2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 975
Ali Munawar

The purpose of this study was to improve the reading ability of grade 2 students at SDN 031 Across tembilahan sub-district of Indragiri Hilir, the subject of 11 students. The form of research is class action research to improve the learning process in class, the approach used is comic media to improve reading ability. The results showed that at the first meeting of cycle I teacher activity in learning activities only by 55% with a good enough category, then at the fourth meeting there was an increase of 90% with a good category. For student learning activities in the first cycle of meeting I obtained the percentage of student activity in the learning process only 53% with a good enough category, and at the fourth meeting obtained a percentage of 92% with a good category. The results of students' reading ability after learning reflection on the clarity indicator were scored by 3 in the moderate category, then on the word accuracy indicator was scored by 4 with a high category, and on the sound clarity indicator obtained a score of 4 with a high category. Judging from the results of the study of reading ability of grade 2 students at SDN 031 Seberang, there was a significant increase compared to the data in cycle I, it was proven that the application of comic media to students' reading ability is very effectively applied.

2015 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
Desi Kamilah

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk Untuk meningkatkan aktivitas dan hasil belajar fisika siswa dengan menerapkan siklus ACE dalam pembelajaran fisika materi kinematika gerak lurus. Penelitian tindakan dilakukan di SMA Negeri 2 Simpang Hilir Kabupaten Kayong Utara. Subjek penelitian yang akan dilakukan adalas siswa-siswi kelas XB SMA Negeri 2 Simpang Hilir yang berjumlah 34 siswa terdiri atas 13 laki-laki dan 21 perempuan. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah berupa lembar observasi untuk mengukur aktivitas belajar siswa dan soal tes untuk mengukur hasil belajar. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tindakan kelas yang dilakukan dapat disimpulkan aktivitas siswa dikelas masuk kategori cukup aktif. Hasil belajar siswa dengan siklus ACE mencapai ketuntasan 76,67%. Kata Kunci: pembelajaran fisika, siklus ACE, aktivitas belajar, hasil belajar  Abstract: This study aimed to increase physical activity and learning outcomes of students by implementing ACE cycle in physics learning material straight motion kinematics. Action research conducted at SMAN 2 Simpang Hilir North Kayong. The subject of research will be done adalas students of class XB SMAN 2 Simpang Downstream totaling 34 students consisting of 13 male and 21 female. The instrument used in this study is in the form of sheets of observations to measure student learning activities and test items to measure learning outcomes. Based on the results of classroom action research can be concluded that the activity of students in class is categorized quite active. Student learning outcomes with ACE cycle achieve mastery 76.67%. Keywords: physic lesson, cycle ACE, student activity, learning outcome

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 108-118
Shalahudin Shalahudin ◽  
Widiya Wati

AbstrakTujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk penggunaan metode teams games tournament untuk meningkatkan keaktifan belajar siswa di dalam proses pembelajaran materi keragaman suku bangsa dan agama di negeriku. Subjek penelitian tindakan kelas ini adalah kelas IV SD Negeri 59/IX Penyengat Olak. Teknik pengumpulan data penelitian ini adalah  observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan analisis kuantitatif yang terdiri dari reduksi data, penyajian data, penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan metode teams games tournament dapat meningkatkan keaktifan belajar siswa dalam proses pembelajaran. Keaktifan belajar siswa pada siklus I adalah sebesar 61% dan pada siklus II adalah sebesar 93%. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan metode team games tournamen dapat meningkatkan keaktifan siswa di dalam proses pembelajaran dan mencapai kualitas pembelajaran yang tuntas. AbstractThe purpose of this study is to use the teams games tournament method to increase student learning activity in the learning process of ethnic and religious diversity in my country. The subject of this class action research is grade IV SD Negeri 59/IX Penyengat Olak. The data collection techniques of this study were observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis was carried out using quantitative analysis consisting of data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results of this study indicate that the use of the teams games tournament method can increase students' active learning in the learning process. Student learning activity in the first cycle is 61% and in the second cycle is 93%. The results of this study indicate that the use of the team games tournament method can increase student activity in the learning process and achieve complete learning quality.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 197
Daswati Daswati

Based on the experience and observation of the author about the condition in SMP Negeri 2 Pariangan class VII 1 in the school year 2016 – 2017, students seemed less involved in the learning process. This was because the method of learning used by teachers that have not varied so as not interesting for students. This study aimed to determine whether the use of picture and picture method could improve student learning activities in class VII.1 SMPN 2 Pariangan Tanah Datar. This research was conducted through Classroom Action Research which was conducted in 2 cycles. The results of this study indicated that the use of Picture and Picture method was able to improve student learning activities. This could be seen from the average of student activity reaching 84% in learning which previously only at 52%.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 557
Masnur Masnur

This study aims to describe learning outcomes through the use of map media. This study is a classroom action research, the subject of research is the students of grade V SD 005 Bukit Timah Dumai with the number of 35 students. Based on the results of research stated that student learning outcomes have increased after applied media map on the learning process. This is evidenced by: (a) teacher activity data has increased, in cycle I get score 27 (67,50%) with good category. In cycle II get score 35 (87,50%) with very good category. While the student activity has increased, in cycle I get score 26 (65,00%) with good category. In cycle II obtained a score of 36 (90.00%) with very good category; and (b) the result of IPS study has increased, in the first cycle average student learning outcomes is 70.94 with the number of students who reach KKM amounted to 26 (74.28%) with the category is not complete, in cycle II increased to average student's learning result is 79,08 with number of student reaching KKM amounted to 30 (85,71%) with complete category.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Melda Pasalbesy

The purpose of this class action study is to determine the influence of Role Playing in the activity of child learning and outcomes at SD I Haruku School. The method in this research is the method of class action research, based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the implementation of Role Playing methods can improve the activity and learning outcomes of children in the learning process. In addition, research results can also be advice as well as consideration materials for both teachers and school to create a learning atmosphere that provides a lot of space for students to engage actively at the time of study, where students are no longer Learn by simply being a listener, but through the application of a role Playing method, both teachers, students, and school parties can create active and enjoyable learning on the subject of Christian religious education.Keyword: Role Playing, student activity

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 51-60
Zul Yusri ◽  
Putri Putri

Student activity is an important factor that must be a concern in the learning process, especially in biology subjects which have tended to be considered as many memorized and Latin subjects. One effort that can be done to improve student learning activities is through the application of discovery learning models along with the provision of rewards with the material used, namely animal networks. The purpose of this study was to improve the learning activities of Biology students in class XI MIA 2 SMAN 1 Padang. This type of research is Classroom Action Research (CAR) which was conducted in two cycles consisting of four stages, namely planning, implementing, observing, reflecting. namely students of class XI MIA 2 SMAN 1 Padang the number of students as many as 29 people. Data collection techniques were obtained through observation, questionnaires. The results showed that the application of discovery learning learning models can improve the learning activities of Biology students in animal network material. students are classified as good from 67.93% in Cycle I, increased to 78.62% in Cycle II, and increased by 10.72%.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 286-297
Loecita Sandiar ◽  
Dwi Narsih

The purpose of this Classroom Action Research (CAR) was carried out with the aim to find out the increase in social studies learning achievements of ASEAN material through the application of cooperative learning methods to class VI SDN Jatiasih Bekasi students in 2018/2019. This Classroom Action Research was carried out by applying the Jigsaw type cooperative learning model in order improve the quality of the learning process and is a concept of learning activities that help teachers in carrying out mathematics learning activities on fractions taught by trying to maximize the active role of students, especially the knowledge they have and how they are applied in everyday life. With this concept, learning outcomes are expected to be more meaningful for students. The learning process takes place naturally in the form of activities students work and experience, not transfer knowledge from teacher to student. The quality of learning is more important than learning outcomes. Classroom Action Research (CAR) is carried out in stages 2 cycles, and the results of the actions taken have been proven to be able to improve student learning outcomes / achievements in terms of classical student mastery learning in the first cycle of 53%, could increase to 74.5% in the second cycle and in terms of the average value of the evaluation results of 74.5 in the second cycle of 79.2, this means there is an increase of 22%. From the results of this class action research also showed an increase in the level of student learning activities from 3 categories Active Enough in the first cycle to 3.5 Active categories, Active categories in the second cycle to 3.8 categories Very Active means there was an increase of 28.5%.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 86
Mujiem Mujiem

This research is a classroom action research that aims to improve the ability of teachers to apply the problem centered learning model of learning in the Elementary School 187/ X Bangun Karya, Academic Year 2019/2020. The subject of this study was a teacher at 187 / X Bangun Karya Elementary School, Rantau Rasau District, Tanjung Jabung Timur District, Jambi Province. This class action research was carried out in two cycles, each cycle consisting of two meetings. The results of the evaluation are converted into a recapitulation table of the results of cycle I. The conversion results state that the research has not yet reached the target, it needs to be continued with cycle II. The results of observers in the implementation phase of the second cycle showed that all parts of the learning activities were going well, so that there were no more parts of the learning activities that needed to be improved. While the results of the second cycle are converted with the results of the recapitulation table states that the study has reached the target limit of completeness criteria in the first cycle that is equal to 50% and an average of 68.7 in the initial conditions of improvement in the second cycle completeness criteria to be 100% and the average namely 91.7 states that the Focus Group Discission can improve the ability of teachers to apply the Problem Centered Learning learning model in learning in 187 / X Public Elementary School Build Work Year 2019/2020.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 225
Titik Umiyati

Abstrak:Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji proses pembelajaran matematika danmenganalisis peningkatan prestasi belajar melalui permainan mistar bilangan. Metodepenelitian yang digunakanadalah penelitian tindakan kelas yang dilaksanakan sebanyak 2siklus. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas IV SD Negeri 2 Temengeng Kabupaten Blorapada semester 2 tahun pelajaran 2014/2015. Teknikanalisis yang digunakandeskriptifkomparatif, yaitu membandingkan data hasil antara prasiklus, siklus I, dan siklus II. Hasilpenelitian yang dilaksanakan 2 siklus menunjukkan bahwa proses pembelajaran matematikadengan menggunakan permainan mistar bilangan sangat menyenangkan siswa, sehinggaaktivitas pembelajaran meningkat dari 62,5 menjadi 84,5. Hasil belajar siswa juga meningkatditandai hasil siklus I nilai rata-rata kelas 60,48 dan ketuntasan mencapai 57,10%. Siklus IInilai rata-rata kelas 75,24 dan ketuntasan 85,70%. Simpulan penelitian ini adalah pembelajaranmatematika tentang penjumlahan dan pengurangan bilangan bulat melalui permainan mistarbilangan dapat meningkatkan aktivitas pembelajaran dan hasil belajar menunjukkan semuasiswa berminat dalam melaksanakan tugas dan memperoleh pengalaman yang menyenangkandalam permainan mistar bilangan. Abstract:The purpose of this research is to study the learningprocess ofmath and analyseincreasing of learning achievement through rulernumbers game. The method usedin thisresearch is class action which is done in2 cycles. The subject of the research are fourth gradestudents of Number 2 PublicElementary Schoolat Temengeng, Blora district in second semesterof the school year 2014/2015. The analysetechnicusedby comparingthe data from precycle,first cycle and second cycle. The results of the research that is done two cycles indicate thatmath learning process by using ruler numbers game can make the students feel pleased sothatlearning activities increase from 62.5 to 84.5. The results of student learning alsoincrease,it can be showed from the average score of the first cycle is 60.48 and the completeness scorereaches57.1%. The average score of thesecond cycle is 75.24 and the completeness scorereaches 85.7%. The conclusion of the research ismath learning about addition and deductionof integer through ruler numbers game can improve learning activity and the results of studentlearning show that all students are interested to obtain the task and get moreenjoyableexperience in using rulernumbers game.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 169
Rosniar Rosniar ◽  
Salawati Salawati

The aim of this study was to improve the learning achievement and activities of students through the implementation of the Problem Solving learning method in Mol Concept. This study was conducted by using two cycles of classroom action research. The subject of this research was 25 students of class X-2 MAN Rukoh Banda Aceh. The result of the implementation of learning Problem Solving method showed that there is improvement of student learning achievement from Cycle I to Cycle II. It could be seen from the results of research that showing about 64% of students had passed learning in Cycle I and about 88% in Cycle II. While the observation was conducted, the improvement of learning activities of students amounts 50%. Based the result of this study, it is can be concluded that the implementation of learning Problem Solving method can improve the learning achievement and activities of the student in Mol Concept.

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