12-20
Agus Husein As Sabiq ◽  
Muflihah Muflihah

Evaluating a coursebook is necessary to find the strengths and weaknesses to improve the quality of sources and professional development. This study aimed to investigate the suitability of EAP coursebook materials with the criteria for good teaching materials and the English language needs of IAIN Purwokerto students. The study engaged 83 second-semester students at IAIN Purwokerto, who were randomly drawn from each study program at IAIN Purwokerto. The researchers employed a content analysis procedure:  the unit of analysis covering places, actors, activities, research variables in the form of teaching materials in EAP courses, and data collection using a checklist. The analysis of the research is based on the criteria of good teaching materials and the students' English needs which cover the target requirement component for needs analysis, consisting of the students’ needs, shortcomings, and desires. The researchers found that the suitability of the coursebook with the criteria for good text teaching materials has average level of relevance of 50.13%, which is quite appropriate in the category. There were some weaknesses or shortcomings that made this EAP course book not classified as a high level of relevance. English language needs of IAIN Purwokerto students tend to learn integrated language skills, especially speaking and listening.

Vesna Kravarusić

The indisputable importance of early learning as well as the accepted documents of international organizations dealing with education have an impact on educational policy in the Republic of Serbia. Systemic solutions support the professional progress of educators/preschool teachers. Clearly limited and publicly recognizable areas of practice, accumulated fund of knowledge acquired through education, experience, which is expanded and deepened by continuous improvement and exchange with the environment; independent and/or cooperative decisions on timely and correct actions; meeting internal and external standards (self / control); ethics in personal and professional life are characterized by professional/competent actions of educators. Factors that modulate the level of competence of educators are the status of society, the immediate social context, the quality of the study program, professional environment, continuous professional development, pedagogical practice, personal characteristics of educators, job satisfaction and private life. The paper critically examines the key elements of the structure of factors in the Republic of Serbia in order to put light on weak points and their improvement. The research of a set of macrosystemic and subsystemic factors points out to the necessity of restructuring, improvement of the quality of selection, basic education of educators, interventions in the offer of trainings in accordance with the real needs of educators. Ensuring an effective, respectful climate in the preschool institution is necessary for microsystem changes. Pedagogical implications are contained in the creation of conditions for the development of participatory relations, critical observation, but also the emancipation and independence of professionally accomplished educators.

2010 ◽  
Vol 34 (3) ◽  
pp. 173-180
Gintaras Stauskis

Modern studies and research in the field of architecture are developed on the basis of strengthening international cooperation on different geopolitical spaces. Strategies of developing landscape architecture as well as research and educational services are presented in European Landscape Convention. For this reason this document is reviewed in the paper. International European study and research platform Le:Notre is one of the effective ways to develop integral and coordinated studies and research in landscape architecture. Having virtual easily accessible space for collaborative research, art and studies in landscape as its aim, Le:Notre is becoming a place where innovative knowledge-based products, which are significant internationally and reflecting regional specifics, are created. Researchers and teaching staff of the Faculty of Architecture of Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, including the author of this paper, for several years have been involved in the collaborative research on this platform and are looking forward to improving and widening the prospects for studies and research of landscape architecture at VGTU by working recently in a comprehensive modern European virtual study program in landscape architecture. It is strongly anticipated that this product will affect the quality of landscape studies at VGTU and encourage our students and junior researchers to deepen their knowledge in landscape architecture of Lithuania and other European regions. Santrauka Šiuolaikinės studijos ir tyrimai architektūros srityje atliekami bendradarbiaujant skirtingų šalių mokslininkams plačiose geopolitinėse erdvėse. Europos kraštovaizdžio konvencija apibrėžia pagrindines kraštovaizdžio architektūros vystymo strategijas, taip pat ir šioje srityje vykdomų mokslinių tyrimų bei teikiamų akademinių paslaugų kryptis. Todėl straipsnyje šis dokumentas yra nagrinėjamas. Kraštovaizdžio architektūros studijų ir mokslo integralumo bei koordinacijos siekiama įvairiais būdais, vienas iš jų – tarptautinės virtualiųjų studijų platformos Le:Notre sukūrimas. Siekdama sukurti skirtingų šalių mokslo, kūrybos, studijų ir kitų susijusių sričių žmonių bendravimo ir tobulėjimo erdvę, Le:Notre žinių platforma tapo vieta, kurioje sukuriami nauji universalūs intelektiniai produktai, paliekantys vietos tautiniam ir regioniniam savitumui išreikšti bei prieinami daugeliui besidominčiųjų šiuolaikinėmis nuotolinio bendravimo priemonėmis. VGTU architektūros fakulteto mokslininkai ir pedagogai, taip pat ir šio straipsnio autorius, jau keletą metų aktyviai bendradarbiaujantys šioje erdvėje, siekia praplėsti kraštovaizdžio studijų ir mokslo Architektūros fakultete galimybes bei šiuo metu su partneriais kuria visa apimantį šiuolaikinį Europinės kraštovaizdžio architektūros nuotolinių studijų tinklą. Tikėtina, kad šis akademinis produktas, būdamas prieinamas vietos studentams ir pedagogams, paveiks kraštovaizdžio architektūros studijų ir mokslo VGTU Architektūros fakultete kokybę bei paskatins studentus ir jaunuosius tyrėjus giliau domėtis kraštovaizdžio architektūros klausimais Lietuvoje ir kituose Europos regionuose.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 165-172
Rohmani Nur Indah ◽  
Galuh Nur Rohmah

Studies show that teaching materials can be integrated with critical thinking skills for enhancing successful learning. However, the integration is not always clear as the communicativeness aspect of the materials also contributes to the goal of effective learning. This study focuses on critical thinking devices and the aspect of communicativeness fulfilled or violated in Indonesian primary school supplementary materials for language courses. It employs content or document analysis on the supplementary materials of the first graders on courses of English, Indonesian and Javanese languages. The analysis is based on the assumption that critical thinking tools and communicative aspects are the two main pillars that characterize the quality of language teaching materials in elementary schools. In addition, critical thinking tools are linked with communicative aspects of language teaching materials to target targeted competency standards. The results show that the communicativeness aspect is supported by the use of real context and authenticity of the materials. In terms of critical thinking device, the supplementary materials are supported by clear purpose in presenting key information. The evaluation on the supplementary materials concerns with the effort to improve the quality of primary school student’s cognitive attainment and critical thinking through communicative supplementary materials.

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