2016 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 67-80
Suparman Suparman ◽  
Sri Hardjo ◽  
Kasni Astutik

This research is a development research to describe the impact of constructivism-based learning with TAI type co-operative model of triangle material on student learning outcomes. Analysis of the data is based on  (1) descriptive analysis of validator's on instructional devices, (2) average learners'activity during learning, (3) average learners' response to learning, (4) average observation ability (6) analysis of the effectiveness of constructivism-based learning with TAI-type cooperative model which includes: (a) comparation of  learning result with the minimum mastery requirement using one sample t-test, (b) classical test, and (c) the influence of learners activity on learners' learning result using simple linear regression.The result shows that the validator's evaluation on learning tool is very good, whereas the other findings are as follows: the average of students' learning result is 78,87 higher than the minimum mastery requirement, which is 65, all students meet the minimum requirement for mastery, and the majority of students are active (with a mean of 4,01), the ability of teachers in managing learning in the category is very good (M = 4,07),  the activities of learners in the learning process contributes 75,1 % to the learning result. Thus, it can be concluded thatconstructivism-based mathematics learning modelwith TAI type cooperative model is effective to produce better active learning and result.   Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan untuk mendeskripsikan dampak pembelajaran berbasis konstruktivisme dengan model kooperatif tipe TAI materi segitiga pada hasil belajar siswa. Analisis data yang digunakan: (1) analisis deskriptif hasil penelitian validator terhadap perangkat pembelajaran, (2) rata-rata aktivitas peserta didik selama pembelajaran, (3) rata-rata respon peserta didik terhadap pembelajaran, (4) rata-rata hasil pengamatan kemampuan guru mengelola pembelajaran, (5) analisis tes hasil belajar, (6) analisis efektivitas pembelajaran berbasis konstruktivisme dengan model kooperatif tipe TAI yang meliputi: (a) uji ketuntasan hasil belajar terhadap Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM) menggunakan uji statistik t-test (one sample t-test), (b) uji ketuntasan klasikal, dan (c) uji pengaruh aktivitas peserta didik terhadap hasil belajar peserta didik menggunakan uji statistik regresi linier sederhana. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rata-rata penilaian validator terhadap perangkat pembelajaran sangat baik, dan temuan lain sebagai berikut: (1) rata-rata hasil belajar peserta didik sebesar 78,87 lebih dari KKM yaitu sebesar 65, (2) ketuntasan klasikal mencapai 100% , rata-rata aktivitas peserta didik pada kategori sangat aktif sebesar 4,01, respon peserta didik positif , rata-rata kemampuan guru dalam mengelola pembelajaran pada kategori sangat baik sebesar 4,07, (3) aktivitas peserta didik dalam proses pembelajaran berpengaruh terhadap hasil belajar dengan kontribusi  sebesar 75,1%. Dengan demikian perangkat pembelajaran matematika berbasis konstruktivisme dengan model kooperatif tipe TAI pada materi segitiga di kelas IV valid dan efektif.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-58
Fitriani Fitriani ◽  
Wahidah Wahidah ◽  
Junaidi Junaidi

The results of observations on April 15, 2019, at SMP Negeri 1 Peureulak, East Aceh District, and the 2017/2018 National Examinations showed that students experienced difficulties in geometry, so there was a need for teaching materials in the form of LAS (Student Activity Sheets). This development aims to determine that teaching materials in the form of LAS based on Acehnese local wisdom are valid, practical, and effective, and also determine student learning outcomes. This research is a development research using the ADDIE model (Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation). The subject of the trial in this study was grade VII-1 students of SMP Negeri 1 Peureulak, East Aceh District. Questionnaires, observations, interviews, and tests are used as data collection techniques and instruments in this research. The data analysis in this study is descriptive analysis using the preparation/development of the LAS product variable and the resulting LAS quality variable. As for student learning outcomes in using LAS can be seen from the results of the LAS analysis, which includes student learning outcomes as one of the effectiveness aspect of LAS and test data on learning outcomes. Based on the results of the analysis, it can be concluded that the teaching materials in the form of LAS based on Acehnese local wisdom in mathematics learning especially geometry material in Junior High Schools are categorized as valid, practical, and effective. Student learning outcomes using the LAS have a mastery score with a score of 86.43.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 146
Fajriah Hasanah Tri Komara ◽  
Zetra Hainul Putra ◽  
Neni Hermita

This research is motivated by the low mathematics learning outcomes of fourth grade students of SD Negeri 136 Pekanbaru, with an average score of 68.25 and only 17 of 40 reach the minimum completeness criteria (KKM). This research is a classroom action research (CAR) conducted aimed at improving the mathematics learning outcomes of fourth graders by implementing a cooperative model of picture and picture type. The subjects of this study were 40 fourth grade students of class IVB in 2019/2020 school year. Data collection instruments in this study were teacher activity sheets and student activities and learning outcomes. The results of this study indicate that student learning outcomes increased by 13.26% from an average of 68.25 to 77.3 in cycle I. In the second cycle it increased to 24.54% with an average of 85. Teacher activity also increased from 75 .00% with enough category in the first cycle of the first meeting to be 96.43% very good category in the second meeting of the second cycle. The results showed that the application of the Cooperative model type Picture and picture could improve the mathematics learning outcomes of class IVB students of SD Negeri 136 Pekanbaru.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 32
Natasha Nurhaida

Abstract: Smart circuits are learning media to be applied in Mathematics learning. This study aims to find out the development process, feasibility, and influence of smart circuit media in mathematics learning for third grade in Elementary School. This study used the Research and Development research method, with the Borg, and Gall model. The development begins with determining the core competencies, basic competencies, indicators and subjects for making questions. The researcher put stickers of interesting cartoon images on each plot on the wooden planks of this medium. The necessary media prerequisites include: dice, pawns, game hints, and a memory. After the media is made, a feasibility test analysis was done, before the t-test. The data collection instruments used questionnaires, observations, and interviews. The results of this study showed that: (1) The smart circuit media is feasible to implemented in improving mathematics learning outcomes. This can be seen from the results of feasibility test by media experts and material experts before it is implemented in the class which showed that the presentation aspect gets a percentage of 82.5% from the first media experts, and 90% from the second media experts; efficiency aspects was 81.25%, and 100%; and media quality aspects was 82.5% and 92.5%. (2) Based on the t-test result, it can be concluded that the smart circuit media can improve student learning outcomes. This is showed by the significant difference in learning outcomes between the experimental class, and the control class with a significance value of 0.014 < 0.05. The impact of this research is the students can understand the material in learning mathematics easily.PENGEMBANGAN MEDIA SIRKUIT PINTAR UNTUK MENINGKATKAN  HASIL BELAJAR SISWA PADA PEMBELAJARAN MATEMATIKAAbstrak: Sirkuit pintar adalah media pembelajaran yang menarik untuk diterapkan dalam pembelajaran Matematika. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui proses pengembangan, kelayakan, serta pengaruh media sirkuit pintar dalam pembelajaran matematika kelas III MI. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian Research and Development, dengan model Borg, and Gall. Pengembangannya dimulai dengan menentukan kompetensi inti, kompetensi dasar, indikator serta mata pelajaran untuk membuat pertanyaan. Peneliti menempelkan stiker gambar kartun yang menarik di setiap petak pada papan kayu media ini. Prasyarat media yang diperlukan antara lain: dadu, bidak, petunjuk permainan, dan bengkel ingatan. Setelah media dibuat, selanjutnya dilakukan analisis uji kelayakan, sebelum dilakukan uji-t. Instrumen pengumpulan data yang digunakan antara lain kuesioner, observasi, dan wawancara. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Media sirkuit pintar ini layak digunakan dalam meningkatkan hasil belajar matematika. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari hasil uji kelayakan oleh ahli media, dan ahli materi sebelum diterapkan di lapangan yang menunjukkan bahwa aspek penyajian mendapatkan persentase sebesar 82.5% ahli media pertama, dan 90%  dari ahli media kedua; aspek efisiensi sebesar 81.25%, dan 100%; serta aspek kualitas media sebesar 82.5%, dan 92.5%. (2) Setelah dilakukan uji-t, dapat disimpulkan bahwa media sirkuit pintar dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar peserta didik. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan adanya perbedaan hasil belajar yang signifikan antara kelas eksperimen, dan kelas kontrol dengan nilai signifikansi 0,014 < 0,05. Dampak penelitian ini adalah peserta didik dapat memahami materi pada pembelajaran matematika dengan mudah.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Titon Agung Saputro ◽  
Kriswandani Kriswandani ◽  
Novisita Ratu

Abstrak: Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian dan pengembangan (Research and Development) dengan tujuan mengembangkan media pembelajaran game edukasi berbasis platform game untuk siswa kelas VII SMP. Penelitan ini menggunakan desain penelitian Borg & Gall yang terdiri dari sepuluh langkah. Teknik pengumpulan data terdiri dari observasi, kuesioner dan tes. Hasil dari penelitian pengembangan ini adalah aplikasi game platform dengan materi aljabar. Dampak dari media pembelajaran game edukasi platform game  adalah media pembelajaran berpengaruh terhadap hasil belajar siswa. Hal ini berdasarkan pada uji Mann-Whitney dengan nilai signifikan 0,000<0,05 yang berarti terdapat perbedaan rerata sebelum dan sesudah pemberian media pembelajaran game edukasi berbasis platform game atau terdapat pengaruh game edukasi platform game pada materi aljabar terhadap hasil belajar siswa.  Selain itu, nilai N-Gain yang diperoleh adalah 0,49 yang berarti terjadi peningkatan sedang terhadap hasil belajar siswa. Abstract: The type of this research is research and development with the aim of developing game-based learning media game of platform game for VII class student of SMP using application of Construt 2. This research use Borg & Gall research design which consist of ten stages. Data collection techniques consist of observations, questionnaires and tests. The results of this development research is a platform game application with algebraic material. The impact of instructional media game game education game is the media influence on student learning outcomes. This is based on the Mann-Whitney test with a significance value of 0.000 <0.05 which means there is an average difference before and after the delivery of learning media game-based platform learning or the influence of algebraic game education game. material in algebra on student learning outcomes. In addition, the N-Gain value obtained is 0.49 which means a moderate increase in student learning outcomes.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 49
Ismearti Ismearti

This study aims to increase mathematics learning outcomes by using reality media for grade 1 students of SDN 005 Sunhai Alah, Kecamatan Hulu Kuantan in 2018/2019. Research is a class action research with three cycles, each cycle consisting of planning, implementation, evolution and reflection. Data collection techniques and tools in this study used descriptive analysis techniques for data that contained student work documents, a list of grades and an observation sheet. The results show what is meant by learning outcomes using reality media. Before the action, only 38% of students met the minimum completeness criteria. In cycle I Is an increase in student learning outcomes that is 53% of students reach the minimum completeness criteria. Furthermore, the second cycle of student learning outcomes increased to reach 74% of students achieving the minimum completeness criteria. Then cycle III 100% of students reach the minimum completeness criteria. Can be used to prove the use of reality media to improve student learning outcomes in mathematics learning at grade 1 SDN 005 Sunhai Alah, Kecamatan Hulu Kuantan.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 34
Rainitha Fatubun ◽  
Purwati Purwati

<span class="fontstyle0">This study aims to improve student learning outcomes on the subject of equations and quadratic inequalities using cooperative model of NHT type. This research is a Classroom Action Research, using Kemmis and Taggart model, which is implemented in three cycles. Data were observed each cycle through learning result test, student and teacher observation, and interview. The data obtained are then analyzed through: data reduction, data presentation and conclusion. The results showed that the application of NHT, the type of cooperative model can improve students' mathematics learning outcomes, especially on the subject of equations and quadratic inequalities.</span>

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 271
I Wayan Suada

The purpose of this study was to improve student learning outcomes about mixed arithmetic in the Mathematics learning process using learning strategies through sticky numbers games. This study uses a classroom action research method which is carried out in 2 (two) cycles. Each cycle is carried out in 4 (four) stages, namely planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. The subjects of this study were Grade VI students of SD Inpres 3 Tolai in the 2020/2021 school year. Data collection techniques using tests, observation, and documentation. The data analysis technique used in this research was qualitative and quantitative descriptive analysis. Based on the results of this study, it is known that the increase in student activity, the pre-cycle average is 49.68. In the first cycle it increased to 67.31, and the second cycle increased to 83.97. While the increase in student learning outcomes that have met the completeness value, namely pre-cycle by 50%. In the first cycle it increased, namely to be 79.17% and increased again in the second cycle to 100%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 603
Nurhikmah H. ◽  
Farida Febriati ◽  
Ervianti Ervianti

The current era of digitalization has big impact on education, the use of technology and information is not only for learning but as an evaluation tool. This development raises problems that require the completion of high-level thinking, therefore students need to prepare the ability to think and be able to develop skills. This study aims to measure the self-efficacy of computer skills on student learning outcomes and interactions in mathematics subjects. This research method used quantitative approach in Quasi Experiment Design. Total sample were 64 students. CBT was used in evaluating mathematics subjects and using a questionnaire to determine the level of self-efficacy of computer abilities towards students learning outcomes. Analysis of research data was carried out using ANOVA, to test the hypothesis using two-way ANOVA (two-way ANOVA) using the SPSS version 25.0 for windows software program. The results showed that there was CBT of mathematics subjects towards student learning outcomes with a mean score of 85 in and a mean score of 80 with a criterion of 3.03, having impact and the criteria value 2.78. The interaction between computer-based tests with self-efficacy computer capabilities had the most correlation with a positive relationship. It can be stated that there is an impact of computer-based tests and self-efficacy of computer ability and has an interaction between CBT and self-efficacy on learning outcomes.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 354
Monif Maulana

The population in this study was seventh grade students consisting of 7 calsses. The sampling technique use random sampling technique that was by lottery class. From raffle earned that grade VII G class as TS-TS class and VII F Class as ekspository class. Mathematics learning outcomes data obtained using the test method in the form of objective questions. Analysis of the data used one tailed t-test and two tailed t-test. From the test results obtained by the two tailed t-test  = 1,9180 and  = 1,5409, it means  >  with a significance level of 5% and 54 degrees of freedom, which means  was rejected. This suggest that there were differences in mathematics achievement between students who use cooperative model of TS-TS and ekspository learning model. One tailed t-test result obtained that  = 1,9180 and  = 1,5409, it means  >  with a significance level of 5% and 54 degrees of freedom, which means  was rejected. This suggest that the learning outcomes of students who use the cooperative model of TS-TS was better than learning outcomes of students who use the ekspository learning model in even semester of seventh grade student in SMP Muhammadiyah 7 Yogyakarta academic year of 2016/2017

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 157
Indraleka Indraleka

The background of this study is the low results of fifth grade students learn math SD Negeri 009 Tembilahan Of the 30 students, only 12 students who completed study results. In addition the average student learning outcomes is equal to 58.83. Cause of low learning outcomes are: (a) the students are very noisy when teachers convey instructional materials; (b) the lack of attention and seriousness of students in the process of learning activities; (c) students do not respond to the learning of teachers; (d) students feel bored follow the learning process; and (e) students are not interested in these subjects. For that conducted research with the aim to improve students' mathematics learning outcomes through the medium of instruction (props). This research is a class act who performed as much as two cycles consisting of two meetings. The subjects were fifth grade students of SD Negeri 009 Tembilahan totaling 30 students. Data collection techniques used in this study was the observation techniques and test engineering. The data used in this study focuses on the data increase students 'mathematics learning outcomes, while analysis is done is descriptive analysis of the results of students' mathematics learning. Based on the survey results revealed that the learning outcomes have increased in each cycle. This is evidenced by the acquisition of student learning outcomes, on the basis of an average score of learning outcomes at 58.83 with the number of students who completed 18 students, the first cycle average of 66.97 students' learning outcomes with the number of students who completed 24 students, and the second cycle average of 78.16 students' learning outcomes with the number of students who completed 30 students.

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