2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 66
Abdul Ganing ◽  
Miftah Chairani Hairuddin

There is 89.02% urban/rural yet On Defecation Free (ODF) in Regional of Majene. Factors affecting the formation of village ODF is community behavior. The aim of this study was to describe behavior of society (knowledge, attitudes, and actions) towards the establishment of ODF village in Regional of Majene. Qualitative research methods carried out in Tande Timur and Adolang Dhua Village with descriptive design. The number of informants as many as 29 people (22 people informant ordinary and 7 key informants). Data processing begins with coll (place holder) ecting the results of the interview are processed, according to the studied variables and the contents analyzed and presented in manuscript form. The research result shows that the knowledge, attitudes and actions of people is good and supports the formation of ODF in the Village of Tande Timur. Knowledge and attitudes of people in the village Adolang Dhua is good yet the action not support to become ODF village.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-18
Abdul Fatah Fanani ◽  
Supardi Ibrahim

Abstrak Reformasi kebijakan tentang desa dapat terlihat jelas dalam undang-undang Nomor 6 Tahun 2014 tentang desa. Masyarakat desa selama ini lebih sering hanya menjadi penonton dalam pelaksanaan pembangunan di daerahnya. Namun melalui undang-undang nomor 6 tahun 2014 ini masyarakat diberikan kewenangan pengakuan terhadap hak asal usul (rekognisi), penetapan kewenangan berskala lokal dan pengambilan keputusan secara lokal untuk kepentingan masyarakat desa (subsidiaritas), keberagaman, kebersamaan, kegotong-royongan, kekeluargaan, musyawarah, demokrasi, kemandirian, partisipasi, kesetaraan, pemberdayaan dan keberlanjutan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Pemilihan metode penelitian kualitatif dalam penelitian ini dengan maksud agar dalam proses pencarian makna dibalik fenomena dapat dilakukan pengkajian secara komprehensif, mendalam, alamiah, dan apa adanya serta tanpa banyak campur tangan dari peneliti. Dengan metode kualitatif ini dapat di analisis mengenai pendekatan collaborative governance dalam mewujudkan kemandirian desa. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa di kabupaten Sidoarjo sudah ada beberapa kegiatan yang mendukung collaborative governance dalam mendorong terwujudnya kemandirian desa. Beberapa kegiatan tersebut diantaranya adalah terbentuknya Badan Koordinasi Antar Desa (BKAD), Program Kawasan Perdesaan (PROKADES), Desa Melangkah, dan Start Up Desa. Kata Kunci: Kemandirian Desa, Collaborative Governance, Recognisi, Subsidiaritas, Undang-undang Desa.   Abstract Policy reforms on villages can be seen clearly in Law No. 6 of 2014 about villages. The village community has only been a spectator in the implementation of development in their area. However, through law number 6 of 2014, the village community is given the authority to recognize the rights of origin (recognition), recognition of local scale authority and decision making locally for the benefit of the village community (subsidiarity), diversity, togetherness, mutual cooperation, kinship, deliberation, democracy, independence, participation, equality, empowerment and sustainability. This study uses qualitative research methods with a descriptive approach. The selection of qualitative research methods in this study with the intention that in the process of finding the meaning behind the phenomenon can be carried out comprehensively, deeply, naturally, and as it is and without much interference from researchers. This qualitative method can be analyzed about collaborative governance approaches in realizing village independence. The results of this study indicate that there are already several activities in Sidoarjo regency that support collaborative governance in encouraging the realization of village independence. Some of these activities include the establishment of an Inter-Village Coordination Board (BKAD), the Rural Area Program (PROKADES), Desa Melangkah, and Start Up Villages. Keywords: Village Independence, Collaborative Governance, Recognition, Subsidiarity, Village Law.

Husni Habibi

This article is based on field research aims to answer the question of the influence of Islamic Law on prohibiting liquor (Tuak) towards community behavior of Boto Village in Semanding district of Tuban Regency.  It also strives to analyze the factors that contribute to mold people's behavior. The approach of this research is combining a quantitative survey and qualitative research methods, with data analysis techniques in the form of analytical descriptive. The results of the study conclude that Islamic law is incapable of fashioning the actual behavior of its adherents, especially in the village of Boto. The prohibitions of liquor (tuak) failed to stimulate the behavior of rural communities under Islamic legal norms. This is indicated by the lack of community response to Islamic legal norms. On the contrary, it is conclusively found that the behavior of the majority of people deviates from the Islamic provisions of legal norms about the prohibition of liquor (tuak).

Herry Linda Anjani ◽  
Rosidi Rosidi ◽  
M. Achsin

The purpose of this research is to analyze the experience and understanding of village officials with respect to accountability in village fund financial management. Qualitative research methods with a phenomenological approach were used in this study through interviews with the village government in Tlogosari Village, Malang Regency, East Java Province, Indonesia. The results show that the accountability of village fund financial management is realized through the behavior of carrying out duties and responsibilities, greatest utilization of village discussions, and the overall activeness of village communities in supporting the village welfare. This understanding is considered to be in accordance with the Minister of Home Affairs Regulation No. 20 of 2018. Supporting parties of the implementation of village fund financial management, namely the village government, local government, and local inspectorates should increase their commitment and consistency in order to create accountable management of village funds. At the inspection stage, particularly, the regional inspectorate is required to make improvements in the inspection process to maximize targeted development in fulfillment of the village needs.

Maikel Paulbers Mawei ◽  

This study aims to determine the implementation of the function of the Consultative Agency (BPD) in Sendangan 1 Village, Sonder District, Minahasa Regency, this study uses qualitative research methods. The results of the existing research indicate that: 1) Implementors in the village of Sendangan Satu do not yet know in detail the process of discussing and determining the draft village regulations following applicable regulations. 2) The draft village regulations that have been discussed and agreed to date have not yet been established as village regulations. 3) The community's aspirations have been accommodated by the BPD but not all of the community's aspirations have been followed up. 4) The place of implementation of the distribution of public aspirations is not following regulations because it is still carried out flexibly. 5) BPD and Government Officials do not know specifically the stages in the process of channelling public aspirations. 6) The supervision carried out by the BPD on the performance of the Village Head has not been thoroughly implemented. Three factors hinder the implementation of the BPD function in Sendangan 1 Village, namely standards and objectives, communication, and also the disposition of the implementer. For the advice given, implementers should understand in detail the process of discussing and agreeing on draft regulations that are following regulations, draft village regulations must be immediately set into Village Regulations by implementers so that this policy can run properly and correctly, and supervision of the performance of the Village Head must further improve.

2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 142-151
Nur Aini ◽  
Soemaryatmi Soemaryatmi

Anoman Cakil dance was created in 1986 at the request of the ASKI Dance Department. External factors are a major factor in the creation of Anoman Cakil dance which is supported by internal factors. This thesis, titled Anoman Cakil dance, composed by Didik Bambang Wahyudi, focuses on the study of dance work and the structural analysis of Anoman Cakil dance. Issues to be explained in this study are (1) How  to work on  Anoman  Cakil dance  by Didik Bambang  Wahyudi  (2) How  to present the structure of Anoman Cakil dance.This research uses qualitative research methods, data obtained through literature study, interviews and observations. The results of data processing are then presented descriptively. To answer this problem, this study uses the concept of cultivation as a knife for analysis, namely the  concept of cultivation  by Rahayu Supanggah. The structural analysis of Sumandiyo Hadi was used as a theory to examine the structural problem of Anoman Cakil's dance presentation. The elements of cultivation work in the form of material work on, work on, working on facilities, working on furniture and determinant work on. Application of cultivation in dance in the form of the background of the creation of dance, Didik Bambang wahyudi as cultivators and Anoman cakil dance as material and means of working on.Anoman Cakil dance including wireng pethilan dance with stories originating from the Ramayana Epic, presented by two dancers in pairs, with figures Anoman and Cakil. And, victory on the Cakil figure. Anoman Cakil dance consists of three parts in the form of Forward Beksan Structure, the Beksan section which consists of the  then  spread  hand  arm  and  keris  shell.  Beksan  retreat  is  the  last  part  of  the Anoman Cakil dance presentation structure. Dramatic flow of Anoman Cakil dance is classified as multiple conical dramatic grooves with a small climax before heading to the main climax. Keywords: Wireng, pethilan, Anoman, Work on, Structural.

2016 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
Indien Winarwati ◽  
Uswatun Hasanah

Low productivity leads to competition among fishermen to get fish catches are becoming increasingly stringent because the regime of fish resources management is open (open access). These conditions are prone to conflict. This research is normative-qualitative research, design and method are combination of normative research methods and sociological research methods. There were many factors that cause conflicts between fishermen in Madura that erroneous perception about the ownership of the sea, differences in use of fishing tool, and violations of fishing area. The Conflict is resolved bet-ween the head of the fishermen's group, which was attended by village officials and community leaders. If that not works, the village officials will involve Pol.Airud, KAMLA, and the Department of Fisheries and Marine Affairs, and the results are set forth in the form of a written agreement.Keywords: conflict between fishermen, causes of conflict, resolution of conflict, Madura

2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
Rengga Kusuma Nawala Sari

<p align="center"><strong>ABSTRAK</strong></p><p> </p><p>Batik Tutur merupakan hasil pengembangan dari motif batik <em>Afkomstig Uit Blitar 1902</em>, warisan budaya masyarakat blitar pada masa lampau yang dikoleksi museum belanda. Saat ini batik tutur memiliki 15 motif dengan berbagai macam nama sesuai motif dan makna, nama pada setiap motif mengandung pesan moral atau pitutur yang ingin disampaikan Eddy Dewa sebagai pencipta motif kepada pemakainya. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu latar belakang penciptaan batik tutur karya Eddy Dewa. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pengumpulan data dan pengolahan data. Pengumpulan data meliputi observasi, wawancara, dan studi pustaka, sedangkan pengolahan datanya menggunakan interaksi analisis,hasil analiss dari penelitian ini yang didapat adalah batik tutur memiliki fungsi sebagai sarung dengan pola motif yang sama dengan pola sarung yang memiliki tumpal tengah, dan makna yang terkandung merupakan intepratasi Eddy Dewa dalam memaknai lingkungan sekitar.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Kata kunci: </strong>Revitalisasi, Batik<strong> </strong><em>Afkomstig Uit Blitar</em>, Batik Tutur.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p align="center"><strong><em>ABSTRACT</em></strong></p><p> </p><p><em>Batik Tutur is the result of the development of batik motif Afkomstig Uit Blitar 1902. It is the cultural heritage of Blitar community in the past which was collected by the Dutch museum. Currently, batik </em>tutur<em> has 15 motifs with various names according to the motives and meanings. The name of each motif contains a moral mes-sage or a message that Eddy Dewa wishes to convey as the creator of the motif to the consumers. The purpose of this study is to know the background of batik </em>tutur<em> creation by Eddy Dewa. The research used is qualitative research methods with data collection and data processing. Data collection includes observation, interviews, and literature study, while the data processing uses interaction analysis. The results of this re-search tells that batik </em>tutur<em> has a function as a sarong with the same motif pattern as a sarong pattern that has a middle tumpal. The meaning contained tells about Eddy Dewa’s interpretation in handling interpreting the surrounding environment.</em></p><p> </p><p><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><em>Revitalization, Batik Afkomstig Uit Blitar, Batik Tutur.</em></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 135-141
Tasya Kartika Chandra ◽  
Nur Hadi

One of the diversity that Indonesia has is in terms of local culture. This culture can be in the form of tangible and intangible culture. One of the intangible cultures is the tradition Selamatan by most of the Javanese Muslim community, one of which is in Wonosari Village, Malang. Selamatan is held to fulfill someone's nadzar or for the purpose of connecting humans and the god to ask for salvation in life and the next life. In addition to Selamatan, there is also a puppet tradition that is held to tell various kinds of stories according to the request of the respondent and for the purpose of ruwatan. The purpose of this study was to determine the syncretism of culture and religion in the tradition of Selamatan and wayang performances. Where syncretism can be seen in the food served, the scripts and mantras that are read, as well as the stories on the puppets that are delivered. The sample used was purposive sampling and data collection methods were observation and interviews. This study uses qualitative research methods and data processing uses Miles and Huberman's analysis. Dalam keanekaragaman yang dimiliki Indonesia salah satunya yaitu dalam hal kebudayaan lokal. Kebudayaan ini dapat berupa budaya benda dan tak benda. Salah satu budaya tak benda adalah tradisi selamatan yang dilakukan oleh sebagian besar masyarakat Islam suku Jawa, salah satunya di Desa Wonosari, Malang. Selamatan ini diadakan untuk memenuhi nadzar dari seseorang atau untuk tujuan penghubung antara manusia dengan sang pencipta untuk memohon keselamatan dalam hidup dan kehidupan selanjutnya. Selain selamatan juga ada tradisi pewayangan yang digelar untuk menceritakan berbagai macam cerita sesuai permintaan penanggap dan untuk tujuan ruwatan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui mengenai sinkretisme budaya dan agama dalam tradisi selamatan dan pagelaran wayang. Dimana sinkretisme terlihat pada makanan yang disajikan, skrip dan mantra yang dibacakan, serta cerita pada pewayangan yang dibawakan. Sampel yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling dan metode pengumpulan data adalah observasi dan wawancara. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dan pengolahan data menggunakan analisis Miles dan Huberman.

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 79-86
Fandi Adi Setyawan

Overall, this article will discuss how the influence of income, number of customers, and the Covid-19 pandemic on KCA lending to PT. Pegadaian (PERSERO) UPC Secang. The data in this article, obtained from the daily pawn loan customers data, calculated from January to April. In the research conducted, the authors used qualitative research methods, so the data obtained were calculated rigidly. The results obtained in this study, after going through the calculation and data processing are income does not affect lending, customers do not influence lending, and the condition of the Covid-19 pandemic does not affect lending.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 190-213
Rusydi Sulaiman

Indonesia is known for its vast territory consisting of thousands of islands. One of them is Pulau Bangka—an  island which also includes many villages in the right and left row of roads with other completeness as the reality of the village in Bangka. Sociologically, the island is harmed because the form of the village in Bangka is more due to colonial policy in the middle of  nineteen century. It was , different from previous village land inherited by the ancestors (Atok-Nek) in Bangka. This article focuses on early village discussions in Bangka named kampung  with qualitative research methods sourced from data  related to the subject matter.  This research produces several sub-discussions, namely: village philosophy, archaeological data in Bangka, the  history of kampung in Bangka,  kampung and strengthening civilization. Kampung does not appear immediately in the history of Bangka, but there were in long process. Early Bangka people inherited some ranges; memarung, panggung, bubung kampung and nganggung. Then adopted by Malay Islam (urang lah. In philosophical Islam, there was a process of strengthening local wisdom values  as a form of kampung civilization in Bangka  island.

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