Proteksi Protein Ampas Tahu dengan Crude Palm Oil (CPO) terhadap Degradasi Mikroba Rumen

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 147
Nadia Ainunisa ◽  
Mohamad Busaeri Rapsanjani ◽  
Ana Rohana Tarmidi ◽  
Iman Hernaman

ABSTRAKProtein ampas tahu memiliki kualitas yang baik, namun mudah didegradasi oleh mikroba rumen, sehingga membutuhkan perlindungan. Penelitian bertujuan untuk melindungi protein ampas tahu dari degradasi mikroba rumen. Penelitian dilaksanakan secara eksperimental dengan menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap dengan 4 perlakuan dan 5 ulangan. Data yang terkumpul dilakukan analisis sidik ragam dan dilanjutkan dengan uji Duncan. Ampas tahu kering dicampur dengan menggunakan mikser secara merata dengan crude palm oil (CPO) sebanyak 0%, 10%, 20%, dan 30 % atau setara dengan 0% (P0), 4% (P1), 8% (P2), 12% (P3) dalam ransum.  Kemudian ampas tahu tersebut digunakan sebagai konsentrat tunggal dalam ransum yang dicampur dengan rumput pada perbandingan 40:60, setelah itu dievaluasi secara in vitro. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa proteksi ampas tahu dengan CPO menghasilkan penurunan konsentrasi N-NH3 (P<0,05) dengan nilai yang terendah adalah 2,6 mM pada P3. Sementara itu proteksi CPO juga menurunkan nilai asam lemak terbang pada P3 dan semakin tinggi penggunaan CPO menghasilkan kecernaan bahan kering dan kecernaan bahan organik yang rendah (P<0,05). Kesimpulan, penggunaan CPO mampu memproteksi protein ampas tahu, namun dapat menurunkan asam lemak terbang dan kecernaan.Kata kunci: ampas tahu, crude palm oil (CPO), in vitro, protein, ruminansia ABSTRACT   Tofu cake protein has good quality but is easily degraded by rumen microbes, so it needs protection. The research aims to protect the tofu cake protein from rumen microbial degradation. The study was conducted experimentally using a randomized complete design with 4 treatments and 5 replications. The data collected was analyzed for variance analysis and followed by Duncan's test. Dried tofu waste is mixed by using mixer evenly with crude palm oil (CPO) as much as 0%, 10%, 20%, and 30% or equivalent to 0% (P0), 4% (P1), 8% (P2), 12% (P3) in the ration. Then that tofu cake was used as a single concentrate in the ration mixed with grass at a ratio of 40:60, after which it was evaluated in vitro. The results showed that the protection of tofu cake with CPO resulted in a decrease in N-NH3 concentration (P<0.05) with the lowest value being 2.6 mM at P3. Meanwhile, CPO protection also reduced the value of volatile fatty acids at P3 and the higher use of CPO resulted in low dry matter and organic matter digestibility (P<0.05). In conclusion, the use of CPO is able to protect the protein of tofu cake, but it can reduce volatile fatty acids and digestibility.Keywords: crude palm oil (CPO), in vitro, protein, ruminant, tofu cake

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 11
Ali Bain ◽  
Komang G. Wiryawan ◽  
Dewi Apri Astuti ◽  
Chairrusyuhur Arman ◽  
Sri Suharti

ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi optimalisasi penggunaan level sabun kalsium yang berbeda dalam ransum secara in vitro terhadap karakteristik fermentasi, populasi mikroba dan kecernaan nutrien ransum, menggunakan sumber inokulum cairan rumen sapi Bali. Penelitian dilaksanakan menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok dengan 4 jenis perlakuan dalam 3 ulangan.  Ransum penelitian terdiri atas : R1, 40% rumput lapang (RL) + 60% konsentrat (K), R2 (40% RL + 60% K, mengandungn 2.5% SCa-kedelai), R3 (40%  RL + 60% K, mengandung 5% SCa-kedelai), R4 (40%  RL + 60% K, mengandung 7.5% SCa-kedelai). Variabel yang diukur terdiri atas karakteristik fermentasi in vitro (pH, N-NH3, produksi total volatile fatty acids), populasi mikroorganisme (total bakteri dan total protozoa), dan kecernaan nutrien (kecernaan bahan kering dan kecernaan bahan organik). Data dianalisis menggunakan analysis of varians  (ANOVA) dan perbedaan antara perlakuan diuji dengan Duncan’s Multiple Range Test.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, penambahan SCa-kedelai pada level yang berbeda dalam konsentrat tidak mempengaruhi pH, konsentrasi amonia, populasi mikroba, kecernaan bahan kering dan kecernaan bahan organik fermentasi tetapi berpengaruh sangat nyata (P<0.002) terhadap produksi total VFA. Produksi total VFA tertinggi diperoleh pada ransum perlakuan R4 (konsentrat yang mengandung 7.5% SCa-kedelai). Produksi total VFA tertinggi diperoleh pada perlakuan R4 dan produksi total VFA paling rendah terjadi pada perlakuan ransum R1 (kontrol).  Produksi total VFA  ransum R1 dan R2 dan ransum R2 dan R3 tidak berbeda nyata namun produksi total VFA ransum R3 lebih tinggi dibanding ransum kontrol. Penambahan SCa-kedelai dalam konsentrat menghasilkan produksi total VFA tetinggi namun mulai menekan populasi total bakteri. Mempertimbangkan hasil peubah fermentasi dan populasi mikroba serta biaya pembuatan produk sabun kalsium, SCa-kedelai pada level 5% merupakan level penggunaan SCa-kedelai yang terbaik dalam ransum.Kata kunci: sabun kalsium, fermentasi, in vitro, kecernaanABSTRACTThe study to evaluate the optimalization the different level of soybean oil calcium soap (CaS-soybean) in ration on in vitro fermentation using Bali cattle rumen fluid. The experiment was arranged in a complete randomized block design with 4 different ration treatments and 3 replicates. Ration treatments were R1: 40% native grass (NG) + 60% concentrate (C), R2 : 40% NG + 60% C, supplemented with 2.5% soybean oil calcium soap (CaS-soybean), and R3 (40% NG + 60% C, supplemented with 5.0% CaS-soybean and R4 (40% NG + 60% C, supplemented with 7.5% CaS-soybean). Variables measured were fermentation characteristics (pH, NH3-N, total volatile fatty acids), microbial population (total bacteria and total protozoa), and nutrient digestibility (dry matter and organic matter digestibility). Data were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and the differences between treatments means were examined by Duncan Multiple Range Test. Results of the study  showed that the four different level of CaS-soybean in ration did not have any significant effect (P>0,05) on pH, NH3-N, total bacteria, total protozoa, dry matter and organic matter digestibility. The treatments significantly increased (P<0.05) the production of total volatile fatty acids.  The highest production of total VFA was obtained from ration R4 (concentrate containing 7.5% CaS-soybean) and the lowest was obtained from treatment R1 (control). There were no significant differences between R1 and  R2, and between R2 and R3 on the total VFA production. However, the total productions of VFA in ration R3 were higher than that of the control ration. The addition of CaS-soybean in the concentrate had increased the total production of VFA, but at the same time, it began pressing the total population of bacteria. Considering the results of the fermentation variables and microbial population as well as the cost of making calcium soap products, CaS-soybean at 5% level was selected as the best level of CaS-soybean in ration.Keywords : calcium soap, fermentation, in vitro, digestibility

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 192-199
Limbang Kustiawan Nuswantara ◽  
Eko Pangestu ◽  
Sunarso Sunarso ◽  
Marry Christiyanto

ABSTRACT. Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui kualitas complete feed dengan level pelepah sawit fermentasi berdasarkan kecernaan bahan kering, bahan organik, produksi N-NH3, produksi volatile fatty acids (VFA) dan produksi biomassa protein mikrobia serta protein total secara in vitro. Materi yang digunakan adalah complete feed tersusun atas konsentrat dan pelepah sawit fermentasi dengan berbagai level yaitu 0, 10, 20 dan 30%. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan 4 perlakuan complete feed dengan level pelepah sawit fermentasi yang berbeda. Data diolah menggunakan sidik ragam yang dilanjutkan dengan uji beda wilayah berganda Duncan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa complete feed dengan level pelepah sawit fermentasi yang berbeda berpengaruh nyata (p0,05) terhadap kecernaan bahan kering dan bahan organik, produksi N-NH3, produksi VFA, dan produksi protein total, sedangkan pada biomassa protein mikrobia tidak terdapat perbedaan yang nyata (p0,05). Rata-rata nilai kecernaan bahan kering pada perlakuan T0, T1, T2 dan T3 adalah 69,59; 71,9; 69,05; dan 62,58%. Rata-rata nilai kecernaan bahan organik pada perlakuan T0, T1, T2 dan T3 adalah 63,59; 63,15; 65,50; 52,66 %. Rata-rata produksi VFA pada perlakuan T0, T1, T2 dan T3 sebesar 105,8; 142,7; 136,4; dan 135,7 mM. Rata-rata produksi NH3, biomassa protein mikrobia dan produksi protein total pada perlakuan T0, T1, T2 dan T3 berturut-turut adalah 6,48mM, 15,04mg/ml;, 34,10mg/g; 7,36mM, 15,75mg/ml, 23,72mg/g; 8,18mM, 12,59mg/ml, 33,72mg/g); dan 6,60mM, 15,31mg/ml, 40,80mg/g. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan pelepah sawit fermentasi dengan level 20% dalam complete feed menghasilkan produksi VFA, kecernaan bahan kering dan bahan organik yang cukup baik sehingga dapat menjadi pakan alternatif sumber serat pengganti rumput. (Digestibility, fermentability and in-vitro production of microbial protein on complete feed based on fermented palm frond) ABSTRAK. This study aimed to determine the quality of a complete feed containing fermented palm fronds based on the digestibility of dry matter, organic matter, N-NH3, VFA, microbial protein biomass, and total protein in vitro. The material used was complete feed composed of concentrates and fermented palm fronds at various levels, i.e., 0, 10, 20, and 30%. The experiment was conducted as a completely randomized design (CRD) with four complete feed treatments containing different levels of fermented palm fronds. The data were processed using analysis of variance, followed by Duncan’s multiple range test. The results demonstrated that the complete feed with different levels of fermented palm fronds had a significant effect (p0.05) on the digestibility of dry matter and organic matter, N-NH3 production, essential fatty acids production, and total protein production, whereas there was no significant difference (p 0.05) on microbial protein biomass. The average dry matter and organic matter digestibility values of T0, T1, T2, and T3 treatments were 69.59; 63.59, 71.9; 63.15, 69.05; 65.50, and 62.58%; 52.66% respectively. The average production of volatile fatty acids of T0, T1, T2, and T3 treatments were 105.8; 142.7; 136.4; and 135.7 mM. respectively, while the average N-NH3 production, microbial protein biomass, and total protein production of the T0, T1, T2, and T3 treatments were 6.48, 7.36, 8.18, 6.60 mM; 15.04, 75, 12.59, 15.31 mg/ml; and 34.10, 23.72, 33.72, 40.80 mg/g. In conclusion, the use of fermented palm fronds at a 20% level in complete feed gave the best result in the production of volatile fatty acids, improved digestibility of dry matter, and organic matter, so it can be used as an alternative feed to replace grass fiber.

2021 ◽  
Vol 46 (1) ◽  
pp. 53
Iman Hernaman ◽  
Lukman Purwanto ◽  
Handi Burhanuddin ◽  
Atun Budiman ◽  
Budi Ayuningsih ◽  

This study aimed to evaluate in vitro of Elephant grass silage using molasses and soy sauce sludge as additives with different length of ensilage. This research was conducted experimentally using a completely randomized design (CRD) with eight treatments and three replications. The data collected was carried out by variance and Duncan's test. The elephant grass is carried out by the ensilage process using molasses and soy sauce sludge additives as much as 5% with an incubation time of 3, 6, 9, and 12 weeks. The results showed that the incubation time resulted in the concentration of volatile fatty acids, dry matter, and organic matter digestibility which were significantly different (P <0.05), but not the ammonia (N-NH3) concentration. The use of soy sauce sludge additive resulted in higher volatile fatty acid and dry matter and organic matter digestibility compared to the use of molasses with the average volatile fatty acids (139.21 vs 102.92 mM), dry matter digestibility (73.34 vs 69.18%), and organic matter digestibility (66.47 vs 61.74%). The use of 5% soy sauce sludge with an ensilage duration of 12 weeks resulted in the highest average of volatile fatty acids and dry matter and organic digestibility, respectively, namely 150.67 mM, 76.10%, and 69.26%. In conclusion, the use of soy sauce sludge as much as 5% and 12 weeks of ensilage in making elephant grass silage resulted in the best fermentability and digestibility. 

1971 ◽  
Vol 22 (3) ◽  
pp. 461 ◽  
GJ Faichney ◽  
RH Weston

Digestion of a diet containing 10% casein, either untreated or treated with formaldehyde, was studied in crossbred wether lambs. The treatment prevented breakdown of the casein in rumen liquor in vitro. There was a highly significant decrease in organic matter digestion in the rumen when the treated casein diet was given to the lambs. This was accounted for by increases in the amounts of protein and starch passing to the intestines. There was a 60 % increase in the amount of non-ammonia nitrogen and a 55 % increase in the amount of starch digested in the intestines. The concentrations of volatile fatty acids and ammonia in the rumen were significantly lower. There were increases in the plasma levels of insulin and �-amino nitrogen and a decrease in the plasma urea level in response to the treatment.

1991 ◽  
Vol 66 (1) ◽  
pp. 83-93 ◽  
J. B. Schutte ◽  
J. de Jong ◽  
R. Polziehn ◽  
M. W. A. Verstegen

Hemicellulose consists primarily of pentose sugars, joined together in a polysaccharide chain with d-xylose as the most abundant component. Ileal digestibility and urinary excretion of d-xylose and associated effects of this pentose sugar on ileal and faecal digestibility of dry matter (DM), organic matter (OM), gross energy (GE) and nitrogen were studied in pigs. Castrated pigs were prepared with a post-valvular T-caecum cannula to measure ileal digestibility. Faecal digestibility was measured in non-cannulated pigs. d-xylose was given at dietary inclusion levels of 100 and 200 g/kg, and the control sugar, d-glucose, at a rate of 200 g/kg diet. Ileal digestibility of d-xylose as well as that of d-glucose was found to be close to 100%. The presence of d-xylose in the diet decreased ileal digesta pH and increased ileal flow of volatile fatty acids, suggesting the occurrence of microbial degradation of d-xylose in the pig small intestine. In pigs fed on the 100 g d-xylose/kg diet, 44.5% of the d-xylose intake appeared in the urine. This percentage increased significantly to 52.6 when pigs were fed on the 200 g d-xylose/kg diet. Ileal and faecal digestibility of DM, OM, GE and N, as well as N retention, decreased significantly in pigs fed on the 200 g d-xylose/kg diet.

1967 ◽  
Vol 45 (3) ◽  
pp. 433-441 ◽  
M. R. Karr ◽  
C. O. Little ◽  
G. E. Mitchell Jr. ◽  
H. A. Glimp ◽  
P. G. Woolfolk

Rumen cannulas were installed in four sets of twin lambs. Increasing levels (with time) of a mixture of antibiotics and Sulfathalidine were administered via the rumen cannula twice daily to prevent the development of a bacterial population in the rumen. This procedure was successful for 12 weeks. Small concentrations of volatile fatty acids were observed after this time. Neither papillae nor the muscular part of the rumen developed normally in the treated lambs where rumen volatile fatty acids were absent. Structural development of the reticulum and omasum was also greatly reduced by the antibiotic–Sulfathalidine treatments. In vitro butyrate uptake by tissues taken from the rumen, reticulum, and omasum was similar and was low for both the control and treated lambs. Poor muscular development of the rumen wall was observed in the treated lambs; and large quantities of ingesta were present, suggesting a reduced rate of passage. This was associated with diminished feed intake and inability of the lambs to maintain body weight after weaning. The apparent digestion of dietary dry matter, crude protein, starch, and cellulose was reduced by treatment.

2003 ◽  
Vol 2003 ◽  
pp. 151-151
B. Vlaeminck ◽  
V. Fievez ◽  
H. van Laar ◽  
D. Demeyer

Rumen microbes contain a high proportion (20 to 50%) of their fatty acids (FA) as odd and branched chain fatty acids (OBCFA; C15:0, iso C15:0, anteiso C15:0, C17:0; iso C17:0; anteiso C17:0 and C17:1) and different bacterial classes have distinctive OBCFA ‘fingerprints’. As OBCFA make up around 5% of FA in milk, it has been suggested that there is scope for these compounds to be used in on-farm diagnostic milk-based tests in relation to the rumen fermentation pattern. Correlations of milk OBCFA with rumen fermentation pattern were recently shown (Vlaeminck et al., 2002). In the current in vitro study, the potential of rumen OBCFA to predict the production of volatile fatty acids (VFA) was evaluated.

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