ALGORITMA Journal of Mathematics Education
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Published By LP2M Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

2654-9948, 1907-7882

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 176-191
Benny Anggara

The need for developing students' higher order thinking skills is the main indicator in the application of HOTS-based questions in high school mathematics learning. The results of the implementation have not shown satisfactory results. The high level thinking ability of students in Indonesia in Mathematics is still very low. Therefore, a HOTS-based diagnostic test is needed which is able to detect the mathematical misconceptions of high school students as the aim of this study. Based on the research objectives, the method of this study is a qualitative method with research design using the Plomp model research design. The subjects of this study were several students and teachers at a school in Cirebon Regency. The results showed that four HOTS questions could be developed based on three aspects, namely, arithmetic, algebra, and geometry. The problem was developed to detect three forms of misconception, namely, theoretical, classification, and correlational misconceptions. The four questions that have been developed were assessed through the readability test of students and teachers, and CVR and CVI tests were carried out on eight mathematics teachers with valid results. Based on these results it can be concluded that the HOTS questions developed can be implemented for students to detect forms of mathematical misconceptions of high school students. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 166-175
Khamida Siti Nur Atiqoh

This study aims to analyze students' strategies in translating English-Indonesian mathematics texts. The study was conducted on students of the Mathematics Education study program in the English for Teaching Mathematics course. The research method is a qualitative descriptive method with data analysis units of text translation as many as 31 students. The translation strategy uses 2 stages, namely the comprehension strategies, referring to the analysis of the source text, and the production strategies, referring to the production of the translated text. The results of the study reveal that in general students have been able to carry out comprehension strategies well as evidenced by their good understanding of mathematics and mathematics learning vocabulary, while the production strategy stage is still lacking, i.e the results of the production of a full sentence translation text in paragraph form involving mathematical vocabulary still too 'stiff'. The conclusion of this study is that the factors of experience and student habituation in reading mathematics texts in English have an effect on the ability in understanding strategies and production strategies.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 192-205
Dyah Ayu Maharani ◽  
Gusni Satriawati ◽  
Eva Musyrifah

 The ability to think creatively is a characteristic of 21st century learning. It takes learning innovation to accommodate increased creative thinking in learning materials. One alternative learning model that is thought to improve creative thinking is the Generative Multi-Representation Learning (GMRL) model. This study aims to analyze the effect of the GMRL model on mathematical creative thinking skills. The research was conducted in class X IPA at a public high school in Tangerang Regency. The method used was a quasi-experimental design with a post-test only randomize control group. The research sample was 66 students, 33 as the experimental group and 33 as the control group. Determination of the sample using cluster random sampling technique. Data collection on mathematical creative thinking skills using test instruments. In general, the research findings reveal that students' mathematical creative thinking skills taught using the GMRL model are higher than the conventional model. These skills include fluency, flexibility, originality and elaboration. The fluency indicator is more dominant than the other three indicators. The conclusion of this study is that the GMRL model is more effective in increasing mathematical creative thinking skills than the conventional model.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 100-115
Nindy Ivalyn ◽  
Andi Pujo Rahadi

The mathematics problem-solving ability of students in Indonesia is not high yet. The students found it difficult to do the mathematics problems that lead to solving a problem. This study aims to improve students' mathematical problem-solving skills using the Edmodo platform. The study used a quasi-experimental design to find out whether the enhancement of students' mathematical problem-solving abilities that obtain using the Edmodo Platform with a scientific approach is significantly higher than the students who obtain scientific approach learning models. The sample of the research was students in two classes X grade student Negeri 1 Parongpong, West Bandung 2019/2020. The first-class students obtained an using the Edmodo Platform with a scientific approach, while the students in the second class obtained a scientific approach learning with a scientific approach. The results showed that the enhancement of the students' mathematical problem-solving abilities in both classes was included in the moderate category. Based on the statistical tests, the students in the first class have a significant enhancement in mathematical problem-solving abilities compared with the students in the second class. Furthermore, student responses to use the Edmodo Platform with a scientific approach are categorized as "very like" and student responses to a scientific approach are categorized as "very like".

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 145-165
Erna Sari Agusta

In general, junior high school students learn mathematics with an inductive pattern. However, the statements in mathematics are obtained through a deductive mindset. Therefore we need a learning approach that can accommodate students' thinking patterns. Mathematics adheres to the law of consistency which causes the structure of material in mathematics to be hierarchically arranged, interrelated, and has characteristics that have implications for determining strategies, approaches and the use of learning media. This article aims to review the theory of the Realistic Mathematics Education Approach (PMR). An approach that can make students involved in building their own concepts and models used through problem solving. The PMR discussion begins with the definition of PMR, the principles and characteristics of PMR, and the contribution of PMR in learning mathematics. Writing this article uses the literature review method which consists of books, journal articles, and other documents related to the topic of discussion. The results of the study found that Realistic Mathematics Education (PMR) is a mathematics learning innovation that is in accordance with the 2013 curriculum.The use of contexts and models, as well as the use of student contributions through discussions to discuss various linkages between mathematics material, makes this approach able to contribute to improving five general mathematical abilities. which includes: the ability to understand mathematics, problem solving, mathematical connections, mathematical communication, and mathematical reasoning.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 133-144
Roslani Supinah ◽  
Kadir Kadir ◽  
Otong Suhyanto

The PQ4R (Preview, Question, Read, Reflect, Recite, Review) learning strategy is one of the recommended learning strategies to hone mathematical connection skills and support students to connect mathematical concepts with problems in everyday life. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of PQ4R learning strategies and conventional learning strategies on students' mathematical connection abilities. This study was a quasi-experimental study with a two group randomized control group post test only design. This study involved 60 students who were taken randomly as samples, 30 students each for the experimental and control groups. Data collection using test instruments. The research findings reveal that the average mathematical connection ability of the experimental group is 71.53 and the control group is 35.99. The achievement of mathematical connection ability includes connection indicators: between mathematics, with other disciplines, and with everyday life. The conclusion of this study is that the PQ4R learning strategy is more effective in increasing the mathematical connection ability than students who are given conventional learning strategies.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 116-132
Nurhafizah Hayati ◽  
Armis Armis ◽  
Atma Murni

The background of this research is the limited of mathematics learning devices that corresponds to 2013 curriculum. The purpose of this research is to produce learning devices in the form that are Syllabus, Learning Implementation Plan, and Student Activity Sheet by using discovery learning models in the material of Quadrilateral and Triangle class of VII SMP/MTs. The development model in this research used 4D model with four steps, namely define, design, develop and disseminate. The research’s instrument used were validity instruments and practicality instruments. The learning device developed were validated by three validators and revised according to the suggestions of the validator. The average results of the analysis syllabus validation was 3.75 with a very valid category and the average results for the analysis Learning Implementation Plan validation and Student Activity Sheet validation results were 3.76 with a very valid category. The results of this validation analysis show that the Syllabus, Learning Implementation Plan, and Student Activity Sheet are considered valid. Valid learning device was then tested on a small group. The results of data analysis on the practicality of using Student Activity Sheet in small group trials is 3.50 which very practical category. Based on the results of the data analysis, it can be concluded that the product of development in the form of mathematics learning devices uses discovery learning models on the material of Quadrilateral and Triangle grade VII of SMP/MTs have been assessed as valid and suitable for use.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Maifalinda Fatra ◽  
A Rizki ◽  
Tita Khalis Maryati

Mathematical Critical thinking is one of  mathematical abilities that must be obtained by students. Critical thinking is one of the high order thinking processes that can make concepts in student knowledge.  Students with critical thinking in mathematics learning mostly do rational activities such as interpreting information based on a particular theoretical framework, linking theory with practice, making claims and justifying it, utilizing data in support of argumentation, making relations or relationships between various ideas, asking questions, evaluating knowledge, predict, describe something, analyze, synthesize, and categorize. This study aims to analyze the effect of the Concept-Based Learning Model on the critical thingking mathematical abilities.The purpose of this research is to analyze the effect of Concept-Based Learning Model toward mathematics critical thinking ability. The method used in this research is quasi experiment by Randomize Control Group Post Test Only Design with cluster random sampling technique. Indicators of mathematics critical thinking skills measured in this study include providing simple explanations, building basic skills, concluding, making more explanations, and deciding an action. The results showed that the mathematics critical thinking ability of students in the experimental class for the five indicators that being analyze was higher than the ability of students in the control class. A fairly high difference in the indicator showed in give a simple explanation and concluding. and it means that the application of Concept-Based Learning Model significantly influences the  abilities  of students' mathematics critical thinking.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Faiq Zulfikar Hadi ◽  
Maman Fathurrohman ◽  
Cecep Anwar Hadi

This research is conducted by the low mathematics critical thinking ability of students in junior high schools, especially in  VII grade .Students of VII grade commonly are transitioning from elementary school to junior high school could be a reason how low students of VII grade on mathematic critical thingking ability. The low ability mathematics critical thingking one of caused by mathematics anxiety. This study aims to find a relationship between math anxiety and mathematics critical thinking ability of VII grade at SMPN 5 Serang City. The method of this research is quantitative descriptive by making 110 students from VII grade as a sample. The data were collected using questionnaire and test. The result of this study indicate that 1) the ammount of correlation between math anxiety with critical thingking ability is -0,5991> rs table 0,1695, which means there is a significant and negative relationship between anxiety and critical thingking ability 2) the average of students’s mathematics critical thingking ability is different where score between students with low anxiety have a better score than student with mid anxiety and low anxiety,and students with mid anxiety have a better score than students with high anxiety, and students with mid anxiety have a better score than students with high anxiety.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Yoga Pratama ◽  
Gelar Dwirahayu ◽  
Gusni Satriawati

The Extraordinary School (SLB) 4 Jakarta is a school special for deafness students. The deafness students has a difference with a normal students, so there are special treatment for them especially in mathematics teaching. When we observe to school, we get some information about they services to students,  one of the information was that the mathematics teacher taught students using inquiry model. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to analyze the application of mathematics learning models in SLBN 4 Jakarta for class XI students with hearing impairment in terms of planning and implementing learning, student responses and test results during the learning process, as well as the learning tools or media used. This research is a qualitative descriptive study with research subjects namely one mathematics class teacher and five students of SLBN 4 Jakarta class XI in the 2018/2019 school year. The collection techniques used were interviews, observation, and documentation. The results showed that (1) The preparation of mathematics learning planning in SLBN 4 Jakarta curriculum used was the 2013 curriculum (2) The implementation of mathematics learning in SLBN 4 Jakarta used the expository method and MMR (Reflective Maternal Method) (3) There were 2 results of learning activities, namely student responses and test results (4) mathematics learning tools or media used by teachers are still conventional.

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