2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 34
Retno Dwigustini ◽  
Novita Sari ◽  
Susilawati Susilawati ◽  
Baiatun Nisa

Writing has been one of the most significant skill to acquire by high school students. In fact, students still find it difficult due to weak mastery of writing components and limited practice as well as exposure and facility. On these ground, utilizing MALL in hybrid learning setting is assumed to enhance their writing skill. Employing qualitative approach with classroom action research design conducted in 3 cycles, 20 high school students were involved in this study. The data were obtained using observation, test and interview. The findings suggested that online writing application can help promoting students’ writing skill proven by the score increase from cycle 1 to 3 as well as their participation. The students either perceived the MALL application positively.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 93
Nurmuhammet Kerimov ◽  
Dahlan Rais ◽  
Endang Setyaningsih

This study focuses on the implementation of think-pair-share technique<strong> </strong>in improving students‟ participation in a bilingual boarding high school in Central Java. The goals of this study are, (1) to identify how think-pair-share can improve the student participation in speaking class, (2) to identify what problems appear during the application of think-pair-share. I adopted Classroom Action Research (CAR) which requires four steps, namely planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting. The participants are 26 high school students. The methods of data collection are observation, diary, interview, photograph, pre-questionnaire, and post-questionnaire. In analyzing data I used (1) constant comparative technique by Burns (qualitative), (2) Likert scale (quantitative). After analyzing the data, I found out that the change in participation in class was clearly seen and all the responses from the students were positive. Moreover the average score of students` participation in class increased from 30.69 to 45.42.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 61-70
Masroya Budi Sri Mulyati

The peer teaching method is an exercise technique in learning in which students or participants present their ideas or opinions to other fellow participants. With this peer-to-peer method, it is expected that students' ability to write paragraphs will increase and be more directed based on the method given by the teacher. Therefore, this study aims to find out how to improve the ability to write paragraphs using the peer teaching method in senior high school. The research method used in this research is peer-to-peer method which is directed to describe the variable or ability to write paragraphs in senior high school students class X SMA Negeri 35 Jakarta with classroom action research (PTK). Based on the results of data analysis by looking at the results of the teaching-learning process, there was an increase in the ability to write paragraphs for aspects of unity, integration, development, as well as spelling and punctuation carried out by teachers from cycle I (78.31%) to cycle II (87.27%) with average of 13.46%. In addition, the evaluation obtained from each cycle also experienced increase of 35.13% in cycle II from Cycle I.Keywords: Pharagraps Writing skills; Peer Teaching Method; Classroom Action Research

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 63
Mohammad Fatoni ◽  
Ahmad Tauchid

Abstract: This research aims to analyze guided peer review to improve writing skill on personal recount texts for high school students in Bojonegoro in the aspects of (1) How is the process of implementing guided peer review (2) the students’ problems in writing personal recount texts (3) how the students’ writing after using guided peer review. This research uses colaborative classroom action research method. Analysis of the students’ problems in composing personal recount texts is analyzed in five components of writing such as content, organization, vocabulary, languge use, and mechanics. The Results of the analysis of average scores reveal that the students have problems in all components of writing in composing personal recount text in the initial drafts of the first cycle. However, there is significant improvement on the students class mastery of final draft from the first to second cycles. They are 53% and 83% students reach the minimum score criteria. Operational comments and suggestions help their peer to develop their writing better. It means guided peer review is able to improve the students writing skill in pesonal recount texts. Keyword: Guided peer review, personal recount texts, writing components Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis guided peer review untuk meningkatkan keterampilan menulis teks personal recount pada peserta didik SMA di Kabupaten Bojonegoro dalam hal (1) Bagaimana proses implementasi guided peer review (2) permasalahan peserta didik dalam menulis teks personal recount dan (3) bagaimana tulisan peserta didik setelah menggunakan guided peer review. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian tindakan kelas kolaboratif. Analisa permasalahan penulisan teks personal recount pada semua komponen keterampilan menulis antara lain isi, organisasi, kosa kata, grammar, dan mekanik.  Hasil analisis dari nilai rata-rata mengungkapkan bahwa peserta didik memiliki masalah dalam semua komponen keterampilan menulis pada draf awal di siklus pertama. Namun, ada peningkatan yang signifikan pada penguasaan kemampuan menulis pada draf akhir dari siklus pertama hingga kedua sebesar 53% dan 83% peserta didik dapat mencapai nilai kriteria ketuntasan minimal (KKM). Komentar dan masukkan yang jelas membantu teman sebayanya dalam mengembangkan tulisannya lebih baik. Ini berarti guided peer review dapat meningkatkan kemampuan menulis teks personal recount peserta didik. Kata kunci: peer review terbimbing, teks personal recount, komponen tulisan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 71-82
Vitri Anugrah Nainggolan ◽  
Risya Pramana Situmorang ◽  
Susanti Pudji Hastuti

Regarding 21st-century learning, scientific literacy is an important competency which must be owned by students. Nevertheless, scientific literacy of Indonesian students has been recognized in low level. This study aimed to describe students’ scientific literacy in Bryophyta topic using problem-based learning. This Classroom Action Research (CAR) used the Kemis & Mc.Taggart research design. This study involved 30 students of X graders in Kristen Satya Wacana Senior High School. Students' scientific literacy was measured using a test which comprised of 15 MCQs and 5 essay questions. The data obtained was analyzed using N-gain score. The results indicated that students' scientific literacy was improved from cycle 1 (45.20) to cycle 2 (65.59) as they learnt about Bryophyta. The use of PBL in learning Bryophyta accommodates students' activities to promote their scientific literacy. Scientific activities in PBL strongly support the development of students' scientific literacy.

Moh. Nurman

The present study aims at explaining how to improve the students’ vocabulary mastery by using “Go Fish” game. The study belongs to classroom action research. The participants of the study are one hundred and twenty-two junior high school students of the seventh grade. To measure the improvement of students’ vocabulary mastery, the study used test. The finding showed that the mean score, 92,41 in the second Cycle had met the criteria of success. It means that the use of Go Fish game in teaching vocabulary can improve the students’ vocabulary mastery.

Aroyan Mutaqin ◽  

This study aims to: (1) to find out the habit of ditching class XI students of Bengkulu City Senior High School 8 before being given group counseling services with behavioral contract techniques, (2) to find out the habit of ditching class XI students of Bengkulu 8 High School after being given group counseling services with behavioral contract techniques, and (3) to determine the effectiveness of group counseling services with behavioral contract techniques in reducing the habit of ditching class XI students of SMA Negeri 8 Kota Bengkulu. The method used is action research in guidance and counseling services. This study involved six students who indicated truant habits, namely (AH, ART, FBF, F, and RSF) from class XI of SMA Negeri 8 Kota Bengkulu, obtained from the results of documentation in the form of the last attendance in August. After the counselee's identification, group counseling services are conducted with a behavioral contract technique. The procedure for classroom action research is carried out in 4 stages, namely 1) planning, 2) implementation, 3) observation, 4) reflection. The results showed that: (1) The results of the analysis before being given group counseling services with behavioral contract techniques, the habit of ditching students on average there are five times in one month, (2) Results of analysis after being given group counseling services with behavioral contract techniques, student habits ditching experienced a decrease in the previous one in five months twice a month. (3) The results of the analysis can be concluded that the implementation of group counseling services with highly effective behavioral contract techniques is used to reduce the habit of skipping school in class XI Bengkulu 8 High School students that implementing group counseling services with highly effective behavioral contract techniques is used to reduce truant habits school for class XI students of SMA Negeri 8 Kota Bengkulu.

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 639
Sudiyono Sudiyono

ABSTRAK Masih kurang  minatnya siswa dalam belajar khususnya pelajaran matematika,  salah satu sebab adalah  metode yang digunakan oleh guru masih konvensional dan siswa bekerja secara individu, sehingga siswa yang kurang mampu kesulitan dalam memahami konsep dengan benar.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar bilangan berpangkat dengan  model problem posing pada siswa kelas IX SMP Negeri 4 Batu.Penelitian ini menggunakan desain  Penelitian Tindakan Kelas  (Classroom Action Research),  pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan  kualitatif yaitu penelitian yang datanya tanpa menggunakan teknik statistik. Penelitian tindakan kelas ini dilaksanakan dalam dua siklus. Setiap siklus terdiri dari perencanaan, tindakan, observasi dan refleksi.Berdasarkan data yang diperolah dari pelaksanaan tindakan mulai siklus 1 sampai dengan siklus 2 dan berdasarkan hasil observasi tiap-tiap siklus terjadi peningkatan prestasi yaitu siswa yang mendapat nilai kurang dari KKM dari 17 siswa menjadi 7 siswa, mengalami peningkatan siswa yang mendapat nilai memenuhi KKM dari 18 menjadi 27 siswa, dan rata-rata tes siswa dari  62,29 menjadi 71,76 mengalami kenaikan 2,47%, serta prosentase ketuntasa juga mengalami peningkatan dari 48,6% menjadi 79,4% meningkat 30,8%.Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa dengan pendekatan model problem posing dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa khususnya pada materi bilangan berpangkat. Kata Kunci: Peningkatan hasil belajar, Bilangan berpangkat, Problem Posing ABSTRACT The lack of student’s study interest especially on mathematics, one of the reason is the method is still conventional and students work individually, with the result that students harder to understanding the concept correctly. The purpose of this research is improving learning outcome on exponential numbers with problem posing model in 3rd years students on State Junior High School Batu. This research using Classroom Action Research design and qualitative approach, which is the research that not using statistics technique. This Classroom Action Research executed in two cycle. Every cycle consist of planning, action, observation, and reflection. Based on data that obtained from the 1st cycle until 2nd cycle and based on observation from every cycle there is an achievement increase that is students that having under the minimum learning mastery standard from the initial is 17 students increase to 7 students, then there is increase the numbers of students that having on the minimum learning mastery standard from 18 to 27 students, and the average of students’ test from 62,29 to 71,76 (increasing 2,47%), so the percentage of learning mastery increased from 48,6% to 79,4% increase for about 30,8%. This shows that Problem Posing approach can increasing student’s study result especially on exponential numbers subject. Keyword: Increase of study result, Exponential numbers, Problem Posing

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 176-191
Benny Anggara

The need for developing students' higher order thinking skills is the main indicator in the application of HOTS-based questions in high school mathematics learning. The results of the implementation have not shown satisfactory results. The high level thinking ability of students in Indonesia in Mathematics is still very low. Therefore, a HOTS-based diagnostic test is needed which is able to detect the mathematical misconceptions of high school students as the aim of this study. Based on the research objectives, the method of this study is a qualitative method with research design using the Plomp model research design. The subjects of this study were several students and teachers at a school in Cirebon Regency. The results showed that four HOTS questions could be developed based on three aspects, namely, arithmetic, algebra, and geometry. The problem was developed to detect three forms of misconception, namely, theoretical, classification, and correlational misconceptions. The four questions that have been developed were assessed through the readability test of students and teachers, and CVR and CVI tests were carried out on eight mathematics teachers with valid results. Based on these results it can be concluded that the HOTS questions developed can be implemented for students to detect forms of mathematical misconceptions of high school students. 

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2.13) ◽  
pp. 447
Raheni Suhita ◽  
Herman J. Waluyo ◽  
Budhi Setiawan

This study aimed to determine the factors affecting writing skill quality and the level of their contribution to help language teachers to formulate more effective strategies using CAT to enhance writing skill. The correlating factors discussed in this research were students’ reading comprehension skill, vocabulary mastery, and attitude toward language.  The study applied quantitative approach with simple and multiple correlation and regression techniques. The samples of the study were 100 students taken using stratified random sampling technique from a population of 2000 junior high school students in Surakarta City. The data were collected using multiple choice test for students’ reading comprehension skills and vocabulary mastery, writing assignments, and questionnaires for their attitudes toward the Indonesian language. The findings showed that there are positive correlations between the independent variables, either individually or simultaneously, with writing skill. The individual contribution levels is 44.75% of reading comprehension skill, 27.70% of vocabulary mastery, and 28.5% of attitude toward language. As for the simultaneous correlation of the three determining factors make up to 45.16%. contribution level to writing skill quality. Thus it can be concluded that reading comprehension has the most contribution to writing skill compared to vocabulary mastery and attitude toward language. The identified levels of contribution can be taken into consideration in formulating teaching strategies and materials to enhance writing skill quality.  

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